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To Sidekick or not to sidekick, that is the question.

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Last seen: 10 years 6 days ago
Joined: 03/30/2014 - 10:37
To Sidekick or not to sidekick, that is the question.

Is the SK/Exempt system returning? Please tell me it is :/

I still can't believe every other MMO hasn't utilised this system. It was one of the most fundamentally important systems in CoX as allowing 8 players to gather and play the same missions regardless of levels was essential to the experience.

UK - Union server. From original game beta to close.
S4 - Union Heavyweight Champion

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 11/15/2013 - 19:13
I agree, probably the best

I agree, probably the best system in mmo (besides how they approached auction house and crafting) I've been. That system, you can easily play with your friends regardless or what level you are and still get xp (think that was the biggest plus)

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 09/15/2013 - 15:14
Personally, I generally

Personally, I generally preferred the exemping system over the "sidekick" system. And I know that Wildstar does the exemping system in at least the *team* content. I am not sure (to be fair) about the sidekicking, although I do believe that there is something there inside their *instanced* content (dungeons, raids, adventures).

And in the PvP arena instances, if you are not level 50, everyone gets shifted up to level 50 IIRC for the "practice" PvP (as they call it).


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 11/03/2013 - 20:24
I can't play MMOs that don't

I can't play MMOs that don't have a sidekicking/exemplaring system anymore. Being able to easily play with friends regardless of relative levels is too important.

Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 04/24/2014 - 07:34
I also enjoy continuing to

I also enjoy continuing to get enjoyment out of low level zones with a high level character. For example scaling my level down to the max of the zone, but keeping my upgrades and powers. So then I still feel super, but not complete blindfold easy mode.

Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 08/22/2013 - 13:58
Completely agree that both SK

Completely agree that both SK and Exemp mechanics are a MUST for CoT. I'm a casual (more than casual) player with a wife and kids. I have friends that play A LOT more than I do. It was wonderful to be able to pick and choose which character you wanted to play at that particular time based on FUN, instead of asking yourself, which character is level appropriate so I can team up with friends.

And this is slightly off topic, but make it so the lowbie zones are fun. Unfortunately, I really don't have much to contribute on HOW. I was a huge altoholic. I loved creating new toons, new variations, new combinations, and running around playing the game all over again. That's missing from the other MMOs I'm playing. On the flip side, I didn't mind bringing one of my geared up 50s and exemping down to join a Frostfire mish or whatever.

I miss CoH.

Rad's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2013 - 12:51
This is a must. I'm about to

This is a must. I'm about to leave my current MMO (before the initial month) because I simply cannot pleay with my RL friends. I can only join random Joe who happens to be around my level and doing the same task as me. Add to that a very cumbersome quest tracker to use (which unfortunally is the norm) and this game is a pain in groups.

CoH made everything easy and fund. No worries about levels, and when the leader picked a tas all members got the navpoints, killcounts, ojectives etc. I hope all this returns =D

-----[ Rad ]-----

Last seen: 10 years 6 days ago
Joined: 03/30/2014 - 10:37
I see most of you agree this

I see most of you agree this is a fundamental system. Please Devs, any chance of an announcement if this is a possible game mechanic? I'm sure if you say 'yes' I think I will not be able to contain my excitement!

UK - Union server. From original game beta to close.
S4 - Union Heavyweight Champion