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Inventory and Show Armor Piece options.

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Gauntlet's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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Inventory and Show Armor Piece options.

DCUO currently has an inventory system much like what im thinking. You create an initial costume as usual but as you progress you pick up item drops that could affect your powers in some way. Maybe a +3 Acc, or +2 Range, but has a look that you may find you like. You could then click a checkbox to decide whether to use the armors look or your own. This would also lend to individualization, and give an open ended addition capability to item customization. I know in CoX they did not have a inventory and I always felt it was something that that game lacked.

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Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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I disliked the inventory

I disliked the inventory system on DCUO compared to the way CoH did it. But I'm probably very bias, so...

Interdictor's picture
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I really don't like the

I really don't like the inventory system that DCUO and CO have - the "hey I got a new mask that makes me hit harder" aesthetic.

In any case - as far as I know the devs are planning on an unobtrusive "loot" system much like CoH's. Now - they could have "costume drops" - kinda like some of COH's crafting recipes I suppose - but I don't know if they are planning on going that route. Costumes and power animations are probably going to be big sellers in the store after all.

Doc_Nova's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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I don't mind the idea of

I don't mind the idea of special costume loot once the dev team starts introducing premium costume pieces post-game release. But don't make my cape something I have to hunt for. And absolutely don't tie mechanics and bonuses to which pair of underoos I am sporting. I do not want my nifty costume gloves replaced by hideous things that boost my strength to ungodly levels. Not only has my character's image changed beyond my control, but you're kind of forcing me to play along if the piece in question comes with such a great power boost.

I would much rather "costume drops" be purely cosmetic with mechanics tied to enhancements, or "Boosts", as they are being called in Titans.

Last seen: 1 month 20 hours ago
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I can see costume loot

I can see costume loot *sometimes* being handy in changing *some* aspect of your appearance... but it all depends on the mission.

Lousy example coming up: You find an alien tech glove, that when worn gives you a bonus ranged attack.

When equipped (ie, when you wearing it), the change is shown ON your character and you can use the bonus attack.

You might not like it, but for me... its more immersive. If (in this case) it is used more sparingly, i can see you having your *base* costume, and then stuff added on.

Look at Spiderman... sure he had his own outfit and abilities... but during the Civil War story line, he had the Iron Spider armour... which gave him a few more additional abilities.

That is one that just springs off the top of my head though, and I am sure that there are others as well.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
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3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Fireheart's picture
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No 'gear'! I don't want to

No 'gear'! I don't want to concern myself with whether or not I found the awesome thing of massive awesomeness. [u]That makes the Gear the star of the show, instead of the [b]Hero[/b].[/u] My character is great because of the Character, not because of what he has collected.

Be Well!

Mendicant's picture
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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

I can see costume loot *sometimes* being handy in changing *some* aspect of your appearance... but it all depends on the mission.
Lousy example coming up: You find an alien tech glove, that when worn gives you a bonus ranged attack.
When equipped (ie, when you wearing it), the change is shown ON your character and you can use the bonus attack.
You might not like it, but for me... its more immersive. If (in this case) it is used more sparingly, i can see you having your *base* costume, and then stuff added on.
Look at Spiderman... sure he had his own outfit and abilities... but during the Civil War story line, he had the Iron Spider armour... which gave him a few more additional abilities.
That is one that just springs off the top of my head though, and I am sure that there are others as well.

That's what temp powers were for in CoH. You might get a Nemesis Staff or a plasma cannon for a bit.

Last seen: 1 month 20 hours ago
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But i was thinking of

But i was thinking of stretching it *beyond* the "temp powers" idea though... and although similar to "gear affects appearance", this is "gear that gives you special abilities that affects appearance".

Sure, some people will jump for it (I know I would...), but as long as the abilities of the gear was *limited* (so more of the utility stuff), you could have it so that you carried the gun on your back that you only used in those "just in case" moments.

Limit it to say 1 or 2 utility slots overall (x-ray goggles and sticky grasp gloves for example), Unlike CoX, you will have to pick and choose what equipment to wear, instead of ending up with a tree of almost 90 odd temp powers (ok, the CoX version kinda over did it, but that was due to costume powers and the like going into the same section), that you can use at a moments notice.

There is nothing to stop you from swapping stuff in and out as need be, but hey, since when has inventory size *really* been accurate as to sensible amounts of stuff that you can carry.... You will have to choose the stuff that is suitable...

(and there is nothing to say that the dev's cannot just use costume pieces that are already in the character creator as a suitable base to work from).


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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Aye, what's said above.

Aye, what's said above.

