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Psychic Control addition?

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Psirus's picture
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Psychic Control addition?

Is there a way to add emotion control powers, empathic buffer/debuffer, and empathic healing?

To compliment players who will be playing as telepaths and empaths in the game. I love psychic control, and it'll be wonderful to add some fair additions to other future players who want to create empath character such as myself.

"Being a alpha-class Empath superhero; means you must not be only sympathetic, but to be truly be empathetic to the world." - Psirus.

Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Since the look of a power won

Since the look of a power won't be tied to the power itself you can make up your own.

The basic idea in CoT will be that if you want to make a psychic character that doesn't limit you to a particular set of powers. You can make any power look like it is due to psychic powers, more or less. Whether that means buffs, heals, attacks, defenses, or anything else, you get to choose what it looks like.

So pick what kind of playstyle you want first. It sounds like you are looking for control and support abilities. Look for powersets that do that. Then make them look the way you want to fit your psychic style. Bam. Done.

Lothic's picture
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Psirus wrote:
Psirus wrote:

Is there a way to add emotion control powers, empathic buffer/debuffer, and empathic healing?

To compliment players who will be playing as telepaths and empaths in the game. I love psychic control, and it'll be wonderful to add some fair additions to other future players who want to create empath character such as myself.

Well to begin with the Devs of CoT have made it clear that the current list of "starting" powersets are just that, the ones they will start with. They intend to add more powersets as the game progresses.

When you mention "empathic buffer/debuffer and empathic healing" are you specifically asking for a powerset exactly like CoH's [url=]Empathy[/url] powerset? It is possible that either the Preservation or Strategy support sets of CoT will contain enough "Empathy-like" powers to let you create something similar. It'll be hard to tell until we get to see all the powers related to those powersets.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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CoT looks like it will do

CoT looks like it will do this in a nut shell...

Did you like how Spine Melee played in CoH mechanically? Well here's a set that will play just like it, except it can be anything!

Did you prefer Dark Melee? Well here's a set that will play like it, except it doesn't have to be dark fists of doom!

Did you like Empathy? Here's a set that plays just like Empathy, only you can color it and ad special effects to it, to look however you want!

Basically that in a nut shell.

Hopefully we get great animations! I wouldn't mind a range set if it had moves like CoH's Dual Pistols (which should have been ported to other sets sans pistols!)

DesViper's picture
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Honestly, what would empathic

Honestly, what would empathic "cognitive disruption" look like as opposed to telepathic? I guess you could have someone crying as opposed to the generic holding their heads.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Honestly, what would empathic "cognitive disruption" look like as opposed to telepathic? I guess you could have someone crying as opposed to the generic holding their heads.

I agree I'm not sure how the game would show the effect of your type of "cognitive disruption" to make it clear you were messing with their "emotions" rather than just frying their brains pain-wise.

This is why it would be amazingly cool if we could select how we'd want a target of a control power to "react" to our powers. I remember some time ago MWM released a video where MOBs responded to being affected by control powers by dancing. Maybe a variation of that would force victims to drop to their knees and start sobbing like this guy:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Honestly, a villain using

Honestly, a villain using their psychic powers to force people into panic and/or crying is pretty dark...I almost like it.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Honestly, a villain using their psychic powers to force people into panic and/or crying is pretty dark...I almost like it.

I have at least one character who'd probably have it so that her "controlled" victims would drop to their knees and start doing this in front of her:


or this:



CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Dark Cleric
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I wouldn't think that it

I wouldn't think that it would be difficult for MWM to allow players to choose how their affects effect a a certain point, at least. If they can have a range power make the enemy dance...isn't that just the power triggering an emote while doing damage? We seen a video from MWM with like 20 characters all doing different things from falling to their knees and cupping their faces to dancing, etc. This should be very doable.

EDIT: I literally looked through nearly every update and skimmed every youtube video on MWM's channel and couldn't find the animation I am talking about with like 20 characters all doing different motions from kneeling to dancing...if anyone knows where it is, t'would be appreciated.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

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(No subject)


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Lothic's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

I wouldn't think that it would be difficult for MWM to allow players to choose how their affects effect a a certain point, at least. If they can have a range power make the enemy dance...isn't that just the power triggering an emote while doing damage? We seen a video from MWM with like 20 characters all doing different things from falling to their knees and cupping their faces to dancing, etc. This should be very doable.

As an "optional post-launch QoL feature" I don't think the Devs would have to spend huge amounts of effort on it either.

In the GUI area where players are allowed to set up their power customization settings all you'd need to do is add an extra pull down menu for control-type powers that would let you choose from several default emotes (that are probably already going to be in the game regardless) that would define how you'd want your "victims" to react to being hit by your mezzes.

