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Ios the game changing moment/and will we have them again

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Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/22/2015 - 22:14
Ios the game changing moment/and will we have them again

I apologize if this topic has been talked about prior, I could not locate it.

I was one of those rare breeds on CoH/CoV that loved pvp. One of the most ground breaking evolutionary moments was when the IOS were introduced ( is that what they were called its been so long :(.
To implement a system where even if you had the same build as someone else no one person was alike, not even remotely close was astounding. I have never before seen anything like that implemented in any game. I would sit for days to weeks working on Mids to tweak my toons to perfection. I was able to make a name for myself as a pvper due to the ability to create such specifically built avatar. So has there been any word at all if this will be back in this game? Honestly this a a make or break moment for me on this game. I will loose interest if I am only able to create a avatar only slightly different vs the next person. Btw I was known as DAMINION, hello to my fellow pvpers of the past

(infinity Server)

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 4 weeks 5 hours ago
Joined: 03/28/2015 - 03:02
I take it you are referring

I take it you are referring to crafted set enchantments, also referred to as Invention Origin or IO's.

Yes, MWM has said that there will be something like that but no specific details nor any promise that sets specifically will be in at launch. Ohh, and they'll be called augments in CoT.

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/22/2015 - 22:14
Yes I am and thank you so

Yes I am and thank you so much. Whew that is abig relief to hear :).

Empyrean's picture
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I had as much fun tweaking my

I had as much fun tweaking my build on mids as I did tweaking my look, tweaking my bio story, and actually playing CoH.

I wasn't a PvPer (very often), or even a bleeding-edge player. What I did was take the powers that fit my concept (which were often not particularly synergistic nor popular combinations) and then tweaked the absolute crap out of them and found unorthodox synergies to become a truly powerful Hero anyway.

It was Epic, and it was FUN! My final test of any build was if I could solo missions on +4x8 and pull two groups and survive against ANY enemy (pre-incarnate). It was an ongoing process, but my mains could do it.

And for those, like Paladin for example, who didn't care for this aspect of the game, the difficulty slider when playing solo and how much everyone boosted the heck out of you when you were on teams made up for it enough that you could generally ignore it if so inclined.

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DesViper's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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I remembered some of the

I remembered some of the augments being pretty cool: add fire damage, etc. There's an update on it.

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Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 weeks ago
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I suggest reading Highway to

I suggest reading [url=]Highway to the danger-room[/url] which is our update on how you will socket powers.

As to crafted sets of Augments and Refinements, as has been said, we will eventually have them, just not at launch. We do intend to have bqsic crafting for them at launch, crafting for temporary powers, and possibly costume pieces. This is order to get both the player economy going, gauge how well the crafting system, and auction house system is working, as well a introduce the player to these systems.

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Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/22/2015 - 22:14
Thank you Tannim, all though

Thank you Tannim, all though I do appreciate the link on socketing. The real treat City offered was the IO's, nothing in a game has set me apart from everyone else like that game. My enthusiasm went through the roof the moment it was verified. Also no worries on my part that it wont be available on release. I rather it is done right than fast and ugly. I have been a gamer long enough now to know that can get bad real fast.