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Discuss: Holidays, Brotherhood, and… oh, yeah, Gameplay. (Tech, Video)

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warcabbit's picture
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Discuss: Holidays, Brotherhood, and… oh, yeah, Gameplay. (Tech, Video)

Talk about the new video and teasers here!

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Interdictor's picture
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Joined: 08/22/2013 - 05:26
Very nice guys - good to see

Very nice guys - good to see it all slowly come together! Happy new year!

Catalyst's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Oh man, so many things to see

Oh man, so many things to see! I watched the other videos that got released through the Vigilance posting as well. It looks great! I love how smooth the body movement is. I can't wait to see more!

Tatterdamalion's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Why didn't you release those

Why didn't you release those videos earlier? That's what I've been waiting to see not more Lore posts.. You asked a lot of people to take things on faith and holding back signs of genuine work and progress makes it a lot harder to convince others that you're not a fly-by-night operation. Of course it wasn't going to look perfect, but it was a lot more informative of the state of production than the character builder video or the materials video in terms of how the systems are going to actually fit together.

Why don't you release a weekly/monthly video of the current state of the engine? Seeing progress like that makes it a lot easier to talk up what's coming to other people.



Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 07/30/2014 - 14:11
Love this update! Just how

Love this update! Just how smooth the movement was, the animations, effects, sounds, and my personal favorite was the music in the video. This will be great! Very promising. Keep up the good work!

Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
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I really like the smoothness

I really like the smoothness of the animations, and the effects of that pyre power are boss.

And city hall!

I'm glad you guys were able to get this update out for the new year.

Happy New Year to us!

And Cyrano de Bellygerac.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Empyrean's picture
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Morning sex is now the second best thing that's happened to me today.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Cinnder's picture
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Oh Empy, TMI!!!!!

Oh Empy, TMI!!!!!

Back to the subject, this is looking so much like the game I've been waiting for. Heck, I'd almost pay just to play the game looking like this, and you say the art team has barely gotten their hands on it yet.

You folks just keep confirming my faith in MWM. Thanks, happy holidays, and keep up the good work!

Spurn all ye kindle.

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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From the article, quoting an

From the article, quoting an official statement:


All assets in these vids are owned by MWM but many will not be used as shown in them.

Does this mean the animation blockage has been resolved, or was this statement in error (if, admittedly, an understandable one -- people often forget that animations are "assets" just as much as meshes or UI elements)?

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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Tatterdamalion wrote:
Tatterdamalion wrote:

Why didn't you release those videos earlier? That's what I've been waiting to see not more Lore posts.. You asked a lot of people to take things on faith and holding back signs of genuine work and progress makes it a lot harder to convince others that you're not a fly-by-night operation. Of course it wasn't going to look perfect, but it was a lot more informative of the state of production than the character builder video or the materials video in terms of how the systems are going to actually fit together.
Why don't you release a weekly/monthly video of the current state of the engine? Seeing progress like that makes it a lot easier to talk up what's coming to other people.

I don't think you read the text of the update, 'why we hadn't released them' was a major part of it. It may well be we were wrong or you don't agree, but the reasons we didn't are there. We're *very* leery of giving people the wrong idea, and I spent a lot of time all over the net correcting all the wrong impressions these vids made when they were first released.

We don't really consider trying to sell other people on us a wise course of action at this time. Glad you want to, but we can't support that right now. Leave 'em alone until...well actually, pretty soon. Those teasers are for something big.

I don't think you comprehend the level of work that would go into making even a halfway professional such video on such a regular basis. We barely have the time to make this game. We don't have time for shiny videos about it very often unless they basically happened in the course of development - like AmIEvil's vids did.

That said, we've just hit the point where more visually impressive stuff is happening more naturally. So, there should be more like this from now on. How much more, should start slow but ramp up. That's just a very informed guess though.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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As a comment: if y'all are

As a comment: if y'all are going to keep producing internal-only videos or things that need disclaimers, you might want to look into using the post-processing stage to add a "watermark" across the video that indicates that it is prototype footage. I would say "at the UI layer" except then it wouldn't show up if you turn off the UI, you'd have to worry about Z-fighting, etc. Doing it in the post stage is liable to be much simpler.

So far as I can tell, adding a simple translucent 'stamp' in the post should be reasonably simple with recent versions of the engine -- if you look at and assume that you use a text-driven "texture" rather than loading in image samplers, you have probably 80% of it right there.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Jets's picture
Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 19:36
Wow, this was the best update

Wow, this was the best update in a long time. Makes me excited for the game again. Please give us more updates like this one.

[i][size=20][color=blue]Random Words[/color][/size][/i]

Cinnder's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

I don't think you comprehend the level of work that would go into making even a halfway professional such video on such a regular basis. We barely have the time to make this game.

Just so you know, Shadow, many of us do understand. And while we may wish for more videos like this and go crazy with glee when one comes out, we trust you folks to create and release them when you think it's time. Given the 'damage' a not-ready-for-prime-time video can do, I for one think you're pursuing a wise course on this subject.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Dark Ether
Dark Ether's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 16:26
This is something that should

This is something that should generate some real enthusiasm as it makes the rounds.

(insert pithy comment here)

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

I don't think you read the text of the update, 'why we hadn't released them' was a major part of it. It may well be we were wrong or you don't agree, but the reasons we didn't are there. We're *very* leery of giving people the wrong idea, and I spent a lot of time all over the net correcting all the wrong impressions these vids made when they were first released.

Sorry, but I have to point out: you *did* release them. They were posted to a place that is visible to the public, and that's really all it takes. Resistance is futile. You will be cataloged. Your technological and biological distinctiveness will be indexed, cross-linked, and monetized.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

From the article, quoting an official statement:
All assets in these vids are owned by MWM but many will not be used as shown in them.
Does this mean the animation blockage has been resolved, or was this statement in error (if, admittedly, an understandable one -- people often forget that animations are "assets" just as much as meshes or UI elements)?