As for "hunting for my cape", this is probably a strange idea.. but I think it could work.
In the CC, all costume parts in the game (save for exclusive ones that devs and the players that paid get) are viewable. Any that you can't use will have a little symbol next to it and mousing over it will tell you how to acquire it, either by purchasing in the shop, getting a certain achievement, buying it from so-and-so vendor, drop from enemy X.. Makes the task SO MUCH LESS TERRIBLE when you know exactly what you have to do.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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Last seen: 1 month 20 hours ago
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GFN wrote:
GFN wrote:

Aye, what's said above.
As for "hunting for my cape", this is probably a strange idea.. but I think it could work.
In the CC, all costume parts in the game (save for exclusive ones that devs and the players that paid get) are viewable. Any that you can't use will have a little symbol next to it and mousing over it will tell you how to acquire it, either by purchasing in the shop, getting a certain achievement, buying it from so-and-so vendor, drop from enemy X.. Makes the task SO MUCH LESS TERRIBLE when you know exactly what you have to do.

I like that idea as well... so it means that you can have stuff that you can earn for your characters ingame....

I feel that my idea touches on *several* sections of the game (not just the character/costume design part), but also on the "how can we add temp/cool stuff to the game" as drops, that *expand* on the look of the character.

I can see why people won't necessarily like it (item drop envy anyone?), but that doesn't meant that the dropped abilities have to look *just* a certain way.

You can have several different options that you can select from (still thinking on how and where to do this), but I think that if you got the "Superadyne experimental adrenal boost system", it would look fairly similar across the board...

With some variations possible as well ;)

That experimental rifle from Breakout Electronics? All look the same (or variations of the same base model), you just get to choose which appearance you will "stick with" (maybe at time of 1st equipping? or limited number of appearance changes, who knows...).

But at least this means that whilst utility gear *can* change the appearance, you don't *have* to use it... and with a limited number of utility slots available, it is also a gameplay "enhancer", instead of having *everything* available at the click of a button... choose ahead padawan, you cant get everything out of your backpack at a moments notice (although it could be cool for to have varying number of utility slots according to AT/concept... maybe increase the number with *other* drops/unlocks... who knows).

Just me rambling now


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:43
Loot is just part of MMO's in

Loot is just part of MMO's in CoH it made sense for Tech Heroes to have bits and pieces but not so much for mutants and science characters. The flaw of DCUO is that costume pieces are tied to loot and are not available to basic characters. I think the Dev team will have as many costume pieces available at creation with a few exclusives and epic pieces available for high level content, micro transactions, and or expansions.

CO's power mod and devices are nice concepts but I didn't like the implementation, but are a cool option it they are done right.

Overall I think, Positron's advice to the developers was golden, "...keep it simple and don't put out things just to have a bullet point done. Do it when it has a meaning." (I'm paraphrasing here.)

Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 07:42
That cruel dilemma when the

That cruel dilemma when the ugliest armor piece offers the most power.

Honestly I don't like the concept DCUO went with on the gear, it being the costume was tied into the powers. I know once you obtained it, you could easily change it in the costume editor, but having to hunt for gear just for costume pieces seems a bit absurd. Enchantments should not be tied into the costumes that they come along with, and they weren't in CoX.

I feel that there should be something separate like the costume recipes, that way you're not hunting just for this recipe for an enchantment but rather a hard-to-get piece of a costume or costume set.

Starting off in DCUO I felt like the costume pieces were really lacking in order to make the character feel like he was mine. When I started playing CoH in the early days there was enough there to work with to make him feel like he was my own creation to start with, and through out the levels and issues, more to make him feel connected to.

Keep Low. Move Fast. Kill First. Die Last. One Shot. One Kill. No Luck. Pure Skill.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Please don't tie costumes to

Please don't tie costumes to the stats of our characters

Mendicant's picture
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rogueseraphim wrote:
rogueseraphim wrote:

Please don't tie costumes to the stats of our characters

Double, triple, quadruple this.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Mendicant wrote:
Mendicant wrote:

rogueseraphim wrote:
Please don't tie costumes to the stats of our characters

Double, triple, quadruple this.


I do like the idea of having items that we can elect to show that was mentioned above. Almost like a trophy system, carry the weapon on your back and use it every once in a while.

charlieranger's picture
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MWM has already mentioned

MWM has already mentioned their intent of making your power effects POO(point of origin) customizable, or at least different if you have a wand or weapon or just your hands. My thoughts on gear drops would be costume drops that allow you greater diversity in power effect POO. i.e. I just picked up a shoulder mount costume piece that I can assign my flamethrower to, or I just found the blue wisp costume piece that I can assign my icebolt to. I think this could provide more balance to the costume hunting vs. stat hunting.

Von Krieger
Von Krieger's picture
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I agree, I hate it when I can

I agree, I hate it when I can't customize my POO.

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Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
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Von Krieger wrote:
Von Krieger wrote:

I agree, I hate it when I can't customize my POO.

Me too, it makes me frustrated and have to throw it at someone.

Keep Low. Move Fast. Kill First. Die Last. One Shot. One Kill. No Luck. Pure Skill.

HarvesterOfEyes's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
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I would prefer the game never

I would prefer the game never involve traditional "gear". CoH had the right idea for character appearance.

Get yourself right; the world has enough problems.

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
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HarvesterOfEyes wrote:
HarvesterOfEyes wrote:

I would prefer the game never involve traditional "gear". CoH had the right idea for character appearance.

I can't imagine CoT taking a different route. It was probably the single most defining feature of the game.