Sorry in advance if this is old ground; I didn't see it mentioned when I looked
For the CoH players which had exprted their toons before NCSoftageddon, permit them to buy a token from the store to have the toon translated (as closely as possible) into CoT.
One option to prevent it from being a store-only perk is to allow users one free translate token per toon they get to max level in CoT.
There's already at least one other thread talking about the Sentinel export files and how applicable they'll be to CoT. I think it'll be a while before the Devs of CoT figure out just how much will "translate" from one game to the other since CoT is likely going to be significantly different in many ways.
As far as needing a "Token" for that kind of import I suppose anything's possible but somehow I doubt it would require anything like that unless there's really no clean way to translate the data and it would require hands-on Dev work to make it happen.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Can't you just try to recreate your character as best you can with the new system?
They wouldn't let you import your level 50 incarnate regardless, because you'd just be skipping all of the game content that they're currently building and going straight to endgame, and that doesn't work in anyone's favor.
You'd still have to start from level 1, so your import would end up just being costume pieces and powersets. And then why not just rebuild it yourself anyway. Maybe there'll be different costume pieces that fit your original concept better.
To be honest I really don't think the Sentinel files will end up being that relevant to CoT at all. I was sort of just trying to be nice to those people who are still holding out hope.
The Sentinel files were really just meant as a stop-gap measure back in the days when there was still hope that the original CoH property might be sold/transferred to a third party to be restarted again. Now that most people have moved on to support MWM or the other Phoenix projects I think we'll have to accept that games like CoT will have so many differences it might as well be "Apples and Oranges" compared to CoH.
As you said they probably won't let us keep our character levels. The AT/powersets are going to be fundamentally different and even things like badges and costume items are going to be vastly reorganized. At best these Sentinel files might act more like *.costume files and -may- be of some use for costume transfers - but even that's questionable at this point,
It's probably best to assume that the Sentinel files are NOT going to help us - if they do we can consider that a minor miracle in our favor.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I think they mention in one thread if they are going to make sentinl file conversion it will be limited to costumes only for various reasons.
1) CoT will be level cap 30 or 40 depending on budget at the start so it will be impossible to convert a level 50 anyway.
2) We don't know if there will be any incarnate powers level of content ever. For all it worths if design is good CoT can keep increasing level cap instead of making something like 'after end game' content or dual specialization type of approach (which you can add another class over your existing one much like how it is in FFXIV with an increased XP gap)
3) badges won't be transmited anyway since they will be unrealted at most depending on your badge numbers it can give you a badge but it will be not nice for people who wants to collect them all but lost their sentinel data.
4) Not all combinations of power pools will be available in CoT that was existing in CoH and even if we assume it will there is no way guessing if powers will be same in those pools. (I doubt I can get my 4 hit combo katana/sr toon back in CoT for example since some of those powers will be different)
5) your various rewards from various things (like veteran rewards or temp powers) may not make it in game at all
6) Overall trying to correct a mishaped character in sentinel files may take more time of players than just making them from zero and even if you manage to get everything correctly there is no saying if you can play with that character how you did in CoH.
I sincerely doubt MWM will do ANYTHING with the Sentinel files. For one they will be next to useless as practically EVERYTHING will be different. Sentinel saves were made in case someone took over CoH and re-opened the game (even then there was no telling they would allow "insta-Incarnates"). I don't think they would be very useful considering the direction the devs are planning on taking with this game.
And second, they want to stay far away from ANY kind of I.P. links whatsoever. So - basically - you are going to have to re-roll your characters from scratch.
Now - if a 3rd party were to come up with a program that suggests certain builds based on a CoH character - that I can see happening. But I'd surprised if MWM does anything official in this regard.
Interdictor is pretty much right. MWM has no plans to do anything official with Sentinel+ files. But our formats will be reasonably friendly towards any 3rd party that wants to make a converter; and we already have heard from 3rd parties expressing their intent to do just that.
Such a converter would most likely try and match costumes to the closest equivalent. It might be able to suggest a build that is similar to the CoH build, but that's going to be a rough fit at best. And everybody will have to roll their new characters at starting level.
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