Okay there are a few Roleplayers who are using Norse Mythos as bases of their characters. So lets hammer out what is the universal ideas and concepts for better Roleplaying with these Myths.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The peoples:
Æsir, such as Odin and Thor.
Vanir, such as Frey and Freyja.
Jötnar or Giants
Ljósálfar or light elves
Svartálfar or dark elves
Dvergar or dwarfs
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
Arguably another race? Prettier dwarves?
The Nibelungen are more like a family or Clan, I think.
Have I linked to the [url=http://www.paganlibrary.com/stories/childish_edda.php]Childish Edda[/url] lately?
Other Links for Easy Reference:
[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norse_cosmology]Wikipedia Norse Cosmology[/url]: The list of the nine worlds they gave is not quite the nine I remember, I think Hel was out (just Niflhiemr as Her domain) and Yggdrasil itself was the ninth. Or maybe I'm thinking of [url=http://www.baenebooks.com/p-694-northworld-trilogy.aspx]Drake's [I]Northworld[/I] Trilogy[/url].
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/66584#comment-66584]My backstory about the Freyani Fellowship[/url], with Gunnhilde Swan right below it...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
What follows is a series of excerpts from a game I'm making
This is a favorite subject of mine and has been for years, so if I say too much please forgive me. You touched a nerve.
Despite what you may have read elsewhere, the vikings did not share a common religion with a distinct pantheon of gods. There are 3 main religions of the north: The Cult of the Asir, The Cult of Thor, and the Cult of the Vanir. These 3 religions were separated by beliefs by social class and to some extent by geography. Each had it's own priests and religious rites.
Of course there was some overlapping because none of these cults denied what the other believed, and many people firmly believed in all 3. Though they might be especially devoted to just one.
In addition there are several minor local gods (or lesser spirits perhaps trolls or elves) that people believed in and might offer sacrifice. This wasn't always a sign of devotion. People might offer a sacrifice just in return for a favor. In some cases it might be seen more as a tax, exacted by threats of force. e.g. Sailors would often throw gold into the sea at the beginning of a journey so that the giant Agir would spare them. (I guess worshiping Thor wasn't always enough.)
The Cult of The Asir was popular with the ruling classes, and professional warriors. “War springs from the nobly born; famous pedigrees are the makers of War. For the perilous deeds which chiefs attempt are not to be done by the ventures of common men.”
Headed by Odin, their General, these were gods who ruled in heaven as their followers ruled on earth. They demanded obedience and sacrifice and they could be very cruel and arbitrary. They were gods of battle, justice, Marriage, & death. Their chief concern was putting off Ragnarok, the final battle between Valhalla and Hel that would lead to the end of the gods.
At death, followers of this cult were traditionally burned, so their souls would rise with the smoke to Valhalla.
The Cult of Thor was much more popular with the common people, Thor was a hero who protected humanity from giants and dragons. He had exciting and humorous adventures that people told and sang about.
The notion that Thor was the son of Odin is something that seems to have been made up by just one skald (Snorri Sturluson) writing after the worship of these gods had come to and end. It seems very unlikely that he was thought of that way by his worshipers. He didn't even hang out in Valhalla he had his own hall called Bilskirnir. He lives in Asgard and acts as the champion of the Asir, but he clearly stands apart from them and acts alone. Maybe he joined the Asir when he married Sif. That could make him Odin's son in law.
At death, followers of this cult were usually buried, in family mounds, where they continued life as normal so long as nothing disturbed them. (Undead might rise up if the mounds were disturbed)
The Cult of the Vanir Was widespread but had few people who were really devoted to it. Most people just joined in the spring time celebrations, including their famous horse fights and orgies. Basically they were Norse hippies, with drugs, arts & Crafts, love of nature & non violence. They even had mystic (and sometimes sinister) gurus.
There is evidence that in ancient times the Vanir were worshiped by the ruling class of Sweden who claimed to be descended from Freyr. Unfortunately this cult tended to sacrifice kings, when there were bad harvests, so the nobility moved away from them as quickly as they could.
At death, followers of this cult were usually set adrift in boats or buried in boats or boat shaped coffins, representing their journey to the next world.
That's right non-violent vikings.
Did I mention most people only followed the Vanir seasonally? Yeah, folks would go to their parties, trip out, and then go back to life as normal.
There's one important thing to remember: If you go to their party, don't take a weapon with you, because they'll demand you give it up, and they'll sacrifice it to their gods.
What happens if you resist? I mean they don't fight do they? Well, they are still vikings and if you break their rules they'll kill you. And since you're at their party you're probably outnumbered 1,000 to 1. So just leave your sword at home or kiss it good bye.
