Holy jeebus this is soo awesome. What a great community we are! We are definetley going to make this now! Now.. Who's gonna sell their car to make up the last 20k? :P
Face the fury of the storm! ~<3
Do you know just how stale a thread title like this can get? ;)
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Yeah, ZM, you bein' the moderator and all, can you delete it?
"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"
I don't think there's a need to delete it. :p
As of my posting, there's only 16.5k left to go!!
I could keep editing the thread title every five minutes.
Or, I can keep my sanity.
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
I think it's a good way to capture the excitement of people leading up to the kickstarter finale! Good reminder of where we come from! :P Plus the whole kickstarter thread will be stale eventually so It' good for the sake of memory building! :P
Face the fury of the storm! ~<3
Alternatively we could meta-converse about the thread itself and the illogical nature of actually posing a static amount in the title of said thread....oh, wait, we're already doing that.
The countdown continues as we're only 11.3k away from our goal! :)
Here's to our march onward and upward to the stretch goals.
I'm soo pumped! ^__^ MAAAAARRCCHHH! :P
Face the fury of the storm! ~<3
Less than $10K to go!! We may hit $320K by midnight? :)
Less than $5K now!
It's funded! Great job everybody!
Grats on dingage!
Get yourself right; the world has enough problems.
Not only is it funded, we are less than 9k from the first stretch goal. Go team!!
I am rather looking forward to seeing the other stretch goals beyond the Mac port. I wonder what kind of in-game aspects we can fund as well.