Could we get the breadcrumbs added to the bottom of the page, too? When you're done reading a topic it's nice to have the way back to one or more previous levels right there instead of having to scroll back up to get them. Unnecessary scrolling is the devil, you know.
For those who don't speak UI, breadcrumbs are the links back the way you came. In this topic it'd be the "Forums | Development | Suggestions and Ideas: You speak to the Devs!" links in blue at the top. I'd like a copy of those at the bottom, too.
Well, right now there’s the “Top” button that can get you back to the top quick. It’s under the user box on every comment.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
But the Top button doesn't jump over the huge Twitch Stream banner. It jumps up to the Quick Reply /Last Post level. (I checked.) That's not really "Top" anymore. And even if it was, it's still a wasted click.
To be more specific the top button jumps to the top post on that page so we still need to scroll up a little bit to get the breadcrumbs.
yes the top button is adequate when not having top breadcrumbs but is no replacement for bottom breadcrumbs. Also, not sure why the breadcrumbs are above the twitch notice-window but I think it would be better if it was below it.
Hansel and Gretel showed just how reliable bread crumbs are.
Putting breadcrumbs everywhere will make the website come down with pigeons.
Don't laugh, this is hard science!
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
We’ve dealt with worse.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
We all remember the mynock disaster of '80.
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