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Lets Talk - Power Sets

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Deathwatch101's picture
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Lets Talk - Power Sets

With the update to - It would be nice to have a conversation on what we all are thinking to expect as the quirks to each other these power sets that have been listed thus far.

Atrophic Aura, Super Agility, Invulnerability, Solid Form, Grit

Super Strength, Tactical Combat, Massive Melee, Kinetic Melee, Fighting Prowess

Force Blast, Atrophic Blast, Lethality, Psychic Blast, Vampiric Blast

Preservation, Strategy, Devices, Barrier Generation, Vampiric Emanation

Gravity, Psychic Control, Power Control, Illusions, Force Control

Lothic's picture
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I'd like to see each of these

I'd like to see each of these summarized by the Devs much like the [url=]Masteries[/url] were. Even a single sentence would help to explain each of these so we'd have a better basis to start seriously talking about them. For instance it's hard to tell what the difference between "Atrophic Blast" and "Vampiric Blast" might be just going by those two phrases. I'm not asking for precise numerical details of each power - just general descriptions would be useful at this point.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I'd like to see each of these summarized by the Devs much like the Masteries were. Even a single sentence would help to explain each of these so we'd have a better basis to start seriously talking about them. For instance it's hard to tell what the difference between "Atrophic Blast" and "Vampiric Blast" might be just going by those two phrases. I'm not asking for precise numerical details of each power - just general descriptions would be useful at this point.

We do have an update due out soon...

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
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Lothic's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Lothic wrote:
I'd like to see each of these summarized by the Devs much like the Masteries were. Even a single sentence would help to explain each of these so we'd have a better basis to start seriously talking about them. For instance it's hard to tell what the difference between "Atrophic Blast" and "Vampiric Blast" might be just going by those two phrases. I'm not asking for precise numerical details of each power - just general descriptions would be useful at this point.
We do have an update due out soon...


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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Well, there is an update due

Well, there is an update due and there is additional info for the power sets page. It is all related.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Foradain's picture
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I would be very surprised if

I would be very surprised if Protection: Super Agility does not come very close to Redlynne's famous NoGetHitsu, especially with the appropriate enhancements.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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And I'd be interested in how

And I'd be interested in how Atrophic Aura is a protection powerset and not a melee damage power set.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Shadow Elusive
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You guys caught us laying the

You guys caught us laying the groundwork for the complete website update with all the intended information (complementing and linked to by tomorrow's update). Wait for the update - both the usual one and teh update to the website pages - to discuss you eager beavers.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Safehouse's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

You guys caught us laying the groundwork for the complete website update with all the intended information (complementing and linked to by tomorrow's update). Wait for the update - both the usual one and teh update to the website pages - to discuss you eager beavers.

We want it NAO! We're all just so excited!

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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So because i want to im gonna

So because i want to im gonna say what i think are the quirks to a few of the below and HOW i think they could be.

Atrophic Aura - A set type rather than strengthening yourself weakens those around you
Super Agility - The dodge set makes you harder to hit but doesn't provide DR
Invulnerability - Focuses on increasing DR and Resistances
Solid Form - While also Increasing your DR and Resistances, it could focus on giving additional utility such as debuff's or damage
Grit - The regeneration focused element, griting your teeth and baring it ?

Super Strength - High Damage focus, fewer debuff/effect options ?
Tactical Combat - Debuff and Bleed type focused melee options
Massive Melee - Focused on Knockdowns and High Damage ?
Kinetic Melee - Focuses on Knockbacks and stuns ?
Fighting Prowess - This one has me confused but maybe it focuses on more taunts or the highest threat creating set ?

Force Blast - Due to the idea of Force, maybe it has more knockbacks in its listing ?
Atrophic Blast - Atrophic is decay and wasting, I believe this set is going to be the debuff ranged attack set
Lethality - I believe this option is going to be DPS heavy set avaliable, maybe bleeds etc.
Psychic Blast - The Ranged set for breaking through DR ? More stuns ?
Vampiric Blast - I believe it will have some sort of Necrotic function (maybe the life steal element of the ranged options ?)

