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Nex.U.S. is Recruiting!

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Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/24/2020 - 07:54
Nex.U.S. is Recruiting!

By 2020, many of the heroic old guard and many other heroic organizations around the world had found themselves coming face to face with a new generation of people with powers that had popped up lately. Many new heroes, as well as many new villains, were beginning to surface, all at a rate previously unseen in the history of the superhuman scene, perhaps even the history of the world. Doctor Mentality, who was among these new heroes, realized that the current heroes could not be around forever, nor could they be everywhere at once.

To address this, he called some other heroes who he had acquainted with, including the Igbo deity Amadioha (who had fused with the body of a mortal anthropologist), Lady Gallant (a female knight revived in modern times), PIT-built, government-sponsored combat robot-turned-hero Protectoid, teenaged female wrestler Luchadora, teenaged cryokinetic hero Night Frost, as well as Commander Robert Smith, to gather as many heroic superbeings as possible, from all corners of time and space, in an effort that transcends race, nationality, and religion.

The coalition's objective: to face down superhuman threats that are already proving to be stronger, faster, smarter, more vicious, more twisted, and more dangerous than the previous generation and train the next generation of superpowered vigilantes in an organized effort, as well as act as a force for social change instead of merely protecting the status quo. From the meta-supremacist extremism of D.R.A.G.O.N., to Ten Gallon's corrupt oil corporation, to Lord Blackwright's sorcerous extradimensional forces, to the Great Elder's savage Bloody Maw werewolf pack, to the malevolent cyborg-turned-AI Circuitry, to the global mob dealings of the Diamante Syndicate, to the human-supremacist, imperialist rogue nation of the Hive Principality, to the amorphic, biological horrors of King Aberrus's hordes, to Empress Eterna's alien empire, to Urthumiel's demonic minions, and many, many more threats out there, Nex.U.S. is preparing tomorrow's heroes to make whatever sacrifices it takes to protect those who can't protect themselves... even the ultimate one.


OOCly, this is an RP-based SG based around longer, more dramatic myth arc-based stories with the occasional crises. I tried telling this story the way I envisioned in Champions Online RP, with... little success, sadly. Some of my CO friends encouraged me to found my own SG in order to take the story in the places I wanted it to go, so that's what I am doing here.

The main tone I wanted to go for is a Bronze/Modern Age kind of feel (leaning on Modern Age), and while plenty of it's traditional superhero fare, the majority of the larger story arcs will oftentimes be dealing in some mature, even dark themes and subject matter. However, before each mission, I will place trigger warnings so people can know what to expect.

Think The Authority mixed with Justice League Unlimited, X-Men, PS238, Worm, as well as elements from Mobile Suit Gundam and you have the general gist.

We are an inclusive group, accepting of of all sexual orientations, gender identities, religions, etc.

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
This group does sound very

This group does sound very interesting. It appears to be working with its own established lore, characters, and factions from what I read. The only question(s) I would ask is what sort of characters would a group such as this ask for? I'm assuming teenage given the mention of at least two members who are in their teens as well as the acknowledgement of Nex.U.S. preparing "tomorrow's heroes".

The other question would be perhaps a little more elaboration on "dramatic myth arc-based stories". From the sounds of it, it seems like this group would be doing a lot more than just stopping the occasional super-villain, but also partake in events that play into some sort of prophecy or legend.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/24/2020 - 07:54
While Nex.U.S. does have a

While Nex.U.S. does have a sizable population of teenaged heroes and is largely a technology-based paramilitary organization in the lore, heroes and anti-heroes of ages (children, young adults, middle-aged, everywhere in between), walks of life, and types (mutant, non powered, alien, magical, you name it) are welcome (so long as the player isn't being disruptive/rude towards others and the character can occasionally accept the gravity of the situation). In-character personality conflicts are great, as long as they do not lead to OOC drama. Some characters will be more complicated than the simple "black/white" dichotomy you'd expect to see in something Silver Age (hence the Bronze/Modern age label for Nex.U.S.), but in the very end, the heroes are still heroes and the villains are still villains.

Also, when I say "myth arc" I mean, "extremely long story arc that has a lot of story arcs within it, and encapsulates the entire length of a story." Even though there are still episodic fights, events will escalate and snowball into something truly massive, leading to a "crisis"-like climax, but that does not necessarily mean the story is over post-climax. It does not necessarily involve a prophecy/legend, though some of the smaller story arcs within it can.

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Ahh, okay then. That makes a

Ahh, okay then. That makes a lot of sense in that regard. Knowing that Nex.U.S. is more of a paramilitary organization does help narrow down the group's overall theme. I am familiar with the labels like Modern/Bronze Age, been in a few SGs that have gone for that element of story-telling rather than the classic Silver Age, so I already had in my mind that right from the get-go this wasn't going to be too, as you said, black-and-white.

Also thank you for explaining the meaning of "myth arc" to me. So all-in-all, this is going to be a rather story-driven SG that centers around a group that is composed of a variety of characters from different walks of life and fit more in like with the Bronze/Modern era of comic book storytelling where the characters aren't going to be as simple as good/evil in terms of their morality.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."