Happy Halloween. The Character Creator continues to advance. Larger scale internal testing has begun, and with it, an internal costume contest! Winners form an update.
[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]
Am excited! Hopefully the animations on the flaming pumpkin man there look right in spite over his oversized limbs.
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
Will their be a version of that mask without the human head inside?
[i]smiles knowingly[/i]
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
If that's a motion, I'll second that!
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
Methinks this would fall under the same ‘feature’ that wasn’t turned on which allowed the characters hand to show through on the ArmCannon on the last post. But...good to know, A: Creepy Pumpkin Head, B: Adjustable Proportions don’t look that bad, C: Ceiling Fan, Chairs, Cars and other random debris in the Background. Nice stuff, can’t wait to see the results of the Costume Contest!
Meh. Bah!
SQUEEEEE!!!! THIS LOOKS AMAZING! I can hardly wait!
*villain ideas intensify*
Love it! I like how the elongated arms make it look even creepier.
So... that pile of debris... Has someone been fighting him using the old Propel power from Gravity Control...?
Spurn all ye kindle.
Is this tweet linked with this picture ?
Who had the chance to put his/her hand on the CharGen ? :)
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
Very nice! Between the Chargen and the aesthetic decoupling for powers it seems like so many more character concepts will be achievable! Can’t wait to make characters I never could make quite right in COH!
"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle
What a lucky backer the one who make this on the Chargen.
The character looks good, the background looks awesome !!
i wonder if the background is a part of the chargen or not :)
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
Very nice! Neat costume and very moody ambience!
For future consideration: perhaps not make the banner twice the size of the update itself?
- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
The background is one of the optional environments for Chargen. It is part of the current build.
[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]
Sweet! Optional backgrounds is a nice feature :).
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
I haven't directly touched the latest chargen yet, but I believe those backgrounds aren't just static images but an actual place. It means the lighting is consistent with what you'll see in the game.
[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]
For reals?? That's so badass!!
([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])
Ooo me likey. Great job!
Really immersive ! that's neat !
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
AWESOME! On of the banes of RPGs is the character creator being in unusual (usually very dark) lighting, then the character looks totally different in the usually fairly bright world. CoH did a pretty bad job at this until the lighting option, but having actual places is so much better!
Also I love the elongated arms: we'll have so many spooky options.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
Exploration badges sound like a great way to unlock further locations for char gen if the load times swapping between them aren't horrible.
This is awesome
Ooooooh a Ghoulish gourd... a paranormal pumpkin.... a spooky squash really diggin it .
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
The fire aura works well and gives the impression that the character is...hollow.
This is a neat idea, and might actually make someone who is generally disinterested in badge hunting seek out new locations; It also doesn't give anything important to badge hunters over non-badge hunters, which is nice; In-game benefits to badges start to make it feel like they're a mandatory part of play.
~ DariusWolfe
Errant, TNT, Vibrant and Fluxion on Liberty
I have always found the evenings in autumn an easy time to spend playing CoH... I would play for about 6-8 months and then go rouge during the spring/summer. Going away and coming back kind of felt like coming home for the summer while away at college. I still had my favorite street corners, shops and rooftops to hangout, but looking for the little surprises of a new expansion were always fun! I have to say that one of my favorite was the Halloween Expansion ... fighting the pumpkins was A LOT of fun!!! (And always a place I looked forward to visiting!)
Thanks for the quick stroll down Memory Lane :j I hope to fight some similar baddies in CoT!!
Yeah, though I would swap between WoW and CoH every few months, Halloween and Christmas were always spent in CoH. Trick or Treating in St. Martial, hanging out at the ski lodge. A lot of MMOs turn holidays into a checklist (better do x things every day for y currency for z reward only available in this timeframe), but CoH focused more on the actual atmosphere and events. I get really tired of holidays in WoW, I never thought 'huh, the Ski Lodge has been open too long..'
Anyone remember what the gnomes name was in the christmas cave?
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
Do you mean Snaptooth? The main villain of the Christmas mission?
Or do you mean the horrific monstrosity we had to rescue, the so-called Baby New Year?
Spurn all ye kindle.
I really love this idea. Maybe not as a launch feature, but something to consider down the line. This could probably be added to exploration badges retroactively pretty easily.
Yup the name was snaptooth. thanx cinnder
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
Just to give credit where due, it was McJigg who properly answered your question.
Funnily enough, that's one of a small handful of missions that sometimes just pops into my head and makes me miss the old game.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Wow. just the mention of memorable missions opened up weird synapses in my mind .
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
Frostfire in the hollows . Hamidon raids . The nuke mission . That crazy firbolg mission where you had to stop them from entering the cave .
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
Can't wait for new missions in COT to get burnt into my brain
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
The standing stones? Oh man, that was one of my least favourite. Which still ranks it waaaay above anything in CO for me.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Yea the party had to have invisible empathy teleporter to pass . lol . And if all people in mission didnt speak the same language it was a nightmare
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
Was'nt the standing stones the one where everyone had to touch the obelisks at the same time ? That is the one I thought you were talking about.
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
My son one time called CO missions "a few diamonds in a huge pile of crap". By far most missions were annoying at best. BUT the Adventure Packs and Comic Series had a few amazingly good missions scattered amongst them.
A couple of quick examples:
1) The second mission in the Snowcrash series, Whiteout mission 2, Ice Station Aplaca--it gets genuinely creepy, interesting, and is a perfect challenge level (if done at the intended level) to be fun but not frustrating solo or with a team--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9boAhR1QCHU
2) The part of the Resistance Adventure Pack where you pilot A FREAKING GIANT ROBOT AGAINST A KAIJU 0.0--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSi-eidUvEE
There are a few more, but MOST CO missions are junk.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
I actually forgot about that.
Traumatic in a fun kinda way :)
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
Ya know this guy is a lot scarier than the Pumpkin heads of COH. and certainly scarier than the COH zombies.
Please, DEVS, stay away from zombies, they are so very overdone.
and please have the Headless Horseman as an uber boss Halloween event.
(getting killed by HH gives a temp "headless" costume loot.)
Many blue moons ago, I submitted an event idea to the CoH/V devs that was along these lines. It was more involved, and it had multiple options for success, one of which involved a covered bridge as inspired by the story. Perhaps it could find a life here...
Maybe even get a horse for a vehicle.........woah
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
But...but....but...my necro MM :(
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
I want a zombie horde I have to fight solo. Maybe as a survival mode mini game, or just out in the world :D
A zombie survival trial would make for an awesome addition to Halloween content. Maybe with a boss wave every five waves!
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
Yes! With Zombie Slayer title and even costume unlocks. For more fun, have your setting change for less maneuverability, the stage becoming more enclosed the higher your you get. Until the final stage is just you and the boss and a tiny room.
We could form a super team entirely made up of superheroes with plant based powers to defeat the zombies.
Nah, 'Plants vs. Zombies'....it'll never catch on.
I'll see your headless horseman and raise you the [url=http://rwby.wikia.com/wiki/Nuckelavee]Nuckelavee[/url]
I do like the idea of a endless wave horde mission/ trial. Each wave gets progressively harder until everyone is dead. Rewards would be issued at the end of each wave rather than as a mission reward. The spawns would have to be controlled by an algorithm rather than programmed because eventually someone would figure it out and beat all the programmed waves.
PS. the little Ruby Rose icon on the ruby wikia tab is effin cute.
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