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FATES... or something like them.

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sev171's picture
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FATES... or something like them.

Pretty much every mmo has open world events where players cooperate to accomplish a goal. I'm sure MWM has an idea of how they want to do this, but I'm not sure what that's going to be so I'm going to use the FATE system from FFXIV as a reference because so far that's my favorite open world event system I've played. Basically they are timed events (sometime a town is under siege from giant worms, other times a giant monster is running amok and you have to fight it) confined to an area that players work together to complete and get rewards based on how much they contribute. The fun of it is that there are all sorts of these events in every zone and they are only up for limited amounts of time so it makes the world feel alive and interesting. So I thought I'd make this thread so you all can give the devs ideas of different events like this because the more seemingly random events there are, the more dynamic the game world will feel and the more we can feel like superheroes saving the city from disaster whenever it pops up. One rule: no bashing anyone's ideas, all contributions are valid. Even ideas that seem lame at first could give the devs ideas to make them awesome.

I personally want to see stuff like gangs fighting over territory, stopping aliens from arming a nuke, clearing out civilians during natural disasters.

JayBezz's picture
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I like Open-World Events (in

I like Open-World Events (in games using Instanced Shards on MegaServers to control participating population)

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Radiac's picture
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Yeah, I like events too.

Yeah, I like events too. Rikti Invasion from CoX, Nemesis Invasion, Zombie Uprising, etc. I often felt that different giant monsters should have spawned at known times so that they'd be easier to plan for, instead of having to go monster hunting to try to find Adamastor or Jurassik, or whatever. It would have been better if Jurassik was know to spawn at certain times during the day, then disappear if nobody attacked him after like an hour. Something like that.

I also like "trigger-able" events like the Rikti Mothership raids. If I had it to do over again, I would have made the Hamidon zone in CoX a place where only regular DE giant-sized guys hung out normally, then have them respawn faster when they get defeated a lot, then if you defeat enough of them it spawns the Hamidon, kind of like how the Zombie events worked and you got bigger baddies to fight if you got enough damage output rolling.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Brand X
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I enjoy the FATES in FFXIV,

I enjoy the FATES in FFXIV, and think they'd be a great thing in CoT! Especially for something akin to Godzilla attacking! The type of enemy and events that you need multiple heroes for without feeling like a weak superhero :)

FATE system is better than what CoX did, in that they don't take up the whole zone.

cybermitheral's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I enjoy the FATES in FFXIV, and think they'd be a great thing in CoT! Especially for something akin to Godzilla attacking! The type of enemy and events that you need multiple heroes for without feeling like a weak superhero :)
FATE system is better than what CoX did, in that they don't take up the whole zone.

Also in that they FORCE a level-synch if you are too low/high-level to meet the level range of that particular FATE.
I remember my first Rikti Invasion with my level 23? Blaster. Most normal Rikti's were Con-Yellow but it took me ages to kill even 1 and I got something like 3XP for the kill.

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My first thought on seeing

My first thought on seeing the title of this thread was "We already have the three water features named after the Norns." My next was, "Maybe an invasion of Jotunn, or trolls...."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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sev171's picture
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cybermitheral wrote:
cybermitheral wrote:

Brand X wrote:
I enjoy the FATES in FFXIV, and think they'd be a great thing in CoT! Especially for something akin to Godzilla attacking! The type of enemy and events that you need multiple heroes for without feeling like a weak superhero :)
FATE system is better than what CoX did, in that they don't take up the whole zone.

Also in that they FORCE a level-synch if you are too low/high-level to meet the level range of that particular FATE.
I remember my first Rikti Invasion with my level 23? Blaster. Most normal Rikti's were Con-Yellow but it took me ages to kill even 1 and I got something like 3XP for the kill.

Yeah the level sync function definitely makes the system way more fair and enjoyable than it would be otherwise. Just a well thought out system all around and looking at it for inspiration would be a step in the right direction imo.

sev171's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

"Maybe an invasion of Jotunn, or trolls...."

Ice giants rampaging through the streets would be pretty awesome to see.

Cinnder's picture
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I enjoy these on occasion,

I enjoy these on occasion, but I would hope that they wouldn't be so frequent that they got in the way of doing normal activity if you didn't want to participate. I found them to be too frequent for my taste in FFXIV. Praetoria's events worked better for me, schedule-wise.

cybermitheral wrote:

Also in that they FORCE a level-synch if you are too low/high-level to meet the level range of that particular FATE.
I remember my first Rikti Invasion with my level 23? Blaster. Most normal Rikti's were Con-Yellow but it took me ages to kill even 1 and I got something like 3XP for the kill.

Wait, didn't Rikti invasions auto-scale so that everyone had the same challenge and got the same xp per foe? It's been a long time, so my memory is fuzzy.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Light's Knight
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Open world events were a lot

Open world events were a lot of fun or GM's in certain corners of the map. Sadly I am not on any current mmo's that have them. Of course at times I was the tank that would pull a monster or 2 from monster island all the way to peregrine to have them stomping through the streets. Then an impromptu team would take them out. Ah good times. Always did like when a TF triggered the zombie event.

Brand X
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I enjoy these on occasion, but I would hope that they wouldn't be so frequent that they got in the way of doing normal activity if you didn't want to participate. I found them to be too frequent for my taste in FFXIV. Praetoria's events worked better for me, schedule-wise.
cybermitheral wrote:
Also in that they FORCE a level-synch if you are too low/high-level to meet the level range of that particular FATE.
I remember my first Rikti Invasion with my level 23? Blaster. Most normal Rikti's were Con-Yellow but it took me ages to kill even 1 and I got something like 3XP for the kill.

Wait, didn't Rikti invasions auto-scale so that everyone had the same challenge and got the same xp per foe? It's been a long time, so my memory is fuzzy.

They have a lot of them, but generally once you hit 50 you also out level them so other than a JOIN FATE pop up, you run right through and the enemies don't even attack you.

RottenLuck's picture
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I also vote for a FATE like

I also vote for a FATE like system.

Heck how about a multi system. One level are the FATEs location based events from a building on fire, little girl lost, to a Monster popping up. Then you have Instant Zone Events like Zombie apocalypse and the Rikti Invasion. All op in of course if you don't want to partake of the Zombie goodness change Instant you are in (or go to the affected instant if you want to play.)

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP