I decided we needed some costume and power customization info on the front page :) Check the menu at the top under "characters."
This is mostly compiled from previous updates, back to early KS, so it's as "subject to change" as they are. However, Costume Customization shows screenshots from the First Release AB :)
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
Awesome man. Glad to see new stuff. By the way, any plans to expand the Cape Chaser section with new information? I feel like it'd be useful.
Grapevine told me Composition department didn't want to release more spoilers :p
I miss the days when people said there were too many Lore updates.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
Are you guys just trying to make the biggest hurdle for players to pass be spending hours in the character creator before they even enter the game world x_x
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Is that a compliment? :p
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
Indeed it is because this character creator is going to be a massive departure from doing something as simple as picking 'Supernatural Face 3' from CoH xP
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
I literally had that problem immediately :p "there's like 140 options for the face, uhhhhh, whatever default for now"
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
That actually can be a problem, which is why I think a good number of presets will be critical to avoid turning off the less-costume-obsessive players before they even get into the game.
Also, nice work on these articles, pulling together important info from across topics and time!
Spurn all ye kindle.
... people complained about "too much lore"?
Lore galore
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
Thanks! :) and yeah, the team is working on presets last I heard, haven't picked their brain super hard yet though.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
Yeah ! Good work ! Really helpful !
i will probably translate those articles as "FAQ" articles on titanscity.com :)
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IIRC that was when we got pretty much only lore updates and people were complaining that they'd rather see some code and stuff.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_HUdf89hI8]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.
Anyways, I'm guessing the lack of lore updates is to avoid spoiling everything before release, right?
I'd guess so.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_HUdf89hI8]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.
Tyche said as much on Discord. Apparently, they were running up against the limit of what the lore team was letting them post as updates.
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
I made similar reservations elsewhere on the forums as I feel this is a legitimate concern.
There will eventually be presets for faces, costume types, fx, and animations. All in due time.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
we want to keep SOME secrets...
Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.
Does that mean we don't want to tell them about the Frog Commandos?
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
Maybe just a little ribbit?