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Ceremony in the Park Open RP

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Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 12/17/2014 - 06:01
Ceremony in the Park Open RP

[b]Behind the Scenes[/b]

"Really Santi, I have no clue how you're able to keep this all straight. A lesser person would go insane." The woman in question, Munin Santiago, gave a sigh as she ran her black-painted nails through her equally black short hair. "It is all in my memory. Perfect. I remember every little detail of every moment of every day. Comes with some blasted bad migraines if I recall too much though." She admits, tapping her temple. Regardless of her powers, the man nearby shook his head in bewilderment at the sheer mess that was in the RV that served as her office and coordination center for the ceremony. There was only a tiny aisle that allowed people to go to her from the doorway as all the other space was taken up by papers, tablets, boxes, and empty take-out containers. "I'll take your word for it that you know where everything is." The man says as he picks up a tablet to look it over. "This the special guest list then? Doesn't look too unusu-HOLY HELL! You got [i]Blitz[/i]? I thought Blitz was dead, killed by Erasmus a decade ago." Santi snickered at the words. "Not dead. Just retired to Sicily where instead of waging war on Non-Aryans, he started fighting rabbits in a vineyard. He got as tired as the rest of us and needed an out, so we provided him with one. Now that his old masters are dead he can come out of hiding. He's gotten successful at the vineyard too. That's where the bottle I got you last New Year came from that you said you and your wife liked."

The entire situation just made the man's head whirl a little bit, so he just shook it off. "Alright, whatever. I'll go tell Erasmus and the others to get ready. We're on in an hour and a half anyway. I recommend at least getting dressed in something other than a robe though." The man recommends before heading out, causing Santi to look down at herself. Sure, all she was wearing was a robe, but after being on [i]The Legionnaire[/i]'s Task Force for so long, no one expected her to dress up anymore except for special occasions. "Well, I guess I should go change..." She mutters to herself before going back to work and ignoring the thought. After all, she had a long time to get ready.

An hour and ten minutes later, she'd curse herself, but not now. After all, she had last minute adjustments she had to take care of due to the snow that was starting to fall.

[b]The Ceremony[/b]

The event had been planned for weeks, and even though it had been made public a few days ago, the stage and seating in the park had been setup professionally in very little time. Hundreds of chairs have been setup on opposite sides of the main path through the Titan City Park that leads up to the main gazebo where a series of city officials as well as military ones are awaiting. The area is opened up two hours before the ceremony so people can take their seats and even visit the kiosks that are currently selling posters and comics and action figures of The Legionnaire and his adversaries. It's more than a little tasteless, but it wasn't every day that a publicly known Super retired. At least it seemed The Legionnaire had set aside time to sign everyone once the ceremony was over as a table was set up to the side for just that purpose. Rumor had it that he wasn't the only Super that was going to show up too and that some of his allies would be coming for the event.

The sky itself was dark and grey, and even though there was a cold breeze and light snow falling, the ground was too warm at the moment to allow it to stick. It was still advisable to bring a coat though. Probably a hat too.

At the top of the hour, at 1400 hours, the military brass band begins to play a slow somber march, and the line of soldiers posted every ten feet along the main aisle stand at attention, arms at the ready. That was the signal for everyone to look back down the aisle towards the start of the stone walkway.

Even in the darker light there's no mistaking the armored figure walking down the path. The man, seen in so many comics and pictures, is tall, over six and a half feet in his shining bronze-colored suit of power armor. Erasmus Losthold, aka The Legionnaire has quite the aged look about his face with dark skin, short grey hair and a matching beard that is several inches in length. He has a single icy blue eye as his left was ripped from him years ago. The empty socket is covered by a worn and faded patch. As he walks, his steps are sure and measured, perfect 1.5 meter long strides and his long blood red cape flows behind him. The cape, while impractical, was something he'd worn throughout most of his career and the scars it bears are proof of it. Burns, cuts, stitches, patches, and more cover the article, and similar marks marr the beautiful suit of armor he's wearing. For the most part the "legendary" Kingmaker suit is unadorned except by such marks, but across his chest there is an embossed laurel leaf wreath. He carries a sheathed short blade on his right hip, a large and ugly looking pistol on his left, and his blank-faced helm beneath his left arm. His lips are tight and he doesn't seem bothered by the chill or snow as the latter collects slowly on his beard and hair.