Tyr or Tiwaz (TĪ-Vots) is the real king of Valhalla. Older than Odin, it was Tyr who gave the laws and Tyr who is the final judge.
Odin is a god of war. He rules over the gods who are always at war with the giants and the trolls. However, he is a general, not a law giver or a judge. Those roles go to Tyr. (see Tyr)
The Vanir are an ancient family of elven nobility From Vanaheim (Also known as Alfheim). Elves live for centuries, but they're not immortal, so the ruling authority passed from Generation to generation. Their king and queen were sometimes a married pair of twins.
Loki is an androgynous and enigmatic character, a Giant and not a god (or maybe the god of the giants). He's the blood brother of Odin (NOT his son). In the past Loki was Odin's helper and companion, but over time they drifted apart, as Loki became darker and more depraved (or perhaps as Odin realized or could no longer conceal the depth of Loki's perversion). Sometimes it's said that Hoenir (Who's name means silence) accompanies Odin and Loki, on their adventures suggesting they have little to say to one another
Paladin, I find all the information you've shared to be quite interesting, a bit odd given that most data suggests other information, but it's obvious to say it probably got warped, one set of information or the other. That said I'd like to see sources, not that I doubt credulity of you as an information provider, but I do like to see first hand sources.
I am intrigued by this information, particularly about Odin, since there are stories, though I don't know their origin, that Odin was the ruling god, one of the Celtic "Good Gods" as some put it, and he hung himself by the leg from a tree, some stories say it was Yggdrasil itself, and read the runes from a pool surrounding the roots of the tree.
My main source in the book Gods and Myths of Northern Europe by H.R. Ellis Davidson.
I made a conscious decision to always ignore Snorri Sturluson when he conflicted with earlier sources and this made a big difference in my final view because Snorri is the primary source for most other people. But he wrote after the end of the viking age when the norse religions were no longer being taken seriously.
that's an interesting thing to note, and it bears some weight. For instance, sometimes you hear about arming swords - the sort knights used - being clunky and unusable. Sometimes there's also the stories about how a sword a heroic individual used was beyond anything anybody else could. The reason for this is misinformation and embellishment.
Using the above examples, during the middle ages, writing was rare. peasants couldn't read, and while Nobles were supposed to be able to read, the teachers trying to teach the noble brats couldn't hold them in class without irking the ire of their parents, so even most knights couldn't do it properly. Because of this, it wasn't until centuries after the age when knights roamed the land that learning became a widespread thing, and people started writing books about swordplay. The issue there, however, is that by that time everybody who was writing books on fencing were used to epees, rapiers, and similar weapons that are extremely light and meant to be wielded at the wrist. an arming sword, a longsword, and most similar weapons require the whole arm to manipulate, so the fencers writing the books figured that the arming swords were essentially used more as clubs than anything, lacking a real knowledge base on what they were discussing. They didn't make clunky weapons. Their survival depended on them doing otherwise.
On the other side, you have the storytellers, the people who don't even tangentially know what they're talking about. They'll make a character for a story, or embellish an existing one and, to give them a feeling of heroism, make them stronger or tougher than anybody else, and the easiest way to do that was to up the size of their equipment. The biggest examples in the world are how swords for some reason in media became huge things. 15 pounds weights, as it were. It's part of what inspired the rapier fencers to believe that arming swords and similar were basically just clubs. In reality, your basic one-handed blade would probably be about 3-4 pounds, but have such a beautiful balance of weight for someone who knows what they're doing that they feel like they weigh less without losing the striking power.
TL;DR You don't listen to sources that don't have firsthand experience. More often than not they're filling in the blanks of half-known subjects by talking out their ass. Paladin, I'm glad you're aware of that fact.
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe I do believe I came across that one as well. Must have been some time ago I do remember the Cult of Thor and the others. Like I said it like we are trying to figure out one unified view of Christianity. Where there are multiple views. Then the loss of real information due to time and general destruction of Pagan ways.
If you think about it Loki was one of the first Transgender characters. He did become a female Horse that was in heat no less, and gave birth to a 8 legged horse because of it!
I remember stories of Oden stealing Mead and the recipe of how to make it from the Giants.
Now before this becomes a theological debate about the Norse. Remember we don't have to be completely true to the source (just look at what Marvel has done). We just need to Jell what we got in our minds. Off the top of my head I can think of 8 characters with norse mythology backgrounds by 4 authors. This project is to help us get a better understanding of that background.
Now Last night at work an idea popped into my mind. Stonehenge, what if the method of travel between the Realms is via gateways the Rune Gates. Similar in structure to Stonehenge, but not everyone can activate them. It relies people being able to accessing the magic power within the Runes. Finngarr can do that and say LeadWanderer's Kami can even if she does it in a way that's non traditional with her Card game.
