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Hey! My Shoulder Kitty isn't a Firing Point!

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Cyclops's picture
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Hey! My Shoulder Kitty isn't a Firing Point!

What?!! are you mods nerfing Shoulder kitties now?!!
Are shoulder kitties too powerful?

The Shoulder Panda is a firing point.
The Shoulder Dragon is a firing point.

I even saw a hero in gray with a giant pet pigeon...and it was a firing point!

What have you got against shoulder kitties? Mr Muffins has a sad now.


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I think the problem is the

I think the problem is the way most people see Kitties. Soft, Cute, Cuddly, Loveable balls of fur. Turning the Kitty into a firing point for your Mini Tactical Nukes is appalling to some. And of course you realize that they must bow to the Screaming Mad Minority and ignore the desires of the Silent majority.

Just my 5 cents worth.

Foradain's picture
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StellarAgent wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:

I think the problem is the way most people see Kitties. Soft, Cute, Cuddly, Loveable balls of fur.

That's what the Feline Empire wants you to think. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Redlynne's picture
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I had a Ninja Mastermind with

I had a Ninja Mastermind with a shoulder kitty. I always loved the idea that the [b]shoulder kitty[/b] was the character, while the "human" it was riding on was merely camouflage to keep people (such as the costume editor) from asking awkward questions.

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Fireheart's picture
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And name the character Mister

And name the character Mister Mittens' Minions

Be Well!

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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

StellarAgent wrote:
I think the problem is the way most people see Kitties. Soft, Cute, Cuddly, Loveable balls of fur.
That's what the Feline Empire wants you to think. ^_^

My kitty reassures me on a regular basis that what I think about them is quite true. Who am I to argue with my cute, Fluffy, Lovable Kitty?

Shard (not verified)
This is a temporary

This is a temporary regression due a decimal point that was in the wrong place.

This will be resolved in the next update.

Lothic's picture
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Shard wrote:
Shard wrote:

This is a temporary regression due a decimal point that was in the wrong place.
This will be resolved in the next update.

This was the lame excuse Matt Miller (a.k.a. Positron) used for why the Empath badge was originally set to require 1,000,000,000 HPs healed instead of 100,000,000 HPs healed. He tried to claim that the badge was always supposed to "only" take 100 million, but of course that "typo" only existed in the game for about 4 YEARS. *smirk*

The true irony was that after it was lowered to 100,000,000 HPs healed it was soon lowered down again to 10,000,000. If the Devs finally realized that 10 million was the appropriate value for that badge it really makes you have to wonder what Matt was smoking back when he thought 1 BILLION HPs was the right amount.

I sincerely hope this will be a "lesson learned" for the CoT Devs when they go about making reasonable requirements for their badges/achievements.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Izzy's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Shard wrote:
This is a temporary regression due a decimal point that was in the wrong place.
This will be resolved in the next update.

This was the lame excuse Matt Miller (a.k.a. Positron) used for why the Empath badge was originally set to require 1,000,000,000 HPs healed instead of 100,000,000 HPs healed. He tried to claim that the badge was always supposed to "only" take 100 million, but of course that "typo" only existed in the game for about 4 YEARS. *smirk*
The true irony was that after it was lowered to 100,000,000 HPs healed it was soon lowered down again to 10,000,000. If the Devs finally realized that 10 million was the appropriate value for that badge it really makes you have to wonder what Matt was smoking back when he thought 1 BILLION HPs was the right amount.
I sincerely hope this will be a "lesson learned" for the CoT Devs when they go about making reasonable requirements for their badges/achievements.

Honestly, I would have made the same mistake, if it was just for Blue Side.
Since I always perceived Blue side following the Wholly trinity allot closer than Red side did.
Once Red side ATs started commingling with Blue side... out the window older value limits go. :{

Pengy's picture
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StellarAgent wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:

I think the problem is the way most people see Kitties. Soft, Cute, Cuddly, Loveable balls of fur. Turning the Kitty into a firing point for your Mini Tactical Nukes is appalling to some. And of course you realize that they must bow to the Screaming Mad Minority and ignore the desires of the Silent majority.
Just my 5 cents worth.

