I'm sitting at Dynamic Duo, $125, and I don't see anything super-practical that I can reach for that isn't hugely beyond my budget.
How about (suggestion): offer us something in the $50 range as a perk: add a couple rows of enhancement/auction/inspiration inventory, two costume slots, and two character slots.
Or offer tiers (one set of expanders on every level for $30, two for $50, three for $70). Getting people to stretch to 150% or so of their original pledge for something super-practical in-game would give you a bump, I think, it would be minimal work on your side... and it's not like we're not going to give you this money eventually anyway. :)
The main problem with this, I think, is that they really don't know the limits they're applying to character accounts as of yet, so offering a boost to something they have no hard numbers for is a little impractical, at least on their end.
It makes sense for us as players, of course, but if they don't know where their limits are...
That being said it was a really good idea and maybe it will convince them to actually set these limits sooner than they would have normally.
I think it would be fruitful for the developer team to have this conversation before the end of the kickstarter. What's practical?
Character slots: Every major MMO uses this dynamic, and it should be possible to promote an extra during the kickstarter, even if we don't know the initial allowance.
Costume slots: Bread and butter for this game. Should be possible to promote during kickstarter.
Inspirations: probably not practical to nail this down at this stage since it's an "always on the screen" thing. I'd withdraw this part of the suggestion if it's far from being known.
Enhancement trays: this is big, and I think people would be willing to pay for it, especially in a package deal. Even if there isn't an extra tray at launch, it could be something we'd be eventually earmarked to get. In the meantime, the perk might include access to the /auctionhouse slash command from remote locations or some other way of posting items to the base, the auctionhouse waiting area, or a raised max on our own email inboxes.
Especially if it's just character slots, costume slots, and enhancement/invention/whatever space upgrade (inspirations would be tough), I think these could be sold in tiers. $X for one, 1.75 times X for two, 2.5 times X for three. I think character expansion of this sort would be a fairly easy way to invigorate the kickstarter before it closes.
There should be a 150$ tier which gives some automatic travel power's that are never obtainable (on lvl 1 atleast) for non kickstarter chars.
That would boost the income
I like the illusion of "becoming super" that comes from having a half dozen or so quick levels before you can unlock a free travel power, but yes. I do like the idea of adding a Ninja-Run type power early on. That might be something to bundle in with character/costume slots if inventory isn't manageable the way I'm suggesting.
I notice that the number of backers drops by more than half between the $125 and $250 levels—I think that is an opportunity to identify something like an "Expander" stage that is minimal extra work for the devs, value for the players, and more funding for the kickstarter. Maybe a couple of costume/character slots and a mid-speed run/jump combo power would make a nice +$50 package at $175.
That's a heck of an idea. I do think, though, that it should not be a full-out travel power as that could really turn off players that come to the game later (seeing others zipping around when they can't would be frustrating). But something that gave a bit of a boost for lowbies could be really useful and fun.
Can anyone say Prestige Power Slide? I was lucky enough to have that power in CoH but I'm well aware it became a huge source of frustration for a lot of people who never had chance to get it years after it was no longer available.
I salute the Devs of this new game with their offering of "exclusive" Kickstarter perks with a built-in one year expiration period. I have nothing against some things being initially exclusive, especially as Kickstarter items. But nothing in a game like this should ever be PERMANENTLY exclusive.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I loved that power, particularly the way it would stack on top of other travel powers. You could combine it with superspeed and surf around the city at high velocity, or with flight and you got to leave a glowing trail behind you.
I do like the '1 year or 4 issues' limit on the exclusivity. It's similar to what CoH did with the prestige sprint powers. They were exclusive at first but eventually became veteran rewards.
Is it possible to add reward tiers or add-ons after the Kickstarter has begun? I'm thinking so, since didn't the $7500.00 tier appear a few days after the start?
They can add more tiers in, they just can't edit or delete them once someone has pledged at that level. The add-ons adn stretch goals are completely separate, KS has nothing to do with them at all.