it events for halloween
SCP-899 - Lost Children
Object Class: Euclid (formerly Safe, see Incident Reports)
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-899 is contained in a rough patch of forest in Rocky Mountain National Park. The SCP-899 phenomena has not been able to travel more than than five meters beyond a standing, living tree, thus the area has been isolated by creating a continuous fire-break around the affected region. Three park service cabins are staffed by Foundation agents on the borders of the site for the purposes of preventing hikers and travelers from attempting to enter SCP-899. Agents are authorized to administer Class B and C amnesiacs to any trespassers. Children who enter SCP-899 cannot be recovered, and containment must be maintained by removing those who have knowledge of the child's last whereabouts or by planting false evidence of death by natural causes elsewhere in the region.
Agents who come into physical contact with SCP-899 must undergo regular psychiatric evaluation.
As the SCP-899 phenomena has become increasingly more violent, all trees within five meters of the observation cabins have been removed. Personnel entering SCP-899 must do so in pairs and carry sidearms with custom iron ammunition.
Description: SCP-899 is a psychic and telekinetic phenomenon that most commonly manifests as groups of hostile phantom children. Travelers in the area have reported being pursued and harassed by small shadowy figures that curse and throw rocks in an attempt to drive them out of the immediate area. The figures tend to be featureless and it is usually difficult to determine if they possess any gender or even individual voices and behaviors. Failure to leave the area will result in an increase of aggressive behavior culminating in a direct physical attack by the entities. An adult who comes into physical contact with one of the entities will suffer the loss of all detailed memories prior to the onset of puberty. General knowledge of family members and living conditions will remain, but persons who have been affected by this memory loss often display a significant change in personality. The most common symptoms are a loss of impulsiveness and curiosity, and negative responses to attempts at humor. Affected persons also tend to become highly impatient with children regardless of their prior behavior.
Pre-adolescent children who come into contact with the entities will physically disappear, after which some or all of the entities may take on parts of the lost child's appearance. No attempt to communicate or find the whereabouts of a child lost in this way has yet been successful. Adolescents who have not fully matured past puberty are [DATA EXPUNGED]
Although more detailed manifestations have been encountered within the area, no attempts to communicate with the entities within SCP-899 have resulted in anything but attacks on Foundation personnel. Items made of iron or [REDACTED] are useful in warding off direct contact with the entities; however, as confrontation of the phenomenon is not required to contain it, no tools containing [REDACTED] have been allocated to SCP-899.
Travel through the area is also hindered by a spatial anomaly that makes land navigation difficult. Compasses and GPS navigation systems will give false directions and trails through the underbrush will change course. Although there are occasional sounds of wildlife within the affected area, no wild animals or tracks have been observed within the range of SCP-899's effect. Animals brought into the site are also subject to attacks by the entities, although they will not attempt to make physical contact.
Experiment 899-1: Conducted March 23rd to May 15th 2009. SCP-573 was transferred to SCP-899 to test its effect on the child-like manifestations. SCP-573 is successful in driving away the manifestations, although the spatial anomaly that complicates land travel within the area remained. Due to the harmful effects of prolonged exposure SCP-573 was returned to containment at the conclusion of the experiment.
SCP-573 should be contained here with SCP-899 as they can effectively be used to cancel each other out. There are no children or animals to be exposed to SCP-573 inside this place. Please reconsider and return 573 to my care. -Agent W███████
Incident Report 899-25: June 10th 2009. A new manifestation has been encountered in SCP-899. The entity took the appearance of an adolescent male covered with bloody wounds. Rather than the normal interaction it immediately attacked Dr. ██████, resulting in severe lacerations and distinct bite marks on the arm, neck and upper thigh. Dr. ██████ is undergoing treatment and quarantine.
Incident Report 899-26: June 13th 2009. Dr. ██████ is released from quarantine with no permanent damage beyond scarring. Dr. ██████ passed a psychiatric examination with expected results and has been able to give detailed recollections from his youth despite physical contact with SCP-899. The new manifestation has been classified SCP-899-1.
Incident Report 899-27: June 20th 2009. SCP-899-1 manifestations have been increasing in number and have been observed in direct conflict with other manifestations of SCP-899. SCP-899-1 has also attacked the cabin on the northern border and started a fire which resulted in the death of Agent W███████.