Preservation - Primary Healing set, healing and DR focus ?
Strategy - Primary You support type, AoE's around you to strengthen your allies and weaken your enemies
Devices - The set that is focused on Crowd Control and emergency buffing/healing ?
Barrier Generation - Possibly a set about putting a secondary health pool or increasing resistances of yourself/others ?
Vampiric Emanation - Possibly a support set focused around making those around you harder to hit etc (Vampires mythos becoming mist etc)

Gravity - This set is focused with lots of slows, restrains and knockX
Psychic Control - This set focuses most of making enemies attack each other
Power Control - Going for a long shot here, I think this set focuses on AoE or jumping stuns (Power being focused towards Thunder/Electricity)
Illusions - Lots of holds or confuse type abilities to weaken foes
Force Control - AoE knock backs and knock down focus ?

Lothic's picture
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Deathwatch101 wrote:
Deathwatch101 wrote:

So because i want to im gonna say what i think are the quirks to a few of the below and HOW i think they could be.
Atrophic Aura - A set type rather than strengthening yourself weakens those around you
Super Agility - The dodge set makes you harder to hit but doesn't provide DR
Invulnerability - Focuses on increasing DR and Resistances
Solid Form - While also Increasing your DR and Resistances, it could focus on giving additional utility such as debuff's or damage
Grit - The regeneration focused element, griting your teeth and baring it ?
Super Strength - High Damage focus, fewer debuff/effect options ?
Tactical Combat - Debuff and Bleed type focused melee options
Massive Melee - Focused on Knockdowns and High Damage ?
Kinetic Melee - Focuses on Knockbacks and stuns ?
Fighting Prowess - This one has me confused but maybe it focuses on more taunts or the highest threat creating set ?
Force Blast - Due to the idea of Force, maybe it has more knockbacks in its listing ?
Atrophic Blast - Atrophic is decay and wasting, I believe this set is going to be the debuff ranged attack set
Lethality - I believe this option is going to be DPS heavy set avaliable, maybe bleeds etc.
Psychic Blast - The Ranged set for breaking through DR ? More stuns ?
Vampiric Blast - I believe it will have some sort of Necrotic function (maybe the life steal element of the ranged options ?)
Preservation - Primary Healing set, healing and DR focus ?
Strategy - Primary You support type, AoE's around you to strengthen your allies and weaken your enemies
Devices - The set that is focused on Crowd Control and emergency buffing/healing ?
Barrier Generation - Possibly a set about putting a secondary health pool or increasing resistances of yourself/others ?
Vampiric Emanation - Possibly a support set focused around making those around you harder to hit etc (Vampires mythos becoming mist etc)
Gravity - This set is focused with lots of slows, restrains and knockX
Psychic Control - This set focuses most of making enemies attack each other
Power Control - Going for a long shot here, I think this set focuses on AoE or jumping stuns (Power being focused towards Thunder/Electricity)
Illusions - Lots of holds or confuse type abilities to weaken foes
Force Control - AoE knock backs and knock down focus ?

Thanks for taking a stab at describing these powersets. To be perfectly honest when I asked for more info I wasn't absolutely clueless about many of them (for instance I assumed the "Grit" protection set is probably going to be this game's version of CoH's Willpower) but hopefully the Devs will soon be able to fill-in many of your "question marks" with as much detail as they possibly can.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cyclops's picture
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OK, here is my take on power

OK, here is my take on power names: Atrophic Aura and Atrophic Blast
I think these are the new name for the energy aura and energy blast (formerly referred to as "Burning"). I think Burning was to confusing and limiting in people's minds (to just fire), so the name was changed to a more generic one for all the energy types.


Amerikatt's picture
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*waits patiently*

*waits patiently*


*silently stalks her prey*

*pounces on select Devs*

*pat-pats their computer screens*

*flops over*

*takes a snooze*

*dreams of Mr. Boots!*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

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Ever time I try to imagine

Ever time I try to imagine Fighting Prowess, I see it as related more to Martial Arts. A la Jet Li or Bruce Lee. Blinding fast attacks and blocks, always moving in and out of immediate melee retaliation.

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Melee sets are touch and it's

Melee sets are touch and it's kinda hard to guess with such similar names.

From what I remember from other posts Super Strength would be more of a brawling-style combat in that you just throw punches while Tactical Combat would more of a martial arts-style due to, for a lack of a better term, "stringing" attacks into chains. Of course this doesn't limit either one into brawling or MA aesthetics respectively.
If we look more towards the secondary effects on each set then I think DeathWatch is fairly close, SS being mostly straight up damage and TC being heavy on status effects.