Dude, it says 'many' not all. It's an open ended statement so people know not to expect everything they see, without me trying to guess and make shaky statements about which. No asset is particular, animation or otherwise, is being singled out.

The assets I *know* are in heavy question of long term use are all the ones from Infinity Blade, which are legally free to use but not necessarily ones we want. But because it's early testing vids using whatever is convenient, theoretically every asset is in question, by nature, and I wanted to make sure people realized that so we wouldn't get torched for something we dropped later.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

As a comment: if y'all are going to keep producing internal-only videos or things that need disclaimers, you might want to look into using the post-processing stage to add a "watermark" across the video that indicates that it is prototype footage. I would say "at the UI layer" except then it wouldn't show up if you turn off the UI, you'd have to worry about Z-fighting, etc. Doing it in the post stage is liable to be much simpler.
So far as I can tell, adding a simple translucent 'stamp' in the post should be reasonably simple with recent versions of the engine -- if you look at and assume that you use a text-driven "texture" rather than loading in image samplers, you have probably 80% of it right there. not a bad idea. Although it may not be necessary. The Evil leak is pretty easy to understand, he was posting them normally to his personal youtube channel, which worked fine until Massively dug it up. Now he's taking standard precautions with how he posts them (hidden status, stuff like that). We've currently got no reason to expect the standard precautions not to be sufficient. We simply weren't taking them. Derp.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 8 months 6 days ago
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Tatterdamalion wrote:
Tatterdamalion wrote:

Why didn't you release those videos earlier? That's what I've been waiting to see not more Lore posts.. You asked a lot of people to take things on faith and holding back signs of genuine work and progress makes it a lot harder to convince others that you're not a fly-by-night operation. Of course it wasn't going to look perfect, but it was a lot more informative of the state of production than the character builder video or the materials video in terms of how the systems are going to actually fit together.
Why don't you release a weekly/monthly video of the current state of the engine? Seeing progress like that makes it a lot easier to talk up what's coming to other people.

Part of the answer is because the earlier videos were done by the coder before he came onto our project and he was using his precious work and integrating it with some of our systems.

Another reason is to most people work in progress at the prototype level can be misleading to people who are not familiar with the development process. They require explanations and caveats wjich weren't providedd because they weren't done quite at the colaborative level.

It was still very nice of the Valiance team to show them as an example of progress to combat some negativity towards our efforts.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Dude, it says 'many' not all. It's an open ended statement so people know not to expect everything they see, without me trying to guess and make shaky statements about which. No asset is particular, animation or otherwise, is being singled out.

Then you may need to talk to MassivelyOP, because that was a cut-and-paste from the statement as given on their site (in the article linked from the KS update).

And the "all" is the main reason I asked, because... well, it surprised me, and seemed unlikely to be true quite this soon. So I asked.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
As a comment: if y'all are going to keep producing internal-only videos or things that need disclaimers, you might want to look into using the post-processing stage to add a "watermark" across the video that indicates that it is prototype footage. I would say "at the UI layer" except then it wouldn't show up if you turn off the UI, you'd have to worry about Z-fighting, etc. Doing it in the post stage is liable to be much simpler.
So far as I can tell, adding a simple translucent 'stamp' in the post should be reasonably simple with recent versions of the engine -- if you look at and assume that you use a text-driven "texture" rather than loading in image samplers, you have probably 80% of it right there. not a bad idea. Although it may not be necessary. The Evil leak is pretty easy to understand, he was posting them normally to his personal youtube channel, which worked fine until Massively dug it up. Now he's taking standard precautions with how he posts them (hidden status, stuff like that). We've currently got no reason to expect the standard precautions not to be sufficient. We simply weren't taking them. Derp.

True, and I wouldn't have suggested it at all if it didn't appear to be something that had much of the work already available in an example. I just *also* figured that y'all might eventually want it for more general watermark purposes as well, especially once things reach a certain stage where it becomes more relevant.

The priority will obviously vary based on what you need when, but I figured it didn't hurt to point out that it was possible today, even if you don't use it for a while yet. :)

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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Joined: 01/10/2013 - 09:38
Oh by the way, found out how

Oh by the way, found out how to embed into our site much better. It's now gloriously full sized on the forums.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
I got some interesting

I got some interesting information about focus by showing part of the video to the wife just now. Apparently the character animations take up about 99% of my attention, and I barely see stuff near the edge of the screen. At about 5:53, she said, "Oh, there's trouble over the bridge," and I wondered how she knew what was coming up next till she pointed out the mission text over to the right...

I'm considering watching the video again with a sticky note pasted over the centre of the screen.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 12:53
Thanks for the positive

Thanks for the positive feedback, you guys.

[color=Red]Senior Gameplay Engineer.[/color]

DesViper's picture
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Lookin' good!

Lookin' good!

I noticed on some of the burning melee that the punches do burn damage. Is that from a Boost or is that Fire Melee? Or are these irrelevant since these were leaked? :p

I hope that ice PBAoE is for realz because that is awesome!


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doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Tatterdamalion wrote:
Tatterdamalion wrote:

Why didn't you release those videos earlier? That's what I've been waiting to see not more Lore posts.. You asked a lot of people to take things on faith and holding back signs of genuine work and progress makes it a lot harder to convince others that you're not a fly-by-night operation. Of course it wasn't going to look perfect, but it was a lot more informative of the state of production than the character builder video or the materials video in terms of how the systems are going to actually fit together.
Why don't you release a weekly/monthly video of the current state of the engine? Seeing progress like that makes it a lot easier to talk up what's coming to other people.

We looked into that, and even did a trial video to see if people could understand what in-progress material looked like by showing the various levels of refinement. The result was little more than confusion, for unless assets were polished, people not familiar with game development simply took what was there *as* the finished version, which was quite amusing when we were using Blockhead.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Because I'm not a *complete*

Because I'm not a *complete* curmudgeon and grump of a sheep, some positive reinforcement:

The elemental indicator on the damage numbers is a lot saner in the presented video. Personally I'm not convinced that it won't still be visual clutter that ends up serving no purpose, but hopefully that will end up just being an option you can turn off or whatever. Or may not even make it into the final, I do realize it is a prototype. But as shown there it is still a whole lot better than it was... "earlier", for example in the first video linked from the Massively article.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Voldine's picture
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I realize this is only EARLY prototype stage stuff, but that looks REALLY good. I had to put a hand over my mouth to keep from squealing in the library.

Seriously, keep up the good work and only release stuff like this sparingly.

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Another positive that I only

Another positive that I only just realized was the case: a lot of the issues with previous videos seem to be resolved, and as a bonus (or maybe part of resolving it?) this one is available in glorious 720p. Still hoping we can get 1080 someday, but I realize that's less of a "boost" for more of a cost (i.e. diminishing returns).

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Godling's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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The city reminded me of King

Awesome Video.
The city reminded me of King's Row mixed with some Bricktown and a touch of Praetoria.
According to the model both hit points and mana points go up with each level.
Even though Power points or energy points might be more super heroic.

[URL= [/IMG][/URL]

avelworldcreator's picture
Last seen: 3 days 15 hours ago
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Godling wrote:
Godling wrote:

Awesome Video.
The city reminded me of King's Row mixed with some Bricktown and a touch of Praetoria.
According to the model both hit points and mana points go up with each level.
Even though Power points or energy points might be more super heroic.

That's not our actual combat mechanic there. The developer just threw something together for his testing and this demo. It's not far off though. Still a WIP for the UI/UX and Gameplay teams.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

All 4 Mutants
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Tatterdamalion wrote:
Why didn't you release those videos earlier? That's what I've been waiting to see not more Lore posts.. You asked a lot of people to take things on faith and holding back signs of genuine work and progress makes it a lot harder to convince others that you're not a fly-by-night operation. Of course it wasn't going to look perfect, but it was a lot more informative of the state of production than the character builder video or the materials video in terms of how the systems are going to actually fit together.
Why don't you release a weekly/monthly video of the current state of the engine? Seeing progress like that makes it a lot easier to talk up what's coming to other people.

Part of the answer is because the earlier videos were done by the coder before he came onto our project and he was using his precious work and integrating it with some of our systems.
Another reason is to most people work in progress at the prototype level can be misleading to people who are not familiar with the development process. They require explanations and caveats wjich weren't providedd because they weren't done quite at the colaborative level.
It was still very nice of the Valiance team to show them as an example of progress to combat some negativity towards our efforts.

Best response that explains everything. I like it. Now my little grips with what I saw was the fire squares that had points attached to them. I get you want to show fire damage to opponents, however it looks silly. Other than that great teaser and look forward to the big reveal.

All 4 Mutants

Evolution is key. And mutants are key.

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

Shadow Elusive wrote:
Dude, it says 'many' not all. It's an open ended statement so people know not to expect everything they see, without me trying to guess and make shaky statements about which. No asset is particular, animation or otherwise, is being singled out.

Then you may need to talk to MassivelyOP, because that was a cut-and-paste from the statement as given on their site (in the article linked from the KS update).
And the "all" is the main reason I asked, because... well, it surprised me, and seemed unlikely to be true quite this soon. So I asked.

Oh wait I see, you were referring to my statement that we owned them all, not that we might not use them all. Yes, we own them all. These are mostly Unreal Market animation packs we've bought.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Oh wait I see, you were referring to my statement that we owned them all, not that we might not use them all. Yes, we own them all. These are mostly Unreal Market animation packs we've bought.

"We own them" is *very* different from "we have licenses to use them in a release".

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:
Dude, it says 'many' not all. It's an open ended statement so people know not to expect everything they see, without me trying to guess and make shaky statements about which. No asset is particular, animation or otherwise, is being singled out.

Then you may need to talk to MassivelyOP, because that was a cut-and-paste from the statement as given on their site (in the article linked from the KS update).
And the "all" is the main reason I asked, because... well, it surprised me, and seemed unlikely to be true quite this soon. So I asked.

Oh wait I see, you were referring to my statement that we owned them all, not that we might not use them all. Yes, we own them all. These are mostly Unreal Market animation packs we've bought.

And the goal is to have something which is visibly presentable in a video while other areas are under development. Things will be replaced before we release. But they serve the goal of enabling work to be done elsewhere without being blocked. For a prototype, they do the job.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Interdictor's picture
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Godling wrote:
Godling wrote:

Awesome Video.
The city reminded me of King's Row mixed with some Bricktown and a touch of Praetoria.
According to the model both hit points and mana points go up with each level.
Even though Power points or energy points might be more super heroic.

avelworldcreator wrote:

That's not our actual combat mechanic there. The developer just threw something together for his testing and this demo. It's not far off though. Still a WIP for the UI/UX and Gameplay teams.

And this right here is why these updates should be done sparingly - not to pick on you Godling, but it just shows the danger of very early development mockups being mistaken for "the way it's going to be" TM. The potential for confusion or misinformation is high.

Tessa's picture
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 10:25
I am highly encouraged by

I am highly encouraged by these vids! I felt right at home in Level 1-8 territory, LOL. I want, no, I NEED, to be playing this game naoooo. Have you released the costume creator yet? That would at least be something solid! But I don't think it's been released yet. I'm excited for Valiance Online & I've donated to them as well. But I'm still holding out for CoT :D Those are some mighty tasty, tempting looking vids--but I know the real present will come to life when CoT has the first few waves of beta tests, 'cause then I'll be there!

