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To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.
World Health Organization did just decide Gaming Disorder was a thing. Kinda wonder when Watching-12-Hours-Of-Netflix-A-Day-Until-3AM-itis is a WHO-certified illness but I digress....people have apparently decided gaming can be toxically immersive, so minor immersion-interrupting things like reminding you it's 4am is a food Quality of Real Life feature we should work toward.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
Looks really nice, good job.
People like being able to resize some, if not all, of the menus and palettes, like the chat window, for sure. Being able to set your own preferred text font size would be good too. I personally would put the power trays off to the lower right corner of the screen, if I had the option, because the corners of the screen are not generally used for much besides a repository for different menus and windows. You want to keep the center third of the screen mostly clear so you can see where you are, where you're going, etc. I like a small unobtrusive nav/compass at the center top, but thats about all, and I like it really small.
Bare in mind also, people may want to have a "stats" window where they can read their current damage resistance, defense, endo usage, etc, if that would be available. I also would like the option of having a small (size adjustable) window with a clock showing the current time in real life.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Hi peeps great work,
If i remember correctly CoH had a temp power available for sale at the auction for looking at how powerful your powers were with different toggles on/off in real %numbers will this feature also be available in CoT?
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
Never was that a temp power.
They started implementing a MIDs like capability around Issue 18/19. Anyone could do it in the character screen.
Combat Attributes.
Some people may want a UI that vanishes, but not everyone, and I doubt even the majority want that. Many people want a UI that gives as much info as possible. CD timers, maps, counters for missions, and a constant update on exp and cash are the absolute minimum of my personal desires. If a UI can't do all of these then its an utter failure.
Your UI should be customizeable to the point that it fulfills the wishes of both sides of the spectrum. For the people who want to be minimalist, make that possible, for people who want tons of info, that should be equally possible.
They have talked about enabling mod-support which would include UI-modding. I don't think that implementing anything and everything anyone could ever want in the default UI and making it all optional is a good use of their resources. Leaving it up to the modding community would be better imo.
As I've been catching up This is the thought that has been rolling through my head the entire time. To X degree you have to make it functional but going to the Nth to make it perfect, seems like wasted energy. Everyone has their own habits and preferences so the Nth degree is really unattainable in this case. Allow people to mod the UI, I think this is something that was talked about very early on, and let the community do the work and iteration to create the options for the playerbase. Sometimes the best way to encourage someone to be inventive is giving them a stone to climb a mountain rather than a ropes. In this one area, I think the devs will be further ahead spending time developing the tools to all the users and modders to edit the UI, to skin and tweak and manipulate the UI, than to spend a lot of time making it perfect to the Nth.
I also agree with the dev that said something along the lines of not making anything sacred yet. Until the playerbase gets hands on it's really hard to say what is working and what does not. Personally I really dislike having the power bar screen center. I have shrunk the H bar and thrown it in the middle but I much prefer the power bar off to the side out of the way. It probably doesn't affect my performance all being able to see that extra patch of ground but my preference is to have the center column of the screen clear. There's plenty of space on a 16:9 screen to have chat windows and powers climbing up the side of the screen while giving a clear view of my characters backside. ...that came out wrong...
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Looking good team! Good discussions on this.
A hair crude, perhaps, but the sentiment is valid. Half the point of the hours spent in the Costume Creator is so that [b]YOU[/b] can see your hero. [b]WHY[/b] you want to do so is irrelevant, just that you [i]do[/i].
Native of Triumph - Victory - Protector - Gladden - Dwarrowdelf - Tribble
Broad spectrum geek and Shadowy Advisor
Yes, my [u][url=]art gallery[/url][/u] is almost entirely screen captures. Tough.
So what do you think is a good use of their resources? Focusing almost entirely on character creation like they have been? Seems like they spent like a year on making capes look like capes, and another 6 months on making metal look shiny. What they have been spending time on is a joke and stuff that easily could have been tweaked post beta release. But a bad UI, even during beta, is a game killer, especially for a game that is so overdue that the majority of people come here only to see what new excuse they have.
Lets be honest, their "focus" is laughable at this point, and realistically the UI should be the EASIEST part of the entire game to do, even with making options to fulfill the majority of wants people may have.
But honestly, the entire topic is moot anyways, this game will never be released.
I'm compelled to point out that CoH didn't launch with capes, auras, or VILLAINS.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
That would hold some weight if CoH wasn't built on 2 decade old tech.