Maybe Massive Melee would be something similar to CoH's [url=]Titan Weapons[/url] but instead of gaining a buff from some attacks one has to use Momentum, a.k.a a powerset that heavily relies on the usage of Momentum.

No idea where Fighting Prowess would fall into all this.

Cyclops's picture
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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Melee sets are touch and it's kinda hard to guess with such similar names.

Maybe Massive Melee would be something similar to CoH's Titan Weapons but instead of gaining a buff from some attacks one has to use Momentum, a.k.a a powerset that heavily relies on the usage of Momentum.

that's how I took it as well


notears's picture
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I remember at one point that

I remember at one point that there was a power called brawn, where the one of the devs said that is was based on combos, and that I suggested it be renamed tactical combat. Wonder if it's still the same...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I remember at one point that there was a power called brawn, where the one of the devs said that is was based on combos, and that I suggested it be renamed tactical combat. Wonder if it's still the same...

Based on combos, so kind of like street justice and, I think, broadsword or something like that?

I wasn't a huge fan of brawn as a name because I couldn't glean much of anything from it to differentiate it from strength. Tactical combat seems a better name for it, but I'm actually inclined to think fighting prowess is the new name for it imo

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

OK, here is my take on power names: Atrophic Aura and Atrophic Blast
I think these are the new name for the energy aura and energy blast (formerly referred to as "Burning"). I think Burning was to confusing and limiting in people's minds (to just fire), so the name was changed to a more generic one for all the energy types.

See my interpretation was that they are the renamed "kinetic" sets. Atrophic means "wasting away" or "weakening". Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't kinetics in CoX all about weakening opponents? Debuffing, etc etc? I never used kinetic stuff other than melee so my understanding might be skewed.

Although, if atrophy is the new kinetic, then that leaves vampiric as the big question mark.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

OK, here is my take on power names: Atrophic Aura and Atrophic Blast
I think these are the new name for the energy aura and energy blast (formerly referred to as "Burning"). I think Burning was to confusing and limiting in people's minds (to just fire), so the name was changed to a more generic one for all the energy types.

See my interpretation was that they are the renamed "kinetic" sets. Atrophic means "wasting away" or "weakening". Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't kinetics in CoX all about weakening opponents? Debuffing, etc etc? I never used kinetic stuff other than melee so my understanding might be skewed.

Although, if atrophy is the new kinetic, then that leaves vampiric as the big question mark.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Lothic's picture
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Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

Although, if atrophy is the new kinetic, then that leaves vampiric as the big question mark.

That was kind of my point from my first post on this thread. The terms "atrophic" and "vampiric" both imply a sort of damage via weakening/draining of bodily strength. Perhaps the subtle difference will be that "atrophic" is just a straightforward debuffing of an opponent whereas "vampiric" will imply an energy transfer where the victim is drained while also strengthening the attacker. All-in-all these concepts still seem very similar without further explanation.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

I would be very surprised if Protection: Super Agility does not come very close to Redlynne's famous NoGetHitsu, especially with the appropriate enhancements.

I'm really excited for NoGetHitsu. I never used reflexes in CoX, although I'm told it was pretty cool.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Safehouse wrote:
Although, if atrophy is the new kinetic, then that leaves vampiric as the big question mark.
That was kind of my point from my first post on this thread. The terms "atrophic" and "vampiric" both imply a sort of damage via weakening/draining of bodily strength. Perhaps the subtle difference will be that "atrophic" is just a straightforward debuffing of an opponent whereas "vampiric" will imply an energy transfer where the victim is drained while also strengthening the attacker. All-in-all these concepts still seem very similar without further explanation.

I agree, and I'm eagerly awaiting the update that gets into the meat and potatoes of these power sets. Speculation is fun, but I want to know for sure!

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Redlynne's picture
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Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

I'm really excited for NoGetHitsu. I never used reflexes in CoX, although I'm told it was pretty cool.

