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Iron Siege ((Open RP))

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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Iron Siege ((Open RP))

(( This is it Ladies and Gentlemen, the Iron Huntress reveals herself! This is an OPEN RP Guys, any character is welcome to respond and help repel this murderess back to the depths of the Galexy! Post Away! :) ))

Night blanketed the sky of Titan City as light's glittered across the metropolis, it's vibrant existence apparent as civilians, heroes, and villains alike continued their affairs under the full moon's soft light. All seemed peaceful and undisturbed, as curiously, what appears to be a lone comet streaks across the sky....before suddenly rocketing through and entering the Earth's atmosphere with a immense sonic boom, sailing into a busy intersection within Downtown with the impact of fifteen Howitzer shells, leaving desecrated shops and charred husk of vehicles in it's wake.

First responders raced to the scene, with the police erecting a secure perimeter around what appeared to be a ejected, metallic landing pod, which suddenly hissed open, steam emitted as it unveils it's cargo like a blooming rosebud. Hidden beneath the mist would be the opaque figure of a towering woman, whose features soon became apparent as the swirling fog dissipated.

First, smoldering golden eyes became visible, accompanied next by a mane of jet black hair, and scarlet hued skin complimenting a flawless face. The figure would be cloaked head to toe in form fitting, sterling silver armor, adorned by melee weapons galore, all distinctly human, but with flame hued tips, and the faint impressions of spattered blood.

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots would pierce the air as frightened officers begin to open fire on the warrior...a fatal mistake. The figure would be an impossibly fast streak of silver and crimson as she darts and weaves between a contingent of policemen, allowing their lacerated corpses to hit the pavement as she lowers a pair of dual axes.

Screams echo across the area as countless citizens begin to flee for their lives, trampling over each other as they retreat from the carnage, desperate to escape. Paying no heed, the creature would turn to watch as the sheep scramble for safety, she then would turn to the skies above as multiple news copters broadcast the entire event, unprepared for the message that she bellows with a voice that echoes across the entire district...

"Bring to me the heroine known as Lady Nova, or one citizen life will atone for each minute she does not display herself, I will allow five for her to arrive!"

~Lady Nova~

Bolting awake as the message plays across the Channel 33 news program, Sarah Holt swiftly leaves the soft covers of the bed that she and Sam share, as she transforms to Lady Nova with a flash of light. Turning back to his presumably awake form amidst the silken sheets, she would turn back to the windows of the bedroom before speaking...

"Don't even think about trying to stop me Sam"


Xselcier's picture
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The red, white, and blue

The red, white, and blue figure thundered across the rooftops, her strong legs allowing her to cover immense distances by leaping from building to building. She reached the intersection where the Iron Huntress was, just in time to see her begin making her announcement.

With one final leap, she landed next to the pod the Iron Huntress had emerged from. She grabbed the pod by it's nose, the tendons on the back of her hands flexing like steel strands as her fingers sunk into the metal and found purchase. She hefted the pod and strode boldly up behind Iron Huntress as she monologued.

Since the news choppers had already arrived, the heroine was revealed in their spotlights. Standing 6'6, she was wearing red high-heeled boots with a white star on their sides. Her long, muscular legs were uncovered up to where her uniform began with a blue boy-short unitard with short sleeves and a high collar. Her powerful arms were bare down to a pair of white finger-gloves. Her face was concealed by a red mask that covered from her cheekbones to her hairline, leaving a short crop of brunette hair visible. On her chest was a red and white stylized Liberty Bell.

Liberty Girl waited for her to finish, then hauled back on the pod. "Sorry, Lady Nova's..." She swung the pod. "...BUSY!" The pod impacted with a resounding WHANG!!! and sent Iron Huntress flying. Liberty Girl leapt after her and overtook her, swinging the pod down like she was chopping wood. The blow redirected the Iron Huntress's flight path downwards, hammering her into the asphalt.

Liberty Girl landed so that she was between where the Iron Huntress lay and the police cordon. "Get the citizens and your dead out of here, officers. I'll hold her." Liberty Girl stated calmly as she looked over her shoulder. Then she turned back to Iron Huntress.

"I'll die before you lay a hand on another resident of this city."

[b]Meanwhile, at Lady Nova's apartment...[/b]

As Lady Nova looked at the bed and then back towards the windows, Sam a.k.a. Whipcrack juked around her other side and zipped out the open door. "Stop you? Where's the fun in that?" he yelled as he fired a strand from his palm and leaped off the balcony railing, his dull amber psychokinetic armor enshrouding his form as he swung down the street.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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So hungry.... always hungry.

So hungry.... always hungry. Why wouldn't it let her eat?

Mihaela knew why.. it was one of the ways The Red controlled her. Keep her insane, keep her starving, take over when it suited it.

The smell was intoxicating. Fresh blood, and so much of it. Mihaela had kept The Red from this city for two months, mostly out of spite, but every week she had grown weaker with hunger. Every week The Red had driven her closer to the city and out of the timeless wood.

Mihaela followed the smell of fresh blood. She looked up as two meta's engaged in combat. The girl crouched and waited. The ravenous hunger gnawing at her. The Red in her bloodstream coming alive with anticipation. It would make sure she was fed, it wanted the energy as well. "Which poppet, which poppet will I devour? Sooo hungry!"

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Ripping what's left of the

Ripping what's left of the pod out of Liberty Girl's hand and crumpling it like a aluminum can, she would bellow at the girl before her...

"Then it looks like we're in agreement, harridan!"

With that, the warrior would begin to besiege the patriotic maiden under a series of punishing blows from her falmetipped axes, before flash of light interrupts the pair.

*Lady Nova*

Lady Nova would stand before the two women, and seeing the Huntress recover first and prepare to strike, she would not hesitate to backhand the murderess down the street, unprepared for the woman to leap back into the fray midattack, knocking her through a public bus with a haymaker, as she rests a javelin against her prone back...

"Good, I didn't even have to wait before you arrived...just hold still, all I have to do is rip the cosmic heart from your body, just hold still!"

With that, she would raise her javelin, preparing to stab downward into Lady Nova...


Kartanian's picture
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A lithe catlike humanoid

A lithe catlike humanoid leaped silently to the pavement a dozen meters from the Huntress and Nova, looking for an opportunity to distract the villain. Invisible to normal senses and electronic detection, he was protected by light but tough black and gray tiger-striped armor. A dark gray headband lent contrast to his ginger tabby fur. The darksteel ninja sword in his hand reflected no light, better to avoid detection.

Kartanian considered for the briefest of moments. ~The lady or the weapon?~ he asked himself.

Seeing the Iron Huntress prepare her strike, the part of his mind that was shared by an alien entity, AlphaTango, responded, ~The weapon. You can't be sure we'll even scratch the lady. Liberty Girl and Nova didn't do much to her.~

~Got it,~ The tabaxi rogue replied in agreement. As quick as thought, he sprang forward and struck with his sword as he rolled past the Iron Huntress, seeking to knock the javelin away from her grasp, or at least to hack off its needle-sharp tip. He hoped that giving up the invisibility and element of surprise wasn't going to be a mistake. He drawled cheerfully, "Not so fast with that cosmic heart-ripping thingie, Lady!"

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Snarling as the tip of her

Snarling as the tip of her javelin as cleaved off, she would turn to attempt to locate the source of the attack. Focusing her enhanced senses, she would smirk as she sniffs the air, retrieving a second, yet smaller javelin as she shouts...

"Nice trick, but I can smell you rogue...let's see if you can dodge this!"

Suddenly, she would launch the javelin in Kartanian's general direction, the projectile exploding once it near's it's target...

~Lady Nova~

Groaning a bit as she recovers, she watches with a mix of awe and concern as what appears to be a cat creature saves her from the Huntress's deathblow. Not wasting time, she would suddenly spread her legs, forcing her attacker's open, as she kicks up the length of the woman's body, striking her face with surprising force, driving her back. She would then launch a roundhouse kick to the gladiator, sending her flying into a husk of a antique shop, earning a short reprieve as she shouts...

"Alright, form up, we need to attack her in continuous waves, minimize the chance of being defeated at once!"


Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Liberty Girl lay where Iron

Liberty Girl lay where Iron Huntress had dropped her, bloody and bruised. She shook her head and looked up as Lady Nova engaged the Huntress. "Damn, she hits hard."

At that moment, she heard the cracking of concrete and shrieking of straining rebar. She looked over and saw that when the Iron Huntress had thrown the pod away, it had smashed through one of the main supports of an apartment building. TCPD and EMT's were by the door, ushering people out, but she could see residents still moving in the glass stairwell. "No!"

Liberty Girl vaulted off the street and with a CRUNCH!, landed where the corner support had been. She picked up a metal plate that had been part of the support structure and held it over her head, then anchored herself and took the weight of the crumbling building's corner. Amazingly, she began to push UP, fighting gravity itself to preserve the building for just a few minutes longer.

One of the officers by the door looked over at Liberty Girl and could see the strain in her eyes as the herculean effort quickly sapped even her indomitable endurance. He said a silent "Thank you" to her then got back to the job at hand. "ALRIGHT, C'MON PEOPLE, LET'S MOVE! THE LADY CAN ONLY HOLD THE BUILDING FOR SO LONG! MOVE! MOVE!"

[b]Meanwhile, back at the fight...[/b]

Just as Iron Huntress raised the javelin, Whipcrack swung overhead and shot a strand at the flying javelin, catching the end of it and unexpectedly yanking it in the direction he was traveling. He then flicked the strand and sent it flipping out to embed in the empty intersection. "Didn't your mother teach you not to play with sharp objects?"

He quickly reversed his swing and charged his fist with concussive energy. Flying back towards the antique shop, he railed her in the face with all his might, the energy charge exploding with the force of a tank shell, driving her deeper into the rubble. He landed nimbly, then vaulted out of the building, his enhanced strength and dexterity making it look effortless as he backflipped gracefully and landed twenty feet away, next to Lady Nova. He nodded at her words and charged his fists.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
A blood-curdling bellow would

A blood-curdling bellow would echo from the heap of rubble, as the Huntress shifts the debris off of her swiftly, turning to the gathered heroes and....smiling? She would then suddenly chuckle, a chilling and mocking chuckle that would stop them in their tracks. Suddenly, the woman would streak towards the group, lifting Whipcrack up by his throught with a crushing grip, beginning to squeeze lightly as she gives the heroes an ultimatum...

"Lady Nova, you will surrender yourself to me, or I will strangle the life out of your least I assume him so....?"

She would then begin to examine Sam within her grip, continuing to begin to calmly crush his windpipe as she speaks...

"Any of you MAKE the barest sudden move, and a snap his neck like a twig....choose"


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
The Red smiled.... so Mihaela

The Red smiled.... so Mihaela smiled. Mihaela was so hungry, she didn't have the energy to even try and fight The Reds commands.
Standing Mihaela skipped over to the crumbling building the heroine was holding up. She waved at the patriotic cape. Bending down to the small pool of blood in the crater Liberty Girl had created she dipped a finger and swirled it. She smacked her hand into the small pool. Lifting it she looked at the glistening crimson. "So ... mmmm" Mihaela licked her fingers. Her smile now a gleaming red. "How many meal sacks inside the building still I wonder... how to save them all before it falls!" Mock fear in Mihaelas voice. "I wonder... will the hero save those inside... or those outside.. is one worth more than two? Is the person you see die cause more pain than the one you only hear crushed under the weight of that building?"

The Red was talking through Mihaela now. It was cruel, calculating, and psychotic. "Enny ......meeny.......... miny....... mo!" The body of the female vampire flung itself on top of a fleeing civilian in full view of Liberty Girl. Like lightning Mihaela had struck the neck of the civilian woman and was draining her. In under a second Mihaela released the body of the woman and watched it crumple to the pavement. She smiled wickedly at Liberty. "Enny.... meeny...."

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
~Lady Nova~

~Lady Nova~
Upon seeing Sam in the creature's grasp, she would immediately dispense her shields, slowly approaching the pair as she rests herself on one knee, submitting to her oppressor against her better judgement....

~Iron Huntress~

Dropping the man to the ground like a rock, she would kick him over before unsheathing what looks like a trident, aiming at Lady Nova's chest....unprepared for Sarah's sudden elbow strike to her neck, suddenly being sweep kicked, and tossed by her back down the intersection, earning yet another quick reprieve, as Lady Nova shouts!

"Hit her now, fast and hard!"

She would then move to Sam, beginning to nurse his injuries with energy


Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Liberty Girl looked at The

Liberty Girl looked at The Red with absolute hatred. The weight of the building was slowly becoming too much for her. She'd already begun to buckle, her legs bending and her arms moving down inexorably until her upper back and shoulders were holding more of the load than her arms. She shifted herself as much she could and pushed through the agony, straightening her legs back up. The building rumbled and creaked like a living thing, bearing down on her. But, her movements had allowed her to free her left arm. She yanked a piece of rubble off the remains of the column she was standing on.

"MO!" she yelled as she hurled the one-hundred pound chunk of concrete directly at The Red's upper torso. At the same time, the officers at the entrance to the building had moved forward and formed a cordon as the EMT's directed the civilians away from The Red. The officers knelt and opened fire on The Red, two with their service pistols and one with an assault rifle.


Sam was on his feet in a second, mad as hell. The Huntress had underestimated just how powerful his armor was and how strong his will, which subconsciously fed his armor, was. She hadn't hurt him nearly as much as she'd thought. "Use me against her?"

He charged at her. As he moved, his armor began to bulk up, expanding until it was as thick as a deep-sea diver's suit and he stood over seven feet tall.

His fists began to charge up, glowing with energy. But the energy went farther than usual; his arms and shoulders beginning to glow. When he hit her, it was with the power of an artillery barrage.

Whipcrack buried a massive fist into her midsection. The concussive energy exploded and started to propel her away, but he reached out lightning fast and grabbed her shoulder. His other hand backhanded her with a thunderous crack of energy, followed by three dizzyingly fast knee strikes to her midsection. Before she had time to recover, he wrapped his thick fingers around her thigh and hefted her into the air, dropping her onto his glowing knee. The concussive explosion propelled her back up and Whipcrack smashed her face-first into the concrete.

He shot a strand out that wrapped around her ankles and then he began to spin, building up speed until he let her go and she was sent flying back in Lady Nova's direction, where she augured into the asphalt, pushing a small bow wave of broken street in front of her. He leaped and landed at the end of the furrow she'd dug up. "Use me against her? Big mistake."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Lifting herself from the

Lifting herself from the rubble, she would not offer a groan as she slowly stands to her feet, backhanding Sam away from her with titanic force, shouting with equal fervor....

"Insolent fool! Your mate is a thief, the bestower of her powers stole the Cosmic Heart from a former Starkeeper, beings that protected your pitiful galaxy, a MISTAKE! Your species does nothing but fight and breed worse monsters...I am delighted to remove the scourge of your existence from the Universe!"

She would suddenly point to Lady Nova, who stood over her, shell shocked, but poised to strike

"The Starkeepers created ten keys to the heart of their Empire, the Cosmic Heart being one of them, which resides in the very essence of your bones harridan! With that power, I would finally be able to take control of my whimpering species, then the rest of the Universe..."

She would then turn to each of them in turn, before eyeing a Officer hidden behind a crashed police car, identifiable by his badge as Detective Leonard Holt....

"For now, I offer you a reprieve 'Lady Nova', I WILL return...and my retreat is not without a price!"

Suddenly, she would launch a flame tipped javelin into the torso of Detective Holt, sending him crashing into a wall as he slips into death rapidly. With a smile, the Huntress would disappear in a flaming swirl, leaving behind the heroes who drove her off, and the fallen that perished because of her

~Lady Nova~

Looking horror as the detective is sent flying, Sarah would barely heed the Huntress's departure as she rushes to the man's side, confirming his relationship to her with a heartwrenching cry...



Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Sam shot out an elastic

Sam shot out an elastic strand and latched onto the ground at the feet of The Huntress. It stretched and then shot him back towards her. As he flew through the air, time seemed to slow as The Huntress hefted the flaming javelin and loosed it.

"NOOOO!" he yelled as the javelin cut through the Detective's armor like butter and pinned him to the wall. Not paying attention, he crashed into the ground and skidded across the asphalt. He did a kick-up to regain his feet and then swung over to land next to Lady Nova just as she yelled "Dad!"

Sam's armor dissipated and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Lady Nova would be thrashing

Lady Nova would be thrashing in Sam's grasp, her strength apparent as she struggles against him, fighting to get towards her father's body as it becomes sadly apparent that he has died from his injuries.Slumping against Sam as she realizes them, she would simply lower her head into his neck as silent sobs begin to wrack her body...

They may have driven off the Huntress, but it came at a steep price....


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
'hey Red... screw you'

'hey Red... screw you' Mihaela froze her legs just long enough. The lump of building smashing into her full force. The girl who couldnt weigh more than 60 lbs sopping wet was sent flying with the boulder. Mihaela was unconscious, The Red now had full reign.....

The body responded like a rag doll at first. It twisted around the rock gripping it. With a titanic push it sent the rock right into some of the TCPD that had opened fire... hopelessly crushing one. The rag doll body landed on its feet. "Opps"

The head of Mihaela would look at an impossible angle towards Nova and her father. "I can save your meat sack.... for a price............ Crush that girls legs." Mihaelas hand twisted upwards pointing at Liberty Girl. A cruel laughter emitting from her body. "Otherwise... I'll make sure no healer gets close enough to save anything but his reanimated corpse."

A copperish mist had formed around the undead child. The longer she spoke the more it took shape. The mist worked around the girl, A wolfs anatomy being seen and unseen. Its grin impossibly large whenever the face emerged from the blood cloud.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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"That's it, they're all out!"

"That's it, they're all out!" yelled one of the EMT's at the door. The TCPD officers began a staggered retreat, the one with his service pistol grabbing the arm of the crushed officer and dragging the body along. She made sure they were clear of the building's fall path, and a even further, because Liberty Girl didn't know what this horrid little girl was truly capable of. Then she turned to Red, fury igniting in her eyes. Her hands changed from palming support to gripping and she ripped the support column away from the building.

The building began crumbling, but Liberty Girl didn't care as she leaped up high, towards Red. She wielded the 100-foot long, 30-ton support column like a wood axe and brought it over her head and crashing down on top of the demented child. The entire column exploded with the force of the impact. Liberty Girl landed and peered at the rubble as the building finally gave way and just crumbled, crashing down behind her and kicking up a massive cloud of rock dust.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Xselcier's picture
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Sam looked around quickly,

Sam looked around quickly, trying to see if anyone had seen her scream about Detective Holt being her dad. It didn't look like any of the civilians had been close enough to capture the moment with smartphones. The coast seemed clear, so he lifted Sarah up into his arms. She fought weakly, wanting to stay with her dad, but Sam just gripped her tighter and whispered soothing words to her. he got her to wrap her arms around his neck, freeing his right arm so he could swing.

He leaped up to the roof of a cop car, then a bus stop enclosure, then a second floor balcony railing and as he jumped off the railing, he shot out an energy strand and began swinging down the street. By the time he got home, Sarah seemed catatonic. So he settled her onto the bed and walked slowly into the bathroom. He washed his face and looked into the mirror. He resisted the extreme urge to smash the mirror with his fist, instead stripping off his costume and stepping into the shower. He turned it up as hot as it would go and stood under the stream, sobs finally wracking his body.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Sarah would begin to stop

Sarah would begin to stop fighting as Sam began swinging them home, and as they arrived, would settle into the bed without a sound, curling into the covers as her enhanced senses pick up on Sam's sobs, fighting her own as golden energy began to pulse around her like a broken heartbeat. The TV, which still be blaring coverage on the Huntress's attack, would sudden melt to a heap of burnt plastic and sparks, intense heat beginning to radiate around the apartment as Sarah struggles to remain in control of her powers, silent sobs wracking her body as well...

She is a paragon, broken...


Kartanian's picture
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"Well, that pretty much

"Well, that pretty much sucked," Kartanian muttered. The Huntress had fled already. "And we still have that blood spirit thing to deal with."

He shook his head and tried to remember some tricks for dealing with incorporeal possessors, but nothing came quickly to mind. He flicked the ninja-to out of his hand and it vanished. He began stalking the undead child and its spirit driver, sliding just enough into shadow to be able to confuse astral or spirit senses. A flick of the wrist, and Vera's Fang slid into his hand. A meter and a half of soul-killing black death engraved with dull throbbing runes of power should do against a spirit, he knew. It would kill the host, too, but at least it wouldn't destroy the little girl's soul, so maybe there was something that could be done.

He worked his way quickly into position.

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
Even under the hot stream of

Even under the hot stream of water, Sam could tell that the air itself was heating up. Just as he looked over at the door, he smelled melting plastic. Quickly shutting off the water, he bolted from the shower, still soaking wet. Throwing the door open, he entered a scene of chaos as things around the room were beginning to catch fire, especially the bed Sarah was laying on.

Sam started by covering the fires with strands of energy, suffocating them. Then he armored up, but it was a very thin layer of armor, just enough to protect him from the flames on the bed. He walked over to Sarah and laid a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Slowly but surely, he climbed into the bed with her, pulling her into a spooning position, surrounding her body with his own.

Sam held her with a gentle tightness and began singing a comforting song from his childhood to her.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Her eyes squeezed shut as

Her eyes squeezed shut as fires are snuffed, the energy and heat would steadily dissipate as Sam continues to comfort her, more so as he starts to sing, silent sobs taking over as she rests against him, desperate for support as she quietly utters her first spoken words since her father's death...

"First my mother, now my should have been me...."


Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
Sam finished the song and

Sam finished the song and rested his forehead against the back of her head. "You know what I can 100% guarantee? Both of them would have said the exact opposite. I've seen the pain a parent goes through when they outlive their child. No parent, unless they are a truly selfish individual, would place their life above the life of their child."

Sam sighed as his mind dredged up long dormant memories. Painful memories. "I had a sister. Four years younger than me. Violet was a bundle of energy. Funny, brilliant, affectionate, and honest to a fault, she was one of those people who it's just a joy to be around. She saw the wonder and majesty of everyday life and did her best to share it with others. She would have graduated high school this year."

As he told the story of his sister, his hold on Sarah tightened. "One of Violet's greatest joys in life was to volunteer. She loved helping people. Mom or I were always with her, so it didn't matter that she was underage. It was winter, less than a month after Christmas. All three of us had just finished a shift at a soup kitchen and were walking home. It was..." Sam sobbed, trying to keep his emotions in check. "...It was only a few blocks away."

Sam snuffled and his voice started to gain an edge to it. "The man stepped out of the shadows. His eyes were bloodshot and his hands shook. He needed a fix, bad. But his hands were still steady enough to hold the gun on us. He wanted money. I had a few dollars, as did Violet. He was watching me like a hawk, thinking I'd be the one to try something. Mom was so scared, she dropped her wallet. As she stumbled forward to grab it, he caught the motion out of the corner of his eye. He jerked the gun towards her and pulled the trigger. But Violet was faster... she... she threw herself in front of Mom..."

"Mom and I held her as she bled to death on that cold street. The junkie, horrified at what he'd done, had fled. I screamed my throat raw trying to get someone to help us. People came out to try, but no heroes were nearby. The ambulances didn't make it on time. My baby sister... she died in our arms." Sam's voice had softened again.

"Mom was never the same. Violet's death hollowed her out. She couldn't understand why Violet did what she did. I tried to help her understand, to get through her grief. But I couldn't. She's a shell now, just going through the paces of life." Sam's voice was a whisper now.

"So, I know that your Mom and Dad would not have had it any other way. I know because they had to have been good people to have raised you to be the way you are." Sam said, finally realizing how tight he was squeezing her and easing up, his volume returning to normal.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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As Sam began to speak, she

As Sam began to speak, she would lean back onto him as she listened attentively, nodding her head encouragingly and even smiling just a tiny bit as he described her. When he began to regress into sobs, she would have held him back tight, rubbing his back as he went on. As he finished, she would pull him into a comforting kiss before stopping, wiping away spare tears on his cheeks when it ends. Taking a moment, she would reply back with a voice slightly more confident then before, full of gratitude...

"Sam...thank you for that...and I know for a fact that Violet would be proud of the man you are today, and it is simply a privilege to have you in my life..."

She would then begin to actually smile, eyes still rimmed red, but it's a start...


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At that moment, there was a

At that moment, there was a ring at Sarah's door. Sam got up quickly and pulled on his boxers, trousers, and undershirt from the previous evening.

"That's probably someone from the TCPD to tell you about your Dad." Sam said, looking at her still in her costume. He sniffed and realized the room still smelled strongly of burnt plastic. He opened the balcony door and then flicked out two short strands, which he reshaped to be flatter. Concentrating hard, he was able to get them to start spinning and make a rudimentary fan to blow the smell outside.

"Switch out of your costume and I'll answer the door." he said, leaning down to stroke her cheek and give her a quick kiss. He was trotting out to the door when the ring sounded for a third time, followed by a polite knock. he composed himself and answered the door. Two solemn TCPD officers stood outside.

"Yes... oh, officers. Can I help you?"

"Good evening, sir. Is this the apartment of Assistant District Attorney Sarah Holt?"

"Yes it is. Is there something wrong?"

"May we speak with her, sir?"

"Of course, c'mon in."

"Thank you, sir. How do you know Ms. Holt, if I may ask?"

"Oh yeah sure. I'm Sam Beckett, her boyfriend. Sarah! The TCPD is here to see you!"

Sam led the officers into the living room and then started to walk back towards the bedroom. "Sarah?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Sarah would walk towards the

Sarah would walk towards the door dressed in a white silk nightgown, and would sigh as she sees them, holding close to Sam...

"Good to see you something wrong..?"


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The Red seemingly left under

The Red seemingly left under a bunch of rubble in the aftermath chuckled. A throaty chuckle not belonging to a child. Using only Mihaela's strength it pushed through the pile of debris.

"OH! Holt oh Holt!
bled out on the street is all she wrote!
A young lady with stolen power used for good
but daddy is stiff as wood!"

The girl sang as she gained her bearing. She ran her hands over the wall stain and javelin hole.
"Who will Red play with now!
We don't see the liberty cow!"

'Shut up Red, no one wants to hear your crap.' 'Always so testy Mihaela... why don't you steer for awhile, all my playthings are gone anyway.'

The girls entire demeanor changed. The cockiness faded. A doll like beauty emerged from her face as the slight twists in her facial muscles relaxed. She felt rather full, the civilians blood still flowed in her system. Mihaela sighed. As long as The Red wanted to be in this city it would be impossible for her to leave, but she would at least have a say in where she would reside while in this City of Snacks.

The girl started to cry...... she ran up to a rather well to do man. 'Sir... please, help me!' One look into Mihaelas well rehearsed eyes and the man was stricken with sypathy and affection for the girl. Within moments he had ushered her into his car and instructed the driver to take her to his home, feed her, and set her up with a room. While in the car The Red flicked the tv on inside the car and put on the news. It smiled watching the 'moments ago' feed showing it emerging from the rubble.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Sam sat himself and Sarah

Sam sat himself and Sarah down on the couch while the officers sat in the two recliners facing it.

"Good evening, Ms. Holt. I'm Officer Jim Starkey and this is Officer Bill Simms. We're here about your father, Detective Leonard Holt. There's really no easy way to tell you this, ma'am. He was killed this evening, during a metahuman battle at the intersection of Tate Street and 34th Avenue." the officer said, his tone sympathetic.


The car had not traveled very far at all before it suddenly shook as a force latched on to the rear end and lifted it completely off the ground. The driver slammed on the brakes and then jumped out of the car when the rear end was brought level again. He looked back to see the powerful frame of Liberty Girl rising to her full height. "Get clear, sir. That girl is not what she seems."

Liberty Girl walked around to the passenger side door and yanked it open. "You and me, we're not through."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Hearing the news after seeing

Hearing the news after seeing it truly made in concrete for Sarah, and her reaction was not forced as she again began to allow her body to delve into silent sobs, nodding to them as she begins...

"Uhm...t-thank you can g-go now..."

As they leave, she would embrace and rest against Sam as she takes time to give into fresh grief once again..


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Eventually managing to

Eventually managing to recompose herself, she would take a moment to aimlessly yet languidly walk around her penthouse apartment , standing before the windows as she turns back to Sam upon the couch, musing...her last words however displaying remaining grief..

"Sam, you know your needed out there...don't waste time with me...I-I'll be f-fine..."


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Sam comforted Sarah as they

Sam comforted Sarah as they both sat on the couch. They didn't speak, but simply held one another.

After Sarah got up and walked around aimlessly, Sam watched her worriedly. "Sam, you know you're needed out there...don't waste time with me...I-I'll be f-fine..."

Sam got up and walked over to stand behind her. He stepped up close to her, almost as if to hug her, then placed his hands on her shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze. He chose his next words very carefully. "Lady Nova is needed out there, too. I know you're hurting, but Iron Huntress is on the loose and we have to run her down before she hurts or kills anyone else."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Nodding, she would suddenly

Nodding, she would suddenly kiss Sam for a moment, a flash of light would reach his eyes, and stepping away, Lady Nova would be standing before him, dazzling as ever. When she speaks, her voice carry the the tone of firm velvet...

"I doubt she would return so soon, considering how recently she was driven back...regardless, there are still lives to be saved and disasters to be averted..."

She would offer him his trademark, teasing smile, walking to the balcony, leaning forward upon the railing as she remarks back to Sam something stated from the night previous...

"Coming or not, Sam...?"


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(( Assuming Liberty Girl's

(( Assuming Liberty Girl's interruption is valid, otherwise K will pick up later in the stream. ))

"Yes!" Kartanian thought to himself. "I can always count on Lib for some direct action!"

He slid around unseen for an assassin's strike on the possessed girl, Vera's Fang keening its hunger in his mind.

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

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Sam reached out and grabbed

Sam reached out and grabbed Sarah's wrist before she took off. "Whoa there, cowgirl. I know you prefer direct action, but we really need to do some intelligence work right about now. Iron Huntress dropped a lot of names during that little rant of hers. I want you to try something first."

Sam tugged her back over to the couch and sat her down. He searched around for a few minutes and found some aromatic candles and matches. Looking through them, he found an unscented one. Taking the candle and matches, he shut off the lights and closed the balcony door and drapes, using the soft glow she was producing to navigate back to the furniture.

Sam pushed the coffee table closer to her and cleared it off, then set the candle in the center and lit it. He then backed up so that the shadows cloaked him and only his voice could be heard. He spoke in a monotone voice. "I want you to relax and look at the flame. The flame is all that concerns you. Concentrate on it. Make it your sole focus."

Once she had done that, he let several minutes slip by. "Now, see the flame for what it really is. The flame is you. The flame is also the Cosmic Heart. Bathe in its warmth and light. Feel it surround you and lift you up. Plum its depths and know what the Cosmic Heart knows."

Once again, he let several minutes slip by. Hoping that the low-level hypnosis trick he was using was working, he walked forward slowly and sat down in one of the recliners. Sam had a theory that if the Cosmic Heart was as powerful as The Iron Huntress made it sound, that it might just be semi-sentient and able to communicate with its wielder. Furthermore, he was hoping that it would have some sort of knowledge base that Sarah could tap into.

"I want you to tell me what you know about the Starkeepers and the Cosmic Heart."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Allowing herself to be led to

Allowing herself to be led to the chair as she listens attentively to Sam's instructions, nodding as he finishes instructing. She would then slowly close her eyes as she relaxes, concentrating on the flame as directed as several minutes pass. Suddenly, the flame in question would flare intensely and begin to bathe the room in a radiating, powerful, yet comforting heat. Notably, it would feel like Sarah's natural aura, but much stronger, as she begins to speak, an echo tracing her voice as she does so...

"The Starkeepers are an advanced race of solar energy based humanoids, who guard the secrets of their benevolent and powerful empire with Cosmic 'Keys'. The cosmic heart is in itself a rarity, as it is the only key to have been spread to the Sol System, and more specifically, Earth. It arrived to your planet in the year known as 1042 in human designation, and has inspired many legends and has acquired many names and forms, such as Excalibur, Gungnir, and Carnwennan. It's wielders include Joan of Arc, Queen Victoria, Amelia Earhart, and King Arthur. Those who wield it's power are only the most pure of heart, selfless, and good, hiding it from those that seek it for evil..."

Sarah's eyes would suddenly snap open as the flame returns to it's normal appearance, as she slowly turns to Sam...

"Uhm...what was that, exactly?"


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Mihaela screamed... it was

Mihaela screamed... it was pittiful and full of fright. She dove next to the driver in the car and and hugged him. "Don't let it hurt me! I thought supers were supposed to be good!" Mihaelas voice was laced with child like confusion over the 'sudden' attack on the car.
The driver rested a protective arm over the girl. Not only was his job on the line but this girl was terrified!
"Mame, I am not sure what you are getting at, but this child has been put in my care by Mr. Rothstein of Rothstein Children's Research Group..... I plan on getting my charge to it's destination. Since I have broken no laws you are unlawfully detaining my vehicle and causing it damage... which will be billed to you later. While I cannot stop you from physically trying to take this child, I will do all that is in my very normal strength to stop you. If you succeed and I am still alive I will be forced to call TCPD and report you for assault and kidnapping.. If you have some reason to accost this child please see Mr. Rothstein later this evening. He will be finishing up at his office in about.... five hours."

The driver locked the doors. He knew that wouldn't actually stop some super strength cape from demolishing the car, but it would strengthen his police report if he had to file.

Mihaela cried bitter tears into the shoulder of the man. "Oh thank you, thank you, I am so scared! Please can we leave?!"

The man clenched his jaw and prepared to accelerate.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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As the lock clicked, Liberty

As the lock clicked, Liberty Girl looked down at where she was still holding the door open. "I have not damaged your vehicle, sir. I took great care to not do so. My wristcomp has already taken a scan of the vehicle and uploaded it's current condition to the TCPD Superhero Encounter Database. So, if it somehow becomes damaged later, I will be found not at fault. The most likely cause of damage will be you if you attempt to leave while I am still holding onto the door." As she said this last part, she looked down at where his foot was hovering over the gas pedal.

She looked at Mihaela, then back at the driver. "You are being fooled in some manner. But magic is not my realm of expertise, so I have no way of proving this. I watched this... child approach you after blithely murdering two people, including an officer of the TCPD. I could not stop her as I was busy keeping a building from falling over."

Liberty Girl smiled. "If you could sir, without looking at the child, tell me her name. Then please let me see the paperwork that states who you work for and that the child is your charge."

While she was speaking, she flexed her left hand in a certain way and a small tracking chip emerged from a slot on her left glove and dropped into her fingers. She applied the chip to the underside of the handle of the rear passenger door.


"I knew it." Sam said jubilantly, smiling.

"I hypnotized you and had you tap into the Cosmic Heart. I have a theory that an object as powerful as it may just be semi-sentient and able to communicate with you. Another part of that theory is that it carries knowledge about itself, the Starkeepers, and possibly other things. Information that the wielder can access."

He reached across the table and took her hand. "In the story you told me of how you came to possess it, it sounded to me like the transfer had to be rushed. This left me wondering if maybe the former wielder didn't have time to tell you about the Cosmic Heart or all of its abilities. I want you to focus your thoughts on the Cosmic Heart and see if you can't recall more information about it or even communicate with it. Also see if it possesses information about other species in the galaxy, specifically the species of The Iron Huntress."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"So bored." "I don'..." "Too

"So bored." "I don'..." "Too late"

A hand erupted from the mans chest. His eyes widened as he looked down to see his own heart.

"Beep beep!" The red squeezed the heart twice gushing out blood and hopelessly crushing it. "You know that is the ... what... third person you've killed now?"

Mihaelas face wasn't the calm beauty it had been a moment ago. The cruel twist was back. "Seriously though... wasn't going to eat this meat sack, that is all on you."

The Red kissed the drivers forehead. The slight pressure of her lips causing his head to slump to the side and his now dead eyes to stare vacantly at Liberty Girl.

"aaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnd BOOM!" Mihaela pushed off. She rocketed back into the car straight through the gas tank. The car exploded.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Red had underestimated just

Red had underestimated just how fast Liberty Girl was. As Red rocketed backwards, Liberty Girl was already diving into the car and over the seat to grab at her. She managed to get one hand around Red's ankle and she held onto it as the fireball and shrapnel washed over her, not harming her in the slightest. Her grip also prevented Red from being propelled away by the shockwave, as she had probably intended. She yanked on Red's ankle, hauling her out of the wreckage of the back end of the car, and jumped up through the half-melted roof of the car, holding the twisted child upside down. She landed on the sidewalk.

"Those people's deaths were not my fault. They were actions perpetrated by you, a violently homicidal sociopath. Now, are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to beat you into submission?" she asked, her voice a low growl. Just as a taste, she smacked Red into a light pole, then whipped her back upside down again.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Sarah would nod and close her

Sarah would nod and close her eyes once more, again, several minutes would pass before she speaks, again the flame's heat would intensify as it blazes, her voice carrying an echo just as before...

"It is semi sentient, subconsciously feeds me knowledge about the skills of it's previous wielders and how to apply them with my own abilities...the Iron Huntress has pursued the heart and it's bearers for decades now, always never able to be bestowed it's ownership due to her evil nature. Her species is known as the Ignarians, a technologically advanced race of intergalactic warmongers, herself a prime example. Besides deadly weaponry and armor, they naturally posses incredible strength, agility, seed, and reflexes, cementing their reputation as one of the Universe's most threatening species..."

She would take a moment to breath as she continues...

"And yes, to answer your question, the previous bearer of the Cosmic Heart was named Emmanuel Delgarza, and he was unaware of it's sentient nature...regardless he used it's power to keep his nation, the Democratic Republic of Surguey for years, which brought him into contact with Sarah Holt. Her expertise a a prosecutor was needed to help criminally try members of IFRIT who controlled the country with a scalding fist. En route to Titan City, he and his security convoy was attacked by IFRIT's agents seeking to eliminate both Sarah and Emmanuel, to prevent their testimonies. While they succeeded in mortally wounding both, it was not before Emmanuel passed the Cosmic Heart to Sarah, who possessed a sense of selfishness that was unriveled...he died soon after due to his injuries, unable to inform Sarah of the Heart's secrets as he truly never understood it himself...

Again the flame would dim, as Sarah once again opens her eyes...

"That certainly explains why I can utilize the weapons I form like I do...but"


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The Red laughed as her body

The Red laughed as her body was whipped around. Bouncing off the pole a few sickening cracks were heard but none of it changed the pace the red laughed or talked.
"Last I checked I didn't throw a building at the cop. Mihaela hasn't actually killed someone in what is it dear??? Yes I know screw me... 200 hundred years give or take?"
The Red swung back and forth on a dislocated knee socket side to side. "She is wondering if you are just about done hurting her... I told her if she would just shut up I would eat your arm but she is being... persistent. I think she likes me less than you... That hurts my feelings."

The Red continued to swing itself on its dislocated hinge of a knee. The cuts and bruises on Mihaela remained bloodless, most healing shut within a few breaths. The Red was swinging mostly to keep the girls knee dislocated. It chortled at the young hero.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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In the back and forth between

In the back and forth between the little girl and Liberty Girl, Kartanian could not get any sort of clear shot.

Then, inexplicably, the car exploded and he had to drop and protect himself. He rolled back and started the process again, determined to find a way to stop the spirit.

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

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Liberty Girl grit her teeth

Liberty Girl grit her teeth and grabbed Mihaela's knee with her other hand, stilling it so that it could heal. "I'm not talking to Mihaela. I'm talking to the demon inside her. But thank you for letting me know that you are separate from Mihaela. Now I know that I can have you removed."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Sam gave Sarah an incredulous

Sam gave Sarah an incredulous look as she asked that. He got up and stepped around the coffee table to sit on the couch next to her.

"Are you kidding me? Why you? Sarah, you are one of the bravest, most caring, and most unselfish individuals I know. And I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend." He smiled at her as he took her hand again.

"Like the Cosmic Heart said, your sense of selflessness is unrivaled. Even before you joined with it, you'd chosen to dedicate your life to the pursuit of justice. You're brilliant in the court room, so I know you could have used your law degree to become a high-paid defense attorney. But instead, you chose to use it to serve the public as a prosecutor."

He gave her hand a squeeze. "If you ask me, the Cosmic Heart would have been hard-pressed to find a better person to bond with."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She would slowly,

She would slowly, begrudgingly smile at his statement, replying...

"Now I don't know about brilliant in court, but....Dad forbid me from being a police officer, not because he didn't think I could do it, but because he wouldn't want me to see the horrors of this city every day...especially after Mom-"

She would stop herself for a moment, slowing her breathing before continuing...

"After Mom died, Dad was armament on me never getting into something like law enforcement....and I didn't want to put him through having to bury me before my time so a settled for the next best thing, and decided that I was going to do it to the best of my ability and then some..."

Her breath would hitch as she quietly finishes...

"Guess D-dad doesn't have to w-worry about me anymore..."

She would then curl into Sam, trying to calm herself as he holds her...


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The Red grinned. "Oh no mommy

The Red grinned. "Oh no mommy don't touch me there, that's a bad touch!"
A red mist began oozing out of the girls body. It licked against Liberty Girls body moving up it. Even the most stalwart of living beings would feel twinges of fear. Those unseasoned to being outmatched would feel complete dread. Supers most attuned to their own body would feel their life force being sucked from them from anywhere the mist touched. A light headed-ness feeling like standing in a room full of chlorine and no ventilation would be building. This aura of fear, confusion, and pain was not something to get caught in. Despite her looks it seemed Mihaela was built for close range... and The Red doubly so.

While the mist coiled around the two thickly it seemed to begin consolidating around Mihaela. Tendrils oozing out to absorb more life force from her captor.
"Don...! If it.... enough of your blood I will be unstoppable... RUN!"
The voice was not The Red, Mihaela had pushed through but only for a second.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Avoiding the touch of the

Avoiding the touch of the mist, Kartanian struck from hiding with a simple "swish and thrust" through the mist and aura surrounding Mihaela. If the thing was spirit, Vera's Fang would hurt it. Badly. It yearned to feed on spirit energy and was happy to destroy vampires as easily as fey, or even gods. Kartanian had destroyed several swamp-feeding blood spirits before with the Fang, but this one seemed different.

The tabaxi rogue mentally crossed his fingers, because if this didn't work, there wasn't much else he could do.

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

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Liberty Girl fought against

Liberty Girl fought against the building primordial fear and confusion, but her mind was screaming at her to get away. As that continued and then was followed by a building weakness, she grit her teeth. Just as she was about to collapse to her knees, two things happened at once.

The demon's voice changed and screamed that warning, quickly followed by the shadowy figure stabbing The Red in the back with some kind of dark blade.

With no other choice, she turned towards where she thought Steward's Bay was and threw The Red in that direction as hard as she could. The Red arced high into the sky and was soon swallowed by the night. After doing that, she collapsed to her knees and looked at her hands. The skin on both of them had turned black, wrinkled, and papery. The effect extended up her arms, but the blackness was less severe farther up her arms, with the papery skin going a bit beyond where her normal skin tone resumed. But the wrinkles covered her entire body, as if she'd started to shrivel up.

As she looked herself over, the damage The Red had done began to repair itself. But she was going to be out of action for a little while. She looked up, in the direction of the shadowy figure, to see if they were still there.


Sam held onto Sarah, comforting her. After a few minutes, he gently tipped her head up till they could lock eyes and he smiled down at her..

"Hey there. I know you're hurting. I do. But we have to get after the Iron Huntress. Does the Cosmic Heart know if her species has any weaknesses?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Sarah would nod and slowly

Sarah would nod and slowly rest herself against the couch, closing her eyes as she attempts to tap into the Cosmic Heart once more...

"The Ignarian species is incredibly powerful...bare skin to skin contact absorbs the heat from their enemies...healing factor keeps them fighting long after they should be down..."

She would shake her head, and begins to dig deeper...

"Overwhelming force...if one can increase their muscle tension and strength level above their's, they could be rendered unconscious like most regular human foes. To even get to that strength level I'd have to soak in the Sun's Ray's directly, for at LEAST 24 hours...time we don't have. However, the amounts of force we were exerting on her together alongside other heroes was at least sufficient enough to drive her into retreat...temporarily at least..."

The flame would blaze as she digs deeper, before suddenly exclaiming...

"Her Rage! The Ignarians are quite literally hot tempered, and it must have taken the Iron Huntress years to control her natural, and brash instincts. In theory, if we drove her into a rage, it could be suicide given her strength...or it's possible we can use it against her...confuse her between instinct and discipline to where she almost defeats herself...causes her intelligence to devolve as we maneuver ourself to take her down..."

She would solemnly add...

"Death....but that is NOT an option....otherwise a form of living stasis, possibly instigated by a contingent of Starkeepers themselves...the problem is we'd have to make direct contact with them...and while the Cosmic Heart can direct me there, and insists that they are truly benevolent..."

The flame would dim as she severs her connection to the Heart, stating...

"It also doesn't advise going alone...but I couldn't ask you or others to make that kind of's a dangerous gamble at best, fruitless at worst. However, knowing've already made up your mind...?"


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"Hello, Liberty Girl," the

"Hello, Liberty Girl," the feline spy said smoothly. He glanced at where the Red and Mihaela had gone. "You're looking well, present injuries excepted. I think we'd best be on our guard against that thing, so I will vanish until we're sure the threat has passed."

He bowed with a flourish and disappeared again with a flick of his long ginger-striped tail.

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

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When Sarah mentioned

When Sarah mentioned traveling into space to meet the Starkeepers, Sam sat back on the couch and looked up at the ceiling, his eyes distant. "Space? Me?"

After a moment, he sat back up. "When are we going? And how long would it take? I'm stating the obvious, but we can't let her gallivant around on Earth for a long period of time."

As he thought about traveling into space, something else occurred to him. "Another thing we might be able to use against her is her arrogance and superiority complex."


Liberty Girl slowly moved from her knees to her butt and pulled herself over to be resting against the wall."Hey, ummm, Cat Ninja? Don't know if you're still out there, but any chance you could pop down to the Speedmart and grab me a couple of Superade's?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She would smile at his words,

She would smile at his words, frowning as he mentioned Iron Huntress remaining on Earth...

"I don't believe we'll have to worry about that...the Iron Huntress will pursue us, as she is tracking the signature of the Cosmic Heart...we may lead her to the Starkeepers, who will be able to handle her with the tech at their disposal, and their own abilities..they will be able to restrain and contain her..."

She would turn to him and smile, brushing his cheek..

"As for transport, my abilities will take care of that...the Cosmic Heart is feeding me information on how to travel safely through space, at least to a point where a Starkeeper can meet and shuttle us...the problem with that is that we'd lead her after I said before it's a gamble, a dangerous one at that..."

She'd sigh...

"You've already agreed, haven't you?"


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"Well, I did ask when were we

"Well, I did ask when were we leaving." he answered, smiling at her.

he stood up and paced back and forth, stroking his chin in thought. "I do have one more question, however. The Cosmic Heart appears to be semi-sentient. When it is transferred to a new wielder, it sounds to me like the Heart has to determine if it's new wielder is acceptable. Wouldn't the Cosmic Heart be able to... deny The Iron Huntress from becoming a wielder? If she's been chasing after and studying the Cosmic Heart for several decades, she has to know this, right?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She'd smirk, blinking for a

She'd smirk, blinking for a moment before responding...

"It can be stolen....she would have to have killed me first, and then quite literally harvest the essence from my bones and long as I am breathing, it cannon't be forcefully extracted...even then it has countermeasures in place..."


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Upon hearing that, Sam

Upon hearing that, Sam resumed pacing with his hands behind his back, muttering slightly to himself. Finally, he turned to her with a slight smirk on his face.

"I've got an idea. But for it to work, we're going to need help. There were a couple of other supers back there at the battle. Did you recognize either of them? One was just a fleeting shadow with some kind of blade, but there was also the muscular woman with the patriotic costume. I think she's called Liberty Girl?"

He walked over to the balcony and drew the shades back, then opened the doors. "I've seen a few reports on Liberty Girl. If she doesn't have something else to take care of, she typically stays and helps to clean up. So there's a chance that she's still there."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She would slowly walk behind

She would slowly walk behind him, resting her head against his shoulder as she looks up to him, stroking his cheek...

"What exactly are you planning Sam, care to fill me in please...and I believe she should be there....I remember..."


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A rather... amusing... giggle

A rather... amusing... giggle would be heard as Mihaela went sailing off. The Red taking a rather sadistic glee in Mihaela suddenly feeling an exceptional amount of pain from some freak sword or another.
"Another day poppet! Another day!" The Red grinned as it watched a building approach. "Hey Mihaela.. catch." The Red retreated into the depths of the vampires body.

"That fu..." *SMACK* Mihaela hit a building. She was not having a good day. Starved into compliance, abused by the jackass symbiote, beat by some steroid freak because Red tought it was funny, and stabbed by.. whatever, and that hurt quite a bit more than normal.

Mihaela slid down the building. The feeling of her body repairing itself did not appeal to her. "One day, one full moon... I will win our timeless wood duel. Until then I am going to keep you from that time skipping rabbit you are so keen on finding." The girl snarled at ... herself. She was so hungry again... this level of regeneration taxed her reserves. Any hunger was too much. Mihaela climbed back up the building. She would find prey worth feeding on in strength and character.

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Lord Nightmare
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"This... 'Iron Huntress'...

"This... 'Iron Huntress'... She might be useful."

Nick rewound the news footage, watching the red woman's speech again and again.

"The 'Cosmic Heart'.. my, you desire it greatly don't you, Miss Iron? Perhaps an arrangement can be made..."

He smirks, a single fang barely poking out from the rest of the teeth.

"And perhaps she can help me find [b]IT[/b]."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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To Liberty Girl, Kartanian

To Liberty Girl, Kartanian responded, "Superades? Certainly. Back in a flash." He glanced around to get his bearings and check for the spirit creature, letting his extra senses do the work. Finding nothing amiss for the moment, he bounded off to the convenience store.

Several jumps, three minutes, and roughly $5.86 later (with the change from a $10 left on the counter), he returned to the fatigued superheroine and appeared with a bow.

"Your restorative drinks, my lady! I am Kartanian, notorious rogue, sneak, scoundrel, and spy. Sometime hero and sometime assassin. Proprietor of Curiosity Kilz, a well-established but not yet well known here espionage group. Is there additional trouble may I help you with, today?"

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

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Liberty Girl smiled as

Liberty Girl smiled as Kartanian dropped off the Superades. She chugged the first one down and could feel it's effects within minutes. The second she sipped slowly.

"I don't know what exactly the 'metahuman metabolic sustainers' in this stuff are, but they certainly do the trick when I've strained myself too much." she commented as she got back to her feet.

She looked the catling over, then approached and stuck out her hand, smiling. "Thanks for the assist, Mr. Kartanian. It's much obliged. Can't say I approve of some of the nouns you used to describe yourself, but I'm not the type to attack a new ally. Curiosity Kills... an ironic name for an espionage group."


He wrapped his arms around her. "Well, my idea is going off the hope that the Iron Huntress is watching our TV broadcasts to gain information about Earth, thereby helping her to track you down. If she isn't, this may not work. But anyways, what I want to do is... well... kill you."

At the somewhat shocked expression on her face, he explained further. "It's the only way I could think of to lead the Huntress into a trap. Make her think you've been killed while being a hero. But like I said, we'll need help. Other heroes, the TCPD, possibly the TCFD, and news stations. Now, I'm assuming she's tracking the Cosmic Heart itself and whatever energetic emanations it gives off. Any idea if those emanations would change if the host ceases living?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Ariana watched the news

Ariana watched the news coverage. She made a silent call downstairs. Her ever faithful servant Justin entered. "Yes little miss?"
Ariana smiled weakly. "Keep a tab on those .. three." Ariana rewound the video and pointed them out. A small girl in a torn dress, the one known as Nova and the recent arrived Huntress. "We must make sure this Cosmic Heart is not magic in nature... if it is.. how to keep that one" Ariana pointed at the huntress. "from tearing it out of the body of that one." Ariana pointed at Nova.

"Why the child miss?"

"It wields magic... it disguises it well, but it has magic ability. That creature... it worries me." Ariana feel silent. She was exhausted from talking so much. Justin draped a hot towel over her shoulders and left to do as his master commanded.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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She would give him a shocked

She would give him a shocked expression, but nods..,

"It's pulses would be dimmer, slowing to a crawl almost...definitely noticeable, and it's the perfect trap...but how do we pull if off Sam...?"


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Kartanian took Liberty Girl's

Kartanian took Liberty Girl's hand and shook it warmly. He shrugged eloquently, brushing off the implications of her comment. "It is what it is. Curiosity drives many things. The nature of my group is to make it possible for the worst of things to be discovered and stopped when 'regular' heroes have no access to the plots of the villains behind the scenes. Secrets are our business."

"I don't know what that thing was, but I got the distinct sense that we were dealing with two creatures, not just the blood spirit possessing an innocent. There's something wrong with the 'little girl,' too. I don't think we've seen the last of them."

He offered a business card. "While I suspect that our paths may periodically cross, here is a way to get in touch with me, as needed."

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

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Sam nodded as Sarah described

Sam nodded as Sarah described how the Cosmic Heart would react to its wielder's death.

"Do you think you'd be able to imitate that reaction?"

"As for how to fool the Huntress, I was thinking we'd find an older building, one that isn't in the best of condition, possibly even condemned. Then we set it on fire and collapse it. Make it seem like you were caught in the collapse and killed. We get the news stations to respond to this and broadcast that you were killed. If you can fake the wielder death signal, I'm betting it'll draw the Huntress like a moth to a bug zapper. Now, once she'd drawn into the trap, I'm assuming she'll fight. But how do we keep her from teleporting away if we start beating her?"


Liberty Girl accepted the card. "Can I actually have another of those? I have a friend who would probably fit right in with your group. Have you heard of a mercenary that goes by the name Nightstrike?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She'd ponder for a moment,

She'd ponder for a moment, before responding...

"Imitating the signal, I can do that....and perhaps we simply overwhelm her too much too fast..? The Heart doesn't have any info on how to disable her tech...each ignarian creates their own tech...and scanning it could take to long, give her time to escape..."

She would turn to him...