Also, villains in CoT are not the same as villains in CoH. CoT is more roleplaying your character as a villain. CoH villain was its own game with separate archetypes, zones, missions, etc. So yes, CoH didn't launch with villains but CoT isn't giving you the same villains either.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
I could be mean and point out how far behind "competitors" are in areas but that's meany face.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
I think these are some important distinctions to remember.
While it does pin t out distinctions, the post also doesn’t point out the fact that since we have both heroes and villains (even if different from CoH), at launch, we also must provide the content for both at launch. This increased the scope of our project.
Comparing our system for heroes and villains as “more role playing your character” is an over simplification that also completely misses the mark. By no means is CoT a 1:1 comparison to CoH, but we are also being far more ambitious in our launch goals than CoH was at launch in a number of ways.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
A good UI can still be made without putting in anything and everything anyone can imagine and want in it. It's much more a matter of where to draw the line of what is included and what is not, or as you put it how far to go on each side of the spectrum. I see I expressed myself badly, I meant to say that the less used/wanted a UI feature the more it's appropriate for a mod.
As for what they have spent time on, it's only what they have told us. It way not be the "best" things but depending on how integrated it is in the game and what system(s) they use it could be important overall. Also, not everyone works on the same things or even can work on the same things as others. I'm sure that most (if not all) of the people working on the UI don't have the knowledge/training/education to work on the systems to make capes (or rather any item that can behave in that way, like flags) look good.
However considering how important character and power aesthetics is to the majority of people in CoH, ime, I believe that more people would be forgiving with the UI needing tweaks than they would be with aesthetics needing a tweak after launch, especially when it comes to basic systems.
And I'me compelled to point out that has nothing to do with anything I said. Thanks for reading.
I could be mean and point out that you can't have a "competitor" for a game that will likely never exist. I could be even meaner and point out that I just played City of Heroes for the past 4 hours and this game isn't needed any longer.
It doesn't matter how good your character or abilities look if you never get to play the game. And at this point a playable beta is so far overdue kickstarter should be issuing refunds. The people making this game are so clueless they want to do a second kickstarter because they wasted the majority of their budget on character aesthetics, at least that is how it seems with the terrible updates they give us. "Almost" every update is character creation, power skins, and building skins.
We have gotten next to no info on classes, actual powers, questing, raids, instanced missions, achievements, secondary progression, nothing that is actually important to real gameplay.
Sure, "IF" this game ever gets released, and that is a HUGE if, it will looks great. That is the absolute only thing we can say about it. Nothing more.
For one, there's a ton of info on classes and powers.
For another, the most active threads on this forum are character creation related. The bulk of the feedback we get is that the character builder has to be top notch because players will be spending hours upon hours in there before they even hit level 1. We had one user that insisted the game would be an utter failure if he couldn't change costumes (and have costumes to change into) every 10 seconds. While that's an extreme, it's a direct example of how passionate most of our players are that character customization is the most important thing to them. That's the feedback we get, so that's where most of our efforts have been.
And for another... Going in after release and adding more levels, raids, story, and secondary progression is a whole lot easier than adding a character creator to a game about creating customized characters.
Also, for further clarification, our budget hasn't been wasted. It's being used entirely for software and hardware, with a portion being saved for recurring costs. A second crowdfunder would [I]start paying[/I] MWM for working on the game, so that they could quit the full time jobs that are making so much of this take so long. Don't forget, studios with full time employees have taken longer than this to release games.
[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]
I dislike that that is how CoT is defined.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
Honestly? I've never spent a ton of time in character creators personally so that's not the appeal for me. That said, it's a case of not being able to please everyone, so aim for the bulk- most people want a great character creator, so that's what comes first.
[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]
That depends on the plans to actually updating the underlying systems of the game. CoT and the other spiritual successors will not only re-create but update it in terms of functionality. Your argument of that successors aren't needed is, imo, ridiculous since sooner or later the original will become stale and/or outdated.
And by extension it wouldn't matter how good any part of the game is, including the UI which was your original point that I replied to, if the game never releases. From my understanding effectively no money have been spent on people but rather software, third-party libraries/system/modules, and assets, and the second crowdfunding is effectively them caving to the player base screaming "take my money". While the later updates have been more about costumes and aesthetics they have put out significant info about other fundamentals of the game, like how CoT's classes (or rather AT's) differ from those in CoH. How the basics of the quest system is organised and labeled, including paths. The starting power sets with two examples from each one, the masteries, and basic info on the refinements and augments system. There has also been a fair amount of post on the underlying tech. While I recognize that a lot of the details are in the discussion threads for their respective announcements and other "random" threads/posts the basics are fairly easy to find among the announcements themselves.
