or atleast give link to somewhere its explained. I couldnt play CoH so I dont get it. What does it effect?
Sat, 03/28/2015 - 02:47
Can someone explain class. and spec. to me
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You already read the Kickstarter Update related to this?
There should be an older Thread here as well:
Thanks! Can I ask what manipulation means please
Kind of what it states. You could manipulate something. Storm form the X-men would be considered a Controller character in City of Heroes. primary would be Wind Control secondary Storm Manipulation.
Her powers were manipulating weather. Manipulation for CoH and the coming CoT would be powers that manipulate what's around them. GAMEPLAY wise they are more Debuff and Buffing effects. A FOG storm power for example would make it harder for Foes to target you. An Ice would slow them down.
Time Manipulation the same way. So for gameplay think of Manipulation as Debuffing and Buffing in mechanics.
Control powers would be more Holds, Sleep, and other type of effects.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Ohh, search the Thread. ;)
I think this Post might explain it. http://cityoftitans.com/comment/47127#comment-47127
Short answer ... Buffs, Debuffs and/or Mez (ie. Status Effects) are what you'd expect to find in Manipulation.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
And at higher levels you usually get a summonable pet.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
Slight correction: Manipulation isn't the Controller secondary (or primary), it's what Blasters had for a secondary in CoH. A grab bag of all kinds of attacks and a self buff or two, perhaps similar to Dominators' Assault but with a bit more emphasis on secondary/status effects. Although one set did have a pet at level 38+ in CoH.
It's more like that, though I'd add that quite a few of the powers primarily deal damage. Edit: In CoH, many of the powers primarily dealt damage but had a significant secondary effect. I don't know the details of CoT's equivalent.
Check out the [b]Secondary Power Sets[/b] section on the following page if you'd like to see examples of Manipulation from City of...
Spurn all ye kindle.
How did I forget the Blasters Secondary was Manipulation... This makes me sad I'm starting to forget things. I thought of the Storm Manipulation and Time Manipulation powerset. I stand corrected.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Manipulation is Control turned in to a secondary. The problem with Control is that it is very powerful, so much so that even once you've made a secondary, it still is as capable as the primary. So, you need to change it enough that it becomes something unique on to itself.
So, blaster secondary or the Stalker /Ninjutsu set would be classic CoH examples of manipulation sets.
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