All I'm freakin asking for is a freakin kitty with a freakin laser beam on its freakin forehead, and a freakin light saber, because that would be freakin cool too, and a freakin pony*. Is that too freakin much to ask?

[size=9]*Pony should not be attached to kitty, and doesn't need to be kitty-shaped.[/size]

Shard (not verified)
Pengy wrote:
Pengy wrote:

All I'm freakin asking for is a freakin kitty with a freakin laser beam on its freakin forehead, and a freakin light saber, because that would be freakin cool too, and a freakin pony*. Is that too freakin much to ask?
*Pony should not be attached to kitty, and doesn't need to be kitty-shaped.

Well, when that comes up next on a vote in the Patreon surveys, make sure you lobby hard for that.

Lothic's picture
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Shard wrote:
This is a temporary regression due a decimal point that was in the wrong place.
This will be resolved in the next update.

This was the lame excuse Matt Miller (a.k.a. Positron) used for why the Empath badge was originally set to require 1,000,000,000 HPs healed instead of 100,000,000 HPs healed. He tried to claim that the badge was always supposed to "only" take 100 million, but of course that "typo" only existed in the game for about 4 YEARS. *smirk*
The true irony was that after it was lowered to 100,000,000 HPs healed it was soon lowered down again to 10,000,000. If the Devs finally realized that 10 million was the appropriate value for that badge it really makes you have to wonder what Matt was smoking back when he thought 1 BILLION HPs was the right amount.
I sincerely hope this will be a "lesson learned" for the CoT Devs when they go about making reasonable requirements for their badges/achievements.

Honestly, I would have made the same mistake, if it was just for Blue Side.
Since I always perceived Blue side following the Wholly trinity allot closer than Red side did.
Once Red side ATs started commingling with Blue side... out the window older value limits go. :{

Sorry for sticking to this topic derail but I feel the facts need to be covered again here:

First of all the original one billion HPs healed requirement was shown to be ridiculously too high multiple times over the course of years by many people who consistently made reasonable predictions based on sound math and play experience. It was routinely estimated that the average player healing average amounts of damage during "normal play" would have had to play the game 8 hours a day EVERY DAY for roughly 20 YEARS to have been able to earn Empath. Until the requirements for the badge was finally lowered the only people who had the badge were the handful of dedicated badgers who decided to farm it during months of rigged overnight PvP farms.

Clearly Matt came up with the original one billion HPs healed requirement solely based 100% on picking an arbitrarily high number and blindly sticking to it for years even in the face of overwhelming evidence that no "normal" player could have ever earned it. He condescendingly dismissed our suggestions for years to lower Empath because he assumed the silly players involved were just "whining" about a hard badge when in reality we were showing him that he had a legitimate case of having an IMPOSSIBLE badge in the game and he was too stubborn to listen to us. To add insult to injury when he finally decided to lower Empath's requirement he came up with the totally BS story of there being a "misplaced decimal point" that somehow was supposedly unfixable for 4+ years. Let's just say Matt's handling of the situation was not his finest moment.

Second of all this situation had absolutely nothing to do with a "red/blue side" issue. Remember that Empath was not lowered to 100 million until Issue 13 which was years after villains were introduced in Issue 6. Had there been some kind of functional problem with red side ATs being unable to earn a badge that blue side ATs could they would have changed Empath back in Issue 6. Also the very notion that badges would have to ever be adjusted because of red/blue side concerns is illogical to begin with based on the simple reality that dedicated badge hunters routinely cycled through all the alignments to get all the badges anyway. Suggesting that they lowered Empath's requirement just because villain ATs entered the game begs the question of why they didn't set Immortal's requirement at 100 million at Issue 2 (instead of Issue 16) because it was hard for Controllers to get. No "count" badge's requirement (such as for Empath or Immortal) should ever be directly dependant on how hard or easy they are to get by specific AT/powersets and by extension no "count" badge should ever be harder or easier to get based on alignment.