"Know anybody that could do it covertly...otherwise we have to simply give her everything we have..."


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"Well, there was that shadowy

"Well, there was that shadowy hero that helped us in the first fight. Maybe they could help scan her? Like I said, let's head back to the scene of the first battle."

With that, he gave her a quick kiss and then swung out through the open doors and down the street, rapidly heading back towards the intersection where the they'd first fought Iron Huntress.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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A bit surprised that he didn

A bit surprised that he didn't pick her up and shuttle her, she quickly overcomes her surprise and streaks after him, landing beside him as they touch the street, peering around at the damage caused when they fought. Peering around, she would suddenly eye the location where her father died, and not move forward...frozen...


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There were a number of police

There were a number of police officers and other emergency personnel still there, performing various duties. Whipcrack had stepped away to help move wreckage to clear the road, so he didn't see Lady Nova's turmoil. However, one of the officers noticed Lady Nova staring at the hole, frozen, and he approached slowly.

He spoke slowly, gently. "He was a good man, Detective Holt. Always knew the right thing to do. He was always ready to lend a hand out help out in anyway. He'll be missed by all of us at the precinct... did you know him, ma'am?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She would turn to the officer

She would turn to the officer, awaking from her stupor as she replies....

"Yes, he was there when I registered as a heroine in City Hall, helped me through some stickier messes with villains I couldn't stop on my own...he was a paragon, through and through....he will be missed"

With that, she would quickly turn away and begin to assist Whipcrack in clearing the rubble, lifting and tossing larger pieces into the air, before blasting them to rubble with bolts of searing energy...


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Whipcrack was facing away

Whipcrack was facing away from Lady Nova, but when he heard a grunt that was followed by the sound of one of her energy discharges, he whirled around. His armor was up in a second and his fists were already charging. But there was no sign of an enemy. He was trotting towards Lady Nova when she tossed another large chunk of rubble into the air and blasted it apart.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" he hollered, sprinting over to her and laying a hand on her shoulder just as she reached for another piece.

"You're showering the whole area with bits and chunks of superheated concrete shrapnel, Nova." he said, gesturing around at where the police and construction workers had all dove for cover. "It's okay folks. Come on out. My partner was just a little overzealous in her efforts."

He turned back to Lady Nova. "Here's what we'll do. You're stronger than me, so you bring the larger pieces of rubble over to the trucks here. I'll see about smashing them up."

Once she was off, he turned back to several large pieces. "Hrrrrm, how to do this..."

Whipcrack brought his hand forward and started shooting out energy strands, wrapping one of the pieces up like a cocoon. Once he'd done that, he concentrated and began contracting the strands, squeezing the rubble. There was some resistance, then he felt the rubble give way and shatter with a muffled CRUNCH. He retracted the strands to reveal a neat pile of rubble, which one of the Bobcat drivers was easily able to scoop up. With that figured out, he began crushing anything that Lady Nova brought over to him.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She nods, before doing so,

She nods, before doing so, beginning the process of lifting and transporting the large pieces of rubble to the trucks as directed, apologizing to the workers she spooked as she does so. After transiting three loads, she would stop Whipcrack in the midst of cracking another stone, whispering...

"About the blasting...that was stupid of me...looks like I'm better at simpler tasks..."

With that, she would begin to move back to grabbing pieces of larger debris...


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Whipcrack grabbed her arm and

Whipcrack grabbed her arm and gently turned her around while pulling her in closer to whisper softly in her ear.

"It wasn't stupid and you are not 'better at simple tasks'. You were just distracted and not thinking straight. You are still the smart, sexy, and confident woman that I fell in love with. Yes, life's dealt you a bad hand today and I'm sorry for what the Huntress did to your father. I only got to meet him a few times, but he and I really hit it off. I'll miss him too. But you're going to bounce back from this, I know you are. Take time to sort through your feelings, but don't obsess over them. I'll be with you every step of the way, okay?"

Whipcrack pulled away from her to gave her a small grin and a supportive hug.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She blinks several times at

She blinks several times at his words, before hugging him back, minding her strength of course, before happily going back and continuing her task of lifting and retrieving pieces of large rubble, before finally clearing her share from the area, after some time. Turning back to Whipcrack, she would meet up with him as he is distracted crushing debris, quickly kissing him before heading over to a contingent of ambulences, lending energy to speed the healing to some of the remaining injured....


Steamtank's picture
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At the edge of the debris

At the edge of the debris field an extremely large metal golem would be seen meticulously sorting rubble into piles. The TCPD leaved it alone, and it ignored well... everyone.
'Shame Watch wasn't here earlier, it mighta helped and prevented so much.. loss."
"Eh that POS.... I saw it two months ago completely ignore a mugging suspect."
"It's not bad, just have to know its quirks... like in a gun fight stand behind it."
The more senior officer talking nicely of Arch chuckled darkly. It wasn't easy being a normal cop in Titan City, often times survival counted on knowing what kind of help you could get from what sources.
"Eh, I guess. At least that thing has zero reports against it that stuck. Mostly just civi's who are used to having their day saved complaining when it didn't do what they wanted."

The two cops changed topics as they went back to mostly ignoring the giant construct.

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Kartanian plucked another

Kartanian plucked another card out of thin air and handed it, as well, to Liberty Girl. "Nightstrike? Sounds familiar...." He pulled up records and sifted through databases, displaying information on his retinal display. "Ah, yes. I recognize her. Please do pass on a good word. Our freelance work is nothing if not exciting. I save the routine, boring data collection and analysis tasks for our full-time agents. Nightstrike would probably enjoy the high-threat gigs."

He bowed and smiled. "Be well, oh beautiful bastion of liberty and justice for all!"

Then he turned sideways to reality and disappeared.

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

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Liberty Girl rested for a

Liberty Girl rested for a little while longer, until she felt like the damage The Red had done was repaired. Standing up from the bench she'd found, she stretched and did a few short jumps back down the street to the site of the battle. Once there, she saw Whipcrack and Lady Nova working in one area, and Stickers working in another.

She jumped over to where Stickers was, landing on his huge shoulder and giving him a quick, friendly slap on top of his head. "Keep up the good work, Stickers."

After that, she leaped off and landed over near Whipcrack and Lady Nova. She was about to ask the foreman where she could help out when Whipcrack looked up and then waved her down. She trotted over to him with a questioning look on her face. "Hey there, can I help you?"

Whipcrack nodded and then turned back to the piece he was in the process of crushing. Once finished, he turned to her fully. "Hey there, I'm Whipcrack. My partner over there is Lady Nova." he said, gesturing over her shoulder to the approaching heroine. "We were hoping to get your help with something. Also, do you know who that other hero that was here was? The shadowy one with the sword?"

Liberty Girl nodded. "Yeah, he said his name was Kartanian. He might still be around, I don't know. What's going on?"

At that moment, Lady Nova touched down and Whipcrack nodded to her. "I'll let her explain who it is we're fighting and why."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She would smile at Liberty

She would smile at Liberty Girl, shaking her hand firmly as she addresses her....

"We are going to attempt to draw out the Iron Huntress, and subsequently ambush her, hopefully managing to incapacitate her with sheer force before she can escape again. She is attracted to me, and more importantly, my power source known as the Cosmic Heart, interstellar in nature...if I cause the signal to dampen and weaken, feigning death, she WILL be forced to assume that I have perished, and will arrive accordingly"

She would turn back to Sam, motioning for him to add his portion of the plan, as she continues to speak..

"And may I add, that upon revealing myself 'alive', that we should work together to extradite the Huntress from the area, reduce collateral?"


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Whipcrack told Liberty Girl

Whipcrack told Liberty Girl about his plan to make the Huntress think that Lady Nova had been killed in a building collapse and Liberty Girl nodded. "It sounds like it could work. And personally, I'd like a second crack at her."

Her glance slid sideways to where Arch was almost daintily picking through rubble piles. "I think I know who can help us find a building..."

She nodded to the two of them and leaped over to where Arch was, landing near him. She walked up to the gigantic construct and tried to get his attention. First, she talked to him. "Hey Stickers, wake up. I need some help." If that didn't work, she'd reach out and knock on his head as he bent down towards the rubble.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Arch put a piece of masonry

Arch put a piece of masonry he had been shaping into a hole sealing it and leaving an even surface for repaving. Hearing one of the names he had learned to respond to over the years he looked over. The clanking in his neck making a sudden squeel before a spark shot out fixing whatever had just snapped. A small female was calling at him. It did not look like it was the future of the city, but it was still young... these ones were a grey area Arch had not made a decision about yet.

Arch squatted down to get eye to eye with the patriotic hero.

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Liberty Girl waited until

Liberty Girl waited until Arch had gotten as close to eye-to-eye as possible.

"Hey there Stickers. Geez, you haven't changed one bit from the first time I saw you when I was a kid." she said, eyeing the giant construct up and down.

"Anyways, my friends and I need your help with something. We're trying to find a building in the city. But it's got to be a certain type of building. One that's old and falling apart. Y'know, too badly damaged to repair easily or quickly? Probably has a Condemned sign on it? We need it to stop the woman who caused all this damage." she gestured around at the collapsed building, wrecked cars, and torn-up street.

