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"I pledge my loyalty to you, Empress."
"You wouldn't have a choice anyway."
45 52 52 4F 52 3A 20 34 30 34 0D 0A 48 65 72 6F 20 6E 6F 74 20 66 6F 75 6E 64 21
The general meets Sith-Licious.
Darth Luscious
[b]Codename :[/b] Doctor Plague
[b]Archetype :[/b] Ranger - Hunter
[b]Primary :[/b] Atrophic Blast (Diseases)
[b]Secondary :[/b] Illusion (Miasmas)
[b]Tertiary :[/b] Undecided
[b]Mastery :[/b] Eliminator
[b]Movement :[/b] Teleportation, Flight
I think you're thinking of [url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/⚜-deedees-arts-n-stuff-⚜]Darth Delicious[/url]
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
That might be it!
[b]Codename :[/b] Doctor Plague
[b]Archetype :[/b] Ranger - Hunter
[b]Primary :[/b] Atrophic Blast (Diseases)
[b]Secondary :[/b] Illusion (Miasmas)
[b]Tertiary :[/b] Undecided
[b]Mastery :[/b] Eliminator
[b]Movement :[/b] Teleportation, Flight
Given Lucas's lack of, shall we say, subtlety on names it would be entirely likely.
He wanted Starkiller from force unleashed to be Darth Icky or Darth Insanius for gods sake.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
I don't know if it's true, but I've read somewhere that the name Darth Sidious comes from the word "Insidious". Following that logic, Starkiller's name could have been Darth Sanius and it would have fitted in my opinion.
But Darth Icky..?
[b]Codename :[/b] Doctor Plague
[b]Archetype :[/b] Ranger - Hunter
[b]Primary :[/b] Atrophic Blast (Diseases)
[b]Secondary :[/b] Illusion (Miasmas)
[b]Tertiary :[/b] Undecided
[b]Mastery :[/b] Eliminator
[b]Movement :[/b] Teleportation, Flight
Pardon what I said, after re-reading that, it doesn't work well that much
[b]Codename :[/b] Doctor Plague
[b]Archetype :[/b] Ranger - Hunter
[b]Primary :[/b] Atrophic Blast (Diseases)
[b]Secondary :[/b] Illusion (Miasmas)
[b]Tertiary :[/b] Undecided
[b]Mastery :[/b] Eliminator
[b]Movement :[/b] Teleportation, Flight
Sidious = Insidious, Vader = Invader, Maul and Tyranus are pretty self explanatory and lazy. His Daughter came up with the name for Savage Opress so she shares her father's ability with names.
What shall we call the glowing swords? Light Sabers. What shall we call this mystical force? The Force. Called a Bacta tank cause it heals you Back ta full health!
Granted most of that stuff is better than the Force of Wills and Jedi Bendu crap that he was trying before. They made a comic of his like first draft for Star Wars if you haven't check it out it's uh... Interesting to see what could have been if no one told George "No."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"I hope you will find everything to the Emperor's satisfaction, milady."
"I AM Emperor Palpatine, you little troll. Amazing what medical science can do these days."
Native of Triumph - Victory - Protector - Gladden - Dwarrowdelf - Tribble
Broad spectrum geek and Shadowy Advisor
Yes, my [u][url=https://www.deviantart.com/revanantmorituri]art gallery[/url][/u] is almost entirely screen captures. Tough.
Light sabers were originally called "Laser Swords" in the first script. In fact, George kept calling them that in his first interviews for almost a year before he got in the habit of saying Light Saber.
And Jedi were almost called “space wizards”