[b]NoGetHitsu!![/b] was really awesome to play ... except when it wasn't. You were totally at the mercy of RNGesus because everything was All Or Nothing in terms of damage taken, and all it took was a "snake eyes" double hit to make you faceplant in no time flat, with no warning. Against "trash" Minions, Lieutenants, Bosses and even some Elite Bosses, it was quite workable and viable, so long as you had a way to heal back what damage did leak through your protection scheme (so Aid Self was a MUST HAVE for longevity in combat) ... but against AVs and GMs it was a bit like trying to fight in your underwear when drunk. They tended to have +To Hit which because of how the maths of the game mechanics added up made you incredibly vulnerable relative to everything else, meaning that the odds of NOT taking damage dropped precipitously fast. Add in the fact that AVs and GMs would easily hit you for more than 50% of your Max Health per hit, and all they needed to do was "get lucky" enough to land a 1-2 combo on you and that was it for you.

This was the reason why Redlynne could hold the aggro of 5 Elite Boss Rikti Magus on herself for a sustained amount of time, in true "pocket tank" fashion ... but couldn't hold aggro from an Archvillain or a Giant Monster for very long before rolling 1+1 on 2d6 and going down for the count. There were also TONS of Defense Debuff effects handed out like candy here there and everywhere (over 50 Powers in the game had Defense Debuff effects on them, compared to about a dozen Regeneration Debuffs and almost NO Resistance Debuffs anywhere worth mentioning). And then there were the Devouring Earth Quartz Pets that would spawn, which gave all DE within aura radius a +100 To Hit modifier, that basically [b][i]invalidated[/i][/b] my entire Secondary powerset and survival scheme simply by EXISTING. That wasn't cool.

So in my mind, [b]NoGetHitsu!![/b] via Super Reflexes turn your hero into more of a "trash compactor" than into a Big Bad Stopper. The powerset (in City of Heroes) had too many "holes" in it and too much "kryptonite" lying around within easy reach (starting with Accuracy Inspirations) to be truly overwhelming. It really was a "luck of the draw" kind of powerset, where you were either Awesome or you were Pathetic ... and there really wasn't any middle ground between the two. It was a bit like being a Formula 1 driver in that respect. So long as everything is going great, you're untouchable and awesome. As soon as something goes wrong, that's it, you're out of the race, particularly if things go SERIOUSLY wrong in a hurry. So it was a really specialized way to play the game that was just obscenely sensitive to peturbations in the balance of the odds that you needed to be maximally stacked in your favor in order to even play on par with everyone else.

But yeah, if there's a [b]NoGetHitsu!![/b] powerset in City of Titans, I'm going to be playing it.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Deathwatch101 wrote:
Deathwatch101 wrote:

Gravity - This set is focused with lots of slows, restrains and knockX
Psychic Control - This set focuses most of making enemies attack each other
Power Control - Going for a long shot here, I think this set focuses on AoE or jumping stuns (Power being focused towards Thunder/Electricity)
Illusions - Lots of holds or confuse type abilities to weaken foes
Force Control - AoE knock backs and knock down focus ?

I always enjoyed the Fire Control powerset from CoH. I made several characters using that as the primary powerset. We've known for a while that CoT will not launch with a powerset that's 100% identical to that and we've also known that the very concept of "fire" related to -any- powerset is likely going to be handled more as an aesthetic choice rather than something hardwired into the powers themselves. So my fundamental question is going to be this: Which of the CoT control-oriented powersets is going to be the [b][i]closest equivalent[/i][/b] to to CoH's Fire Control from a "how the powers function" point of view?

With the aesthetic choice options I understand it's probably going to possible to get any of the CoT control-type powersets to [b]look[/b] fiery so I'm not really worried about that aspect of it. What I'm mainly curious about is which of the CoT control-type powersets is going to [b]function[/b] closest to CoH's Fire Control powerset. What made Fire Control unique among the other CoH control powersets was that it traded off some pure Mez capability for improved damage output. Basically Fire Control was one of the weaker sets in terms of raw Mez potential but it made up for that by being one of the strongest DPS outputing control sets in the game. So the key question is which CoT control powerset is going to be the one with the highest DPS output? Maybe the vaguely named "Power Control" will involve Mezzing opponents via "direct energy zappage" against them (like fire would be) as opposed to something involving gravity or mental manipulations. I guess we'll see.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

TitansCity's picture
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That was our analysis when

That was our analysis when the power sets were annouced in an old previous news : [url=]The analysis of class powers by[/url]
Maybe we were wrong but it would be could to hear your thougts about this and feed the debate but what is important in this anounce is "for each Basic Playstyle, one Focused Style will have two options." and those 2 options make me happy :)

[h4]Protection, for Stalwarts classes:[/h4]

The "Protection" Power Set will definitely be dedicated to the Stalwarts , the tanks par excellence of City of Titans. For its release, City of Titans confirms that these protectors will be entitled to 5 Sets of Primary Powers. The titles, on the other hand, remain provisional. They will probably remind some of you of some of City of Heroes' classes at the time, like the "Burn" set that plunges us back into the flames of the fire tank hell.