"You think you could help us out, big guy?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Arch listened... as best Arch

Arch listened... as best Arch could. Processing 'Old building that can't be fixed' Arch thought of a few locations. Choosing the one that would take him the longest to repair before it was slated to be demolished Arch took a thin steel plate and held it in front of him. Several small arms came out and started etching into the plate. A few moments later Arch held out the plate. On it a rather perfect map from where they were to a building located in Clarkstown near the CCN rail yard. The "x" mark of the map was a sticker instead of an etching.

His job complete he turned to the building that had partially collapsed and began to analyze if its structure was salvageable.

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Smiling at Arch, she suddenly

Smiling at Arch, she suddenly hugs him briefly, warm memories of playing on and around his cold steel armaments as a child flooding back as she does so, before verbally expressing her gratitude...

"Thank you Stickers, it really means a lot!"

Letting go, she then turns to her newfound teammates, allowing herself to slowly list into the air before soaring off, a sonic boom echoing after her words as she shouts...

"Follow as best you can, I'll leave a trail to follow!"

As she soars, a slowly dispersing trail of golden energy would be clearly seen, a path to follow...


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Liberty Girl and Whipcrack

Liberty Girl and Whipcrack both studied the map for a few minutes, just in case something happened and they lost Lady Nova's trail. Once they were done, Liberty Girl set the map back down and hugged Arch's leg with one arm. "Thanks, big guy."

She crouched, her strong legs tensing, and took off with a powerful leap that carried her high into the air. Her silhouette was soon lost in the night.

Whipcrack hadn't grown up in Clarkstown, so he didn't share the same connection with Arch. Still, he patted the giant construct on the leg and then ran up a pile of rubble, throwing out an elastic energy strand that pulled him up into the air and gave him the momentum needed to start swinging down the street, following Lady Nova's light trail.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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The three heroes arrived in

The three heroes arrived in the order they had departed. They found themselves standing in front of a condemned 7-story factory. Through a hole in the wall, they could see that the main floor was strewn with piles of rotting fabric and rusting industrial machinery. The building appeared to have been clothing factory when it was still in use.

"This could definitely work." Whipcrack said as he poked his head inside the large hole. "But we'll need to search it first. Make sure no one has taken up residence."

He turned to the two ladies. "Nova, you're the fastest. Take care of searching for any homeless. Liberty Girl, see if you can determine where the main supports are. Destroying them will be the quickest way to ensure an internal collapse. I have to make a call."

Whipcrack stepped away from them and reached through his armor, pulling a smartphone out of a pouch on his belt. He pushed a few buttons and brought the phone to his ear. The recipient picked up on the first ring. "Hi Dani... Yes, I know I'm an ass. Look, we don't have time for this. You owe me a solid and I'm calling it in."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She nids, before flying off

She nids, before flying off into the building with shocking sped, her aura acting as a natural and powerful light as she begins to carefully scope the building, upon each and every floor, every nook and cranny, before returning to the group....

"It's clear!"


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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
While Lady Nova searched for

While Lady Nova searched for people, Liberty Girl stepped in through the hole and began searching the expansive first floor. She soon located the main set of support columns, which ran the length of the floor. Five feet by five feet and made of brick, one would be easy for her to knock down. But the plan required a quick collapse, so it sounded like she'd need to knock them all down at once.

She searched through the machinery, pulling out chains where she could find them. She soon had close to three hundred feet of chain, but it was in sections. Liberty Girl poked her head out of the wall just after Lady Nova had flown back outside. "Hey Nova! Would you be able to use your powers to fuse these chains together?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Turning to Alexa, she would

Turning to Alexa, she would nod and approaches, grabbing the chain as she does so. Taking stock of it's weight, her eyes and skin would blaze golden, searing light, concentrating the energy into her hands as she begins to fuse them, slowly but surely...

Eventually, the process would hopefully be done, as she turns to Liberty Girl...



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"As long as it'll hold when I

"As long as it'll hold when I start pulling on it, then definitely. Thanks!" Alexa said with a nod. She then gathered up the chain and began wrapping it around the columns. She had just enough chain to wrap each column twice and bring the the two ends of the chain back together at one side of the factory.

While the women took care of their tasks, Whipcrack cleared several rusted hulks of cars and various other pieces of trash from the front yard of the factory, attempting to set up a prime viewing angle for the news teams while not making it obvious it had been done so. But that was mostly just a distraction as he waited. Thirty minutes after he'd made his call, three black SUV's pulled up and twelve people exited them. One of the men, the apparent leader, approached Whipcrack. With no preamble whatsoever, he spoke. "Zulu Foxtrot Nine Five Mike."

Whipcrack responded. "Charlie Seven Yankee Hotel Zero."

The leader of the men immediately cracked a smile and his team visibly relaxed. He stuck out his hand and Whipcrack shook it. "Jim Traceur, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you. I understand we're going to be helping you with a situation?"

"That's correct, Mr. Traceur. We're going to attempt to lure an alien, The Iron Huntress, into an ambush at this factory. We're going to do this through a combination of manipulating the local news outlets and having the person she wants performing a specific action. I understand that all of your people have enhanced durability, reflexes, and healing?" Whipcrack grinned when Traceur nodded in the affirmative.

"Good. Bring them inside and we'll explain the plan." Whipcrack turned and walked towards the hole in the wall as Traceur issued a series of terse orders to his team. They began hauling gear out of the SUV's, which then drove away once they were finished. The team quickly moved their gear into the building, then gather around Traceur. Whipcrack called out to Lady Nova and Liberty Girl, summoning them to the planning session.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Raising an eyebrow at Sam's

Raising an eyebrow at Sam's summoning of the governmental-looking men, she nods nonetheless and follows them in side, asking toward the group as she does so...

"What's the game plan?"


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"Lady Nova, Liberty Girl,

"Lady Nova, Liberty Girl, this is Jim Traceur and his squad. They work for a friend and I called them in to assist."

Both of the heroines greeted the team and everyone turned back to look at Whipcrack. It was then that it suddenly occurred to him that he'd somehow become the one in charge of the whole she-bang. He rubbed his hands, then dove into the planning.

"The basic plan is to lure the Iron Huntress into an ambush. We're going to accomplish this in two ways. First, we're going to set this building on fire. That will draw the media because of its proximity to the CCN Railyards and because my friend will give them a little "push". Once they're on site, we'll let them see the three of us entering the building, where we'll start rescuing vagrants. That's where the first half of your team comes in, Mr. Traceur. You should have been provided with outfits to wear over your armor. Mr. Traceur and his team are all enhanced, so there's little chance of them being hurt by the fire. My hope is that Iron Huntress is monitoring our media channels to keep track of Lady Nova." Everyone was nodding, so Whipcrack continued.

"As we're rescuing the "vagrants", the other half of Mr. Traceur's team will be camouflaged and set up to attack the Iron Huntress when she arrives. After several minutes of the media covering the rescues, Liberty Girl will trigger a building collapse. the collapse will "kill" Lady Nova. That's the second part of the lure. Once she's under the rubble, Lady Nova will begin performing an action that is almost guaranteed to bring the Iron Huntress down on us. The Huntress has a way of monitoring Lady Nova's energy emissions, so when they change, she'll think that Lady Nova is dead and she can retrieve what she's here for. That retrieval cannot be allowed to happen. Once she arrives, we'll spring the trap. Any questions?" Whipcrack looked around at those assembled.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Lady Nova shook her head,

Lady Nova shook her head, smiling at Sam and nodding at the team assembled...

"None here, and it seems like this could HAS to...I'm ready!"


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Once everyone was set up and

Once everyone was set up and Traceur's incendiary charges were set, his men divided into two squads. One deployed to positions inside the building and the other to camouflaged covers just across the street in the rail yard. Whipcrack, Lady Nova, and Liberty Girl spread themselves out about a block from the rail yard. Once everyone was in place and all checks had been made, Whipcrack had Traceur detonate the first of the incendiary devices. One of the middle floors of the building burst into flame and the conflagration spread quickly.

Within ten minutes, the first of the news choppers and drones started to arrive. Observing the flying vehicles and making sure none were facing them, Whipcrack sent Lady Nova in first with him quickly behind her since the public and media knew they were partners, but he delayed Liberty Girl's arrival by a few minutes. Just before they arrived, Traceur detonated the remaining incendiary charges in sequence.

While Lady Nova flew into one of the upper floors, Whipcrack swung into a window on the second. When Liberty Girl arrived, she landed near the front entrance and charged inside, smashing down one of the large main doors. One by one, they supported, dragged, or carried Traceur's men from the building. They deposited them all together, near an innocuous-looking rusted shipping container. Once all six were out, both Lady Nova and Liberty Girl went back in. Only a few minutes after they entered the building, which was almost completely engulfed in flames by now, it began to creak and rumble ominously.

Whipcrack looked up just as the upper floors began to crumble and then the whole building collapsed inwards. "Nova!" he yelled, jumping to his feet and running towards the large burning heap of rubble. Just as he reached it, a small explosion of rubble blasted upwards and Liberty Girl climbed out.

"I lost track of Nova, where is she?" she asked, but then she saw the look on his face as he ran past her and leaped up onto the pile. He began tearing at the rubble and she joined him, tossing aside huge chunks of it. The two heroes worked valiantly to find their friend as the coughing vagrants and media watched helplessly.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
