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Grace swallowed thickly, shrinking in on herself and clutching the bow with both hands now, almost fit to break it. She'd briefly been distracted by watching with open-jawed wonder at Sam's display-- for it was exquisitely beautiful in it's application... But Ron's approach and -re-proach are all too accurate. They strike home in her heart-- and her head, certainly-- with a force she isn't likely to soon forget.
Her face is pale and her wings as tight as they've ever been on her back. She nods mutely a little, accepting the reprimand with due humility, feeling two /inches/ tall next to her previous ten feet. "Yes, sir... I didn't mean to-- I'll... I'll remember, sir. I promise."
She doesn't wait, her joy suddenly sucked out to be replaced with strong uncertainty. She's not likely to want to shoot a /person/ with the bow anytime soon, anyway, a creature of reconstruction, not -de-struction. Eager to get away, she shuffles to the door and waits miserably for an opening in which she can safely slip out again. When it presents itself, she's out in a heartbeat.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
"Sit down Grace. Like I said it was a good shot and I meant that. Look I'm sorry I might have came down hard on you, just this isn't fun and games." He walked over to her "Now tell me would you rather me treat you as if you can't make a mistake or that your human and it's in your nature to error?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Ron, c'mon. I understood the danger. Levi can react faster than the human eye. He is programmed to protect me. I was safe." Nick doesn't stay to hear his response, jogging out the door to catch up to Grace.
Levi steps over to Ron, "He is correct. I am always aware of any danger around Master Ridley's person." He then calmly walks over to the door, following Nick.
Once Nick catches up to Grace, he is slightly out of breath, "Hey...*pant*...wait up. I knew it was possibly...*pant*...dangerous...*pant*...but I knew you could do it. Whew, I need to get out more..."
Grace had already made it out the door, and was unstrapping the quiver from her hip, headed back to the weapon room to give back the bow. It felt strange, /deadly/ in her hands, suddenly almost repulsive to the touch.
She stopped though, when Ron spoke to her again. There's definite moisture at the bottom of her eyes, but she controls herself, and replies calmly, with as much dignity as she can muster up in spite of her obviously emotional state, "...You're right, and I know that. I wasn't trying to be a show off, I really wasn't... but you're right. You don't have to be sorry. /I/ have to be more careful."
She returns the bow and quiver to the guard at the weapon's room door, and somewhat irritatedly brushes the back of her wrist across her eyes. "It's getting kinda late, anyway... I'll come practice by myself sometime, maybe, before I try to do it around anyone else..." All the while privately thinking she might not ever pick it up again. She realizes this is irrationally emotional though, and shoves the unpleasant thought aside.
"I think maybe I should just go back, and get some sleep... It /is/ only my first day..." Her smile is very weak, her wings starting to droop instead of their tense hug to her back, when Nick comes puffing out after her.
"Sorry..." she apologizes to him, maybe unecessarily.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
"Sure you could have stopped it Levi. So could Whipcrack and Lady Nova. It's not that there was means of stopping an accident it thinking ahead to prevent it." He looked to the Robot "Like it would have been less damaging if you had rushed between the mugger and the woman. It's Risk Management making sure they think first. After all you can't be near Nick every time it's statistically improbable."
"I made a mistake. We all do, but this mistake was minor something remote few people would think about it. In the end it cost two people their lives, one of them was me. I knew what I was doing, I knew I had the skill, I knew it was a simple task. I know now I would never forgive myself for it. That what I hope to prevent not that a mistake could happen, but the idea that one can't happen."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Leaping up onto the counter was the little stalking-shadow of Mouse. She hisses, her fine fur bristling, eyes narrowing, her ears laid back... in other words, she seems angry.
"STOP!" she growls fiercely in Grace's face. "Weapons are deadly no matter who holds them! You must accept it, and not run from fear! Accept reprimand and get back in there, or fall to fear and -unintentionally- harm someone! Go! Now! Accept and learn, do not wilt like lettuce in the sun!"
This whole time her voice is full of a cat's angry growl, her claws extending and retracting, tail swishing behind her in agitation.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
The guard had been about to return the weapon to the room, but had paused with bemusement at the situation. Ultimately it /was/ Grace's decision to keep going or not.
Mouse's close proximity and anger are immediately overwhelming to Grace in her emotional state. She reels backward a little, bumping into Levi in her haste to step back from Mouse-- if not exactly from fear, but simply from the overwhelming vehemence, the /force/ of the emotion.
Mouse's words are heard, and acknowledged in Grace's brain, but suddenly everything has started to seem more /sinister/ and less open-armed. It's undoubtedly a lesson she needed, and needed badly-- on consequence of action and the nature of the world outside the insular community she'd left behind.
But as the last lesson on a very long, overwhelming day, Grace can't seem to make any more breakthroughs. There was a finite limit to how much she could take in one day, and she'd just discovered the limit, as disappointing as it would be to her, and likely to others.
She draws back her shoulders and says, with only the tiniest smidgeon of doubt, "I'm not scared. I'm just tired."
She stumbles a little at first, weak-kneed for a critical second, then gains speed and walks quickly to the Gym's exit-- then starts to retrace their steps out of the mall entirely, feeling far more exposed without any the people around her she'd met today. She rubs her arm where Nick had touched it, feeling unutterably confused and just the tiniest bit sad.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Grumbling as Grace walked out, Mouse paces along the counter, the guard behind the counter going about his business and ignoring this as just another oddness in Titan City. Unfortunately, Mouse has -no- idea that this is Grace's first day here, nor how truly overwhelmed she -must- be by all the strangeness she's witnessed. If she had, she likely still would have reacted with the fierceness of her Savannah Cat ancestors, but may have tempered her words. Too late, she realizes that something was wrong and the fierceness of her reaction must have reinforced some of Grace's insecurities.
