Will players beable to use a Buster Sword in a set that may be more inclined towards a Katana?
One of the things I hated in CoH, was they wouldn't give a Buster Sword to Katana! I didn't need a Titan Sword Power Set (it was nice though, don't get me wrong), I just wanted a Buster Sword for the likes of the Katana Power Set.
If they have a baguette as an available prop you could probably use that in a “Katana power set” (though I very, very much doubt there will be a power set specific to a particular style of sword). Aesthetic decoupling basically makes your question moot. The game’s goal is to let you do almost anything with anything. Your gigantic sword could fire bullets if you felt like it.
It's the almost do anything with anything, that I asked. :p
In CoH, there was never a reason one shouldn't have been able to use a buster sword with katana, but the devs just didn't like the idea of it, so it didn't happen.
I guess the real question is whether or not we’ll have oversized Final Fantasy-style swords in the first place.
huh, never heard the Buster Sword name before. I've always heard it referred to as a Horse Slayer or Zanbato.
"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit
Can you define what you mean by set more inclined toward katana?
Because the power sets were made without any aesthetics and any aesthetics are meant to be applicable to a set.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
So the animation will change based off the prop or lack of one?
Yes. When you choose a prop the animations for that prop are made available.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
From my understanding they completely gave up on "limiting" available aesthetics for each set based upon their mechanical theme, like the burning set having only aesthetics that "burn", and instead just "limited" them to be appropriate to the properties of the power (like melee, ranged, AoE) and chosen props. So it would really surprise me if they limited props in such a way so that certain sub-groups of props like huge melee weapons were only usable with certain melee sets.
I think they have said there may be slow, medium, and/or fast versions of many animations based upon that sets (melee only?) and individual powers are slow, medium, or fast in their "execution speed". Outside of that I don't think props will change the animation chosen but rather add more options that you can choose from. Pretty sure you have to explicitly choose to use the prop and then assign an "appropriate" animation. However if you mean "change" as in if you assign a sword to a power it removes the option for boxing animations then probably yes, it will "change" to certain degree.
This begs the ultimate question: can I be a ranged attacker using a sword that shoots a magic duplicate like Link in the Zelda games???
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
I believe that example is one that has been used multiple times to demonstrate the flexibility of aesthetic decoupling.
EDIT: Here’s an example discussion from four years ago...
The name stems from Final Fantasy where it's a specific sword instead of a weapons category.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_HUdf89hI8]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.
Specifically this one
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."