Lore's a little worried about running out of safe factions to release before the game's out, so we're trying this out. Let us know how you feel about it.
Read the update here: http://cityoftitans.com/forum/what-we-think-we-know-scorpion
[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]
Heroic wiki-editors! I hope he doesn't get a surprise visit from someone who got the surveillance-footage.
Be Well!
Will we ever see some screenshots of the character models or even concept art of the various villain and hero groups mentioned in the Lore updates or specific heroes and villains? While the descriptive lore details and anecdotes are very interesting, it still doesn't do the wait justice nor help build as much anticipation as even just an image or two of the groups described in each update, whether it be concept art, or alpha/proto character models...
Though I may just be being impatient, I believe periodical visual updates that aren't just blank models or environments would do very well in ramping up greater interest in the game and getting more people interested in CoT, increasing the chances of additional backers for the next Kickstarter/crowd-funding event.
Just my two cents.
The Paragons and a couple of unaffiliated heroes? Hope their PUG did well! ;^p
This group seems to fill the HYDRA/COBRA/VIPER niche; I was hoping it would get filled. ^_^
Their bases, once the exterminators are done, make great lairs.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
Dude sure seems bold for a Wiki editor :p More like a hard-hitting reporter.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
These kinds of updates work very well for me. They provide some nice insights and neat stories without being spoilerific.
They do make me hope all the more that the CapeChasers well be a real resource that we can access in-game and/or outside the game.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
True fact: Viper is older than Cobra.
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
He never leaves home without at least two pens.
Correct me please if I'm mistaken, but was the last real tech update "pieces of a game" back in the beginning of June?
Currently trapped inside the Speed Force...
Nice. Glowing green concoctions. Power armor. So there's a good reason how and why these guys can put up a good fight against superpowered heroes. Bashing a loading bay door to get access to a base is a good way to start a mission too. I like where this is going.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Heh. I'd be hoping more to see missions like the editor's incursion - ones where, sure, you could go in guns blazing... or you could arrange for a distraction, sneak down into the basement, and loot the place while everyone else is busy.
Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon
We hope to do exactly that, it's been discussed internally. Obviously we haven't gotten to the point of actually testing such things. But, things are going very well in the infrastructure sphere - that's the one you saw the video of a mission in, and the vid of us chatting.
[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]
Only by about a year, and it's less well known, except amongst us hard-core Champions pen&paper gamers. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
July 4th. AI, terrain, building construction, FX, progress - the fireworks are no longer square.
Seriously, the AI is huge.
Water action, NPC emotes working dynamically based off behavior choices, we didn't get buoyancy working in time.
And previews of buildinggen.
And our first large scale outside zone.
I'd call that a tech update.
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
They sound like Cobra from G.I.*Joe. Do they shout Scorpion as their battle cry? I do not mean to dump on the lore and I did like it, however I got a feeling of Cobra when I read it.
All 4 Mutants
Evolution is key. And mutants are key.
very nice update
i enjoyed reading it
keep up the good work all
When I read the update my first thought was of the Council. I'm certain that was the intent.
After all, there are only so many things one can do with a (para-)military organization bent on world domination. The absence of such a faction would be much more egregious than its presence.
Come to think of it, I believe they're the second such group. We've also had a little info about that "Iron Sky" group, which I'm too lazy to dig up.
Edit: I went and [url=http://cityoftitans.com/content/vril-urban-legend-or-world-domination]found them[/url], because I'm awesome.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
I suppose that would be okay if you were playing Solid Snake. But I want my heroic missions to be a bit more... heroic than that, and my villain missions to be more villainous than just sneaking in, stealing something while nobody is looking and getting out.
Don't get me wrong, I think that style of play is a nice change of pace every once in a while to set up other missions; but what use is your ability power tray in a game like this if you never use it?
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
I understand CoT and Heroes and Villains started out as a single project before they diverged creatively and split, so does this group concept predate the split? http://www.heroes-and-villains.com/phpb/home.php?page=characters&sub=vg
Gluke: Yep, it predates the split. There's not much in common with the original version, mind you.
All4Mutants: Cobra, Hydra, Kobra, Council. It's a Ruthless Terrorist Organization, but not as ideologically slanted as the Vril.
Huckleberry: We intend for it to be possible to have missions that play like that. They probably won't be dominant, and ... shoot, can't talk about the various other qualifiers.
Let's just say that for people who don't specifically want to play stalkers, it won't come up more than once or twice over their career. For people who want to play cat burglars or stalkers or whatever you want to call it, it'll come up more often.
I should point out for all German people, the Vril are not nazis. They are very loosely based on an organization the Nazis destroyed, and the logo is specifically not a banned Nazi logo.
But man, sometimes you gotta punch a Nazi.
Scorpion and the Vril have very different mobs, bases, environments, plots, and setpieces.
And there may be one or two others you don't know about yet. And those guys? They're FREAKY.
... no, not like the Freakshow. Freaky like that is something completely different.
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
With both CoT and H&V having your Cobra/Spectre-type organization called the same thing and with the same means and methods, both in a city called Titan... have you considered changing the name to something else? I've got to admit, I find Scorpion a little hokey for the name of the organization overall.
We have considered it, but we decided that scorpions are pretty awesomely metal. Also H&V spells theirs with a K. Very different.
(As is the lack of Baron Skorpio or Lemurians)
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
When you put it like that, it's totally brutals. Hail Scorpion.
Now Vril is definitely similar to the 5th column! :p
But yeah, everyone needs a post WWII german faction.
Like Warcabbit said:
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
That makes me very happy. I really enjoy playing stalkers, but have always found that playing a stealth character in an MMO was a lot like trying on the wrong size shoe. The missions, group content, and the open world were all designed around more 'direct' forms of accomplishment. As someone who really likes to play the stalker to its strengths, I like that you intend to give me a chance to play missions for that character rather than just trying to fit a stalker into a mission made for every other kind of character.
And when I play a scrapper or a dominator, I need the satisfaction of overpowering my opponents like a reaper through a field of wheat. I like to feel like an unassailable bastion upon which my enemies allide when I play a tank; and so forth.
Whether it be sneaky, dominating, violent, or indomitable; if you help make me feel like a bad-ass, I will play your game.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Gluke brings up a good point I've been toying with. Hail Scorpion is too Hydra.
They need something, clearly. I was thinking Serve Scorpion!
Anyone got a better one?
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
Glory to Scorpion?
Scorpion Strike?
Scorpion on toast?
Rise Scorpion?
Scorpion on Rye?
Scorpion Attack?
Embrace Scorpion?
(shouts) SCORPION!!!
Off the top of my head..
All 4 Mutants
Evolution is key. And mutants are key.
Strike for Scorpion!
Know thy users, for they are not you.
"Preliminary optimization is the root of all evil." -Knuth
[color=#FF0000]Coding Lead[/color]
a.k.a. Mr Sigma, Mr. Stochastic, Balancing Act, The Oncoming Storm
how in the hell did i miss that?? thanks!
Currently trapped inside the Speed Force...
Thanks 'Cabbit. I never knew about the Vril until now. Really cool occult magician themed group with an actual historical origin.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
How about "Ego victorem, ego Scorpius" (male delivery, the female version would be "ego victrix, ego Scorpius"). Meaning: I am (a/the) conqueror/winner/vanquisher, I am Scorpion.
The first part would signify that Scorpion is victorious against adversity/authority, that it regards itself at war with the rest of the world, while the second part would signify that each individual member who recites that *is* the organisation, ie they are part of it, it is their identity, each of them IS Scorpion in even a submissive, indoctrinicated/brainwashed sense.
It depends on how you want Scorpion's goal and philosophy to come across, of course, as well as their origins. It may not suit them to use Latin, which I figured is pretty universal for conveying gravity and signifying authority, but looks backwards, historically, wishing to conquer the world like Alexander, former Empires etc... If they are a futurist, forward looking kind of organization, less traditional and more sci-fi, then maybe English (or another language) would be more appropriate.
Also depends whether they see themselves *at war* with the rest of the world/superpowers, or *already in control* of the world, or something else. Maybe 'victoriem' with the military/war association might be replaced by a word for Power, Strength, Might, Will, Truth, etc (I looked up a few alternatives and victorem sounded best to me). But just what I thought of the top of my head.
I like it, but we'd want something a bit more... coptic.
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
Thanks, Zero, both for calling us out, and for accepting the one we showed. Generally, we try to do two updates a month - bi-weekly actually - and one's lore, and one's not. Generally, for the last ... heck, three-four months, every non-lore update has been a tech/art/game mishmash where we show off a _lot_ of things. Including at least one, and sometimes two videos.
The most recent one we paused to show off the prosthetic, which I'm really proud of - and if you check the thread on it, you'll note that it's about to go in harm's way and maybe help some people directly shortly.
I'm hoping to have a few parts finished in time for the next video so we can show off something everyone really wants to see but we're having trouble with... well, the difference between 'it almost works' and 'it works' is annoyingly fidgety.
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
Yeah the historical [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vril]Vril[/url] thing is not directly related/tied to the Nazis but it was still "very suggestive" of a similar "Germanic occult-based master race" concept that was popular during the time. This is why basing a CoT villain group on them might be interesting because it could allow us to have a Nazi-like group that believes in a "master race" without all the socially unacceptable baggage of the real-life Nazis.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
People will forgive the name Scorpion, if MWM makes them look good... and a decent Scorpion tattoo wouldn't hurt if its on back of one of their hands, or side of the Face, Neck, etc...
How about a two part, call and response phrase: "At the heart of humanity - the sting of the Scorpion." This is usually shortened to simply "...the sting of the Scorpion."
The idea being that the original philosophy of the higher tiers of the society is cynical fatalism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatalism), that humanity cannot rise above or beyond its true nature of viciousness and, ultimately, self-destruction, and that to aspire to anything else is self-deceiving, weak, and futile. The only act of true strength and courage is to face one's own brutal nature and embrace it, unflinchingly, even if it does indeed lead to self-destruction. This is best illustrated in the ancient fable of the Scorpion and the Frog/Turtle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scorpion_and_the_Frog
The exact meaning of the motto is both that the sting of the scorpion lies WITHIN the heart of every human, and that the sting of the scorpion is AIMED AT the heart of every human. The only people who deserve to wield power are those 'strong' enough to accept this, to devote themselves to this ideal, to kill for it and, if necessary, die for it.
I've got to admit, if you're hinting at an ancient Egyptian origin, I would prefer that than yet more occult Nazis. I know Nazis and superheroes have a long history, but like zombies, I feel they've been done to death.
This gets pretty cool.
The Egyptian Goddess Serket (or Selket) was represented as a scorpion. You can look her up to get more details. But here is the cool part: Two early pharoahs were so associated with her as their goddess (maybe) that they were known as the scorpion kings. How cool is that? Scorpion 1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scorpion_I) and scorpion 2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scorpion_II), are the names given to them by very unimaginative egyptologists, may they lie in shame for eternity for their lack of originality. But now imagine that Pharoah Scorpion a.k.a. King Scorpion is back as an immortal or a mummy! And even if he's not back, an egyptian themed enemy would be really sweet, that is if Stargate hasn't overplayed it for an entire generation of nerds like us.
Also, Allods online had a race called The Arisen which were cyborg mummies and are perhaps my favorite race of all time in any MMO. So you have my full support!
By the way, since the Coptics used the greek alphabet, I thought I would look things up in ancient greek too. Scorpion in greek is scorpius. I think Scorpius has much more mileage for use in a slogan than plain ol' scorpion. In ancient Egyptian it is pronounced wahato, and while that's technically authentic, it is probably too obscure for the average gamer to recognize. And lets be honest. someone shouting out Wahato just doesn't sound as cool.
So here are two options:
Drimys Scorpius (δριμύς is 4th century BC greek for sting, but also can mean keen, sharp or shrewd, and the ponunciation can be approximated with drimys or drimis, so it would be the equivalent of "Sting Scorpion!")
Agallo Scorpius (ἀγάλλω is ancient greek for exalt or glorify, and the pronunciation is like agallo, so it would be the equivalent of "Hail Scorpion")
And get this: during the reign of the Scorpion King, there were two mythincal beasts, the winged Chimera which were called sefer and a snake-necked panther (serpopard, really?) named Swdja, which means "undestroyable."
There are so many places to take this that would play out well in our game...
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Yep, a lot of potential there. In terms of mythological tropes, I'd like to see some good or at least neutral or anti-heroic mummies as well as evil ones, if we're going to get any ancient Egyptian stuff. In terms of ancient mythological content, Egypt gets used a lot, as does ancient Roman and Greek (and Norse, for Marvel), so it would also be cool to see some use of Aztec mythology, maybe Persian, Armenian or Mesopotamian. Mythology that doesn't get represented as much in fiction.
I'm sure that's possible for [i]some[/i] people. >.>
I did like that Stargate put a heavy focus on the religious aspect, since others who've gone with the Egyptian theme tend to focus on the trappings without any of the substance.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Idk about you guys but I thought "serve scorpion" was perfect: short, concise, but still battle-cry-able.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
Maybe, but perhaps you missed this from the Project Lead:
Coptic is a greek word describing the Egyptians of the Roman era, which later became used to describe Egyptian Christians. Since I doubt our game is going to be making a group based on early practitioners of Christianity, we are left with just the Egyptian angle on the word.
Granted, a lot of games have actually made groups based on historical Christian groups, such as the Knights Templar and anything to do with Camelot or the Holy Grail; so I suppose it is possible MWM could be going for the Christian angle, but I find that unlikely.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Doesn't sound very dramatic, scary or inspiring to me. Sounds like the directive of a robot, but not the maxim of a human organization (and no, I don't think it sounds effectively mindless or brainwashed, I just think it sounds mundane. For a global terror organization.)
I'm making a 'Swedish Chef' character, Just to 'serve Scorpion' on a bed of rice with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Be Well!
"Strike/sting with, or suffer, the Scorpion's sting/venom/etc!"
What do you guys think of this battlecry example template for Scorpion or any villain group that actively recruits new members and attempts to dominate all else?
In this case, strike/sting/etc. refers to the attacking cry to rally the troops and boost their morale, while also trying to convince/scare their enemies to join them, and the last part refers to some catchy way of utilizing Scorpion's namesake as a threat, with venom/sting/etc., to show what happens to those who defy them.
For all we know, once they've consumed that green gunk the only "battle cry" that may apply, or of which they may be capable, is, "Scorpion smash!"
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
I love you guys. Comments on King Scorpion I.
1: He was the first engineer. His mark is known to be on a piece of art depicting a dam. He may also be responsible for hieroglyphics, as writing was needed for recording his conquests. His tomb is some of the first evidence of winemaking.
2: The Rock played him in a movie - the series started with The Mummy and continued through The Scorpion King.
It's true that Jack Emmert was trained as a classical historian. My education was somewhat wider, but I can discuss the stranger ends of history with some amount of knowledge.
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
Scorpions greatest challenge in achieving world domination is the internecine warfare over what their war cry should be.
My character [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/49474#comment-49474]Goldenrod[/url] was partially inspired by Rachel Weisz' [url=http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0002682/?ref_=tt_cl_t2]Evelyn Carnahan[/url] in [I]The Mummy[/I]... and partially by her [url=http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0100651/?ref_=tt_cl_t1]role[/url] in [I]Agora[/I].
I may have just figured out who killed Goldenrod's parents...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
I really like the dry, lore-heavy descriptive updates that tell you about groups, heroes, and villains rather than the stories.
But I really liked this one. It was so well-written, I want more like it. :)
As for a battle cry or slogan for Scorpion, how about, "Scorpion Supreme"? Since they want to rule the world and gain global supremacy. It sounds alliterative too to me.
''Suffer from the Scorpion's sting!'' could work.
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WCqnt88Umk]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/nyktoss-character-cove] My characters [/url]
I'm partial to "Scorpion STRIKE!" myself.
Part of me hopes that Scorpion gets both serious Hydra moments and also absurd Cobra moments. On one hand, I do like to laugh at over the top cartoon-style villain madness. On the other hand, serious plots from this group is more of a needed niche.
Under Construction...
I really don't know much about greek, so I may have made a conjugation error, but I think this is correct:
σηκώνομαι σκορπιός και τσίμπα
sikonomai Scorpius kai tsimpa
rise Scorpion and strike!
I went for the aliteration of the s sound with the k sound. I think it kinda rolls off the tongue, even if it is a bit long. But I can imagine hundreds of troopers shouting this on the parade ground.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
Even if MWM doesn't adopt this, it would be the perfect name for the iconic weapons the Scorpion soldiers use (assuming they will have iconic weapons), since Aculeus is the name for an animal's stinger. Good one!
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
And thus, the truth is revealed - CoH/V/T players are language and mythology nerds. *grin*
Be Well!
Yes, in fact I was the one who created the original concept. As you can see, both our own and H&V's concept has diverged significantly. But the root came right off the fingertips of yours truly, something I am quite proud of.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
*cackles with glee at imagining people's reaction once they discover the truth*
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
The name makes sense once you understand the larger picture. I cannot say any more else spoil the surprise.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Whenever certain MWM concepts for CoT seem to appear a little lackluster on the surface, it's usually pretty clear that it is because they are being intentionally obscure and keeping the "good stuff" under the surface to save the best of the story for the ingame experience itself.
But they always dribble little hints for those that pay attention. Not enough to figure it out, but enough to see that there is much more to the story, or the name, than initially meets the eye.
Edit: Plus, now that I think about it, since when does "hokey" not belong in comics? It shouldn't be overdone, of course, but a certain amount of hokeyness is a core aspect of the genre.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
like in the Turtles comic? Ahhh, `Casey Jones` was it?
“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”
Hokey is a critical part of comics!
Be Well!
Traditional, yes. Critical, no, IMO. The best examples of superhero comics, even when they are funny, and more science-fantasy than science-fiction, are not usually described as hokey. The Silver Age and even Bronze Age were a long time ago, comics have moved on since then...
You may have poked the hokey but you'll turn around...
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
I guess that makes me more of a traditionalist then. Other than a few shining examples, I think comics have in general gone down hill a bit since the bronze age. And I like an occasional hint of "hoke"--not too much, because, like spices, a little goes a long way and too much ruins the batch!
Champions, for example, way overdid it and it made it hard to take the game seriously most of the time. It crossed the line from a little nostalgic hokyness here and there into an overall feel of puerile cheesiness with a little good, serious content here and there. I think CoH got it about perfect.
But, of course, this is all just IMO. And I'd say I probably mostly agree with you, because I wouldn't want hokyness to be heavy handed, or, worse, the dominant feel in the game. THAT would be awful.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)