[list][*] The Burn will be a set of powers based on the DoTs (Editor's note: Damage over time). Fire, acid, thorns, electric, razors, stings, insects, etc ...
[*] The Agility will be a set without any doubt based on the evasion of the characters. Either one avoids the blow, or one takes oneself of the slaps. But everything suggests, with the tertiary powers, that a little robustness will cushion the blows. This set is therefore ideal to create a tank of Ninja, Monk, Dervish, Kung Fu type, or even a tank based on viscous jelly thanks to the personalization of the powers ????
[*]The Invulnerability is not without letting think of the class of the same name in City of Heroes. Based on the resistance of the character, this set will surely indicated for the most masochistic among you ^ ^ We take slaps, but we easily cash them. Long live Hulk!
[*]Density / Physical alteration of the body (Solid Form on the official forums) will undoubtedly be the set oriented towards what concerns the protection "third" like the tanks Stone, iron, armor, diamond, force field, ice or what do I know about the customization that awaits us ????
[*]The Tenacity would be, a priori, the set based on the "will" of the character, its pugnacity (which will recall memories to certain tanks of City of Heroes ^ ^) and thus the tanks that it will be difficult to control it is through fear, dizziness, entanglement ...
[h4]Melee, for the Enforcers (and Commanders?)[/h4]

The Melee powers will be the prerogative of the Enforcers . Melee fighters from City of Titans. You like to baffle your enemies or cut them with sword. This is the class you will need!
[*] The Super Force will be the power set of choice for those who like to castagner hard with fists, feet, head etc. We will have to deal here with the DPS CàC class without arms, such as Miss Hulk or Malicia (Snape).
[*]The Burn will be the set of those who like damage over time. An attacker at the CàC who exhales poison or sweats venom will find his place here! One could even imagine a fighter inflamed, a wrestler in frozen hands, etc ...
[*]The Force may well be the set dedicated to attacking weapons. Stronger than average, even endowed with superhuman strength but not as much as the Super Force. So we could have here an electric battle fighter, a policeman with a lead tonfa, a knight in the mass ... or the little sister of Harley Queen with a bloody bat ^^
[*]The Dark is clearer in terms of analysis with this confirmation on the forums. This set, whose name will surely change before the release of the game, will be based on debuffs and fear effects (ie types of immobilization and / or confusion are expected).
[*]The Kinetic also poses us some difficulties as to what it will contain. This class will certainly be a surprise!
[h4]AT distance , for Ranger classes (and Commanders?)[/h4]

This Set of Primary Powers will be inherent to the Rangers' classes, of course. Whether it is archery, pistol, mental, psychic or sonic, it is this way that you will have to borrow as soon as you strike from a distance.
[*]The Force will no doubt be well suited to remote SPDs with power powers. The energy blasters of CoH will thus be able to rise from their ashes with this set of power! But you can create your Tornado, your Cyclops, Havok or your Captain Marvel!
[*]The Burn will be the ideal set for those who would like to vomit lava or blowing fire or acid. Ninjas invoking gusts of sand or clouds of carnivorous insects should find what they need with this set of power.
[*]The Kinetic remains an enigma for our power of premonition. We are still thinking about what this power set can contain in terms of attack. As for defense, slowdowns, force removals should be part of the game.
[*]The Psychic will certainly use the strength of his mind to launch peaks of mental energy, telekinesic spurts. If there are Psylocke fans in the room, you've found your way!
[*]The Dark will call the dark forces as the name suggests. Tentacles and black energy ball will be part of the themes of power ... All featuring effects directed towards debuffs, fear and fear.
[h4]Support for the Guardians (and Commanders?)[/h4]