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain)

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Tessa wrote:
Tessa wrote:

I am highly encouraged by these vids! I felt right at home in Level 1-8 territory, LOL. I want, no, I NEED, to be playing this game naoooo. Have you released the costume creator yet? That would at least be something solid! But I don't think it's been released yet. I'm excited for Valiance Online & I've donated to them as well. But I'm still holding out for CoT :D Those are some mighty tasty, tempting looking vids--but I know the real present will come to life when CoT has the first few waves of beta tests, 'cause then I'll be there!

Well, the teasers they've posted for the past several weeks all seem to have a lot to do with bodies and / or costuming. What *exactly* that means, I couldn't say (because I don't know, not due to NDA), but I suspect that if the surprise doesn't include *something* in that direction, folks might be breaking out torches and pitchforks because of them.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


RottenLuck's picture
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*Dabs eyes* So... beautiful..

*Dabs eyes* So... beautiful.... CITY HALL..

Um... what sorry someone was cutting onions. As to the video looking good. I tried to help ease things on the web explaining it was leaked not meant for public release. I knew right away it was City of Titans video because I played the VO pre-alpha build and know the graphics, partial effects of both games.

My guess we find out more about the Avatar Creator very soon.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Nyktos's picture
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This looks really good

This looks really good

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Joined: 07/17/2014 - 18:19
All I have to say is keep up

All I have to say is keep up the good work. And I say that to ALL who are involved. This is a game that will be best for what it is meant to be by taking the time you folk need to make it happen. Just be sure, at some point, if you haven't already, to plant a stake in the ground and say, THIS is the code base we will build on. Yes, we will tweak it, and update it, but doing let feature creep and 'engine improvements' force you to restart all over again.
But at the same time, keep the hooks there to be ABLE to go back and replace modules of the code with engine updates and improvements... LATER, once you have the core of the whole in place and start to enter real alpha and beta.

Again, keep up the good work!
Thrillseeker, Guardian server

Starhammer's picture
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Just want to say how much I

Just want to say how much I appreciate the fat guy in the character creator. I know it's not a popular build, and a lot of costume options will look unpleasantly distorted on it (as can be seen in SWTOR and real life), but it's an important option that really helps with immersion/suspension of disbelief, and is necessary for some character conceps (The Blob, the apple from Fruit of the Loom, Two Weeks lady from Total Recall, etc.)

Also, those punches were excellent. They were so well animated that throughout the video I was consistently surprised not to see some knee and elbow strikes in the mix, even when it was clear that wouldn't be happening. Many kudos!

Tannim222's picture
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Lookin' good!
I noticed on some of the burning melee that the punches do burn damage. Is that from a Boost or is that Fire Melee? Or are these irrelevant since these were leaked? :p
I hope that ice PBAoE is for realz because that is awesome!

There is no 'fire melee'. Nor are the damage types or even the particle effects representative of a final state. One thing to keep in mind when watching this video is that it is of the prototype-still-in-progress. As explained in the update, the gameplay mechanics are being handled in another project. Once both projects are at a sufficient level of completion, the will be integrated.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Darth Fez
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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

The elemental indicator on the damage numbers is a lot saner in the presented video. Personally I'm not convinced that it won't still be visual clutter that ends up serving no purpose, but hopefully that will end up just being an option you can turn off or whatever.

I haven't paid much, if any, attention to it in other games, but I remember from WoW that such "floating numbers" are an option one can turn on or off. Some people like to see all the damage and healing represented in such a fashion.

Interdictor wrote:

Godling wrote:
Awesome Video.
The city reminded me of King's Row mixed with some Bricktown and a touch of Praetoria.
According to the model both hit points and mana points go up with each level.
Even though Power points or energy points might be more super heroic.

avelworldcreator wrote:
That's not our actual combat mechanic there. The developer just threw something together for his testing and this demo. It's not far off though. Still a WIP for the UI/UX and Gameplay teams.
And this right here is why these updates should be done sparingly - not to pick on you Godling, but it just shows the danger of very early development mockups being mistaken for "the way it's going to be" TM. The potential for confusion or misinformation is high.


- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Godling's picture
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If you look at the avatar

If you look at the avatar creator screens we have apparently space for a primary secondary and tertiary lines.
Or, we may have three pallets to chose from there is a surprisingly abundance of lavenders(purple/pinks) but
a lack of Oranges. Not sure if the red button toggles through pallets or rotates the color selection or does something else.

[URL= [/IMG][/URL]

Foradain's picture
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
*untwists manipulatory digits

*untwists manipulatory digits*

This is a most exciting video! The bare rigs of the combatants looks crude, but since the primary goal of this run was to test things out, the details it lets you see shows a lot of thought going on behind what the finished product will show.

Can't wait to see what next year brings!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Brand X
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This is more of what we need

This is more of what we need to see! I saw the videos posted before and was all "Why aren't they showing these videos so we see the progress!"

AlienMafia's picture
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My only complaint is the

My only complaint is the shaking of the camera on every punch and it shakes too much to the point that it annoys me.

Little to no shaking on the weaker attacks and have it scale up with stronger attacks.

-AlienMafia (Justice Server)
Main: Thorns 13xx Badges

Empyrean's picture
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The amount of sheer confusion

The amount of sheer confusion, speculation, and snap judgement this whole thing has generated--even after MWM clearly explained precisely where the videos came from, what they do and don't represent, and that many elements, both present and absent, are there or not there simply due to the game being incomplete--highlights exactly why they didn't show them before their hand was forced.

Still, what these videos actually represent is exciting to say the least.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Lin Chiao Feng
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
The elemental indicator on the damage numbers is a lot saner in the presented video. Personally I'm not convinced that it won't still be visual clutter that ends up serving no purpose, but hopefully that will end up just being an option you can turn off or whatever.
I haven't paid much, if any, attention to it in other games, but I remember from WoW that such "floating numbers" are an option one can turn on or off. Some people like to see all the damage and healing represented in such a fashion.

