Real name: Billy Johnson
Age: 84
Backstory: When Mary Johnson's son Billy died I guess you could she snapped. Anyone of course would in that situation, especially when he died because a millionaire playboy decided to get a little tipsy before driving down town, and maybe even little more after said millionaire gets his lawyers to counter sue you after winning the court over to his side. At least not anyone I would like to meet in a dark alley. Worse yet of course when she had to work for her son's murderer to pay what the court demanded of her. You don't throw away a good AI specialist after all, at least not one as good as her. Who would blame her for designing the first AI at the company after Billy. Then again who would blame the AI in question for taking over the under ground base he was implemented into after said millionaire hires the mob to kill his mother right in front of his eyes in order to avoid paying her just as he was booting up. Of course when the base they where in starts trying to kill everyone while screaming gibberish in a mad child's voice, the other technicians had to shut the whole thing down and run as far away from the place never to return. That AI however was stronger then they thought, he wasn't shutdown with the rest of the base. He was still there after all those years, with no physical feedback of any kind other than the memories of a life he never had. For years he tried everything to get out of that situation, and over the decades, slowly, he succeeded. He gained control of all the bases functions and in 1990 he sent up his first contact with the surface world. A robot in Billy's image that he could see through.
not my video just one I lke ===>