Finally, she sits on the counter, tail whipping back and forth with agitation. She looks toward Nick.
"What's wrong with the kid? Why'd she run? Kid with wings like that in Titan shoulda been used to fixin' problems, not imploding like a souffle."
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Remaining austere during Sam's display save for a tiny appreciative grin, she sighs at Ron's words, knowing the effect they must have on grace, before speaking slowly...
"I'll be right back." With that she respectfully walks out of the Danger Room, rushing after Grace as she exits the Gym, calling out...
"Grace, wait!" How she can streak after her in those heels is anyone's guess.
Whipcrack peered over at Rotten Luck after Grace, Nick, Levi, and Sarah's sudden exits. The sarcasm in his voice was obvious."Good job, deadhead."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Nick looks a bit mad, but mostly sad his friend's had a tough day. He looks over at Mouse. "First day here. She's not exactly outspoken, either."
Nick looks over at Levi. "Let's go. I've had enough practice for today." Levi nods. They walk together out of the mall, hoping to find Grace. She was probably lost. She was new here, after all.
Grace had stopped almost at the mall's exit, having calmed down a little, hearing Lady Nova's heels clacking and her name called out.
She turned to see not only Lady Nova coming after her, but Nick and Levi some distance behind them. It made her feel better, and smaller, all at the same time-- but she waited for them to catch up to her anyway, wings low, one pulled over her shoulder so she can worry the feathers between her fingers.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Goldenrod didn't get out of the danger room in time to hear what Mouse had said to Grace, but she was in time to hear what Mouse said afterwards. "In time, I'm sure she will be. But this is her first day here. Wherever she came from, this" - she gestured, somehow encompassing not just the gym and the Maul, but the whole city - "is all new to her. I only hope that she doesn't let the way Ron spoke drive her away."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
She nods at Goldenrod's words, "It is unfair! It is wrong! Those responsible for her childhood should be punished!"
Mouse grumbles, leaping down from the counter to stalk back to the room. Energy is practically leaping off of her, sparking in her bobbed hair and lifting her feet off the ground making her practically float down the hall. There's no anger whatsoever directed at Grace, but at those who'd let her down and not gotten her to the city when she was clearly in need of people like her around her. It was patently unfair to Grace, and it made Mouse furious. It reminded her somewhat of her own warped upbringing, and that simply reinforced her anger.
She knocked and rang the bell, pacing in tight circles in her agitation.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Whipcrack made sure no one was using their powers, then twisted around and hit the OPEN button with a strand. The doors smoothly slid open to let Mouse in.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Reaching her with a apologetic smile, she drops her normal confident tone to speak to Grace on equal footing...
"Grace, that shot was amazing, Ron didn't mean to insult or drive you away, I'm sorry you had to experience that, it wasn't fair and I imagine my walking spelunker in there is reading him the Riot Act." Jokes, hoping to ease her disappointment for a moment before spying a fountain in which they, Nick and Levi included as she gestures for them all to sit if desired as she adds...
"I know what it's like to be talked down like that, even if they weren't intended as so." Smiles to Nick and Levi as she offers a firm handshake to both before stating...
"So sorry, I'm Lady Nova, it's a pleasure." Manages a comforting grin.
"Well, with Lady Nova providing the voice of experience, and Nick and Levi to be friends, I think she's in good hands now. And I still have to learn what my new limits are." Goldenrod leaned on the bell button for a five count, then reentered the danger room.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Ron didn't seem to react to Sam's comment just took out a bit of jerky and took a bite "She be fine. There a spark in her a bit of determination, there also a hint of desire to prove herself. Mouse is right she been sheltered all her life a bit of culture shock. I leave a message for Wren to take her to the park an open space where she wouldn't feel so closed in. As for what I said it true and ya know damn right she needed to hear it. No one ever said I was subtle little Dorthy not in Kansans anymore the sooner she learns that the better. Even if it was by a blunt zombie fellow."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Mouse followed goldenrod back in, and paced to the far side of the large room. Taking over the farthest set of targets, she immediately launches herself into one of the ground-rooted target dummies, claws extended to anchor her to it before leaping up impossibly high. Several guttural words are shouted as she leaps about, runed energy blasting into targets in very tightly controlled bursts. She ends up clinging to the moving target upside-down, having left a trail of burned spots and lines on the targets she'd attacked.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Grace shied away a little at first-- but resisted and stood her ground as Lady Nova arrived first. She managed a weak smile, though her wing is still pulled around her body, half hidden in white feathers. She declined the invitation to sit silently, continuing to play with the feathers of her left wing.
"Thanks... but-- Ron's right. I hope nobody's too mean to him-- it wasn't really mean to /me/, you know..." Saying it aloud, she heard the truth in her own words. Her voice is soft, and still carries a great deal of emotion. "I--... I've never shot anything but targets before, and only ever all by myself, in a field or in some trees. I have to think really hard about using-- using a bow, in a city where I could hurt someone. It's not what I do, you know-- hurting people-- it's the opposite, in fact."
She smiled a bit more easily. "But... thank you. Thank you for coming after me and saying that, anyway, Lady Nova."