Some of the pathways between realms are now inaccessible due to Gideon Cross's baddie. Even though that story line seemed to have died now that he's not posting and the Macguffins my Orbs are now somewhat out of play.
So what do you all think of the Stonehenge Rune gates being pathways to the other Realms?
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Now from what I remember and what I see on Wiki HEL is a being who presides over a realm of the same name, where she receives a portion of the dead. Scholarly theories have been proposed about Hel's potential connections to figures appearing in the 11th century Old English Gospel of Nicodemus and Old Norse Bartholomeus saga postola, potential Indo-European parallels to Bhavani, Kali, and Mahakali, and her origins.
For some reason it got into my mind Hel is a cripple. Her half of her body is that of a corpse like the Drugar. Not sure where I got the visualization her her dressing in black and white.
On another matter how about we share some links. I found this little gem. http://norse-mythology.org/
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Haven't read anything from Davidson in a long time, and then it was from a library; I may have to pick that one up for my Kindle.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
Apparently I have a bit of reading to do. A lot... of reading... Not a problem!
As for the idea about the portals, I like this idea quite a lot. Kami in some respects was modeled after the Volva from their mythos, though her staff and stylings are likely completely wrong for the notion, creative liberty.:Shrug: Plus, generally not easy to play a Seer, can't predict peoples actions, except yours.
I'd like to say about the nature of the gods that there's a tendency in quite a few pantheons to either take gods from one place or another, or for the gods in question to parallel other gods. I like the attempt to form 'one mythology' around the notion of the gods, maybe they're reincarnating, maybe they're just using new names in different regions, maybe they're completely different beings drawing from the same sources and calling it something else. This is obviously because we try to personify the things that are forces outside our control, things that seemed related by temperament or effect were tied together, or sometimes a god had a good aspect and a bad, yin and yang sorta. I don't know if anyone who's posted here has read her stories but there's an author named Diane Duane who wrote a series call Young Wizards.
Without too much spoiling, essentially her cosmology says that all gods come from one source, the one source being the creative spark of the universe or unified god consciousness, it split itself into many forms that were all linked and all 'her children'. Each god created something for the universe and lastly the god that became banished created entropy and Wizards were created to use the source, or code of the universe to create magic and counter act the effects of entropy.
That became a bit tangential, but for it's part the notion of who the gods are in respect to their capacity within the pantheon is more important in some regards than how they're genetically, related to eachother, though beings of extradimensional nature probably have something a bit more complicated than DNA. Though with the extra-dimensional nature, there's no telling whether they actually are related, so in that regard Thor and Loki could still be brothers, though the term brother is tacking a label for something much deeper.
In some respects angels are related in many ways to the Valkyries, I like the notion of Valkyries more, mostly due to the fact that they seem to have certain amounts of free will while angels are usually gods puppets. Though older accounts of angels from the proto-christian and jewish religions seem to claim they're warriors and have a much closer similarity to valkyries, though valkyries remain unique in their ferrying the dead to Valhalla.
I would add to the discussion, but I know very little about Norse myth beyond what I have researched for Magnhild. So I'll stay out of this until it begins to directly affect her.
Also, and this is not to say that I don't love to see a community geek-out, but I have noticed a lack of participation in RP threads since this discussion thread started up. *shoves people back towards the RPs*
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Hey, well, I've been waiting on YOU to post in the steampunk thing, there's a couple martians staring at you trying to hand you tools. Also, I've gotta wait for others on JDHS :( Oh yeaaaah, and Young Wanderers, we're still geeking out about Terrance's suit! :Pulls a daffy duck and switches places with X, dragging him back to the RP threads too.: :P
I'm also kind of waiting for the Villainess trio's base to be assaulted. Until I'm certain whether something is going to happen there, I'm holding off posting for them :P
I do have another character concept I could do things with elsewhere, though...
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
I just been busy and got smacked with the Writers block hammer of doom. For the Mechassault I figured Aiko would be leading the hunt for the signals. Not sure what Rotten would be doing given he was talking with Whipcrack. In the steampunk my guy gave an idea of perhaps bounty hunting.
Xselcier you can give input. After All you can be a non-bia view. Someone that can ask question instead of already having a fixed idea. Questions that this thread meant to try answer.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
I totally agree, OOC information and collaboration generates better RP, we need to find a way to present things, piece, lego blocks of stories or to say hey, I wanna do that? Which I don't think has ever been rebuked before, but I welcome the conversations. It takes information to build something new, ya know? :) And your imput is absolutely welcome! I can't deny a bit of writers block as well, though not with regard to this, more with everything 'professional' >.< stalled between drafts.
Pigs were sacred to the Vanir as a sign of protection.
Falcons were a symbol of Freyja and she was said to be able to turn into a falcon possibly using a magical cloak
So I want to make a character who gets her powers from Freyja and call her HAM HAWK!
I'm not sure how many people will get the joke.
you do know what a ham hoc is don't you?
well, I thought it was funny.
*Starts sauerkraut* Now to toss in some Ham Hocs and spices simmer for a few hours!
Okay lets get a few terms settled. Realms, Dimension, Lands, and such.
Okay lets go with 9 Realms being Vahala, Midgard and the rest.
There are more Universes then just the Nine, but only Nine are claimed by the Norse Gods.
In those Realms there are domains, Hel has the Realm of Hel but it has the layers and sublayers like the Circles of Hel. Those can be cut up even more into Lands. All are part of "Hel"
Same with the other Nine Realms including Midgard. There Midgard and it's Earth, but there are the other planets, in the Midgard Universe and so on.
So what do you think would this help explain multiple Universes and how some would state Hel as being a wasteland of death and decay and other parts near Earth like.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
There's also scientific terminology to cover as well, Universes also branch at different points in some multiverse theories, so the idea of dimensions means within a Quanta. A quanta is just another set of new rules, events and history. Physics is still physics mostly, it may have it's set of world tree, or what have you. They are sort of away in many realms at once though, or not. Just how I thought of it. I'm quite alright with, though if it branches early enough some universes may not have norse beings as a force. They're entangled sort of, stacked or chained together by common events.
They're seperated because of the theories that allow Bucky to work in some ways,m super position, every possibility exists, unobserved or forgotten things under some theories in physics cease to exist or exist in many states at once, and some things, like Bucky's name sake can be seen by the naked eye, if I recall, in super position.
So in theory, it's possible for the people in the steampunk thread, for instance, to get back to their world, since it has a future. It would have a lot of change, and depending on how much and their fore knowledge, they may lock events so they can't go back. Kinda Whovian, I think? ::shrug::
So, the primary connection between the Nine Worlds is often depicted as a tree. Where a "branch" touches a "world", there's a portal, with varying degrees of difficulty in moving across the boundary, so folks can move from one realm to another that way. Other overlaps may make other portals possible. And some (possibly artificial?) portals might be tunable, like Bifrost in the Thor movies.
The Barrier against the Bugs that's been giving Jutan Frost trouble may be affecting the whole Tree, or just Midgard. And maybe some beings can get through it without causing so much as a ripple...
Meanwhile, there is still the question of Kami's origins... and those lizards.
That's enough for tonight, for me, I think, there's a Brian Setzer Orchestra concert going on on another computer...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
Speaking of artificial branches. That could be the reason for the orbs. All five together can create artificial branch portals to any where. A very powerful tool hence why it was separated into five parts so it wouldn't be abused.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The Laserta? Ohhh yeah... They're in the Circle of Violence for a reason, and the aliens are a thing I'm using a lot, though they're really just kind of something generic, lizard demons and aliens, the aliens are worse than the demons... NanoBreaker is one such character related to them, they're barred from being in the realm of violence by Kami's request to Chiron, who's probably on Hel's good side. Kujo's vying for his place and a fight can decide that, could be problematic as part of the world balance story...
Kami's origin was kinda wish-washed by me wasn't it? I couldn't decide, but honestly some nearly even amalgamation of Black/Dark elf and Dwarf seems like her fit. Crafters, elvish heritage and short stature, also explains her less dramatically pointed ears.
The Machina Mana is in a sense an artificial branch to the world tree, somewhere close to midgard, since it relies on concepts, psychic energy and electronically coded information to take form and exist respectively. Laserta use that stuff to do what Kami does, manifest something form 'nothing' or from pure potential of higher dimensions, dangerous magic for anybody, especially a kid. She'll be more careful, had plans to weaken or articulate that spell, just not use it for a long time and change it... :Shrug:
Seems Kami is a Halfbreed not pure blood Dark Elf. not pure blood Dwarf but the result of one wild night LOL.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
What happens on the trail? Family was never very clear, close to her brother, mother, never wrote anything mentioning her father, so there we go, dwelf.
Edit: Had a thought concerning the Laserta 'demons' and the Laserta aliens, under the idea of Norse Mythology, the entire race of Laserta would be considered "Sick" since arguably they're infected by technology and their driving reason for fighting isn't noble or glorious, it's just to get more resources, to build more nanites and ships, and produce more Laserta and sometimes pick up genes that are useful from various species.
Any Laserta in the afterlife would be in their base state, though likely aware of this. Could be a cool source of information about them through unconventional means. Though they also have connection to the Machina Mana, that's largely because it's a source of energy that registers electronically but is entirely unknown, they want to use it like everything else, some how or another. I think they may have also encountered it in the past but don't have any now and are thus very weak in comparison to what they could be. Likely badly.
Another reason why I thought it would be interesting for it to link to norse mythology, atleast largely, was because the idea of how to code Machina Mana was in a binary parallel to the run scripts. Sort of use a process of analogues to try and do this, basically it goes like this:
Tree runes, I believe they're called, work by having hatch marks on one side of a line, up to three on the left and eight on the right, this denotes the rune you're using. If you do the same thing to the binary and say that the digits are the activated runes, the first eight bits for the first aett, second for the second and so on. Putting multiple digits active in the same 24 bits will result in a rune bind.
What Technosis did: He was kind of dumb with this... He knew there was a pattern to what he was reading, and knew there was binary, but he didn't know it was an analogue to runes. So he just pieced down the smallest segment he could get to react and started coding in that. He hasn't learned much and uses very simple things right now, and does not realize he's technically doing magic. The Chains were an accident, and the turrets were very complicated... I imagine he stumbled on some rune bind or series of binds that ended up making something he could use and direct as a weapon. He was probably very lucky in his experimentation. Mjolnir might have been a bad set of binary runes to throw out.
Though since it's got packets from almost all over the spectrum of human knowledge things from the Machina Mana may be warped versions of things from myths of elsewhere. I still think a large degree of regional deities with access to different connections than others. Essentially though there were portals or access points to connect and converse, others were in control? Or something... I dunno, the multiverse is huge...
See [url=http://www.baenebooks.com/p-724-wizards-bane.aspx]Wizard's Bane[/url] by Rick Cook. Warning from Wiz Zumwalt: Beware of "Halt, Melt, & Catch Fire" and "Execute Operator Immediately" type errors. Although with several people who are familiar with runes available to consult with, he might note the connection.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
Yes, that's a big problem. There are thankfully several runes that have some mention of time, including them allows delaying the effect. The rune users is kind of a new thing, and sadly Kami's very unskilled, thankfully avenue is opening for that. ^.^
Her enchantments are probably very clumsy. I'm not sure how she's undoing and redoing it, maybe just conjuring from the same spot the thing under the new perameters? Since we mentioned she would be taking things if she conjured, she can conjure from a specific place. Materials willing, if not fizzle
It's like changing something mid teleport o.o It's the same thing, but blank. Which means she can redo them more efficiently and undo problems like the one she had today, which is kind of like running over your memory space, except mana is your memory, or your personal reserves. Kinda how I'm RPing her improvement through enhancements or whatever.
Afterthought: Are you familiar with the Elfhome books Foradain? Have I asked this before O.o
So using that as a base Oumm would have been expertly programmed. Just lacking this worlds knowledge. Same problem from the reverse perspective, being able to program something but not knowing what you need to program it for.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Hmm going by the Mecha Mana idea that could Ragnarok happened? Loki in this case being like apollo and reformed or survived? Say Ragnarok happened around the time of the start of the Little Ice age. The start of the LIA was around between the years 1275 and 1300 and it came on suddenly. Latest studies linked a possible cause of volcanic eruption. Effects were so bad at the time trees growing during that period in the Northern UK have little or no growth for three years. So there was literally a three year long winter, this could also caused the collapse of the social order and devastating wars.
So for the people of that time it would seem as if the world was coming to an end, so why couldn't have been. Ragnarok took place the great battle between the Asgards and the Frost Giants spilling onto Midgard and Jutan Frost was a survivor stranded. Loki either survived or reformed (might be the first leakage of the Mecha Mana.)
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Okay, but a number of gods are supposed to have died during Ragnarok, including Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdallr, and Loki. I've written that both Thor and Odin are still alive, along with you having written about Loki several times. Saying that Ragnarok has already happened would be a step in the wrong direction, in my opinion.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Agreed. If Ragnarok had already happened, we've got too many survivors for the prophecies to have been accurate.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
True you are both right top many Norse Gods about for Ragnrok to have happened. Just was a random thought.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Don't feel too bad Rotten Luck. Ragnarock already happened in my game. Only the descendants of the Norse Gods appear in the modern world.
But I set the time around the end of the viking age. I also have a really modified time line that compresses all of the major events of the age to just a 27 year period and syncs it up with King Arthur's reign. So there's that too.
No problem for me. I was playing Loki pre Ragnarok anyway.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP