The City of Titans team is hard at work on making the game as awesome as we all hope, but that doesn't leave them much time to make the website pretty. I thought I would make an attempt at giving them a head start. Presenting my City of Titans website skin:
This is nothing other than my attempt to make the page look nice for myself, but I'm sharing it with everyone. To see the full script and more screenshot examples, please see my post on my City of Heroes page here or just click here to add it directly (if you have Greasemonkey installed already).
Anyway, I know it's not perfect, but I'll probably tinker with it now and then or if you have any background in web design, you can too. I also think it would be really neat if the CoT team liked anything I've done and used it, but if they don't, no worries. Either way, anyone who wants to have a prettier interface now can use my "skin".
This summarizes my hopes and dreams for CoT. Check it out if you'd like.
YAY. Very Nice! ;)
i did one a while back with Stylish (easier it seems to install) at:
just minor tweaks, my eyes can't take so much WHITE! :<
I was just about to ask the devs if they had any fonts picked out, because the plain-vanilla bits were starting to gnaw on me, and it's been a while since Izzy's CSS thread. Looks good, Jordan!
And yeah, Izzy, all the white dries my eyes out.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
If there is a sure thing, it's that website need a hard refresh ^^ But, i don't know if it will not match with a communication launching next year ?
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I'm just using freely available fonts and custom graphics that I designed to make things look nice for now. Eventually CoT will make their own and this won't be necessary. Maybe they'll like some of my design ideas and maybe they won't, but at least the site looks prettier for now :)
This summarizes my hopes and dreams for CoT. Check it out if you'd like.