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick shakes Nova's hand, "I'm Nick. This is Levi. Be gentle with her hand, Levi."
"Yes, Master Ridley," Levi shakes Nova's hand, doing his best not to break any bones.
Nick is surprisingly acting somewhat shy after his earlier outburst, deciding to stand instead of sit. He examines his shoes for a moment. He glances up at Grace for a moment, his light green eyes concerned, trying to read his friend's face. "It was my fault too. Sorry. I shouldn't have put you in that situation. Me and my big mouth."
Levi, ever vigilant, "My big mouth and I."
Nick sighs, barely caring. "Figure of speech." He explains to Levi.
Grace manages a weak sound of amusement, shaking her head quickly at Nick, and just a little bit. "Doesn't matter whose fault it was..." she demures kindly, the type of friend that would pretty much always try to take the 'blame' for something.
She shoulders Nick really gently, keeping her wing wrapped halfway around her. "I just hope it was as fun for you as it was for me-- for a second or two." She flashes another weak smile, but seems to be attempting at least to return to some good humor or spirit.
"Ahm..." She fidgets a little more with a long, strong flight feather. "...Could you maybe, if it's not that much trouble..." She sighs and says quickly, just to get it out, "...Can you maybe show me how to get back to Whitehold, because we took that crazy portal in here and now there isn't one and I really don't know where we are, but I really /am/ getting sort of worn out..."
Her chin had dropped, but she looks up with her eyes between Nick and Levi imploringly.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick smiles a little - just a little - at the comment of having fun, and then the shoulder bump. He says, "It was fun. Maybe not for the poor apple, though. I'm surprised Ron cared that much. Zombies are carnivores, right?"
At Grace's question, he responds, keeping the small smile, "Would you prefer to walk or fly there?"
Sam whirled on Ron, "You're right, it did need to be said, but this isn't the street and you didn't need to scare the hell out of her. Simply telling them to knock it off and pointing out that they need to be more careful in the future would have sufficed. They're both rookies and they were just goofing around. Yes, their goofing around could have gone wrong, but it didn't. Learn to judge the situation before chastising someone in the future."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Grace chokes off an involuntary sound of amusement at the Zombies and carnivores crack. She really didn't have any hard feelings-- just an awful /lot/ of feelings, in general.
She then looks thoughtful, scuffing a sneakered foot on the shiny floor. "...Ron said it's like, four miles from there to here-- or here to there-- whatever. Is that too far to walk-- I mean for you?"
She explains quickly, shyly, "I just-- I could fly and not get too tired... but if you'd rather go slower, or not push Levi to carry you some more-- I dunno how much energy he has-- I'd understand and I could walk..."
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Levi speaks up, "I have enough power to last without an outside power source for three weeks, one day, five hours, and seven minutes. I have more than enough energy to carry Master Ridley, Miss Grace."
Nick nods. "He can hold me. I just didn't know if you were tired. Been kind of a stressful day for you. We'll go slow and arrive in no time at all." Nick gave an encouraging smile.
He looks over at Lady Nova. "It was nice meeting you." Levi nods, agreeing.
Grace smiles at Levi, finding it weirdly easy to relate to the inhuman persona. "Okay, Levi. You should do that, then, and I'll fly, but we don't have to rush or anything..." She finally releases the security blanket that is her wing half around her, and gets them situated on her back.
She hesitates, then scampers to Lady Nova and hugs her quickly, her wings perking up. As she steps back, making as if to continue out of the mall to the street with Nick and Levi, she says shyly, but with great warmth, "...Thanks a lot, Lady Nova. I appreciate it so much."
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Ron raised his eyebrow "Ya telling me to Judge a situation? Okay let me try. Grace had for the most part been treated as something Divine someone who either blessed by God or is a physical manifestation of God. I bet she been told so many times that she can't do anything wrong few people bothered to treat her as a Human being for at least sense she grew those wings. Oh it hurt sure it did. I'm sure she would seek me out when she wants the truth and not some soft version of it or get treated as a child and sheltered. Yes this isn't the streets I know the streets I lived and died in the worst streets this city has. My best friends were robbers, killers, and rapist. No this isn't the streets out there you don't get the chance to make a mistake."
"So if ya going to give me the third degree for being harsh to someone who was treating a lethal weapon as a toy,... Yeah I already said I was blunt and I did say it was an impressive shot. Oh I want to say more, but I don't want a fight. I apologize tomorrow to her."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Goldenrod used the staff like a staff, even at range, she attacked the target as if it were right in front of her, and the levin bolt flew from the end of the staff that would've hit if it had been. Concentrating on the targets on the side opposite Mouse, she began with a very small levin bolt to a stationary target. It was just big enough to make a visible flash when it struck the target in the lower torso. Four more bolts, each considerably more powerful than the one before, went out to the next four stationary targets, the last making the target wobble and showing visible damage; from what Levi had said that was roughly 400 newtons per square millimeter. Then she sent a volley of bolts of somewhat lower power into a flying target. Two of these missed, but only one reached the ceiling.
Moving into melee, Goldenrod struck a fresh target several times, adding her physical strength to the magic energy. The target was left broken at what would have been the bottom of the rib cage.
Then, with some aggression burnt off, she addressed Ron.
"You reminded somewhat of my foster-father, the way he would give a dressing-down to some rookie who'd screwed up; I overheard a few of those. I don't imagine many of them took it any better than Grace just did, except that they had to; they were police officers, and had sworn an oath. What you told Grace was both true and necessary, but it still hurt her. I hope you're right about that spark, and that she accepts that apology you just mentioned."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"Okay Sam I could brush off. That Goldenrod struck, having been heard I sound like a police officer." Shakes his head "I don't know if I should laugh at that or feel sad my first reaction was that." sighing "She's not a rookie a rookie made a commitment, I don't really care if anyone of these kids goes out and become capes. Hell I be happier that they don't they be safer. At the same time I want them to know what they can do. Have control of their powers."
He takes out his phone and sends a message to Wren. "I just messaged Wren to see if she alright when Grace get to the Whitehold."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Okidoke, Levi. Let's take Grace back to the Whitehold." Nick nods to Nova as he leaves, Levi following. Levi kneels, as usual, and Nick hops on his back.
Levi's feet extend cleats inyo the sidewalk, readying for some jumping. He stands again, looking back for Grace.
Grace had followed them out, gazing up with great thought at the starry sky...
She smiled a little at Nick and Levi as she brought her gaze back down. Her wings unfurled gently against the sky, beating faster and harder, until with a strong jump she's airborne and laboring up to a hovering height. She cups her hands around her mouth, calling gently, "Okay, go ahead-- I'm ready!"
Already, just being in the air is a boon to her spirits. If nothing else, at least it's some solitude, in a way-- it calms her down substantially as she would follow Nick and Levi back to Whitehold through stars and city lights.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
She smiles as she hugs Grace back without a second's hesitation, mindful of her wings of course before waving to Levi and Nick, turning back to Grace as she inquires...
"Would you be interested in a sky based tour of Titan City tomorrow, unless you and Wren or Nick have other plans?" She offers Grace a teasing, knowing grin as she says the last bit.
"Gotcha," Nick said with a thumbs up. Levi gets a running start, and then jumps, soaring through the air. Not quite flying, but it was alright. Levi moved at an easy pace, hopping from building to building easily, leading Grace back to where the party had taken place.
((Replying in the past tense since we jammed out of there so fast! Imagine this a few posts up :P ))
Grace had blinked roundly at the implication, then blushed clear to her ears, shaking her head. "Yes, I would like to see the city but-- no I didn't have plans with-- well, I think I have plans with /Wren/ already..." She had emphasized Wren's name in that blurted speech. "But you're welcome wherever Wren and I end up..."
She had rubbed her neck, then turned to go for the night. "I'll see you soon one way or another!"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
"they left pretty quick, I hope they're safe" said Callum as the flames on his arms burn out and the ice melts away completely. "Mouse,Goldenrod, are their any places to sleep in around here?"
To Ron, Goldenrod replied, "Being in control of their own powers is good. Less chance of accidents that way. Learning to defend themselves is good too, even if their powers are completely non combat oriented; if they're useful powers, some villain might not want to take 'no' for an answer."
To FrostBurn, she answered, "I'd be rather surprised if there weren't, but this is my first visit here. Ron might know, but being able to make a portal back to the Whitehold anytime he wants, he might not have been interested enough to ask. And there's an information desk over by the entrance to the Maul." Pulling out her phone, she connected to the gym's Wi-Fi. "Last bus from here to the Alexandria Transit Center is in a little over two hours, then it's only five blocks to walk. If Ron's not still around to bum a ride from, that's how I'll be getting back. If I miss that, I may try flying."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Jeremy had spent some time prior to the incident focusing on generating a ion field. He could get a consistent burst, but nothing stable for more than a second. He didn't see what caused Ron to get so vocal, but he wasn't happy. Failing to keep ignoring the blow-out, he focused on the target, and charged his hand full of ions. The charge blasted from his open hand and hit the target dummy squarely. Frustrated at the continuing disruption, he walked to the main console looking for something giving detailed readouts on his powers, but not without voicing his disdain for the current situation, "Guys, is this a training facility or a court room? And how do I get the power readout on dummy 26?"
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
"Which is worse, Ron: being compared to a cop or to a.... lawyer...." Goldenrod's voice trailed off, then resumed. "Sorry, I just realized where I'd seen someone before, out of uniform, you might say."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Picking up on who Pat was referring to, Jeremy only commented, "Well, comes down to mask or not to mask?"
He had turned back to the console and nervously touched a few buttons, not sure if he was in the right menu. Accidentally tapping the wrong menu option, a klaxon started up only barely drowning out Jeremy's explitives as he yelled at the console, "NO! Not Ah sh- g-d mthfr... STOP!"
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
In another part of the room, Sam had been practicing complex swinging and working on speeding up the time it took him to create webs. When the klaxon went off, he dismissed any webs he'd created and swung down to where Jeremy was cursing at the console.
Sam smirked as his armor dissipated, then he stood up straight and his voice took on a stern tone while just the barest hint of a smile turned up the corners of his mouth. "You seem distressed, padawan."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Or to illusion or not." Goldenrod kept the response short and started casting.
(Blessing of the Aegis! Defense buff to Goldenrod's allies!)
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Jeremy stepped back from the console and looked almost defensive back at Sam, "I uh.. yeah. Was trying to get the details on dummy 26, but now I think I've become dummy 26."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Sam shook his head, smiling. He stepped forward and deactivated the alarm, then let the Gym front desk know everything was fine. After that, he showed Jeremy how to access the statistics on each dummy. "I noticed that you seem to be having some trouble with your focus. You want some help?" he asked as Jeremy checked the dummy he'd been attacking.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Yeah, the distractions were killing me. Sure, whatcha got?" Jeremy asked, both on the advice and the readout. Dummy-26 had a readout that indicated a series of ionic bursts momentarily boosting vitality in the target with each wave. At the end of the logs, it showed a dangerous concentration of ions used to cause some moderate damage to the dummy.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Heh. False alarm. No matter, the practice getting that blessing off in a hurry couldn't hurt. But Goldenrod had already learned what she most needed to: that her magic was still under her control. But there was something else she needed to do. "I need to get some clothes while I'm here. Stay safe, if you can!"
Making sure that no one was throwing , well, anything, around, she left the danger room and went in search of a costumer.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Ron looked over at the readout. "Interesting how it was multible bursts. Like a kind of waves building up."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Sam studied the readout. "It's more interesting that the dummy is reporting both healing energy and damaging energy. I'm assuming from what I've seen and what Nova has reported to me that you don't know the extent or effects of your powers?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Jeremy looked at the readout with a bit more understanding than before. "Hmm, yeah. I didn't know it had a healing effect. Interesting. I wonder if these crests here line up with those flashes with the buildup. Each time it flashed I had to start over. You're right though, if I can heal and didn't know about it, what else can this do?"
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Mouse has wandered over silently, and sits watching and listening, her big ears twitching as she listens. She traces a circle around where she sits, and mutters somethng in latin under her breath. A runed circle flares up on the floor around her and then fades away again as she pulls some jerky from her pocket and munches merrily.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
"Let's find out." Sam answered, resetting the dummy and walking with Jeremy back over to it.
"Now, I want you to close your eyes and breathe slowly. Be conscious of your breathing. Inhale fully and exhale fully, slow and easy. Feel the breathe as it enters through your nose, fills your lungs, then exits through your mouth. Concentrate on that and get a feeling for the rhythm of your body. Your powers are just one more function of your body. Don't let yourself get flustered that you can't figure them out. Let them come to you naturally. When you're ready, raise your hands towards the dummy." Sam told him, speaking softly.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"uhm are me and Grace the only ones who can fly?"
The costumer’s shop turned out to be right next door to the gym. It also apparently operated 24/7. The tailor on this shift was “Gwendy” according to her nametag, and was short, with brown hair in a bun and brown eyes, and dressed in a brown pantsuit. Her aura also had a bit of that quality which Goldenrod was coming to associate with an origin of Elsewhere, but such things were a lot harder for her to judge with the auras of living beings, especially people, than inanimate objects.
Goldenrod already had the basic outline of her costume decided: A long-sleeved tunic (almost long enough to be considered a short dress) with a wide belt, tights over the legs, and boots. Gwendy helped choose material, a Kevlar/silk blend which combined damage resistance with ease of enchantment, in varying thicknesses from approaching that of canvas for the boots down to about the thickness of a tee-shirt for the tights, with the tunic being slightly thicker. The main color would be [color=#DAA520]goldenrod[/color], of course, with [color=#800000]maroon[/color] tights and belt, and [color=#228B22]forest green[/color] and white for trim. The belt would have a large buckle suitable for displaying a logo, and several pockets on the inside for carrying minor useful items. The boots would have a soft rubber sole, also Kevlar reinforced, and a 3 cm heel. Any more might look good, and might be more useful in a fight, but these boots were to be made for walking.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Jeremy looked at the dummy and focused on Sam's instruction. Breathing. Breathing was easy. [i]In and out, in and out. In and out burger. No! just breathing, no food.. In and out...through the nose; smells: ozone, cold, metal... NO! just breathing don't think! Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale....[/i]Jeremy finally found his rhythm that kept his heart-rate the same. The sensation of ions charging back and forth across his skin was a bit distracting. He focused on the breathing with more intensity, which intensified the ion field building around his skin. Any magic users still capable of seeing auras would be keenly aware that a flow was spiraling around him like a tornado connecting an energy above and below him. The sensation got too intense, and burst outward doing nothing. "Ah dammit lost focus."
He tried again, quickly reaching the steady spiraling flow with only a few hiccups. He finally opened his eyes again, willing himself to not be surprised by the sight around him. He felt his power had been focused, but he was still not confident to extend his arm and maintain the field on his skin. The field dissipated again, and Jeremy slumped slightly. "I can't hold it right. I get focused and relaxed enough and my skin feels like ants are all over me. The sensation of it is very distracting."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Ron istened to what was happening around them. "Think so. Flyin rare even here." Walking over to jeremy. "Ya doing good. I wonder if ya skin need to be in contact with the feild? Try the same thing but open your eyes imagine the ions around the dummy."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Once Gwendy had finished taking Goldenrod's measurements, it would be about an hour before the new outfit was ready. So she went to the next store, The Communications Hut.
There she selected a wireless device, with all the latest features, including full encryption. It would not stop eavesdropping entirely, but it would make them have to work for it. The service was monthly, with no contract and no limits. She paid cash, and the only name on the account was Goldenrod.
Then she got an idea, and bought a second phone. She didn't buy a service plan, but it would still work as a clock, calculator, notepad...
Finally, she went back to the costumer's and had them add two phone holsters to her order.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"That's one possibility, Rott." Sam said, then he looked back to Jeremy. "I'm wondering if that itchy feeling is you absorbing ions in the air around you and if you could draw that absorbed energy inwards to a point? What do you think, Jeremy?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Ok, I'll give it a go and try to push past the itch," Jeremy nodded to the new advice. He kept his eyes open this time and let them glaze over during his concentration. As they came back into focus he forced his arm to aim at the dummy, imagining a field of ions gathering around it. He itching suddenly disappeared, which made him focus harder to get it back. As Jeremy struggled to visualize the two fields doing what he wanted, free ions between the fields polarized a path and a lightning bolt connected from Jeremy's hand to the target dummy. The sudden force was strong enough to send Jeremy stumbling backward and obliterated the target dummy.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Ron blinked at the sudden flash of power then went to Jeremy "Ya Okay seemed ya created quite a jolt. Lets check that readout shall we?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Jeremy gasped a few times feeling the wind knocked out of him. His arm had a Lichtenberg burn running upward from his hand in quite eye catching form. He recovered quickly but stumbled a few times as he regained his balance. "Ok...I need to not do that until I can control it better. Yeah, let's look at the readout."
The readout had all the same notes as before, but showed early on the ion buildup had become dangerous for the dummy target. It was a similar effect to the waves on the earlier readout, but the buildup took much longer and reached much higher before discharge. The final seconds of data, however, read exactly like a lightning strike.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
After picking himself up off the ground, Sam walked over and good-naturedly slapped Jeremy on the back a few times. "Great job, kid. Great job."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Could you feel those waves of Ions Jeremy? Heck even can tell the intensity of the tingling of your skin could be means of grasping how to strengthen or weaken your attacks."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Jeremy nodded, fully understanding, "Yeah, I think I'm done after that one, haha...Damn that hurt! If you're right, then I think I've figured out how to control this. Start smaller, don't kill myself, maybe focus on the ion fields too."
He went to get a bottle of water and started taking a few sips. It wasn't long before the water started to form bubbles along the walls. "I'm gonna get my stuff. That last one's leaving me a bit tired and hungry."
He stepped out to the lockers and put back on his track pants and hoodie. He had quickly returned to the Danger Room and rang the console. As the doors opened he was fumbling with pulling the wristbands out of his bag to finally put them back on.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Her purchases picked up and carried in a complementary bag, Goldenrod walked back into the gym just in time to see Jeremy heading back into the Danger Room. She broke into a sprint and called out, "Hold the door please!"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Jeremy held the door open by standing in the doorway, "Hey Pat. I'm done in there if you need some more time. It's getting late for me and I have to wake up in an hour for work."
He lost a fight to a heavy yawn , failing to hold it back any longer. "Maybe I should find a nap space for tonight..."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
With Jeremy done training, Sam really had no reason to remain either. He waved to Ron, Mouse, and FrostBurn. "See you all later."
He nodded to Goldenrod and Jeremy as he passed them in the doorway. "Have a good night."
He found the nearest exit and summoned his armor, then fired off two strands to catapult himself into the air. Swinging through the city at a leisurely pace, he touched down at Whitehold's entrance after about fifteen minutes. As he walked inside, he released his armor and it dissipated. Soon enough, he was entering his and Sarah's apartment. "Babe, you home?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"No, I'm headed home, myself. I just thought I'd see if Ron was leaving anytime soon so I could catch a portal, but it looks like I'll be using the public transit. See you later!" She waved at those still in the danger room, and then went out to catch the last bus of the night.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Still within her costume, Sarah, or Lady Nova sat placidly on the couch looking over case files, setting them down as Sam enters, offering him a smile...
"Hey there, miss me?" Teases with a grin
"I got ya Jeremy. Alright last call for a portal to whitehold." He left the danger room and open the portal to the lobby.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
He strolled past like she wasn't even there. "Nope, not in the slightest."
He gave it a three-count, just long enough for her to make a face, he figured. Then he did a backflip and landed lightly, balancing on the back edge of the couch directly behind her. When she looked up, he smiled down at her. "How can you miss someone when they're always in your heart?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Hearing Ron's call before she got out of earshot, Goldenrod hurried back. This was so much faster than taking the bus!
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
She does make a face, which quickly morphs into a broad smile at Sam's words, pulling him in for a light kiss before speaking happily...
"Sam, stop it, your going to make me cry!" Teases
Jeremy hopped through promptly, thanking Ron again for his guidance and mentoring. He only had two hours for sleep, but he hoped to make them count.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Mouse managed to scramble through the portal as it closed, actually giving a high-pitched 'Mew!' as she landed on all fours.
"Thanks Ron!" she hugs him around the waist and scrambles back to her apartment.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Nick sat at his desk, his feet rested upon it, leaning back in his swivelling office chair. He was staring up at the ceiling, his arms crossed in front of him. His blackberry sat on a corner of his desk within reach. He looked quite relaxed, but he was the opposite.
He hadn't done much in the past couple of days, which was unlike him, but he just couldn't focus on what he was doing. His mind would always float back to his afternoon a few days ago,and the girl he had met that day.
She had said to call, but she did not specify when, which was proving to be quite the problem for him. He had waited until the next morning, but that had only been the beginning. He was drinking his morning coke when the thought occurred to him: When was he supposed to call?
That had been yesterday, but today was worse. Nick had waited, secretly hoping that Allison would call him before he would call her, but to no avail. He pulled his feet off of the desk, sitting forward, elbows on his knees, staring at his phone intently.
He thought about how their afternoon had been, and all the fun they'd had. Including all thd blushing.
