This week, both our Studio Manager and Game Tech Director have something to say....
Phoenix Project Update, August 21, 2013
By: Doctor Tyche, Game Tech Director
Well, this is it, three weeks to go until the Kickstarter begins. For those of you who have not visited our website, let us just say that it was put together in a hurry, without a terrible amount of foresight. For months we have been working on a new, game-centric website so as to split player-talk from developer-talk. This is to help give a clearer idea as to what we are doing.
Let's be honest, video game making is like making sausage - nobody likes seeing how its made, but its damned tasty when over. A lot of dull talk, small areas at a time, which need context which is sorely lacking to be of any use to someone not in the middle of it.
So, without further ado, let us meet The Phoenix Project's own, for-players website:
Now, the first question anyone will ask is: Is City of Titans the name of the game? No, we've not settled on a game name. It is, however, referring to the city in which we have based our game. We are still two years from public release, we are in no rush to pick a name.
We hope everyone will join us on our new forums and join in the discussion. Big things are around the corner, we are excited for what will be shown in 20 days.
- Doctor Tyche
Phoenix Project Update, August 21, 2013
By: planetJ (Wraith), Studio Manager
We are excited for our new game-centric website, and are looking forward to all of you joining us there.
State of things as they are currently is exciting on the game development front! We are moving forward at a very rapid pace as we approach the Kickstarter date, and we have some great things in store for you all!
I am excited to say that we are finalizing our schedule of perks for the Kickstarter as I write this, and should have that ready to be posted for a final review for all of you.
We are making great progress on all fronts. We have begun utilizing our QA group while our coders welcome on board a few new members. Art is moving along well and we are getting a lot of great assets out for the Kickstarter in great amounts. I cannot promise what we can show as we approach the Kickstarter, but there is material coming. Our writers continue to focus on their part of the Kickstarter and are getting a large pile of material for public release ready to go on to our new game-centric website.
We as a whole are approaching critical mass for the Kickstarter event, and I would like to thank the community as a whole for all the support you've given us. As we move toward the Kickstarter, we are going to be heavily engaged working toward completion of the things we need. I would like to see the community keep coming up with great ideas for us to review and keep having the great discussions that generate such wonderful ideas.
I would also like all of you to know we have a few special things we're working up for the Kickstarter event, and those will be revealed when the time is right. So keep your eyes peeled for more news as we get closer to the KS event.
- Wraith
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Thank you for the update every one. I cant wait to see the goodies you have in store for the kickstarter!!!!
I'm looking forward to the kickstarter too, every time you re-structure it it's like Christmas all over again.
Yay for new forums!
I am very eager to get involved and offer my time and skills. Is there a good way to get in touch with someone about that? I know the Kickstarter is consuming a lot of resources right now, but I would love a chance to contribute.
Thanks for your time!
nice new digs! can't wait for Kickstarter to begin the next chapter. Here is to new beginnings from hope that never ended!!
[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]
[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]
Ah, the pleasure of logging in here for the first time without any pauses/504s. Looking forward to watching how all this unfolds and providing what help I can with my limited skills. Otherwise going oooh and ahhh! :p
Very excited for the kickstarter! The wife and I can't wait to throw some money at you guys. Keep up the great work!
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
Any news when the recently compiled Q&A "thang" will be released?
I, too, am looking forward to the Kickstarter...and, hoping the next two years flies by: can't wait to hit the skies again.
Read the article. You invited potential players to provide feedback on the forums but no one ever said which site. Shouldn't someone have mentioned registering at Missing Worlds Media or
[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]
I'll tell our devs to shout out the URL at all future interviews. :)
-Zombie Man, Online Community Manager
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Just read the interview from as well, was a good read.
Gets a person even more pumped with the Kickstarter coming up in just under 2 weeks! :)
ya have a link to this interview?
Edit: Ohhhh, line breaks!!! Nice. :)
[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]