I just had a few quick questions that I have yet to see be answered.
With the dynamic duo level I understand you get 2 copies of the fly free level rewards. Since I will be buying this for a friend and myself, is that a way to include them into the kick starter comments and email updates without them actually purchasing anything on the kick starter page?
And the other is if my friend would want to include add ons to his copy, would I have to purchase them for him for it to apply to his copy?
Thanks for any clarification on the subject.
Your friend will have to sign up for their own KS and Amazon Payment accounts in order to comment and get separate emails.
Signing up to purchase their own add-on is the best way to do it. They won't even have to chose a tier, just put in the amount of the add-on.
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Can the Dynamic Duo's additional set of Fly Free! rewards be used for your own second account?
- A New City To Save
Yes, you own that second account. You keep it or gift it.
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Nice. Thank you, Zombie!
- A New City To Save
I've also bought a Dynamic Duo tier with my friend as well, and I'm curious, will my friend need to make a Kickstarter account as well in order to get the account creation email when that time comes?