I think what our wool-bearing friend was referring to was the small yellow icons to the left of the damage numbers:


Note the little yellow triangles. This seems to indicate punching damage. Or maybe melee. Who knows?


This was seen when one of the mobs shoots at the player. The slightly different icon seems to indicate lethal damage. Or maybe ranged. Who knows?

IMHO the icons are too damn small and move too much. You have to actively stare at them in order to glean the information, and it's too easy to mistake one for another... or miss them entirely.

If you want to indicate damage type, it should be a distinct background effect behind the number (which, IMHO, should be colored differently for "damage delivered" vs. "damage received"). For example, a rectangle shape for melee, arrowheads for ranged, and hexagonal for AoE, with a dark gray stione texture for physical damage, red-orange slow flickering/pulsing for fire, same but with light blues for ice, etc. For example:


Here we have 58 points of physical melee damage delivered via a punch in the face, 63 points of AoE cold damage taken from someone's freeze bomb, and 266 points of plasma damage from my HotShot 3000 sniper rifle because there's a sale on at the market I don't want to miss so let's hurry this up already.

Before anyone asks: I vaguely remember damage types being outlined somewhere, forgot what they were, and have no idea how to look them up on this site because the terms are too vague. So I'm making the types and colors up. Also, colors (if used) would need to be chosen to give sufficient contrast between background, shape, and number colors.

Seriously, though, given how much they move and how many there can be, just expecting people to read all the numbers is silly, much less identify anything else that requires more than preschool-level shape identification.

Of course, other things can be used to convey information, such as how the numbers move (rise straight up? arc to the sides? shimmy upwards like convection?).

And please sort the things so the big numbers come out on top (as in Painter's Algorithm top). Those are the ones we're really interested in.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

avelworldcreator's picture
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Godling wrote:
Godling wrote:

If you look at the avatar creator screens we have apparently space for a primary secondary and tertiary lines.
Or, we may have three pallets to chose from there is a surprisingly abundance of lavenders(purple/pinks) but
a lack of Oranges. Not sure if the red button toggles through pallets or rotates the color selection or does something else.

The red button at the top right is a badly side button with a "?" in it. It's the help button. :) I'm still working on that. I hope to have the options button next to it.
The colors are an early stage of development; didn't you see the thread on the color picker mockup?


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Brutum's picture
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Agreed, though I'm not sure

Agreed, though I'm not sure if I'll ever make an obese character having the option is an excellent addition to the family of body types. Especially with concepts like The Blob as you mentioned.

Puny Heroes.

avelworldcreator's picture
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Brutum wrote:
Brutum wrote:

Agreed, though I'm not sure if I'll ever make an obese character having the option is an excellent addition to the family of body types. Especially with concepts like The Blob as you mentioned.

Actually the obese character came from a joke about Christmas and Santa I believe but it was nice to show off what could be done.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Izzy's picture
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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Godling wrote:
Awesome Video.
The city reminded me of King's Row mixed with some Bricktown and a touch of Praetoria.
According to the model both hit points and mana points go up with each level.
Even though Power points or energy points might be more super heroic.

avelworldcreator wrote:
That's not our actual combat mechanic there. The developer just threw something together for his testing and this demo. It's not far off though. Still a WIP for the UI/UX and Gameplay teams.
And this right here is why these updates should be done sparingly - not to pick on you Godling, but it just shows the danger of very early development mockups being mistaken for "the way it's going to be" TM. The potential for confusion or misinformation is high.


If i was on MWMs team, my response would be...

"Thank you for the Positive Feedback. Yes, that will be fixed later on, but for now... we need it for Development purposes. We hope to make it pretty someday, but we need some time to do that. Keep up the great feedback! We very much Appreciate it. ;D"

But that's just me! ;)

whiteperegrine's picture
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this is very nice to see and

this is very nice to see and the world itself (even for just being a test world) looks pretty damn good, imo. looking forward to seeing more! really....share more video's! :)


Brutum's picture
Last seen: 6 months 6 days ago
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Ah, regardless it was a nice

Ah, regardless it was a nice update and if it makes it into the game it would be a nice addition if spruced up a bit. Happy New Years to everyone on the forums by the by.

Puny Heroes.

Izzy's picture
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Brutum wrote:
Brutum wrote:

Ah, regardless it was a nice update and if it makes it into the game it would be a nice addition if spruced up a bit. Happy New Years to everyone on the forums by the by.

Ditto... Happy New Year to everyone on the forums btw. ;D

Godling's picture
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So we will have a stock of

So we will have a stock of base colors and the ability to do the 3 dimensional numbers too for all those that need the precise shade of whatever.

Can't wait till the November of the new year that's my prediction of playable test or real product will be out.

Might not have choice in waiting cause we have to wait :)

[URL= [/IMG][/URL]

avelworldcreator's picture
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Godling wrote:
Godling wrote:

So we will have a stock of base colors and the ability to do the 3 dimensional numbers too for all those that precise shade of whatever.
Can't wait till the November of the new year that's my prediction of playable test or real product will be out.


And Happy New Years everyone!


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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Happy New Years Everybody!

Happy New Years Everybody! Woweee what an update, I loved everything about it, it brought back so many good memories and to think of the good memories that will come when we finally get in to play it, I can't wait! The movement looked awesome and the fire attack was pretty epic. The city hall looked great, and I am looking forward to seeing the phoenix statue! The character creator looks very promising and I am excited to see it get rolled out. You guys are doing great work, keep it up!

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Timothius's picture
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AlienMafia wrote:
AlienMafia wrote:

My only complaint is the shaking of the camera on every punch and it shakes too much to the point that it annoys me.
Little to no shaking on the weaker attacks and have it scale up with stronger attacks.

I agree. My brother watched the video and said "I really hope that shakiness isn't how the finished product will look"
A friend of mine assured me that most games have the shakiness as an on/off option, but I think Alien Mafia here is along my line of thinking. That said, if it were me:

-No shaking on weak attacks.
-Shaking on MAJOR attacks (like your 5-minute recharge attacks) could be fun

Outside that, I agree the video was just what I wanted for Christmas. But while I know you guys don't want to commit to an actual release date, "we might be celebrating Christmas in Titan City" was extremely heartening to me.

Thanks for the serious update! Just in time for new year!

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Godling wrote:
Godling wrote:

So we will have a stock of base colors and the ability to do the 3 dimensional numbers too for all those that need the precise shade of whatever.

Long as we end up with the option to input HSV/HSB/HSL (take your pick) as well, for custom colors, I'm happy with it. If I have to convert from those to RGB to dump them in I shall be vexed. Some of us can only color-coordinate based on color theory. Not color-blind, just... color-stupid? I can tell you something looks bad, but not how to make it look good.

But I can also apply some basic color theory and rapidly pick a half dozen things that fall into the "might work with that" category, then try those until I find some I like. But it doesn't work (pretty much "at all") in RGB, so to use it I'd have to pick something in RGB, convert to HSV, apply the theory, then convert back. And since I know for a fact that converting RGB<->HSV is a single node operation, it should be fairly trivial to handle it: just toss a toggle into it.

Or, probably even simpler: just ask Epic to migrate the existing one in UE4 from the "usable only in the editor" section package to the "general widget" section, if they haven't already done so.

One crucial tip: while applying the colors should generally be RGB for efficiency reasons, *storing* the information should ideally store the actual "given by the player" values and the color space, *not* just "the transformed-to-RGB values". Why? Because the transformation (in both directions) is somewhat "lossy", and making a round-trip between the two will, more often than not, result in a different set of numbers. Think of it as the mechanical equivalent of Engrish -- understandable, but not what someone is going to want to work with if they put in perfectly clear language in the first place.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


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Joined: 10/21/2013 - 12:53

If i was on MWMs team, my response would be...
"Thank you for the Positive Feedback. Yes, that will be fixed later on, but for now... we need it for Development purposes. We hope to make it pretty someday, but we need some time to do that. Keep up the great feedback! We very much Appreciate it. ;D"
But that's just me! ;)[/quote]

What Izzy said Happy New Year all!

[color=Red]Senior Gameplay Engineer.[/color]

AlienMafia's picture
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 09:45
I do like shaking on things

I do like shaking on things like knockout blow and explosive blast/arrow, footstomp

-AlienMafia (Justice Server)
Main: Thorns 13xx Badges

Foradain's picture
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So I took a second look at

So I took a second look at the video, taking the time to stop and look at some things in the background:

Street names: I fully understand that Dr. Tyche Road, Warcabbit Lane, AmIEvil Drive, and Gaming Drive are just placeholder names. But what they hold the place of is important. I don't see any street signs at all in CO (even though some of the streets have real-world analogs, like that curve in E. Congress Street before the I375 looks like the spot where the tutorial used to start) and I don't recall any in DCUO. I consider having in-continuity street names to be both good for immersion and for communication. I recall the first time in CO I heard that Black Harlequin was attacking at the bank... The bank the PC's use at the RenCen? One of the several banks where there are the occasional Bank Robbery instances? Even this past week I saw in chat people asking where that particular bank was at. Being able to name the corner would make things much easier. Hmm, maybe a search feature on the city map? ++++++++++++++

Ads on bus shelters: I liked that one of the ads seemed to be for Unreal. It's a good place to put real-world advertising if the devs decide to seek out advertisers. +++

The phone number on the apartment building: It might be good for immersion to find an unused area code (or codes) for Titan City. I'm not sure how many people outside the Raleigh, NC area are likely recognize the 919 area code (I didn't), or look it up (I did. I was curious, all right?), but if we can find an unused one we don't have to consider it at all. Whether or not we'd still need to keep the 555 exchange code anyway is something else to consider. =

Still hoping the AB is ready for Beta soon. But don't rush to much! ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

avelworldcreator's picture
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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

Godling wrote:
So we will have a stock of base colors and the ability to do the 3 dimensional numbers too for all those that need the precise shade of whatever.

Long as we end up with the option to input HSV/HSB/HSL (take your pick) as well, for custom colors, I'm happy with it. If I have to convert from those to RGB to dump them in I shall be vexed. Some of us can only color-coordinate based on color theory. Not color-blind, just... color-stupid? I can tell you something looks bad, but not how to make it look good.
But I can also apply some basic color theory and rapidly pick a half dozen things that fall into the "might work with that" category, then try those until I find some I like. But it doesn't work (pretty much "at all") in RGB, so to use it I'd have to pick something in RGB, convert to HSV, apply the theory, then convert back. And since I know for a fact that converting RGB<->HSV is a single node operation, it should be fairly trivial to handle it: just toss a toggle into it.
Or, probably even simpler: just ask Epic to migrate the existing one in UE4 from the "usable only in the editor" section package to the "general widget" section, if they haven't already done so.
One crucial tip: while applying the colors should generally be RGB for efficiency reasons, *storing* the information should ideally store the actual "given by the player" values and the color space, *not* just "the transformed-to-RGB values". Why? Because the transformation (in both directions) is somewhat "lossy", and making a round-trip between the two will, more often than not, result in a different set of numbers. Think of it as the mechanical equivalent of Engrish -- understandable, but not what someone is going to want to work with if they put in perfectly clear language in the first place.

