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Iconic Powers, Some Not Iconic

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Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/13/2014 - 19:42
Iconic Powers, Some Not Iconic

One thing I like about DCUO is the Iconic Power system. When you reach level 10, you can pick and have a power of an iconic superhero (Superman's heat vision or Shazam's Wisdom of Solomon) no matter what your power set is. Some of these powers deal damage, like heat vision, and others are passive buffs like the Wisdom of Solomon.

I would like to see something like this in CoT, but not the same. Instead of giving us power's to pick from lore based superheroes we barley know, like Mary Mind's passive mental resistance or Bulky Bob's cosmic pain punch, give us powers we can "theme" up. When I say them, I mean the themes we create for our characters (Magicians, Power Suit wearers and spandex wearing Flying Bricks).

An example would be Group Teleportation. Of course people would say it's part of the movement power branch Teleportation, but hear me out. Teleporting makes a great movement power, but movement powers seem to be more focused on the player. Having Group Teleport as an Iconic-like power,would be a useful ability to have if your a Magician, Advanced Tech User and Energy Manipulator who prefers to fly over the city landscape.

The story could go like this. Your party could be in a higher level zone, grinding for level's or practicing tactics when a random world instance happens. What was a nice stroll in the highly thug populated park turns into a full blown battle field. The next thing you know, alien lizards riding giant spiders rain down from the wormhole tear in the sky. Clearly out numbered and out leveled to the point your a hindrance to the local High Leveled Capes.

Your party regroups, everyone from the Street Fighter to your teams Flying Brick cowers under the Force Field User's bubble. His/her bubble is about to pop and everyone fears the end. Yet you stand their with confidence. Everyone knows your a flyer, and have been since day one.To their surprise your preparing a Group Teleport to another zone, or your super group's base, via incantation, gadget or concentrating your energy power. That night they celebrate you at the bar, of course, buying you non-alcoholic drinks because your teleporting the group home.

Of course, Group Teleport doesn't have to be just part of of the Iconic power set, or the movement branch. It can be in both. A clear goal for any teleporter, or a useful skill for any other power set and play style.

This is only the Group Teleport power that I suggested, but their are other "iconic" powers out their. Some besides heat vision or invulnerability. I would like other's to post other examples I wouldn't have think of and give examples of why they should be available to any power set.

If you want to be a hero, wear the mask and live by the (optional) cape.

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/15/2014 - 17:24
if the game allows for

if the game allows for improvements, modifications, extensions, additions, etc.
then this could be something that happens anyway
might even be cool for release candidate
imagine you are fighting, and losing... xyzhero uses group teleport, you blink 100 meters away... certainly worth something to think about
as far as 'iconic' goes... i think those are the basic powers... flying is iconic, superstrength is iconic, etc.