Three figures are seen behind Erasmus, each one quite recognizable in their field of work as Heroes or Villain in the case of the one bringing up the rear. The first is a sliver of an older man in his 60s, wearing a red and black outfit that would be more fitting of of a Musketeer rather than anything modern, but anyone who knew of [i]The Aristo[/i] would know that the long rose-hilt rapier at his hip was anything but show. The Frenchman was known to be a duelist of almost unparalleled skill with any sort of blade and regularly held international tournaments in order to find a new student every three years. He only had one student at a time, so the tournaments generally looked like a pit of rabid animals fighting for his favor rather than anything honorable. Oddly, a person didn't have to win to get his attention. Whatever criteria he went by was his own, and many times he's chosen people who weren't particularly skilled. However he chose his students was a complete mystery, but that didn't marr the honor bestowed upon them in the least. Rumor had it that he had helped trained Erasmus, but The Legionnaire had never participated in the tournament so it was pure conjecture at this point.

The second was a middle-aged Latino woman wearing little more than scraps of jaguar fur despite the cold air. The dark-haired beauty went by [i]The Jaguar Queen[/i], premier man-hunter and tracker in South America. She was a known Speedster and tracker and featured quite a bit in The Legionnaire's comics as a guest, sometimes even hunting him. Last year a TV studio wanted to make a show about her, but they quietly turned to other projects after meeting her. There had always been hints of human sacrifice by her, but they never did say what exactly made them look elsewhere for entertainment.

The third and final figure was a very large an imposing old man wearing a black leather stormcoat with a matching officer's cap. Despite the cannon not being on his shoulder, the figure was quite obviously [i]Blitz[/i], the son of an SS Officer and the result of psychological programming and cybernetic experimentation. He was supposed to be dead, dropped into the Marina Trench to allow the the pressure to crush him, but it appears that it was just a hoax. To be allowed in the country, even without his weapons, must have taken a lot of convincing to get federal agencies to turn the other way. He'd been a thorn in [i]The Legionnaire[/i]'s side for decades and vice versa. Most conventional weapons would just get deflected off that metal-infused skin of his, and the ones that did break through would find the wounds regenerating after a short while. Perhaps the most disturbing part of him being here though was the simple fact that he was smiling as he waved happily towards the crowd. No trademark angry rants about race or creed, no threats, just...smiling.

Waiting for the group at the gazebo was a series of government and military officials. None of the latter are recognizable to the general public, but for anyone who had worked Federally, a couple figures stood out. The first was Adjutant Munin Santiago, a mud-blooded woman with pale skin, vaguely Latino features, and raven black hair. As usual her somewhat wrinkled uniform was bare of any insignia except for a 1st Lieutenant's lapels, but she was quite a bit more than that, being a superb source of intelligence and information. Any Super who had done an International job would have at least heard her sultry, if extremely bored, voice before.

The second recognizable military figure was Lt. Colonel Miers, a sharp looking blond man with a nose that's been broken several times too many and a notch missing from his right ear. Despite his rank being shown as a mere Lt.Colonel, his true rank was closer to a Four-Star General in charge of the International Agents. He was a normal human, but he's been known to take to the field during a crisis and is more than a fair shot with a rifle or pistol. He was quite the dangerous man when he was allowed to be.

When the group finishes walking down the aisle, all but Erasmus splits off to take their seats in the front row, and he walks forward until he's a couple feet in front of the officers. At that point the music stops and he kneels down, offering his helm to the Lt. Colonel who takes it and passes it off to the Adjutant. "Erasmus Losthold, better known as [i]The Legionnaire[/i], on behalf of our country, I am here to give you our thanks for your service on and off the field of battle, against threats both Foreign and Domestic, Mundane and Super.
He says, turning back to Santiago who has a steel laurel circlet in hand on a small pillow. "To represent your decades of service, I bestow upon you this circlet in the hopes it will bring you peace in your years of retirement." He says, lowering the circlet to Erasmus' head and gesturing for him to rise. When the Super does so, the Lt. Colonel sets both hands on his shoulders and smiles. "Erasmus, I have been lucky enough to call you friend and battle-brother over these many years, and I speak for everyone that we will miss you. After everything you have been through, far more than has ever been made public, I realize that this entire ceremony likely feels hollow to you, but I swore that if we lived to this point, you would suffer along with me you bastard." He says with a chuckle, causing Erasmus to laugh, neither of them caring that the microphones allow [i]everyone[/i] to hear those words.

The Lt. Colonel steps back after a moment and gives a nod as his smile falls away. Erasmus turns to face the crowd, smile gone as well and his remaining eye piercing through the audience. "I know many of you know who I am and what I am capable of. I have decided to come to this city in an effort to continue my good work, though perhaps on a scale that's a little closer to home for everyone. My staff and I will be working closely with the police in order to help assist their efforts to maintain law and order, and eventually I plan to take volunteers from the various agencies throughout the city in an effort to help train everyday people in ways to combat the threats that uniquely powered individuals tend to bring with them. This city is a home to everyone here, Super and Normal alike, and it is our responsibility to see to its safety." He explains before drawing his blade and holding it horizontally in front of himself, looking it over. "As for those who take issue with my plans, I will not hide behind blast doors and red tape. Anyone who wishes to speak to me or confront me can find my name and address right in the phone book. I will be prepared for you." He says ominously before sliding his blade back into the sheathe and giving a small smile. "For more normal questions, I will be here for several hours to answer questions at the table. Thank you." He says, nodding to the band and getting it to start playing again as he heads over to the table.

Well...that was a rather short ceremony.

Halae's picture
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Sitting in the chairs arrayed

Sitting in the chairs arrayed around the stage are a trio of young women. One is in a wheelchair. blond, blue eyed, she's dressed warmly and has a blanket draped over her legs - not an uncommon sight, when considering the wheelchair. A warm pink jacket and toque are what her cold-weather wear consists of, and she's clearly enjoying things right at the moment. Those kids that go to James Duncan High School will probably recognize her as Sam Woods. Recognizable easily by the fact that she's the only person at the school in a wheelchair all the time.

The second girl, sitting beside Sam, is a short, curvy brunette with fierce eyes the color of a glacier. Kyra Evans. She watches Erasmus with a mixed level of apprehension, confusion, joy, and more than a little fear. The reason for it isn't obvious, and one could probably assume the fear is due to the other supers present. Despite the cold weather in the air, she's chosen to just come dressed in a sweater, gloves, jeans, and heavy boots. She's never been bothered by the cold, and the hood on her sweater is enough to deal with any snowfall that comes down upon her.

The third girl is marked by her ginger coloration - red hair, freckles, and green eyes. She has a different demeanor from the others - watching. learning. Given her posture, she likely doesn't even realize she's doing it, but she's studying everything and looking for problems. Someone who frequents or owns a junkyard could recognize her easily enough though - Erin Mathus, always looking at different parts and buying the strangest things. she's currently dressed in a pair of earmuffs and a nice brown longcoat

Of course, the public knows these three better as Azoth, Sapphire, and Tinker, respectively. But, being out of costume means that they shouldn't be recognized.

"You should talk to him," Sam says to Kyra, "I mean, he's your..." she makes an odd motion with her shoulders and trails off from Kyra's dour look. the aquakine is, for the moment, just sitting and waiting.

"No. not here. He doesn't need that here, and I didn't bring the package with me," she says.

Erin merely watches the crowd. there's no doubt in her mind that some other supers are going to want to talk to the big man..

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 3 days 8 hours ago
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One of the supers in the

One of the supers in the crowd was not there to talk to the big man. Hypatia Argyros - known as Goldenrod when in costume, which she wasn't - was mostly there because her college roommate was there. Catharine Gars was in costume, if you counted the uniform of a First Lieutenant in the USAF as a costume, but she wasn't there to talk to anyone up on the stage, either. She had leave, and the ceremony was an excuse to visit a friend. And do some super-spotting.

"Pat, how many of the people here are supers in their secret identities?"

"I've spotted at least a half dozen with strong auras. Not that that means much. Some people can hide their auras, some supers have very normal auras, and some who are apparently normal have strong auras. Jenny has a fairly strong aura, but if she has a superpower other than editing and proofreading, I've yet to hear about it. Outside of games, that is."

"So, you don't see any you recognize...?"

Hypatia shook her head and smiled wryly. "Cathy, sometimes you can be such an [I]otaku[/I]."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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One of the auras Hypatia

One of the auras Hypatia would be glowing fiery red with anger. How dare he allow Blitz here. Richard Price stood there his fists tight and eyes flaring with the pent up anger at what would be in many ways his Nazi counterpart. D-Day was in his World War 2 style Dress Uniform and it took all his training not to rush Blitz and pound on him. He was glad the ceremony was relatively quick. As soon as he could he turned his back and headed away he needed a drink and hoped the venders had something with alcohol in it.

Ron "Rotten Luck" Bolton was very much different leaning against a tree watching with what some would think was a lazy gaze. The pit fighter turned undead hero was wondering about the words The Legionnaire used.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41
Gold-Fire and Technosis had

Gold-Fire and Technosis had both come to the ceremony. Even before his opportunity arose to become a hero, Terry and Laurence had read the Legionnaire's comics. Terry watched quietly from somewhere in the middle, his costume on, though he'd had to get a new jumpsuit for the cold. The jump suit was black and yellow as usual, quilted between thick plates of bullet-proof material sewn in over vital areas; the black stripe ran down the center of his costume, over the shoulders, down the outside of his arms and the insides of his legs. He'd shined all of his accessories, the bright gold colored brass boots were covered in snow that had melted and refrozen, his gauntlets, pauldrons and belt were all pristine, though he somehow doubted he could meet him.

Technosis was also wearing his winter uniform, white jumpsuit with dozens of tiny green leads tracing over it. He hadn't taken as much effort to look presentable as Gold-Fire had, though his copper colored gauntlets, belt, boots and backpack weren't ugly. He bit his lip and bounced his leg, watching Blitz quietly. He nudged Terry in the ribs and whispered to him as the laurel was placed on Legionaire's head.

"Hey, didn't your Nazi uncle fight beside him?" Laurn asked, jokingly. Terry glared at him, though the roman helmet shaped cowl and sunglasses his the scowl.

"Haha, funny." Terry rolled his eyes. As the ceremony portion ended Gold-Fire and Technosis both stood, jostling eachother a bit, just like the teens they were, in order to get into place to meet him.

Off to one side, watching the festivities from back stare, Jared Wallace rolled his eyes and glared at his son and his best friend. He shook his head and covered his eyes. The detective took the opportunity to intercept Erasmus, he stepped up as the man was about to head over to the booths.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir, I doubt you remember me, I was just a beat cop at the time, but we've met, Jared Wallace, well, had a different last name then." He smiled and smoothed out his mustache. "Used to be Jung, before the prenump care of Wallace Technologies." He smiled, Legionairre may recognize that name, the Wallaces had tenuous ties to the third reich, no evidence found until recently after they kidnapped and experimented on their grandson a few years ago.The only solid fact any would know, is that Jeremy Jung, a sniper in WWII, had downed the Aryan Eagle, AKA Adler Wallace. "Ah, sorry, I'll let you see the kids." He chuckled and backed off, since he technically had a job to do.

Gold-Fire and Technosis were up at the stands now, both holding the first issue of Legionairre. Detective Wallace glanced at Gold-Fire with a nod, and patted the tall teen hero on the shoulder.

"Try not to squeal, got a public image to maintain." Jared joked with his son. Terry sighed and shook his head.

"Thanks D-" He stuttered slightly catching himself before he accidentally gave away his identity. "Thanks Detective, glad to see we've got such a professional relationship." Terry rolled his eyes. Meanwhile Technosis had cut him in line.

"Oh man, I've loved your tech since I was old enough to hold a screw driver!" Technosis was practically gushing. "I mean, I know you're not going to give away secrets, but man I would love to talk shop sometime..." Technosis grinned, he wasn't actually looking at the man's face, rather, he was inspecting the armor.

Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 12/17/2014 - 06:01
Erasmus smiles and offers his

Erasmus smiles and offers his hand to Jung to shake it. "Unfortunately, I don't remember, but that doesn't mean we can't get reacquainted over a cup of coffee at some point. I should have a small office at the precinct soon enough. Drop by any time and I'd love to catch up." He admits. "After all, I am quite new here and wish to learn more about the city as well as the good people here." He adds with a slight nod before turning towards Technosis and Gold-Fire with a grin. "And it is wonderful to meet two young Supers as well. As for the power armor, I will be the first to admit I know very little about what makes it tick." He says, reaching up to rub the top of his head in embarrassment. "I know how to repair it and what does what, but as for specs and such, I'm in the dark. Most of this is built out of trophies I've either won in combat or have been gifted. My original suit is far simpler, and if you wish to come by sometime, we can work that one out together." It seems kind of odd that The Legionnaire is so trusting just on a first impression, but it is kind of hard not to get a "Super Fanboy" vibe from Technosis.

Meanwhile, Blitz gets up from his seat and gives a stretch, grimacing as something tweaks in his side, and when The Leopard Queen gives him a concerned look, he just waves her off and begins to walk away, towards an alleyway. He only pauses for a moment to snag a water bottle from a cooler stashed under the questions table.

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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D-Day headed over his fist

D-Day headed over his fist still tight at his side and he rudely cuts to the front of the line. "Legionnaire how dare you let that... that.. BLITZ here and in a place of honor. The things he done, not to mention the people who made him like he is. Who knows how many test subjects were experimented on before they got it right. I seen the results of the Nazi Übermensch Program and many good people died to shut it down. Here you are walking proudly with the results..." Blitz might not be a direct result of the program, but the same type of people who did those experiments were the same type that created Blitz. it wasn't a big leap in logic to assume that some notes of the program survived, or at the very least inspired the Blitz program. His eyes flared again with the pent up energy he was struggling to keep at bay. "It's only the fact there so many civilians, and my respect for you that I don't see how strong that armor is."

At the ceremony Detective Wright was waiting patiently for an autograph from his childhood hero. In his hand in a protective cover was Legionnaire #1 already with the signature of the comic artist.

Watching Wright was a redheaded woman in a baggy hoodie with hood up in the back of the crowd. All she needed was one clear shot, she would so just burn the whole park down, but so many of those here were clear superpowered. He locked her up, he tried to control her... he's going to burn and to hell with anyone that got in her way.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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Detective Wallace grinned and

Detective Wallace grinned and shook his head firmly, he nodded at Erasmus. "Oh definitely, I'm out and about keeping up with heroes out on the street. These two are a couple I trained myself." He grinned nodded towards Technosis and Gold-Fire. He wandered away and looked forward to working with Erasmus, thinking the influence will do his son and his friend good. He drifted to stand by Wright and smile at the book.

"Ah, that's a good one." He nodded to the comic his colleague held, trying to make small talk while keeping close to the VIPs.

Gold-Fire stepped up next to Technosis who was now offering his comic to Legionairre to sign. Technosis didn't seem the least bit concerned that he didn't know how it worked entirely. "Oh, that's cool though, repairs are hard, especially on something you didn't build yourself, you must be a good mechanic and engineer none-the-less!"

"Haha, Sorry if he talks your ear off." Gold-Fire added, leaving his comic on the stand too, waiting his turn and not wanting to rush the fellow hero.

Tech jabbed Gold-Fire in the ribs. "I'm definitely coming by to see it, we've got another teammate who's got a powered armor and seeing other designs could help us improve!" Technosis went on.

Gold-Fire edged aside and watched D-Day confront Legionairre, waiting quietly to hear about where this went. He didn't like the Nazi either, and was curious about his place here as well, but he also knew that there were a lot or nuances to this life...