Although SCP-899-1 can be deterred in the same manner as SCP-899, the new manifestations display a significant increase in aggression with intent to kill. Research suggests that the change in SCP-899's phenomena is related to exposure to SCP-573. No further cross-SCP experimentation with SCP-899 is allowed at this time per O5 order.
whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich
SCP-962 - Tower of Babble
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Due to its immobility, SCP-962 is to be left in the valley in which it was found. A █ kilometer perimeter is to be set up around the object. Any civilians seeking to pass the perimeter are to be turned away under the premise that a nuclear waste containment site is within. Any persons not affiliated with the Foundation found within the area are to be interrogated and issued Class A amnestics. A no-fly zone is to be enforced for the same perimeter. To discourage growth of SCP-962's range, four live cattle and two tons of timber are to be airdropped near SCP-962 on a weekly basis.
Any balloons released by SCP-962 are to be shot down, and reasonable effort made to recover the manuscripts. Should a balloon escape and be found by a civilian, Class A amnestics are to be administered, and the balloon and attached writings confiscated. All manuscripts are to be stored in a minimal-security vault, with "rants" stored in a separate vault. Level two or higher personnel wishing to read materials produced by SCP-962 may submit a request to the project director.
Description: SCP-962 is a large metal tower located in a valley in the ██████ Mountains in [REDACTED]. It is made primarily of steel, though other materials are present. The tower is approximately 281 meters tall, with a 2575 square meter base. It twists and tapers somewhat as it rises from the ground. The top third of the tower is empty. An inner wall in the lower area renders it opaque to imaging. SCP-962 can open an aperture anywhere on its surface.
SCP-962 produces and controls an estimated 13,500 "servitors", collectively designated SCP-962-1. Specimens of SCP-962-1 are cybernetically augmented animals. These augmentations usually force the animals into a bipedal gait, and are often accompanied by crude cosmetic alterations such as the removal of a snout, with the apparent goal of making the servitors appear more human-like. The nervous system of members of SCP-962-1 is slaved to implanted electrodes, which allow them to be controlled by a central source, assumed to be the tower itself.
These servitors fulfill a number of roles. Many of them mine for ore in an extensive system of tunnels excavated below the valley, which is then refined by the tower. Others repair damage to the structure or other servitors. A small number construct roads, apparently to facilitate movement of SCP-962-1. The remaining servitors hunt down and destroy all non-human life in the valley. There are no recorded instances of any member of SCP-962-1 attacking a human or a machine, even in self-defense. Frequently, the corpses of animals killed in these hunts are brought back to SCP-962 for conversion into SCP-962-1. Plants may also be returned for use as fuel. Despite the damage caused by their augmentations, servitors are very effective at their roles, and seem to be built specifically for them.
Approximately sixty times a day, SCP-962 will release a hydrogen-filled balloon from an aperture in the empty region near its top. These balloons are made from animal tissue of varying species, believed to be from the animals brought in by SCP-962-1. Attached to each balloon is a manuscript, written in English and typically on paper or vellum. The length, content, and style of writing varies greatly. Manuscripts have taken a variety of forms, including poems, novels, and collections of essays. These manuscripts exhibit no anomalous properties, but are generally of extremely high writing quality, strongly suggesting sapience on the part of SCP-962. Of possible note is the general optimism present in these writings, as well as the lack of any mention of non-human life.
Very rarely, SCP-962 will release a balloon with a document attached that is a departure from its usual writings. These manuscripts are disjointed, rambling, and bizarre "rants", the exact meaning of which is unclear. In them, SCP-962 explicitly praises humans, consistently identifying mankind as the "Great Ones" it is trying to please. See Document 962-382 for an example.
The origin of SCP-962 is unclear, though estimations based on its mining rate suggest that it has existed for no more than twenty years.
Document 962-382: The following is an excerpt from one of SCP-962's rants. Grammar, punctuation, and emphasis have been left the same, though text color has been omitted.
Cleanse the WORLD for the Great Ones Cleanse the WORLD for the Great Ones
who greater than you your majesty your sublime nature Great Ones do I do right?
The flesh and wood serve you unite with the steel you love do you love me too I am what you love. Great Ones see as I do my duty my passion
forgive the slowpace the steel takes TIME. Did you like the servants they were the BEST of the cleansed only the BEST for you Great Ones made like you form you assume here on a WORLD to clean to honor you do appreciate please please I will complete the cleansing soon and you can take me away in your ships of FIRE and I can love you and you will love me
whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich
what u guys think make dungeons/raids life events
whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich