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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.
To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at https://store.missingworldsmedia.com/ A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.
"Are you sure this is the right way to the Ice Hotel?"
Oh NO! That old magician's hat ended up in Calvin's yard!!!!!
(referencing a line in Frosty the Snowman, and the comic: Calvin and Hobbes)
"NOPE! nopenopenopenope"
Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.
“See this is why we need Global Warming!”
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"I mean.....he looks friendly"
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/desvipers-creative-impulsivity]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
"THAT is NOT Baymax!"
Native of Triumph - Victory - Protector - Gladden - Dwarrowdelf - Tribble
Broad spectrum geek and Shadowy Advisor
Yes, my [u][url=https://www.deviantart.com/revanantmorituri]art gallery[/url][/u] is almost entirely screen captures. Tough.
And the winner is...
"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle
"Let's hope this is the [i]front end[/i] of the monster!"
"We're gonna need a bigger boot."
“Told you we had a snowball’s.”
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
Your kids really take the snowman thing to the next level huh?
Bad Frosty!
Someone grab a flamethrower.
Scott Cooper
"whew, one more eye would be unlucky 13."
This is not your father's Tachikoma.
Be Well!
Mmmm... Marshmallow spider! With licorice for eyes. I wanna build a campfire and see if it'll toast. Someone bring some real big sticks. I'll get the hot chocolate! :D
The Force be with You!
- Shakti-Maia
"...For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. It’s energy surrounds us and binds us..." - Yoda
Awwww...it looks so cute! I'm gonna get out and pet it ok guys?
“Dun vorry, my lady, ve Jagers vill haff dinner ready soon.”