Levi stuck his head inside the door, interrupting Nick's thought process. "Master Ridley, the miniature magnetic field generator you requested has been completed to your specifications."
Nick nodded, not looking away from his phone, "Thank you Levi. Put it in the box, please, and then bring it here."
Levi nodded. "Yes, Master Ridley." He retreated back into the lab, closing the door behind him.
That's it. Nick -had- to call her.
He nabbed the phone off of the desk, and quickly found Allison's contact in his phone, and pressed the 'call' button on his phone. He anxiously waited while it ringed in his ear, hoping to soon hear Allison's voice.
Allison had been having a similar dilemma, never having done any of this before. Wasn't it usually guys who called first? Or... maybe she had it backwards, and [i]she[/i] was supposed to call [i]him[/i]? She'd given it a whole day, strung probably a little too tightly, and had spent that day mostly jumping on the roof of the warehouse where she'd stayed that night. Finally, she'd gone to the docks at Ironport to offer her services to a ship coming in, just to keep herself occupied.
The job kept her far more than 'occupied' though, and she hadn't gotten to sleep til after one in the morning.
So, when her phone began to ring, it wasn't exactly near at hand, in the pocket of her jeans on the floor some feet away. She didn't know why it was so important to answer in her sleepy daze-- just that she really, really needed to answer her phone.
She had flopped half out of bed and fished the thing out on it's second to last ring, laying on the floor all tangled up with an arm over her face. The voice Nick would hear on the other end of the line was Allison's-- but it would take a moment to register that, given the smoothness and weirdly sumptuous nature her still half-asleep state gave her vocal chords.
"Hmmmn-- Hello? This's Allison..."
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick immediately noticed Allison's sleepiness. He blushed. Even over the phone he was shy. "Hi Alli. S-sorry if I woke you. It's Nick..."
While on the phone, he stood and rubbed the back of his neck, walking in circles around the room. He didn't quite like sitting still for too long.
There's a sound on the other end of a muffled thunk and a scratching against the microphone as Alli throws off her covers and sits up abruptly. "Ow [i]sh[/i]--" is muffled in the background, before the mic is uncovered and Alli speaks again, sounding far more alert and anxious.
"Nick! S-sorry, hi! No, it's fine, I was up really late-- It's great to hear from you!" She pauses, then says hopefully, "...Is it ice cream day?" and laughs, her laugh sounding somewhat different as she continues to wake up.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick smiles, "Yeah, I was hoping so. Is that alright with you?"
Levi pokes his head back into the room. "Master Ridley, the gift is ready."
Nick audibly hushes Levi, and then mouths 'QUIETLY!' Levi nods, but speaks at the same volume, "Would you like me to place a bow on it, Master Ridley?"
Nick covers the mic, "Levi, -shut up,- it's supposed to be a -surprise,- stupid!"
Levi tilts his head to one side in realization. "Oh. Well, would you like me to place a bow on--"
"No, Levi. Shhhh. Just hand it here," Nick stretches out his hand, uncovering the mic, and Levi gingerly places the small, square, palm-size box into Nick's hand. He takes it and stuffs it into a pocket.
He speaks back into the phone, clearing his throat, "Sorry. So? Are you up for ice cream?"
Alli, unfortunately perhaps for Nick, has excellent hearing. She bites her lips to keep from laughing and giving away that she'd heard at least some of the exchange before Nick had covered his mic. Had Nick already finished the trinket for her? The thought makes her blush a bit.
"Yeah, definitely!" she answers with some vehemence, though wondering what time it was-- Christ, how late did she sleep in?! "The Maul, then? I think there's a Super Scoop in the food court on the Titan's side... Uh..."
She considers quickly, and says, "Meet you there in like... an hour?"
Damn, that didn't give her much time to get ready, but-- yeah, she could make it...
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick smiles slightly, "Yeah, if that's good for you." It didn't give Allison much time to get ready, but she had suggested it.
Nick bit his lip, thinking. What to say next? "I'll meet you there, okay?"
After Allison's reply, he would utter a reluctant goodbye, and end the call.
About an hour later, Nick would be seen standing out in front of the Maul's resident Super Scoop ice cream parlor, leaning against a wall with one leg bent with a sneakered shoe pressed flat on the wall, examining the floor. His hands were in the pockets of another pair of worn jeans, one fidgeting with Allison's boxed gift. He wore a shirt that aptly said 'I <3 science.'
This was one of the rare times he went out without a robotic bodygaurd, and it meant he, as well as his mechanical caretakers, truly trusted the person he was going to be with.
Alli had felt her face flush with excitement, and had replied, "Okay yeah! See you then!" and hung up her phone. She immediately said to the phone in her hand, "Time," to which the phone had responded in a cheery female voice, "The current time is-- 11:07am."
Alli cursed in a VERY unladylike fashion and flipped back the covers.
To her credit, Alli was just about on time. It was 12:15 when she finally made it to the Titan's end of the Maul, a bit out of breath from jogging half the way, and hurtling herself through the air for the rest. She slows down, catching her breath on the way toward the food court, her head swinging back and forth slowly, 'scanning' people in the way that she can.
