Hello Titaneers! I’m sure some of you may have been wondering: Where the [b][bleep][/b] is VDG? If you haven’t been wondering that… then [i]damn you[/i]
The truth is I have been out this last month due to real life reasons ([i]curse you, reality![/i]) and as such I will not be able to continue on with City of Titans.
I want to thank you all for your earnest passion and commitment to City of Titans and it is truly been an inspiring experience to witness.
[b]Fact[/b]: I was working a phone bank for a political event when the Kickstarter launched and I had to multi-task cold calling people while surreptitiously managing our Twitter/Facebook/G+ accounts leading up to the launch. This led me to believe, briefly, that I was Batman.
So while I may not be around anymore, you will still have Shadow Elusive, Minotaur, and HiroA at your beck and call. Doctor Tyche and Warcabbit will still be around, answering your posts - as will the phantom league of devs who watch the forums.
Again, thank you all for your support of [i]City of Titans[/i] and it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with you!
VDG has been a real asset and trooper with us for all these months, and I'm very sorry to see VDG decide to go. Still, RL comes first.
I hope that, as we transition into a company with actual salaries, we can bring VDG back on board permanently.
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
Truly sad to see a force of nature like VDG leave for a bit (I refuse to think of it as any longer!!). Hope you are back with even stronger voodoo when things settle out.
p.s. Can we keep The Phantom League of Devs? I can picture us hanging out in a giant Darth Vader helmet now....
[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]