The Guardian classes will have the choice in the support power sets. Heals, buffers and debuffers, the Swiss knives will choose this specially adapted way.
[*] Warm-up (Heat generation) will most likely be the healer's set. Under this name, the concepts of regeneration and care are concealed. The name is not entirely appropriate, but know that the heals will master a priori this class. The druids advocating life, the crazy scientist who plays with the fluids of energy, the atomic manipulator who repairs the cells of his teammates will choose this set.
[*]Sonic will be a priori a set of power that will include buffs and debuffs if one sticks to the spirit of sonic powers of the City of Heroes. The themes here are hardly imaginable given that the name of this line of power is in itself a theme. One more surprise awaits us but you can already turn to the mermaids, the bat men or why a hard-rock bard ????
[*]Equipment / Gadget is self explanatory ^^ All sorts of possibilities in the powers are offered with this set. Entanglement grenades, care packs, net throwers, etc. If you needed an example, consider Inspector gadget ????
[*]Fields of Strength will talk to the old players but in this set you can probably have fun with characters creating force fields, shields, layers of ice, vegetal envelopes and all other protections and regenerations in all forms but mostly according to themes.
[*]Kinetics will probably be turned towards buffs and debuffs. Historically, kinetics absorbed the capabilities of an enemy to attribute them to the player. One can imagine that sorcerers cursing their enemies, crazy inventors and other energetic could do just as much!
[h4]Control, for the classes of Operators (and Commanders?)[/h4]

The control obviously will be the class of preference of the Operators , strategists of the management of the battlefield. Immobilization, obstruction, stunning will be the master cards of this set of primary powers.
[*]Gravity is, for the blow, a class that will most certainly change name. Levitation control of a wizard, throwing an object out of another dimension, immobilizing it in a water cage or a mini tornado, or crushing the ground or planting prison are just as much possibilities that this line of power could offer.
[*]Esprit will be able to think of it as controlling and debuffing by debilitation, stunning or illusions to diminish the precision of your enemies. Not to forget the sacred-holy confusion in the enemy ranks. With the personalization of the characters, the heads can swell!
[*]Cold , as the name suggests, will undoubtedly call for animations in relation to the elements like stone prisons, ice sheets, ivy coffins or even circles of fire. For ecologists and druidisers!
[*]Force . For the moment, our 6th sense breaks down. The force in the sense that MWM understands it is surely related to energy. Close to gravity, this power set will be a surprise or will be based on strengthening heroes.

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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

That was our analysis when the power sets were annouced in an old previous news.

Yes these are the kinds of summaries we need here for the powersets. All we need now is for these to be reworked/edited to fit with the latest names/terms being used.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Deathwatch101 wrote:
Gravity - This set is focused with lots of slows, restrains and knockX
Psychic Control - This set focuses most of making enemies attack each other
Power Control - Going for a long shot here, I think this set focuses on AoE or jumping stuns (Power being focused towards Thunder/Electricity)
Illusions - Lots of holds or confuse type abilities to weaken foes
Force Control - AoE knock backs and knock down focus ?
I always enjoyed the Fire Control powerset from CoH. I made several characters using that as the primary powerset. We've known for a while that CoT will not launch with a powerset that's 100% identical to that and we've also known that the very concept of "fire" related to -any- powerset is likely going to be handled more as an aesthetic choice rather than something hardwired into the powers themselves. So my fundamental question is going to be this: Which of the CoT control-oriented powersets is going to be the closest equivalent to to CoH's Fire Control from a "how the powers function" point of view?
With the aesthetic choice options I understand it's probably going to possible to get any of the CoT control-type powersets to look fiery so I'm not really worried about that aspect of it. What I'm mainly curious about is which of the CoT control-type powersets is going to function closest to CoH's Fire Control powerset. What made Fire Control unique among the other CoH control powersets was that it traded off some pure Mez capability for improved damage output. Basically Fire Control was one of the weaker sets in terms of raw Mez potential but it made up for that by being one of the strongest DPS outputing control sets in the game. So the key question is which CoT control powerset is going to be the one with the highest DPS output? Maybe the vaguely named "Power Control" will involve Mezzing opponents via "direct energy zappage" against them (like fire would be) as opposed to something involving gravity or mental manipulations. I guess we'll see.

I always thought of Fire Control as the "jack of all trades, master of none" control set. It did a small bit of everything (holds, -acc, immobs, knock back, DOT, pet), without actually going too far in one directorion or another...