To make the implementation of this even simpler they could limit it so that it only affects NPCs. By doing that the whole thing could just effectively be a fancy "client side mod" that other players don't even have to see on their screens. Recall how the [url=]CoH "propel" power[/url] worked - the game would just randomly pick an animation for each person around you who saw you cast the power. This little implementation "trick" meant they didn't have to bother "synchronizing" the same animation for everyone. In the case of having "customized victim emotes" the game would simply apply the "default" controlled victim emote for other players around you just like CoH always did. The key difference would be that you would be the only one who gets to see the "customized emote effect" of your powers on your victims.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

I wouldn't think that it would be difficult for MWM to allow players to choose how their affects effect a a certain point, at least. If they can have a range power make the enemy dance...isn't that just the power triggering an emote while doing damage? We seen a video from MWM with like 20 characters all doing different things from falling to their knees and cupping their faces to dancing, etc. This should be very doable.

EDIT: I literally looked through nearly every update and skimmed every youtube video on MWM's channel and couldn't find the animation I am talking about with like 20 characters all doing different motions from kneeling to dancing...if anyone knows where it is, t'would be appreciated.

It wasn’t in an update. It was posted in our backers section, not for the general public.

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Psirus's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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Thank you everyone for your

Thank you everyone for your input. It does mean a lot of me to see everyone responses. Everyone had really good points.

I am loving the option to choose different power types and customizing it. That's exciting to see! I'm just reminiscing the golden days when I played CoH. I did had a controller that used both -- Mind control and Empathy. I was a support/controller for a supergroup. I continue to do so in Champions Online as well until the post launch of CoT

I had felt always that Empathy could honestly be a controller/buffer/de-buffer/healer hybrid type role up into one. Simple combination of Empathy or Widow (Fortunata) set or Mind control.

I love the CoH propel power, that you used telekinesis to lift three or more foes up and cast them away from you. I used that so many times, lol.

"Being a alpha-class Empath superhero; means you must not be only sympathetic, but to be truly be empathetic to the world." - Psirus.

Redlynne's picture
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Back before Telekinesis was

Back before Telekinesis was [i]nerfed into the ground[/i] without digging a hole for it first (yes, I'm still a bit bitter about it), [b]Ms Givings[/b] used to be able to scoop up entire dogpiles of enemies and collect them in a corner for sequential disposal while under total lockdown. In this case, I was soloing groups of Skyraiders in Terra Volta up on the catwalks. As you can see, I had [b]10[/b] Skyraiders "caught" in my Telekinesis Hold here before the power got nerfed into uselessness.

Caption: Get back! Darn autograph hunters! BACK!

And yes, at the time I took this screenshot, I was playing on a 600x480 screen resolution in early 2005 ... o.O;

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Psirus's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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Now that is awesome! Man, I

Now that is awesome! Man, I hate when they Nerf good powers like that.

"Being a alpha-class Empath superhero; means you must not be only sympathetic, but to be truly be empathetic to the world." - Psirus.

Lothic's picture
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Psirus wrote:
Psirus wrote:

Now that is awesome! Man, I had when they nerf good powers like that.

Imagine an old-school Fire/Kin Controller with pre-nerfed level 50 Fire Imps. ;)

Remember that the launch version of the Fire Imp pet power randomly spawned anywhere from 3 to 6 EVEN level Imps and the power was such that if you cranked your Recharge to the max you could potentially have THREE different simultaneous castings of it up at the same time. The net effect was that for like 10 or 20 seconds of every minute you could potentially have up to 18 Fire Imps running at the same time!

In practical terms you could usually only get say 6 or 8 going at once on a continual basis but that was still a far cry beyond the "nerfed" version where you could only have one hardwired casting of 3 Imps that were -1 level to your character level (i.e. a level 50 Controller could only have level 49 Fire Imps).

Yeah it really sucked to lose those pre-nerf Imps but clearly having that many was stupidly over powered and NEEDED to be nerfed. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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It's always hard when your OP

It's always hard when your OP thing gets nerfed, but it's great when theirs does ;)

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Dark Cleric
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

I wouldn't think that it would be difficult for MWM to allow players to choose how their affects effect a a certain point, at least. If they can have a range power make the enemy dance...isn't that just the power triggering an emote while doing damage? We seen a video from MWM with like 20 characters all doing different things from falling to their knees and cupping their faces to dancing, etc. This should be very doable.

EDIT: I literally looked through nearly every update and skimmed every youtube video on MWM's channel and couldn't find the animation I am talking about with like 20 characters all doing different motions from kneeling to dancing...if anyone knows where it is, t'would be appreciated.

It wasn’t in an update. It was posted in our backers section, not for the general public.

Huh. Must have been shown on one of the live twitch streams that didn't save to twitch since I'm not a backer.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

DesViper's picture
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It was definitely in the

It was definitely in the forums. Tyche posted it in a section saying "Word up came on the radio so I knew it was time..."

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Even nerfed, Telekinesis was

Even nerfed, Telekinesis was still my favorite power in that game.
The tactical use, and ability to stack additional holds onto it were amazing for dealing with the toughest groups.

I also loved the real feeling of urgency for you and your team to finish on those enemies way out of your league, as your energy reached its limits. I was never really into RP but "I can't hold them much longer" anyways popped into my head while holding back an Archvillain while we took out his minions.

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