I need to get the phone number to billing department or customer service
I am not sure what date are my best guess is any where from December 2012 to when ever City of Titan kick starter ended in 2013
I used a gmail account. that was a stupid
A) too many user names and I cannot remember what was what
B)all gmail accounts got heck in to. what ever the phone numbers was changed.
when City of Titans if and when the launch dose happen I am no way able to download it. some one else will get it
I called Amazon about this. never do payment on Amazon and paypal. there is forever going to be I.D theft and finance lost. worst of all. the information to get a refund was void
I have to call some one to find my payment and send me a check of the refund
I do not want some one else playing the game I paid for.
I need this issue solved like stat
some one stolen all my gmail accounts
amazon dose not resolve this issue
Hey man,
I think Warcabbit had your situation sorted out. If you missed it, a number of Missing Worlds Media representatives commented in [url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/kickstarer-customer-service-bad]your thread that you posted a few months ago[/url].
If they (the Devs/team) have identified who you are, then the fact that you no longer have access to your Kickstarter account may be irrelevant. I recommend sending a private message to Warcabbit to confirm that you, and no one else, will receive whatever level of Kickstarter rewards you purchased as they become available.
[size=15][b][i]A cold front is heading toward Titan City[/i][/b][/size]
Ice Man of [url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/phoenix-rising-initiative-0]The Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url]