[b]Thank you,[/b]
For coming together from across the country (and the globe?) to try and bring this dream to life.
keep us informed, when you've realized hopeful goals will not be able to be met
[b]Please remember[/b]
to include many stylish short hairstyles for women AND men
[b]Please don't[/b]
use the name 'Orion' for an NPC... cause I really like it and want to use it.
[b]Please don't Forget[/b]
we're all willing to help, we just might not have a talent you need (so feel free to poll the peanut gallery or hold contests!)
(Feel free to reply with your own "Dear Devs..." sticking to the form as much as possible ;P)
[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]
[b]Thank you,[/b]
for keeping our hopes and dreams alive. You folks are amazing.
keep supporting alting via the awesome alignment and story options you have described, as well as regular updates for all levels.
[b]Please remember[/b]
to keep communicating with us, keep asking us what we want and telling us why you make decisions.
[b]Please don't[/b]
change combat too much; give us anything like the Twinshot missions; have mobs respawn on top of us; focus future releases only on endgame.
[b]Please don't forget[/b]
why we loved CoX, even as you forge ahead with additions & improvements.
Spurn all ye kindle.
(Love it Cinnder! :D )
[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]
[b]Thank you,[/b]
for giving me some work and headaches!
keep up the enormous amount of work to give us a new home!
[b]Please remember[/b]
I will always bother you :D.
[b]Please don't[/b]
ignore what Cinnder said!
[b]Please don't forget[/b]
that we are doing this for sake of the community and we want a everlasting game!
Oh and I noticed we do have a japanese audience. Yay for japan...okay it's a bit stereotype saying "yay for japan" as a german O.o...
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team, German Localization Lead & Moderator[/color]