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Questions and Ideas

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Questions and Ideas

Hello Devs

There are a few things I would like to know about and some ideas I would like to toss in your general direction. These are in no particular order.

Firstly I would like to know what version of Unreal you are using? I saw some demos of Unreal 4 and it looks amazing also I hear it is a dream to work with, less C++ and all.

I was thinking about Demon summoning, from CoH not like I need to add this, and how the animations were pretty spiffy. I think it would be equally spiffy for an option for other power sets like fire blast and so forth. The character waves their hand some symbol shows up and attack is launched.

As stated on the kickstarter people will have to purchase the game and that is would equate to the included VIP time. Are there any roughish ideas of how much this will be or is it too early to know?

I have an idea for an NPC called Phynix(spelling on purpose Marvel copyright issues and all) who is an immortal that survived the destruction of a world (CoH) and was "re-born" in this one (CoT) more story centered people could expand on that I'm just an idea person, I could expand it but I'm not a dev and don't know how to make the character fit in the game. So consider it a freebee if used.

Will this be gear based like DCUO or enhancement based like CoH, I ask because you mentioned weapon props in the kickstarter and was wondering if the props were for show and output the same stuff or augmented the character in some way?(Also have ideas for those but too poor to put any money into kickstarter at the moment let alone get to the "create a prop" goal)

Are the masteries like fighting styles or something like that? If so can gunfu be a launch mastery it would work oh so well with the character I would like to roll once the game launches.

Is the game from start to cap soloable? DCUO has an issue where the player is pretty much forced to either grind to level or do some co-op or party based content to bridge levels to be able to continue to solo play. I like to refer to DCUO as either the hardest single player game you'll ever play or the easiest multi-player game you'll ever play and with that it brings me into difficulty scaling.
A; will there be any?
B; if so is there already a plan for it?
C; if not do put it in place please.

CoH had Statesman for most of the games life time as the main guy and he was tied into the Greek Mythos I found it pretty cool and was thinking about possible having a Hades, Olympia, and other Greek Mythos like zones for players to explore and do missions in. Once again some other story centered person can expand on the idea as I'm just tossing Ideas at this point. Also do you guys have a main guy/gal for CoT?

Finally will there be player homes for personal players or will it be SG bases like CoH or both and will this be out at launch? A personal Player home would be pretty awesome.

If you made it this far you are awesome. Also I am pumped to see the game.

P.S. I would be pumping money into the kickstarter but I'm broke at the moment. I plan on purchasing the game at launch and I would pay extra for a spiffy collectors edition.

Izzy's picture
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CoH had Statesman for most of the games life time as the main guy... you guys have a main guy/gal for CoT?

Hmm.. I'm not sure yet, BUT.. i might like to see 3 frieds that started out as little fish... and over the past few years, buit a rep with the people of the city. Its not that they are the Most Powerful, its that they are the Most Adored. With that, you can have them face chalenges where they alone dont have enough power to affect the outcome of a battle or battles, so they must put pride aside and ask for help from others. And... see which of the three friends waver when morally difficult choices are placed on them.. and Who will you agree with and follow more! :/


Zombie Man
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Unreal 3. It has more support

Unreal 3. It has more support and had been continually updated and can still do amazing things.

Too early to nail down GFX, costs, masteries.

There will be no domineering NPCs such as Statesman. The plan (subject to change) is that the stable of iconic NPCs are mid-range. They can mentor newbies, but the players will surpass them.

Soloing is a viable path to the level cap.

Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator


Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/17/2013 - 19:32
Awesome Thanks for the

Awesome Thanks for the answers.

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 day ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
This is probably a silly idea

This is probably a silly idea but here goes... Every game uses some pool of energy be it endurance, stamina, mana, or whatever else. This is the same with City of Heroes. I believe Endurance was the source for using powers.

Some games modify this to suit the character. While in some cases it is unique and different functionally in some it is more a mere customization to suit a character profile. For example, D3, yes I went there, has a character the Demon Hunter that has both mana and hatred. Each is functionally different and used for different purposes. I am just curious if this is something others might be interested in having as a UI customization or even as an Archetype dependent feature? For example, some villains/anti-heroes tap into "hidden reserves of strength" like Hatred, Fear, Will, etc. Maybe this is more of a power set idea than UI idea I don't know.

Maybe it's a horrible idea. It's just a starting point... Thoughts?

