The only thing i dont like about this site on the phone is the forums are so squished its a single letter space to read down unless I tilt my phone :< love you guys!
Have a nice day!
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I'll be the first to admit this site is [i]not[/i] in any way polished enough on mobile. We're working on it, but don't hold your breath.
That said, an example screenshot would be nice to show us what you mean. It also tells us things like OS, browser, screen dimensions, and so on that we can use to tune.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
You got it, ill do that after work, a bit late atm and im gaming ;p - Also not to sound nagging just letting you know cause maybe it was just me. Honestly i rather the mobile site be trashy if it meant more power to the game, though i would worry the REAL site would scare off people who just pass by, though screw them for coming to the party while we're still setting up the decorations :D!
Have a nice day!
No rush. One of the devs (Tannim222; note his typos) uses the mobile site a lot, so we have internal pressure to make it work too. ^_^
As far as dev resources go, I only work on the web sites, so I'm not at all diverted resources. (The real diversion in my case being my IRL job.) And i got handed this because I kept complaining about the decorations... ^_^;
Oh and in the future, these posts go in the Bugs section.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
Roger dodger! G'night from Georgia!
Have a nice day!
Okay so its an iphone 6, OS is on version 10.2.1 since i havent updated to 10.3.1 yet, also it seems like only quotes get super squished but if every one is quoting unless i tilt the phone for a bigger screen it will take forever to read haha! Sadly it wont let me take my photos and put them for upload so i cant show you till i get to a computer
Have a nice day!
Can the forum can be accessed on any mobile apps like Tappatalk?
"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."
Wow. Another person who says 'roger dodger', and I honestly have no idea where I picked it up long ago.
It usually helps if I turn the phone on its side when reading and (attempting) to type. But I have an iphone 6 plus so the larger screen does make a difference either way. Quoting is a pain either way - it takes far too long to scroll the screen and then try to get the cursor location back where I want it - sometimes I can't get the keyboard to pol up at all if there is a large quote requiring a lot of scrolling.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Not at present, unless the app can be configured completely client-side without any effort on our part.
Frankly, Tapatalk doesn't look like it would do anything for us that we can't do with less effort and lucre than getting a decent mobile experience implemented. We're not looking to park a branded mobile app on everyone's phone for $10/mo. and up (and spend a bunch of time keeping the interface alive); bookmarks in a browser are fine.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
@Lin Chiao Feng sent you a private message about the screenshots for the mobile look, let me know how you want me to send them! :o
Have a nice day!
Lin, I'd like to commend you for the use of the word 'lucre'. It was the secret word of the day!
(insert pithy comment here)