Now that you guys are closer to the release date, do you have a better idea about what computer specifications people will need to run the game smoothly?
Fri, 06/01/2018 - 12:15
PC specifications
I remember asking a version of this question last year. It's perhaps more precise to say they designated target specs in their initial design phase. Now to answer your implied question, I'm afraid they'll share that information at a time of their choosing and likely not before. We've had hints though! I believe Dr Tyche has said that UE4 works very well with many systems. Which *I* have taken to mean that most any "gaming" computer should be able to handle it adequately.
If you really need some kind of "info" for this right now just take a look at the system requirements for other MMOs currently on the market today. The specs for CoT are [b]not[/b] likely going to be significantly different from those. *shrugs*
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I thought the specs were adequately described by Tyche and others as '10-year-old Laptop'.
Be Well!
I agree with this. If you can play any recent MMO then you’ll be fine. Worst case scenario you might need to lower graphics settings, but it will run.
I was just curious.I did read about their "target" specs, but it's been a while since then and things don't always go as planned so I was just wondering if there were any changes to the original estimates. Probably will just have to wait for the beta to find out for sure.