Kitoshi hadn't seen Sunstroke in awhile, though their general orders were to cause chaos, keep a low profile and stick with your buddy, so far he'd only succeeded in the second of the three... He was huge at this point, nearly seven foot tall, luckily his wings weren't out and he had a trench coat on, scoping out the shindig. He knew Sunstroke liked to make big scenes, so this seemed like her sort of deal, he finally spotted her and hustled through the crowd, lucky to be at an angle to see under her hood.

He got up behind her and reached for her arm. "What do you think you're doing? Do you want a demon and a cannibal to eat us both!?" He whispered through gritted teeth, hoping he could stop her from burning the place down. In his head Ryuda, the dragon kami, chuckled and left comment on how well behaved Kit was for being a 'villain'.

Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 12/17/2014 - 06:01
"You could say I have a knack

"You could say I have a knack at building it, but bugger me if I know what all actually does what and how." Erasmus admits with a smile before nodding to Technosis. "I'll be glad to help out any way I can." He admits before frowning when D-Day shows up and confronts him. The mirth from The Legionnaire's face is gone, replaced with an icy glare. "Don't hold back on my account. Or their's." He says, stepping closer to D-Day. "You say you have respect for me and what I do, but only after threatening me for not understanding the presence of a man that embodies all you hate. The answer to why he is here is simple and all you had to do is ask why. I owe him a life-debt I will never be able to repay. Twice Over." He says, not caring who hears him at this point. "To ignore that would be not just a dishonor to him, but to me as well. I can no longer repay him for what he's done, not in full, but I can give a dying man the best sendoff I can by letting him see a crowd smiling and playing for [i]him[/i] for once." The Legionnaire states, still glaring at D-Day. "You may hate him for what he represents, for what he had done, but it is only by forgiving the past that we can move on." He explains as his features soften a little. "Tell me, have you ever thought about how [i]you[/i] are viewed by Supers of other countries? By those you've fought and killed? In places like this city, it is easy to see good and evil, but in the broader theater, the people we fight are patriots and heroes representing those who support them, just like [i]us[/i]. We are heroes only because the common people here say we are and to many of this world, [i]we[/i] are the monsters. You would do well to remember that, D-Day. Blitz and you may have opposing views, and may hate each other, but if you step back and look at it, there's only one [i]true[/i] difference between you two." Erasmus says as he draws his blade and offers it hilt first towards the man. "You had [i]choice[/i] where he did not for the longest time. If you still wish to attack me, go right ahead. Blue switch in the pommel will extend the grip into a four foot staff. Just be sure to keep the tip pointed at my head. It won't penetrate the armor if it is anywhere else." Throughout the entire process, Erasmus doesn't bother keeping his voice down, so anyone who wishes to hear probably can.

Back in the alleyway, Blitz sighs and leans against a dumpster as he fumbles in his pockets until he pulls out a pill bottle and checks his watch on his other hand. Despite his upbringing and training and implants, his old Masters hadn't thought to dull the pain receptors in the bones themselves, resulting in a dull ache that kept coming back from time to time these days. With another sigh, he pops back a handful of pills and takes a swig from the water bottle before resting for a bit. It was a long day and he'd need every bit of strength he could muster.

Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 09/17/2014 - 09:37
Very soon, blitz will have a

Very soon, blitz will have a visitor. Not a human, or even a super one, but something stranger. What appears to be a rhinoceros beetle the size of a cat lands on the dumpster nearby, looking him over with evident curiosity. It's an unusual creature to say the least, with a golden exoskeleton and turquoise eyes. It moves quietly, inquisitively, towards blitz, and then suddenly steps away with apparently no reason. then it'll sidle closer again, and skitter around the German super for a moment. It doesn't look threatening, just... curious. Wary, but curious.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Put your blade back boy.

