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And what if I'm goofy enough to use nunchaku while wearing a cape and growing my hair to my knees.
It doesn't even have to be nunchucks to be a serious problem. any long weapon can get crazy when combined with long hair and loose clothes.
And what about acrobatic movements.
Seriously most characters who use long weapons or acrobatic fighting styles tend to avoid long hair and loose clothes but a player in a game might not have that kind of good sense or just might want to see what happens since he can't get hurt.
But will the physics allow him to get tangled and rip his clothes or pull his hair or trip and fall?
I doubt it. At some point objects are going to be moving right through each other in impossible ways.
Once again the extremely high level graphics are going to create serious problems. What's supposed to look super detailed is going to end up super silly. I still think we would've been better off with simpler graphics. Sorry.
Are you confusing VO and CoT? I don't recall that we've seen any graphics from MWM that would allow me to make such a judgement call.
In any case, some amount of clipping, or bizarre animation to avoid clipping, is bound to be inevitable. While this might be a serious problem for a martial arts sim I doubt it will prove to be an issue in a superhero game.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
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I'd rather things like capes, clothes and long hair be able to get twisted up with each other the way they would in real life than to force the game to have "simpler graphics" whatever that means.
As you said yourself people in real life tend to avoid long hair and loose clothes when using weapons like nunchucks precisely because they would likely be problematic at best. My guess is that most people will take that into consideration when they are designing their own outfits. But even if someone wants to have all that together and have it look dumb then so be it. I'd rather the player have the CHOICE to look stupid than for the game to RESTRICT our costume design capabilities on the theory that the game knows better what we want than we do.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Even if the game will handle things so that tails won't clip through capes you still have to imagine what that combination would likely look like in real life. Let's say you have a long pointy tail like Nightcrawler:
I don't think I've ever seen him drawn wearing a cape precisely because it would be constantly getting pushed around by his tail flicking around.
My point is that the game should allow people to have capes and tails together regardless if that combination would actually look good most of the time or not. The freedom to choose even silly looking combos should always be ours - the game should never restrict things just because they assume something would look bad 100% of the time. For all we know maybe someone will figure out a cool looking tail/cape combo afterall.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I don't think you're giving the Devs enough--or really any--credit with that, Pal.
They've already stated that they aren't going for super-high end or hyper-realistic graphics, but rather for graphics that are manageable for most machines and art that fits a comic-book Superhero game.
They are going to use the capabilities of the engine to make the game look great--because why wouldn't they?--but they're not dummies. They're perfectly capable of seeing if something looks silly and fixing it.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Huh, it was clearer in my head. What I meant was that I avoid it due to it hardly ever being implemented properly, a.k.a clipping issues, not because I think the basic concept is silly looking.
Honestly, I would love making certain characters have both a tail and cape. The clipping issues don't make them look silly, it makes them look plain wrong imho.
I moved past the "clipping issues" concern because it sounds like CoT will have solved that. At least we all hope they've solved it at any rate.
So assuming that capes and tails won't clip in CoT I was talking more along the lines that we should be able to have capes and tails together regardless if anyone thinks the tail flicking around the capes look "silly" or not.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I checked internally. Tails aren't implemented yet so we aren't sure, but if all goes according to plan, they will also be apex objects and will interact smoothly with cape and hair alike
[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]