You may not believe in this game any more (if you ever did) but there are plenty of other people who do so.
[color=red]Art Director, Lead 3D Artist[/color]
Then what're you doing here? Go play City of Heroes to your black heart's content and we'll work towards a better game :)
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
Wow. Telling someone they have a black heart, as a dev, is terrible. If you can't moderate without insulting you shouldn't be a moderator. This is a terrible comment for a dev to make.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
I thought it fell well in line with the "we're being mean" bit. But coming here to fill the UI thread with "this game will never come out" such is pretty dark-hearted.
Anyone have feedback on the UI? *flashes badge*
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
will there be as many options as, for example, those present on the FF XIV interface? It can be configured in an extremely advanced way
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
I played to the resurrected City of Heroes for a couple of months now and I'm still here waiting for this particular successor (starting from its character creator) because for one I'm already sick of the darkness and light effects absence of the old game and would really like a true successor like right now with real-time lightning system, cause I feel blind and fake there.
I created already 40 new characters in City of Heroes lately and I want City of Titans improved chars creator even more now, because CoH's one feels messed up (it got a few "new decent looking parts" and many "bad looking old parts" which I begin to avoid while creating chars, therefore a very large amount of content is like non-existent to me). I start to feel limited even if I can still create anything I imagine, the simple fact that I need to avoid 80% of the items I see because of the worse quality they got (very visible) makes me desire a new CoH with only new/good parts.
The gameplay can be improved, the pve and pvp contents can be more varied (the role-play paths system of CoT for example would really feel refreshing).
A successor is really really needed and we still didn't get it anywhere else yet, and I believe this renewed desire (I reached in just 2 months of CoH being back in my life) will grow also in many players that loved CoH just like I did but start to feel too much the difference between its most recent content and the oldest one (too old, and that's the main point).
I think another thing worth noting is how MWM has always stated that production on City of Titans would continue to be carried out even if City of Heroes was to see a return at some point during their development. To say that CoT is no longer needed now since CoH is "back" is a foolish statement honestly, especially considering that the MMO market is severely lacking in superhero MMORPGs with there only being two left now and thats DC Universe Online and Champions Online. CoT definitely is still needed, if not for the sake of CoH, then for just MMOs in general.
Lastly, CoH's return is still an unofficial one with NCSoft (from what I understand) still being able to pull the plug on the entire thing if they really wanted to since its mostly the game's source code being maintained on rented servers that are being kept afloat through donations. From my knowledge, theres nothing new coming to CoH and its mostly just the old game restored to the state in was in prior to its shutdown, right? So eventually nostalgia will run out and people will start to get bored and would like to see something new in the form of content instead of replaying through the same missions/alerts/raids/etc on different characters.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Good to see these comments :)
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
Not entirely. There has been some powerset proliferation (such as Rad Armor) and a new AT called Sentinel released, plus some unfinished zones were pushed out like Kallisti Wharf.
From what I’ve read, these were all included with the leaked code as the dev who leaked it was using an internal test version preparing for i25.
Due to the absolute mess of the source code, creating tools that will allow for new development is...not likely.
There is another project which has been rebuilding the old game from the ground up, and that aims to give people tools from which they can add their own content, to what degree remains unknown to me. But it was a stated goal. It’s a completely different beast. They released an update a while back.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Yeah that stuff, even Sentinel, was in the leaked I25 source code.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
Could have a spare 'box' in the UI reserved for Mods, Features, and Extras to be populated later. I might not want a Clock all the time, but I might want to Toggle one, from time to time. Maybe in the Portrait window?
Be Well!
Interesting. That's certainly not what I had picked up. I heard it was 'fan service', but the impression I got was that it was from the post-shutdown devs and not Paragon Studios.
Reading back over everything about the release it was a matter of “things made available” rather than “things developed”. As in they can choose to switch options on and off. The info I read indicated the leaked code was an internal build of i25 being worked on by the dev who leaked the code.
I reserve the right to be wrong though ;)
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
May have misinterpretted what i was saying . This temp power allowed you to click on any target including yourself and get the actual stats of the abilities for that character worked on thugs too
The needs of the many , far outweigh the needs of the few . Or the one.
I don't remember any temp power that did that. I even checked on Paragon Wiki and can't find anything there either.
that was not a power. i think he talks about having the info on each power, isn't he ?