Unreal does indeed have those conversion functions, but it stores things internally as RGBA values in a floating point format as decimal percentiles (0-1 inclusive). But at the video card end it becomes 0-255 integer values RGB only. We will be storing colors in the format Unreal actually stores it of course. Additional color pickers have been discussed and are tentatively planned for. I hope to provide tools to help players color coordinate better.

No, there is no information noise in color conversion as the framework is the same. If we were discussing converting from print (or film) to screen and vice versa then there would be some issue of loss but not on computers. RGB is the actual "language" of modern computer systems and their hardware. HSL is a convenience for humans in relating how colors relate to one another and simply is repositioning existing objects (colors) and not altering their substance. You are going to have to give a specific example of color systems failing to translate. Print (reflective color) and computer monitor (emissive color) are not equivalent systems for comparison

You will have to explain what you mean by "Given by the player" and "color space" in this context as it really doesn't appear to have any substantive meaning within the context. What does Unreal do with it's color values? After the alpha blending it multiplies each value (clamped between 0 and 1) by 255 and writes it to the video hardware.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

avelworldcreator's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

So I took a second look at the video, taking the time to stop and look at some things in the background:
Street names: I fully understand that Dr. Tyche Road, Warcabbit Lane, AmIEvil Drive, and Gaming Drive are just placeholder names. But what they hold the place of is important. I don't see any street signs at all in CO (even though some of the streets have real-world analogs, like that curve in E. Congress Street before the I375 looks like the spot where the tutorial used to start) and I don't recall any in DCUO. I consider having in-continuity street names to be both good for immersion and for communication. I recall the first time in CO I heard that Black Harlequin was attacking at the bank... The bank the PC's use at the RenCen? One of the several banks where there are the occasional Bank Robbery instances? Even this past week I saw in chat people asking where that particular bank was at. Being able to name the corner would make things much easier. Hmm, maybe a search feature on the city map? ++++++++++++++
Ads on bus shelters: I liked that one of the ads seemed to be for Unreal. It's a good place to put real-world advertising if the devs decide to seek out advertisers. +++
The phone number on the apartment building: It might be good for immersion to find an unused area code (or codes) for Titan City. I'm not sure how many people outside the Raleigh, NC area are likely recognize the 919 area code (I didn't), or look it up (I did. I was curious, all right?), but if we can find an unused one we don't have to consider it at all. Whether or not we'd still need to keep the 555 exchange code anyway is something else to consider. =
Still hoping the AB is ready for Beta soon. But don't rush to much! ^_^

I paid attention to the street signs because Amievil treated us devs with having a few of them with our nicknames on them (I was watching for mine more obviously :p - I'm there. Yay!). I saw the leasing sign but missed the rest. I'm definitely going to watch again. Thanks for pointing all that stuff out. The dev who did it apparently hid a lot of Easter eggs. This is going to be fun. :D


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

ExoVrogne's picture
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The year starts well :)

The year starts well :)

francophone community

Greyhawk's picture
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Joined: 01/03/2015 - 19:17
I have been following this

I have been following this industry ever since the first time I played Pong. Decades and decades of digging up clues, locating public file servers that really should be private, and other activities both nefarious and honorable in the constant craving to know what's coming next.

I gotta say, for internal videos never designed for public release these were some of the finest early prototype efforts I have ever stumbled across. I'm glad they wound up out in the public forum. The quality of work they represent is, at least to me, quite stunning. If this follows the normal trajectory, there is no doubt in my mind it will impact the gaming world just as deeply as City of Heroes did when it was first released.

Very impressive work, MWM. Very impressive, indeed.

And the body size/shape range of the character creator is beyond awe-inspiring. This sets the bar so high I don't know how even the Asians are going to keep up. Five million different faces on four body types versus infinite body types with a few thousand possible faces is not even a contest. Once it's created, 99% of players will never again look at their character's face, but everyone who does not play in FPS view is going to spend thousands of hours staring at their character's body.

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RottenLuck's picture
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2016 is the year when all the

2016 is the year when all the work will start to produce bigger and better shinnies. A lot of the work before hand were under the hood stuff. Lots of number crunching and system rigging. Now as we enter the new year I'm expecting more videos of things working as all the pieces are put into place.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Nos482's picture
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once Art’s had their wicked,

once Art’s had their wicked, wicked ways on this bare skeleton
I'd still like to get that look as a costume option. Oh the possibilities (true, mostly robots... but still).

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Foradain's picture
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So, speaking of holidays, and

So, speaking of holidays, and otherwise not really related to this thread ^_^, I'm watching the Rose Parade, and noticed Tannim222's namesake's alma mater, Jenks High, sent their band out to Pasadena.

Happy New Year!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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avelworldcreator's picture
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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

I have been following this industry ever since the first time I played Pong. Decades and decades of digging up clues, locating public file servers that really should be private, and other activities both nefarious and honorable in the constant craving to know what's coming next.
I gotta say, for internal videos never designed for public release these were some of the finest early prototype efforts I have ever stumbled across. I'm glad they wound up out in the public forum. The quality of work they represent is, at least to me, quite stunning. If this follows the normal trajectory, there is no doubt in my mind it will impact the gaming world just as deeply as City of Heroes did when it was first released.
Very impressive work, MWM. Very impressive, indeed.

I started gaming with Pong myself though most of my stuff for the longest was arcades, tabletop/pnp gaming.
And the body size/shape range of the character creator is beyond awe-inspiring. This sets the bar so high I don't know how even the Asians are going to keep up. Five million different faces on four body types versus infinite body types with a few thousand possible faces is not even a contest. Once it's created, 99% of players will never again look at their character's face, but everyone who does not play in FPS view is going to spend thousands of hours staring at their character's body.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Scott Jackson
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I must echo Greyhawk's

I must echo Greyhawk's compliments. A game with top-tier quality in every aspect / system has been my hope since the first day, one that inspires gamers and developers with creative gameplay options and flexible design under the hood. I see the pursuit of quality is still the foundation of your efforts.

