Will the "end of mish" bonus xp be just like in heroes? This is one of the most crucial factors in what made CoX pobably the best "pickup n play" MMo. U didn't need to do your own mishes to get end xp from a mish. If u wanted, one could have gone from 1-50 never doing a single mish of their own. End comes up and its like mish owner gets message for 100,000 xp and 45,000 inf; but wait... so did that blaster...and the sub tank... and dat scraper...zaaaa???? Every other single mmo made teaming tedious if it ever happened cause people were needing to do their own mishes for their own end bonus rewards cause they always got hosed at the end when owner has to run allllllllllll the way back to contact and they get nothingz since they didnt have it up.
Not CoX tho...
*starts making it rain xp*
Defend, Honor, Serve, Fall, Rise of the Phoenix
We are Heroes...this is what we do.
The end of mission bonuses in CoX were pretty trivial -- only a little more than defeating a single boss. The end of arc bonuses were a lot bigger, but I'm 99% sure that they only went to players actually completing their arc, not other people in the team. (It could still be more than one person if they were running their arcs in parallel, but they would have to have their missions synced up.)
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for? - Robert Browning
Mission XP seems to be the new thing -- fighting enemies is trivial, compared to the huge boost of XP you get from completing a quest, which makes questing the fastest way to level in most games, as opposed to grinding/streetsweeping.
For people uninterested in questing, this means that kind of game is a huge turn-off, and they probably end up giving it a pass.
"My attention span doesn't wander. It takes long trips to exotic locales where it meets strange women that leave it crying and broken in the hot, hot sun."
Personally, I hope the End o' mission bonus is around the same as taking down a boss. If not, I hope street sweeping has bonus XP to make an hour of street sweeping roughly equal to an hour of completing missions.
I hope that the 'You just finished a mission identical to one in your mission list, do you want to complete it?' mechanic makes it in.
This was true at the beginning. They cranked the bonuses way up at one point because anyone wanting to level fast didn't do missions. [There was no difficulty slider either]. Then they got irritated that people were leveling fast in missions.
Sometimes it felt like the CoH devs were escapees from an Alzheimer's ward.
Get yourself right; the world has enough problems.