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Real parkour???/

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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 05/28/2019 - 17:24
Real parkour???/

I saw someone mention parkour earlier in regards to an awesome oriental style town, but to take that further it would be awesome if we could actually grab on to ledges to pull ourselves up or even remain hanging on a ledge by hand. The higher your agility. endurance, or whatever stat it would be related to is, the smoother your transitions from ledges and pulling yourself up can be. Maybe making it so when pulling yourself up stat x is at 5, there is a slow struggle to pull self up on ledge, but someone with stat x at 100 would be able to pull themselves up immediately and maybe do a front flip to their feet as well.

Dark Cleric
Dark Cleric's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 12 min ago
Joined: 05/14/2018 - 12:26
There are no stats in CoT.

There are no stats in CoT. I do enjoy games that have the mechanic you are describing. Dying Light comes to mind.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
There's no stats but I think

There's no stats but I think it was mentioned travel powers will have levels/ranks/whatever or can be improved.

Either way having a character struggle to pull themselves up slowly isn't very heroic, especially if it's their main mode of transportation. Probably more likely to have an increase in repeated wall jumps, vertical wall run distance, and speed as a character improves the power, or something like that depending on how parkour is done in the game.

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Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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What I'd expect out of CoT's

What I'd expect out of CoT's parkour would be a dumbed down version of the kind of parkour that was in Spider-man for the PS4, or the game Prototype. Let me give you some examples.

Go ahead and skip the intro on this video, as it just sort of faffs about until the 36 second mark
You can see a variety of movements interacting with the environment - swinging off of signs, using a web to sing around the side of a building, hopping on top of metal posts, automatically stepping up to the lip of a building, stuff like that. Getting exactly this ingame would obviously require you to augment parkour with wall running, but still.

Prototype, meanwhile, still had wall running to a degree, but not nearly the same amount as spider-man. Most of its parkour systems are based around moving over the lips of buildings, and over obstacles in the environment. You can see a lot of how that'd work when integrated with some (comparatively slow) super speed in this video

On the other side of Prototype's particular coin, Alex Mercer has the ability to glide, which I can envision being part of the Parkour kit in CoT as a way to clear long distances between buildings. Combine that with wall running and super jump? You have an extremely usable travel "power" that makes the most of the environment you're running around in


If you want a look at how more down-to-earth parkour in video games, you look at such games as [url=]Assassin's Creed,[/url] right? Unfortunately the problem with the AC games is that the cities are much smaller, and parkour is much slower. While this might seem like it's not a problem, it becomes relevant when you realize that travel power speed has to be scaled according to the size of the city. As such, parkour, even at a base level, has to be FAST and of heroic scale, otherwise people simply won't take it because they can get to a destination as fast as parkour takes them simply by running on the ground without a travel power active.

Because of this necessity of design, there's going to be a level of disconnection from what the real world allows for parkour. This isn't a bad thing, but it is, to use a TV Tropes term, a [url=]Necessary Weasel[/url]. What that means is essentially that there's some requirement for a conceit of the game to work - in this case, parkour being a comparable travel power to super speed, super jumps, grapnels, and flight. As a result, there's no way it's going to be realistic simply by dint of what it has to compete with in a game space and the ground you're meant to cover in an average "running to mission" scenario. If it did, there wouldn't be a need in the first place for the distances the other travel powers can cover and how fast they cover it.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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*Checks "joined date"* I see

*Checks "joined date"* I see you're new here ;)

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