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Now the Fight begins

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Grayfigure's picture
Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: 08/26/2013 - 13:56
Now the Fight begins

Fellows heroes and the Fight begins.

With overwhelming generosity flowing freely from a LOT of wonderful people who miss what we once had, and were inspired to help fill that void, that generosity flowed like an ocean into this dream....this dream of heroes....of battles....of flying free.....the generosity alone stands as a testament to the love we all shared for a city made for heroes.......

But the job is not yet done.....

Like its namesake, the kickstarter boldly strode forward, like a newly born Titan shouting 'I' to the world, and watched the world shake with its passage. We watched with wonder as the out pouring of support became so great, that many began to wonder if we would achieve, even exceed our goals within the first 3 to 4 days. The passion that many have for this venture, this dream, showed true, and this Titan stands now tall, for the sun to strike it's face.......

But the job is not yet done...... is the time when strength of our love will be it always is....through the journey of time. Time, which allows the Villainous Murphy and his accursed Laws to run amok, perhaps within the venture, perhaps within the lives of the people who love, who care.

It seems a fleeting thing: in 5 days time, the lion's share of the funding needed has been achieved. with $320,000 needed, we now only need $51,896. Compared to what was required, a paltry sum, it seems. But now those who could , for the most part, freely give, have given. Those who have waited and wanted and yearned, have given. Those who have saved and scraped and scrapped, have given. Now, comes the tough part: the lull.

This is when the Demon Murphy will try to rear its ugly head. This is when, so close, to our goal, the obstacles in people's lives that will not allow them to help fulfill this dream, will begin to pop up. This is when Hope begins to turn to Desperation, as we begin to inch closer and closer to our goal, but the progress itself, where once was as lightning from the sky, will begin to feel like crawling across a battlefield. It is a measure of our yearning for this to succeed that our desire for it will begin to outweigh our patience for it. It is a human thing, to yearn for what you love, but it will be here that we all, as a community, will be tested.

.....The thing is.....we've been through worse.....

We watched the walls of the reality we loved, the reality we helped build, with our stories, and our battles, and our songs....we watched that world,with its songs, and stories, cease to exist. Whether through quiet introspection or passionate denial of what was to come, we wept as we said goodbye to a fond part of our family.....and so strong was our love for this dream, these stories, this song, that we banded together to help bring it back. To make it shine, once make it soar, once again......

In the face of such love, such devotion, whats a mere $52,000?

I say to you now, hold hope. Those that have yet to give, will.
Those who can give more, if their lives permit it, will.
Those who cannot give, will support, however they can.

Remember in the tough days ahead, that we have come through worse, and we have come through worse, together. Together, we WILL make this work. Together, we WILL stand strong.....together, we WILL see this through.

We are heroes.....its not just what we do.....its who we are.

*UPDATE - 10/7/13

.....Or we can kick Murphy square in the nethers and say "Screw you, Hippie! we're getting this DONE!" Congrats again MWM!

On the edge of your Perceptions......
Turn away and feel his hand upon your shoulder.....
Look for him and he shall not exist.....
in the middle of the crowd....lost in the faces....
Stands a Figure....of Gray......

Per Ignim
Per Ignim's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 07:13
It took close to 12 hours to

It took close to 12 hours to get from 300k to 320k...and it took about 4 to get to 340k....I think we might, possibly, be picking up momentum again

Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 10:48
Yeah. Given the stretch

Yeah. Given the stretch goals, 52K will be filled out with completion of the two stretch goals listed. Reaching 1 Million will put some polish on it though, as MWM will probably need a server farm to handle the upload of subscribers.