"Put your blade back boy. You may be retiring, but I was already doing the good fight when you weren't even a twinkle in your daddies eye. This isn't about some ego trip, that man has a criminal record, wanted in most of the western world." Huffs "Oh I got blood on my hands the blood of Soldiers, people in uniforms from various organizations. The numbers depend if you consider the Vril cloned troopers human. Out of all of them only one soul was not trying to kill someone, or working for someone who a killer. Her name I never knew but she crawled out of the cell I opened to free her from. She grab my gun barrel and put it to her forehead, and cried begging me to pull the trigger. A woman who life was destroyed by Nazi experiments she never had a choice."

"That man did have a choice and he took it, The proof is that he's here now instead of dead like the world believed. Why wait to fake his own death? Why not thirty years ago. Why not undermine his Master's like Oskar Schindler you know the one they made a movie about him in 93. Or Major Karl Plagge a Nazi Major who undermined his superiors and risked his life and his followers saving as many as he could from the death camps. So don't tell me he didn't have a choice the choice was the same as mine. Risk death and do good or don't I made that choice and ended up on the beach of Normandy. I did it knowing I could and should have died, but that kind of choice takes courage. Your Blitz made that choice when it was most convenient for him, that's far from bravery. It's not for me to punish him. It for a court of Law. If he did turn a new leaf he should have the courage to face that court."

He turned and headed off "And one more thing boy they weren't cheering for him, it cheers for you. Hell I am sure most of these folk think that fellow was just an actor, we both know he's a criminal one the world thought dead till today."


Sunstroke growled a bit "He didn't say I couldn't cause some trouble. Heck I'm just a bonus he wanted the feather head Raven whatever. Just one little shot I won't even flame on just a small plasma blast to the back of the head and it would look like a bullet from a sniper. Quick easy and we can go during the chaos."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41
Technosis grinned broadly at

Technosis grinned broadly at the prospect of having Legionaire visit their base!? Or something like that, though the argument between Erasmus and D-Day kept him from saying anymore. He and Gold-Fire edged back a bit, glancing around the area, just in case. Though nothing was really off that either of them could tell at the moment. They simply watched and enjoyed the atmosphere, since it didn't seem too dampened, yet, by the heated exchange...

The argument got Terry thinking about his own family secrets and chewed his lip quietly, while he watched the from a corner of the crowd.


Kit gritted his teeth about her logic. She wasn't wrong, causing havoc was in their job description, and melting a cops melon in public would cause some havoc... He exhaled quietly and looked around at their surroundings. Even with the snow there was sun streaming in between buildings, they were in the shadows at the moment, he didn't survive, even broke, for nothing, so he planned, since sunstroke hadn't, much...

"Okay, look, if we wanna off this guy, you'll have to throw one hot enough that it burns blue or white, elsewise they'll see us. We aughta-move into the line of the sun, it'll give ya better clearance to obscure who shot, even if they see the glow on the snow... Try to keep it high enough it won't melt the stuff on the ground..." Kit added every detail he could think of in rapidly, then started walking casually towards direct sunlight, if they could manage it.

Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 05/22/2014 - 12:24
A flash of light blue flames

A flash of light blue flames occured on one of the buildings surrounding the park. As it finished, a figure appeared, wearing an all black tuxedo with red bow tie and a purple formal shirt and his trademark skull set ablaze by the light blue flames. Though this was unseen by all the people below, as illusions were set in place to make them believe Faceless was not actually on top of the building, but any who could sense spirits would suddenly feel uneasy at his arrival. With her ability to sense aruas, Hypatia would feel Faceless' strong aura, but it was constantly at chaos, drastically changing over every passing second.

Faceless stepped towards the edge of the building and gazed down. "I sense chaos..." He whispered to himself and patiently waited.

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 3 days 8 hours ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
The magic that obscured

The magic that obscured Faceless' arrival was indeed noted by Hypatia, and she Looked briefly in that direction. Whoever it was that was there was fairly powerful, and apparently skilled; Hypatia could not tell exactly where the source was, but the glimpses she caught through the illusions gave her an uneasy feeling. Her left hand slipped into her purse and found her secure phone, but didn't come out just yet. "It's time to quote Captain Solo," she said to Cathy.

Cathy Gars' eyebrows raised at this comment, and persons good at reading body language might have noticed her tense a bit before deliberately relaxing.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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