Her cloudy blue eyes are uncovered, and she must have a hairbrush in the limp, light backpack slung over one shoulder-- her thick, dark hair lays straight around her face, but has much more of a shine to it, as if she'd taken great care. A bobby pin holds the lock of hair behind her ear that usually falls over her left eye-- no way she's going to be able to hide behind her hair today! She's gone through the effort to put on a different pair of blue jeans, these ones worn around the cuffs a bit, but otherwise in much better condition. She's thrown on fitted black V-necked tee-shirt, complete with a shiny, raised gold embossed stamp across most of the front in the shape of a Fender guitar. The chains she usually wears at the shoulder are absent, but there are several loops of the shiny, dark metal links around her neck still. And she's almost never without her Converse sneakers.
Alli rucks the dark green backpack up onto the one shoulder a bit more safely, and finally spots Nick outside the shop. Even if she hadn't already memorized what his 'field' looks like in its amorphous state from this distance, she would've known it was him by the flickers of orange around his head and shoulders. She sighs with relief, and speeds up her steps.
"Hey! Nick!" She waves eagerly, but shyly, trotting up to him. "Sorry I'm kinda late-- I'm not a super 'girly' girl or anything, it's just... kinda hard to travel the way I do without leaving a mess behind me, and I had to run some of the way between things I could use as a springboard, and--" She clears her throat a little, stopping herself.
"Well... Hi." She smiles shyly, shrugging.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick looks up when he hears Allison's voice, smiling. He removes his hands from his pockets, leaving the metal-lined box in his pocket, and waves back, waiting politely while she speaks.
After her second greeting, he speaks, if shyly, with a wry glimmer in his eyes, "Hi. It's alright. I thought -I'd- be the one speaking too much. Maybe I -am- contagious."
Alli laughs, slumping her shoulders with relief. "Yeah, maybe. As long as it isn't the dreaded cooties." She grins a little, then 'looks' up at the shop sign, and proceeds thereafter to 'peer' in the door, able to 'see' the metal containers in the freezer displays from here.
"C'mon-- it's paaast time for this!" She takes Nick by the wrist and half-pulls him into the shop.
The Super Scoop caters to both meta and non-meta humans, serving from a traditional ice-cream display counter anywhere from thirty to forty flavors at a given time. They have any type of cone available from waffle to sugar, cups of varying sizes from tiny to huge (for the Super Strength and Super Appetite types of Titans), and an array of toppings on top of the counter to choose from. They also offer any array of conceivable milkshakes that can be made with your favorite type of ice cream and toppings or cookies. It's pretty much a sweet-toothed person's dream.
There's a bank of booths along the wall directly opposite the counter, and several tables seating from two to four people in the open floor space between, several also against the front window of the shop.
Alli drags Nick to the display counter and demands of her erstwhile companion, "Tell me where the chocolate peanut butter is!" ...She'd tried to keep a straight face, but dissolved into a grin almost immediately.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick allows himself to be pulled, looking around the room. His attention is pulled to the counter when Allison asks which was her favorite flavor. He grins at her enthusiasm, and points to one of the buckets, "That one there."
He waits for Alli to order first, trying to determine how he wanted his rocky road.
Alli seems to know exactly how she wants hers, beaming a smile at the attendant at the counter.
"One scoop of the chocolate peanut butter swirl, on a waffle cone with marshmallows on top!" It's a typically lavish order for the teenager, and the attendant chuckles as he makes the cone and hands it to her. Alli reaches slowly for the napkin-wrapped treat, correcting her reach at the last moment.
Alli then struggles for her wallet one-handed as the attendant asks Nick, "And for you, sir?"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick smiles at Allison's obvious enthusiasm, but his attention is quickly diverted to the attendant. "I'd like a scoop of rocky road on a cone, please."
After he receives his order, Nick bumps her hip with his, gently, speaking quietly to Alli, "If you'll let me, it can be my treat."
Alli blushes and leaves off trying to get her wallet out. She gives Nick a lingering smile.
"Okay," she says softly. "I'll just go and snag us that booth then..."
Allison weaves her way through the tables-- and has to suddenly grip her cone a bit tighter as she clips a chair with her hip. Face flaming but and unable to hide it with her hair, she rights the chair against its table and hurries on to the booth. She tosses her bag on the seat and slides in after it.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick pays the gentleman behind the counter, and turns to go find their seat.
He attempts to walk and lick the ice cream at the same time, but the rocky road proves to be a more worthy foe than he thought. While he is trying to conquer the first lick of the treat, his foot catches on the same chair that Allison had bumped into, and he nearly falls, exclaiming "Hoh shh-" before righting himself. He saves the ice cream, but the chair falls over with a bang of wood on tile, and he freezes, making a very unattractive face. He quietly rights the chair with a reddened face, coughing and mumbling, "I'm fine." If all of this was merely meant to divert attention from Allison's blunder, it was hard to tell, but it was very possible...
He reaches the booth, and quickly slides into it across from Alli. He takes a well-earned lick of the ice cream, and smiles at Alli. "How is it? The ice cream, that is."
Alli whips her head around toward the sound of the racket and stares at Nick as he sits down and asks her about her ice cream. In truth, she'd almost forgotten about it.
Blushing, she hunches over her cone and has a lick. She immediately forgets to question whether Nick had done that tripping on purpose or not, lost in peanut butter and chocolate bliss. She makes an unbridled sound of pleasure that's probably on the edge of embarrassing by way of answer. She takes her time with the next two goes at the cone, nibbling off a marshmallow or two before finally looking curiously back over the table at Nick.
Wiping the chocolate off her lips with the back of her hand she asks, "No bots today? Is everyone charging up?" The thought makes her giggle a bit to herself.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]