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

TitansCity wrote:
That was our analysis when the power sets were annouced in an old previous news.
Yes these are the kinds of summaries we need here for the powersets. All we need now is for these to be reworked/edited to fit with the latest names/terms being used.

i'll probably do it on saturday or sunday :) (not enougth time and i don't want to do it fast and made mistakes)

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

TitansCity wrote:
That was our analysis when the power sets were annouced in an old previous news.
Yes these are the kinds of summaries we need here for the powersets. All we need now is for these to be reworked/edited to fit with the latest names/terms being used.

This additonal info will be available along with the update.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

I always thought of Fire Control as the "jack of all trades, master of none" control set. It did a small bit of everything (holds, -acc, immobs, knock back, DOT, pet), without actually going too far in one directorion or another...

Yeah it was a "jack of all trades" because it wasn't hyper-focused on having the longest lasting or strongest Mezzes in the game. It did a little bit of everything but mostly it traded some of its overall Mezzing potential for increased DPS capability.

Obviously the powers of the Fire Control powerset did not pump out damage at the level of an average Blaster powerset. But when compared to just the other Controller powerset powers (especially with the Imps) the Fire Control powerset provided superior DPS output. In fact Fire Control was nerfed at least 4 or 5 times mainly just to tone down its original damage output - the launch version of Fire Imps was in fact stupidly overpowered if you knew how to use it correctly. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Lothic wrote:
TitansCity wrote:
That was our analysis when the power sets were annouced in an old previous news.
Yes these are the kinds of summaries we need here for the powersets. All we need now is for these to be reworked/edited to fit with the latest names/terms being used.
This additonal info will be available along with the update.

I stay in alert :D

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Just for fun, imho:

Just for fun, imho:

[B]Super Strength[/B] - Slow but High Damage + some Stun
[B]Massive Melee[/B] - Imho this one may be focused on AOE attacks (perfect for elemental melee attacks which create explosions with each hit, the melee with largest area)
[B]Kinetic Melee[/B] - Focuses on Knockbacks (perfect for kinetic but also for cosmic punching etc., like the energy melee)

One of these two must be related to martial arts, specifically hand to hand combat, while the other may be related to being skilled in using a specific kind of melee weapon (Katana, hammer, daggers, elemental swords etc.):
[B]Tactical Combat[/B]
[B]Fighting Prowess[/B]

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ThunderCAP wrote:
ThunderCAP wrote:

Just for fun, imho:
MELEESuper Strength - Slow but High Damage + some StunMassive Melee - Imho this one may be focused on AOE attacks (perfect for elemental melee attacks which create explosions with each hit, the melee with largest area)Kinetic Melee - Focuses on Knockbacks (perfect for kinetic but also for cosmic punching etc., like the energy melee)
One of these two must be related to martial arts, specifically hand to hand combat, while the other may be related to being skilled in using a specific kind of melee weapon (Katana, hammer, daggers, elemental swords etc.):Tactical CombatFighting Prowess

Any set can use "martial arts" or hand held weapons.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Any set can use "martial arts" or hand held weapons.

That makes the creation of Thor or Spiderman much easier. Since the first is a combination of Super Strength with the constant usage of an hammer and the second is a combination of Super Strength with agile fighting similar to martial arts.

I would have expected to change "effects" and slightly the animations (like slow or fast styles), but a change from normal punching to martial arts for each set I didn't expect, it's great.

doctor tyche
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Now, you might want to check

Now, you might want to check that link again

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Sweet TYCHE!

Sweet TYCHE!

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Strategy and Lethality seem

Strategy and Lethality seem the way for my soldier character :)

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Oooh and will we be seeing

Oooh and will we be seeing some stuff about summon's some time soon as its mentioned in how it works (sorry for multipost)

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Deathwatch101 wrote:
Deathwatch101 wrote:

Oooh and will we be seeing some stuff about summon's some time soon as its mentioned in how it works (sorry for multipost)

Not soon. In the future - post launch.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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Thank you for the update.

Thank you for the update. That is truly welcome and insightful. I have a zillion questions and I will post them when and where appropriate.

But first: I notice you've listed several different types of damage:

  • Physical
  • Energy
  • Exotic
With atrophic being the only power set that does energy type damage so far from the two descriptions listed for each.