TL;DR version: Matt screwed up with Empath and it took him years to finally overcome his stubbornness to fix his mistake. I don't want the CoT Devs to repeat the same kind of silliness.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fireheart's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

TL;DR version: Matt screwed up with Empath and it took him years to finally overcome his stubbornness to fix his mistake. I don't want the CoT Devs to repeat the same kind of silliness.

Matt's not responsible for everything. The Billion target might have been set by Jack.

Be Well!

Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Lothic wrote:
TL;DR version: Matt screwed up with Empath and it took him years to finally overcome his stubbornness to fix his mistake. I don't want the CoT Devs to repeat the same kind of silliness.

Matt's not responsible for everything. The Billion target might have been set by Jack.
Be Well!

As much as it's fun to blame all the "bad things" associated with CoH on Jack it's probably more fair to say that there was plenty of blame to spread around. Matt was responsible for the badge system of CoH before he became the lead Dev. Just naming him specifically because he is most likely directly responsible for setting the original requirements of many of the badges in the game.

Regardless of that Matt was the one that came up with the often quoted "misplaced decimal point" excuse for why it took YEARS to correct and he was also the Dev that was behind the stonewalling against many players trying to help him make the badging system better overall. You have to remember that for years he declared there was "nothing wrong" with the billion HP Empath when many knowledgeable badgers were proving to him otherwise; as I implied before stubbornness was one thing Matt never lacked.

Again to be fair Matt was clearly responsible for many of the good things that came to CoH, especially after Jack left. But that doesn't absolve him of all of his shortcomings with regards to lingering problems with the game. In any event no matter how responsible Matt might have been for things like the "billion HP Empath" I will simply restate that I do not want the Devs of CoT to repeat those kinds of unfortunate situations or make BS excuses for them.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Greyhawk's picture
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Matt? Jack? Empath? Who

Matt? Jack? Empath? Who cares?

Shoulder kitties with lasers, on the other hand...yeah, I could get into that.

As for the other stuff? Meh. The game is dead and gone and never coming back, although it breaks my heart to admit it. The simple truth of the matter is that it no longer matters who was responsible for which mistakes. The only thing that matters is that the self-proclaimed "spiritual successors" all learn from those errors and take the superhero MMO genre to the next level!

As it stands now, I think CoT has the best chance of doing so, but I am greatly looking forward to all of them.

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Lothic's picture
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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

Matt? Jack? Empath? Who cares?

The only thing that matters is that the self-proclaimed "spiritual successors" all learn from those errors and take the superhero MMO genre to the next level!

Even I don't ultimately care "who" made the various errors in CoH and/or who lied about making them. But as you yourself point out games like CoT need to make sure they don't repeat them regardless of fault.

The best way to make sure they don't repeat the mistakes of the past is to remind the new Devs at every reasonable opportunity with all the historical facts available. That's all I was doing here.

The real lesson here is that even if a game like CoT makes mistakes its Devs should not be so stubborn as to pretend they didn't happen. The problem wasn't the "misplaced decimal point" - the problem was the 4+ years of pretending the decimal point didn't need to be fixed.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Garrilon's picture
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Personally, I would like to

Personally, I would like to be able to play this game for 20 years+ ... ;D

And for badges that have requirements, scaling up titles that showed where you were currently at available, such as for taking damage, healing, etc., would be a better idea than setting an almost unreachable goal such as healing 1,000,000,000 health, etc.

People, lets not play the Blame Game, but instead add useful suggestions or funny comments....