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Klaw10's picture
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rookslide wrote:
rookslide wrote:

This is probably a silly idea but here goes... Every game uses some pool of energy be it endurance, stamina, mana, or whatever else. This is the same with City of Heroes. I believe Endurance was the source for using powers.
Some games modify this to suit the character. While in some cases it is unique and different functionally in some it is more a mere customization to suit a character profile. For example, D3, yes I went there, has a character the Demon Hunter that has both mana and hatred. Each is functionally different and used for different purposes. I am just curious if this is something others might be interested in having as a UI customization or even as an Archetype dependent feature? For example, some villains/anti-heroes tap into "hidden reserves of strength" like Hatred, Fear, Will, etc. Maybe this is more of a power set idea than UI idea I don't know.
Maybe it's a horrible idea. It's just a starting point... Thoughts?

I loved the buildup mechanics in CoH (and other games). I'm sure they're all over this.


Don't know what you don't know. Only know what you know.
-The wiseman.

Von Krieger
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From what I've seen it's

From what I've seen it's definitely NOT going to be gear based.

[color=green]BIZZARO MEDIA FOLLOWER[/color]


Catherine America
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Von Krieger wrote:
Von Krieger wrote:

From what I've seen it's definitely NOT going to be gear based.


Read a Dev forum or blog post that confirms this. Can't find it for linking.


([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

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Zombie Man wrote:
Zombie Man wrote:

There will be no domineering NPCs such as Statesman. The plan (subject to change) is that the stable of iconic NPCs are mid-range. They can mentor newbies, but the players will surpass them.
Soloing is a viable path to the level cap.

The small bits brought tears of joy to my eyes. You guys really DO get it!

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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Zombie Man wrote:
Zombie Man wrote:

There will be no domineering NPCs such as Statesman. The plan (subject to change) is that the stable of iconic NPCs are mid-range. They can mentor newbies, but the players will surpass them.

Would be cool to allow the players to act as sidekicks to the iconics in early game missions, then perhaps call in an iconic as our own sidekick in a late-game mission. Perhaps as part of a long-running meta-story where (some of) the iconics get to level up a bit as the playerbase does? Or even in a character's own specific story?

Doctor October
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Love my teams, but love to solo.
My first three years in CoX I almost always solo'd unless no choice to complete a mission.

Doctor October

Doctor October
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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 23:56
While CoX became a great

While CoX became a great social outlet over time, and I enjoyed chatting with people in-game, I loved doing solo door missions, and that was my primary play mode for several years. (Why join a MMO if you're going to isolate? I didn't isolate, exactly, I just appreciated that I could play the game on my own and chat with others when I felt like it.)

When SG's came along I became an SG of one, which meant it took me a long time to earn the Prestige to do a lot, but the basics of the Bases worked for me, and eventually on my own I had a base I was super proud of and loved. All my alts (don't ask -- total alt-a-holic here) were in my SG, so of course it was the perfect way to pass and store things as well.

But I always had to ask a friend to join my SG, then have them invite my alt, then they would quit. (I had very nice friends who tolerated my eccentricities.) I could have two-boxed, but I was a one account fanatic.

Here's the idea:
Allow SG Invites to be sent and accepted via in-game email! To prevent invite SPAM there can be a "send/allow SG Invites" toggle in the Settings for in-game email.
Helpful for the solo folks, like myself, and efficient for the larger, more traditional-sized groups, too.

Just a thought. Thank you!

Doctor October

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 day ago
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I agree totally with DO. I

I agree totally with DO. I tend to solo myself for similar reasons. I was often doing household chores while playing and would have to be afk to fold laundry or something so I didn't want to hold up teams but loved to chat with friends when I was on whether teaming or not. And I too joined SG's but had a hard time rising up the ranks. It would be nice to have a feature like he has mentioned, and make sure you can email your alts to get them in the group so exchanging stuff can be simple. Great idea!

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

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Sailboat's picture
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Doctor October wrote:
Doctor October wrote:

Here's the idea:
Allow SG Invites to be sent and accepted via in-game email! To prevent invite SPAM there can be a "send/allow SG Invites" toggle in the Settings for in-game email.
Helpful for the solo folks, like myself, and efficient for the larger, more traditional-sized groups, too.
Just a thought. Thank you!

Refining this idea, make it a pull-in system rather than push-out. Someone who wants to be in the SG would send a "may I join" e-mail and the SG person would accept/reject ("pull them in,") rather than pushing out "join my super group" invites.

Either way would work for solo SGs, and either way could be abused to spam, but I suspect that there would be a LOT more "join my SG" invite spam than the other way around, based on the number of blind SG invites I received over the years.

Captain of Phoenix Rising

syntaxerror37's picture
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If I recall from one of the

If I recall from one of the coffee talks the devs of CoH were not opposed to an offline invite system, just to the idea of inviting yourself to a SG.

GW2 has an interesting system, partly because you can belong to many guilds, just you can only "represent" one at a time. Joining guilds is by account, so if you join on one character, all present and future characters belong to the guild and it is just the matter of selecting which guild you wish to represent on the guild window.

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