Awesome [url=]interview[/url] with Warcabbit. Interview starts around 01:23:45.
My favorite sound bite:
[b]"The worst boss is no longer going to be exploding desk!"[/b]
Other notable mentions that I at least haven't heard yet:
possibility of stretching powers
chest emblems that you can move around, say to a shoulder or down your arm(reminds me of APB Reloaded)
some stuff on poses
***possibility of using a tablet to control minions for the [s]Mastermind[/s] Operator class*** THAT...SOUNDS...AWESOME!!!
[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]
Good interview.
base pvp sounds in.
no groin laser
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.
Thanks for the post.
I usually miss such interviews because often the podcasts run for an hour or longer and I haven't the patience to listen to all of it just to hear the bit I want.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Ok...Warcabbit needs to try decaf...NOT! I'm TOTALLY psyched after listening to the interview. It sounds like MWM is so trying to do this right! Stretching Powers! Different source points for powers! CC coming on-line before the game goes live! Customizable Pets (when Masters go live)! Yeah...completely geeking out over this... The initial surge of players after launch (after they see that it's actually going to work) is going to be huge.
I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...