Garrilon's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 02/05/2015 - 21:45
Using different parts of the

Using different parts of the body or costume such as a shoulder pet for power emanation location would be kinda cool, and, shouldn't be too hard...
Of course there will be people with a less tasteful sense of humor (guilty as charged) who might have the idea of using an adult rated place...
This game, however SHOULD be OK for kids to play as well, so, those places wouldn't be allowed... Eyes, forehead, mouth, hands, feet, tail tips, and shoulder pets are acceptable, even elbows and knees perhaps...

Lothic's picture
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Garrilon wrote:
Garrilon wrote:

And for badges that have requirements, scaling up titles that showed where you were currently at available, such as for taking damage, healing, etc., would be a better idea than setting an almost unreachable goal such as healing 1,000,000,000 health, etc.
People, lets not play the Blame Game, but instead add useful suggestions or funny comments....

I don't typically play the "blame game" just to play it.

In this case the errors made by various Dev(s) (whoever they may have been) directly contributed to an ongoing badge requirement problem in an otherwise fun game. Not providing the historical context for the problem (which at its core was an overly stubborn Dev that took years to accept the truth) will not help the Devs of CoT avoid the same problem in the future. That's why I have to point it out here and now as a "useful suggestion" for CoT.

Sorry if calling out Devs in general bothers people - sadly sometimes they are the direct cause of the problems with their own games.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Garrilon wrote:
Garrilon wrote:

Using different parts of the body or costume such as a shoulder pet for power emanation location would be kinda cool, and, shouldn't be too hard...
Of course there will be people with a less tasteful sense of humor (guilty as charged) who might have the idea of using an adult rated place...
This game, however SHOULD be OK for kids to play as well, so, those places wouldn't be allowed... Eyes, forehead, mouth, hands, feet, tail tips, and shoulder pets are acceptable, even elbows and knees perhaps...

knee beams... finally!

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I'm pretty sure this will be

I'm pretty sure this will be a no, but im gonna throw it out there. I'm curious if costume choices will open up different areas for placement of the origin of skill effects. For a simple example let's say I'm going to shoot a laser, nothing fancy.. just a lasheer beam. If I chose an arm piece that looks like it has a laser attachment, would I then have access to that origin point? Or is the system only going to be able to spawn in my origin point if it's not on my body?

A follow up to this... If it spawns in my chosen weapon/origin point is it going to materialize randomly like weapons in CoX or once we choose it, will it be a living part of the costume?

Nothing means anything. This is the natural state of everything within our reality. It is only your existence, your relative position, and your perspective that can make something meaningful.

Darth Fez
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Due to performance issues the

Due to performance issues the shoulder kitty firing point has been limited to 150+ fur count shoulder kitties. If you cannot select your shoulder kitty as a firing point then you must obtain and use a 150 fur count shoulder kitty.

Further details will be forthcoming in the patch notes for the patch notes.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Fireheart's picture
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Because there is nothing

Because there is nothing serious in this thread.

I'm using a 200 fur count shoulder panda but it won't fire Tiger Beams. Every time I press the 'Go-go-go Tiger Beams!' button, the thing pulls out a stick of bamboo and eats it. Is my shoulder panda sick, or is it just a peaceful vegetarian?

Be Well!

Riptide's picture
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TenTonBlue wrote:
TenTonBlue wrote:

I'm pretty sure this will be a no, but im gonna throw it out there. I'm curious if costume choices will open up different areas for placement of the origin of skill effects. For a simple example let's say I'm going to shoot a laser, nothing fancy.. just a lasheer beam. If I chose an arm piece that looks like it has a laser attachment, would I then have access to that origin point? Or is the system only going to be able to spawn in my origin point if it's not on my body?
A follow up to this... If it spawns in my chosen weapon/origin point is it going to materialize randomly like weapons in CoX or once we choose it, will it be a living part of the costume?