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
No, he is insisting that a temp power was available that allowed you to see the status of another.
That stuff was there, but incomplete, and the i25 Devs mostly just fixed it up and completed the missing parts.
They did create a new trial set in Khallisti Wharf, though. That's probably the biggest piece of player-facing content that they created from scratch. They've also been making bugfixes and tweaks, but it is mostly just fixing broken stuff from the leaked code.
@Shadow Elusive, Great work! Add me to the long list of people who like what you've got going there for the UI. And the special power tray sounds great, too!
Two requests:
First, would you please consider adding, at some point in the future, an in-world compass, as an optional alternative to the UI compass. For example, as a vaguely visible energy wave that emanates from your character in the direction of North, a similar effect that emanates toward your selected target, and a third similar effect that emanates toward your mission goal, each with their own customizable color and transparency setting. Kind of like extra-sensory perception.
Second, would you please consider adding "full spectrum" key combo-ing. Essentially a mini-scripting language that hooks into the ability to recognize multiple key presses at once. For example:
/begin key_detect :: [key 1, pressed] /end key_detect = [tray 1, slot 1]
/begin key_detect :: [key 1, released] /end key_detect = [tray 1, slot 2]
/begin key_detect :: [key 1, held] + [key a, held] + [key Alt, held] + [key Ctrl, held] /end key_detect = [tray 6, slot 4]
The goal here is to allow any key to act like Alt, Ctrl, or Shift, or Command on a Mac, where the game will wait for further input after the designated key is pressed in the designated way, thus allowing unorthodox use of the keyboard to "click" any power, in any tray, in any slot with a direct combo.
- The Emptiness
Some time ago there was talk about scripting and macros over in the Commander subforum. I'll have to find out if we're at a stage where we can seriously talk about that or not.
[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]
******* ***** ** **** ***** ****** ** ********* **** *** * **** **** ********** *** ******* *** ********* ****** ***** *********** ********* ********** ********** ******* ************* **** ******* ******* *** ******* *** ********* ****** ***** **** **** ******* *** **** **** ****** *** ****** ******* **** ******* ***** *** ** ******** *** ******* *** ********* ****** ***** ****************** ********* ****** *** * ***** **** ***** ***** ****** ****** ********** *** ******* *** ********* ****** ***** ************* ******* ***** ******* ***** *** ********* ***** *** ** ** ********** *******
Not any game I have ever played or even heard of that was released by a competent company.
[url=]Here's some info on classes[/url]
*flashing badge* So, any comments on the UI? Busting out forum tools for off topic stuff from here on out.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
If they had included wages for the volunteers, then you and others would be more likely to call this a scam. As it is, all the money collected so far has been going to hardware, licenses, and operating expenses.
And while I have no knowledge of what games you've played or heard of, there's one I've had time to wiki:
And that was for an experienced game company with a much deeper warchest. Perhaps you've heard of them: Blizzard's World of Warcaft?
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
I love City of Heroes. I'm glad it's back. We still need this game.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Thank you!
Agreed - it's fun to play but it has also reminded me of it's limitations, and where someone else can do better.
Yeah. After actually looking at the internals, there's a lot of stuff that it just can't really do (e.g. Pet customization).
That said, the amount of stuff it [i]can[/i] do is pretty wild. There was a still a lot of room for new stuff that didn't get the chance to be explored.
You can see your character's face, which is something I would otherwise almost never do. I like it for that reason alone, [b]as long as it's movable and scalable[/b], but there's more...
It can also be used for certain context sensitive mouse functions. Some MMOs use it to provide quick access to QoL stuff without requiring the user to go through a menu or bind a key.
It can also provide a nice big clickable thing for self-targetting, if that's something you need and don't want to waste a keybind on. I use it for infrequent self-buffs or macro-testing and UI placement for target and target of target and focus target UI elements.
I like using my mouse out of combat. I prefer it to keybinds which are better mapped to abilities.
of Phoenix Rising
Am I
It was also available in macros. I often use it in MMOs that support it to heal the friendly being targeted by an enemy or to taunt an enemy targeting a friendly. I can auto-grab that one enemy outside my aoe aggro range off my squishy healer (or glass cannon etc) using a single keybind while still holding boss aggro though my main target window and I can have my offtank on the Focus window or a variation of the above. Flexibility is key.
It is ironically CoH which essentially defined this playstyle and I would at least like to match that experience.
of Phoenix Rising
Am I