And resistances come in the same types:

  • Physical
  • Energy
  • Exotic

I suppose we will all call them P, E and X from now on.

Defenses come also in several flavors:

  • vs. Melee
  • vs. Ranged
  • vs. Control
  • vs. Area
  • vs. Evasion Debuffs

Did I miss one in any category?

Also I noticed that protective barrier (support power, barrier set) puts barriers around your own group members that are within range of your target. Does this mean it can target friends, enemies or either?

Within the description of the "Snare" power (support power, devices set), you call the ability "Shackle." But there is already a "Shackle" ability under the Force Control set.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

Thank you for the update. That is truly welcome and insightful. I have a zillion questions and I will post them when and where appropriate.
But first: I notice you've listed several different types of damage:PhysicalEnergyExoticWith atrophic being the only power set that does energy type damage so far from the two descriptions listed for each.
And resistances come in the same types:PhysicalEnergyExoticI suppose we will all call them P, E and X from now on.
Defenses come also in several flavors:vs. Meleevs. Rangedvs. Controlvs. Areavs. Evasion DebuffsDid I miss one in any category?
Also I noticed that protective barrier (support power, barrier set) puts barriers around your own group members that are within range of your target. Does this mean it can target friends, enemies or either?
Within the description of the "Snare" power (support power, devices set), you call the ability "Shackle." But there is already a "Shackle" ability under the Force Control set.

You have the protections right, except you missed Subtraction which is typed to damage.

Resistance is types to effects. The distinction is intentional.

Evasion is by style (melee, ranged)

And healing or regeneration.

The descrition on snare is a typo.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Gangrel wrote:
I always thought of Fire Control as the "jack of all trades, master of none" control set. It did a small bit of everything (holds, -acc, immobs, knock back, DOT, pet), without actually going too far in one directorion or another...
Yeah it was a "jack of all trades" because it wasn't hyper-focused on having the longest lasting or strongest Mezzes in the game. It did a little bit of everything but mostly it traded some of its overall Mezzing potential for increased DPS capability.
Obviously the powers of the Fire Control powerset did not pump out damage at the level of an average Blaster powerset. But when compared to just the other Controller powerset powers (especially with the Imps) the Fire Control powerset provided superior DPS output. In fact Fire Control was nerfed at least 4 or 5 times mainly just to tone down its original damage output - the launch version of Fire Imps was in fact stupidly overpowered if you knew how to use it correctly. ;)

Oh god yes, I remember spending half my time keeping 3 (sometimes even 4) sets of imps out at the same thime. I managed a full 3 groups of 5 imps a few times.

To be honest though, limiting the number of imps out, whilst a "DPS nerf" actually gave me more uptime for other stuff. It also meant that I wasn't recasting them every time I got out of an elevator or entered a map.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Lothic's picture
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:
Lothic wrote:

In fact Fire Control was nerfed at least 4 or 5 times mainly just to tone down its original damage output - the launch version of Fire Imps was in fact stupidly overpowered if you knew how to use it correctly. ;)

Oh god yes, I remember spending half my time keeping 3 (sometimes even 4) sets of imps out at the same thime. I managed a full 3 groups of 5 imps a few times.

To be honest though, limiting the number of imps out, whilst a "DPS nerf" actually gave me more uptime for other stuff. It also meant that I wasn't recasting them every time I got out of an elevator or entered a map.

Yes even though the original multi-castable Fire Imps were silly-overpowered it was actually a pain to keep them all jumping around long enough to be useful. It was like those guys in a circus show who spin plates on the tops of poles - sure it looked nice but it pretty much took most of your attention to keep it going.

So the Fire Imp nerfing was not a fun thing to live through, but once it was done it actually made playing a Fire Controller a whole lot easier and more fun in the long run.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I can't wait to play through

I can't wait to play through some of those tuning issues. Come to think of it, I wonder if we should organize for the beta to make sure every class and powerset gets played through.


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Hero_Zero wrote:
Hero_Zero wrote:

I can't wait to play through some of those tuning issues. Come to think of it, I wonder if we should organize for the beta to make sure every class and powerset gets played through.

I think this is a great point. I know I'm going to be tempted to play my planned main while in beta, but doing just that will keep me from doing what I'm there to do: test the systems, make sure that they function properly, and really check and see how the whole kit and kaboodle works.

Gotta remember it's beta, not early access!

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.