I don't think anyone knows for certain, yet. They seem dedicated to give us the most flexibility possible (see all the threads on aesthetic decoupling) but, given that it's an all-volunteer effort, we'll likely have to wait for a while, post launch, for some stuff.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Darth Fez
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It's as Rigel said. There is

It's as Rigel said. There is a lot of stuff that's planned that will undoubtedly only be available months after launch. The answer also depends on the precise nature of your question. Will the arm(s)/hand(s) be an origin point for powers? Almost certainly. Will individual costume pieces that could be construed to be an origin point be their own origin point (insofar as they'd be noticeably different from using the hand)? Probably not.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Because there is nothing serious in this thread.
I'm using a 200 fur count shoulder panda but it won't fire Tiger Beams. Every time I press the 'Go-go-go Tiger Beams!' button, the thing pulls out a stick of bamboo and eats it. Is my shoulder panda sick, or is it just a peaceful vegetarian?
Be Well!

Did you opt for the Red Panda or the typical Black and White one? As you should know they have been programmed to react situationally.

The Black and White one typically employs melee type weapons and attack patterns, while the red one usually employs ranged weapons and attacks.

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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" alt="" class="bb-image" />

Red pandas are always the way to go =3

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A Legend of Korra fan?

A Legend of Korra fan?

Anyways, if you must have a pet firing point, remember to check their basic stats first! Unless you really want that Panda/Kitty/Racoon/etc jumping off your shoulder and into melee.

Speaking of Racoons, can I get one that boosts my Crafting Skills?

Kiyori Anoyui
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^^ Very much so :D

^^ Very much so :D

A Guardians of the Galaxy fan?

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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(No subject)


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Foradain's picture
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Now, give Rocket an extremely

Now, give Rocket an extremely accurate longarm...

(I wish I could claim credit for this pun, but a certain CO player beat me to it.)

I'm a Raccoon Sniper.


Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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BlckWatr's picture
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Moral of that picture? Your

Moral of that picture? Your shoulder kitty, panda, or kooky koala will fire just fine. If you make him angry.

You wouldn't like him when he's angry...

A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.
~Roald Dahl

Darth Fez
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

I'm using a 200 fur count shoulder panda but it won't fire Tiger Beams. Every time I press the 'Go-go-go Tiger Beams!' button, the thing pulls out a stick of bamboo and eats it. Is my shoulder panda sick, or is it just a peaceful vegetarian?

The 200 fur count pets come with a 1.18% damage boost. The long and the short of it is that, due to this boost, the pets must occasionally recharge. Eating bamboo is the 200 fur count panda's default recharging animation.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Originally a Star Lord fan,

Originally a Star Lord fan, back when he had his own comic, then when he was absorbed by the Guardians, I found that I didn't like him as much, and took a huge liking to the the irreverent, gun toting, bad mouthing "racoon".

Gotta admit, in a strange way he does have "class".

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Love the pic. If we do get

Love the pic. If we do get Combat capable pets, we gotta have one "similar" to this.

Can't be too similar as I'm sure Marvel will be haunting this game just like they did to CoX way back when, looking for more opportunities to flex its legal muscle and earn some. Some of what I don't know, because all they manage to do is piss off people by proving how much of a bully they can be. ah well.

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New Power - Feline Frenzy!

New Power - Feline Frenzy!

Last thing the bad guy sees before you throw cat nip on him...

Nothing means anything. This is the natural state of everything within our reality. It is only your existence, your relative position, and your perspective that can make something meaningful.

Izzy's picture
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City Of Tabbies? :o

City Of Tabbies? :o

No wonder the alleys are riddled with stray cats. :<

At least we don't have a mice infestation any more. :)

Foradain's picture
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TenTonBlue wrote:
TenTonBlue wrote:

New Power - Feline Frenzy!
Last thing the bad guy sees before you throw cat nip on him...*snip*

Be careful! Amerikatt doesn't like catnip pushers, after what happened to her sidekick...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Lightning Flower
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TenTonBlue wrote:
TenTonBlue wrote:

New Power - Feline Frenzy!
Last thing the bad guy sees before you throw cat nip on him...

So many lasers. Are we in a rave now?

*Leans on next poster*

Are you my mommy?