Thank you amievil, avelworldcreator, and the whole team! Best wishes for a successful and creative 2016!

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Joined: 04/28/2014 - 11:24
So this footage is made up of

So this footage is made up of 'never intended to be released' videos?

Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 11/02/2013 - 13:59
Great update!Keep up the good

Great update!

Keep up the good work!

Nyktos's picture
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Empyrean wrote: The amount
Empyrean wrote:

The amount of sheer confusion, speculation, and snap judgement this whole thing has generated--even after MWM clearly explained precisely where the videos came from, what they do and don't represent, and that many elements, both present and absent, are there or not there simply due to the game being incomplete--highlights exactly why they didn't show them before their hand was forced.Still, what these videos actually represent is exciting to say the least.

I'll agree with this sentiment. I personally find the videos interesting anyway though and I forgot to say this but I love how City Hall and some of City looks from those videos. I definitely got flashbacks to my first time entering Paragon City.

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Also, 10/10 on the music! :)

Also, 10/10 on the music! :)

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The fan in me is very happy

The fan in me is very happy and excited after seeing the video...but the realist in me wishes they had not been released/leaked. I would much prefer MwM took a few weeks and produced a polished video showcasing the game better. I get why this was released....but it does not change that this is probably largely unrepresentative of the game itself.

I would like to ask that two things have sliders in the options tab....foliage and camera shake.

Silent Sillo
Silent Sillo's picture
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Joined: 01/03/2014 - 08:23
Cool look, fluid, motion, I

Cool look, fluid, motion, I even like the music and sound effects. From a boxing fan, I appreciate the punch form. I remember you mentioned different fight forms, so other martial arts will look great.

My only problem, the player is already level 4, jealous...


Radiac's picture
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Thanks for the video. This

Thanks for the video. This game is starting to look vaguely like something I want to play very soon. I would also echo the comment above about the camera shake upon punches landing. Not something I want for every attack, hope it can be turned off entirely, or maybe just used more subtly for basic attacks and then more strongly for better, more momentous, long-recharge, high damage attacks..

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Dinma's picture
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Joined: 09/19/2013 - 09:46
Now that the cat is out of

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I like it. And, with the natural flow of those punches I'm getting Street Justice goose pimples! Punch-on baby Punch-on!!!

Empyrean's picture
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It's remarkable how many

It's remarkable how many people have brought up "smooth" and "flow" in regards to the movement. CoH was my first and only game until it was turned off, and one thing that surprised me to varying degrees in the other games I've played is the "jerkiness" of the movement. Twitchy, jerky movement is just so ugly and unnatural looking.

So a big fat +1 to all the posts about the nice, smoothly flowing movement!

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Tannim222's picture
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With regards to camera shake

With regards to camera shake - keep in mind this is a vid captured from a prototype of the game. Stuff going on is not a direct result of the final product. Something like camera shake will most likely be:

1. Reserved for thematic use, as in won't be in every power
2. Toggled on / off by the user in a game play setting menu as a quality of life function

Happy New Year fellow Titaniacs. You words of encouragement really do matter. (And your critisms given serious thought too).

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Izzy's picture
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Empyrean wrote: It's
Empyrean wrote:

It's remarkable how many people have brought up "smooth" and "flow" in regards to the movement. CoH was my first and only game until it was turned off, and one thing that surprised me to varying degrees in the other games I've played is the "jerkiness" of the movement. Twitchy, jerky movement is just so ugly and unnatural looking. So a big fat +1 to all the posts about the nice, smoothly flowing movement!


Some of the Issues involved in Smooth Animation:

Im not an animator but i see there are 12 Basic Principles of Animation (2D):

But I bet a few might relate to 3D, too. ;)

Truvidien's picture
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I was wondering is this the

I was wondering is this the final version for superspeed? :)

Empyrean's picture
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Truvidien wrote: I was
Truvidien wrote:

I was wondering is this the final version for superspeed? :)

You might be kidding, but, in case you're not, based on all that MWM has said, I"m pretty sure that none of this is the final vesrion of anything. :)

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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Empyrean wrote: Truvidien
Empyrean wrote:

Truvidien wrote: I was wondering is this the final version for superspeed? :)You might be kidding, but, in case you're not, based on all that MWM has said, I"m pretty sure that none of this is the final vesrion of anything. :)

Oh ok. Perfect then :)

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Joined: 10/21/2013 - 12:53
Thanks for all the kind words

Thanks for all the kind words it really motivates me to do better.

[color=Red]Senior Gameplay Engineer.[/color]

meta brawler
meta brawler's picture
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F@#$ YES! What a nice

F@#$ YES! What a nice Christmas present. I have been waiting to see some working vids on the current state of the game hoping to see something vaguely reminiscent of CoH but also new. You guys did not disappoint. The city looks great so far. I love all of the details in the structures. You guys even made this video with a fire tank type character (which was my first toon in CoH). Every time that fire aoe attack went off, it just made me miss burn that much more. I'm really excited to see what you guys have in store for us. Kudos to everyone who made this happen and to all those busting their butts working hard on this game. Happy New Year guys. Keep this good stuff coming!

These are my bases:

CoH Base

Citadel Forged With Fire

Darth Fez
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islandtrevor72 wrote: I would
islandtrevor72 wrote:

I would much prefer MwM took a few weeks and produced a polished video showcasing the game better.

That's just the thing. They're not showcasing the game, they're showing us their progress on the game.

As for the screen shake, I assumed that was something like a fighting game setting that hadn't been turned off. It's not something I'd want happening to my screen while playing a MMO.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Mind-Freeze's picture
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Yup just making sure after

Yup just making sure after watching the video I wet myself ! Great job everyone for what little time you guys have to make this game besides your real life traumas we all appreciate what you are doing
