I only learned abt the kickstarter recently. I've pledged 75 bucks already, but if I had more time I'd definitely pledge more. Will the end of funding be the end of any way to do this?
I wish I could afford the $250 pledge right now lol.
MrCaptainMan, Scoop Malloy, The Accelerated Man, Soundman, The Robot From Uranus, Tommy Atkins, The Dirty Promise, The Psystem, VEI8, Atomicide, Tumbleweed Jackson, Robin Copperfield, Ragtime Smith, Jacque Le Black, Tarquin Wilde...and many more.
Unfortunately not... :
We all have it in us to be a hero to someone,
Super powers are optional.....
Part of the Phoenix Rising Initiative.....
Proud to be a hero. Prouder still to be a member of [url=http://www.watchfire-online.info]Watchfire[/url]
Ah, cheers for the link.
...guess I'll have to pledge more now then! Don't tell the missus! :D
MrCaptainMan, Scoop Malloy, The Accelerated Man, Soundman, The Robot From Uranus, Tommy Atkins, The Dirty Promise, The Psystem, VEI8, Atomicide, Tumbleweed Jackson, Robin Copperfield, Ragtime Smith, Jacque Le Black, Tarquin Wilde...and many more.
And remember, your pledge doesn't leave your account until the end of the Kickstarter.
"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"
So if I make a pledge now, my credit card does not get charged (or any sort of hold put on it) until the end of the Kickstarter? This is a bit of a concern for me, as I'm going on vacation, and need to make sure there's enough on my card to cover my hotel bill as well.
This is what I keep telling people. Vacations are stressful and inconveniant, it's much more relaxing to break into bases and punch trolls in the face.
Don't know what you don't know. Only know what you know.
-The wiseman.
Indeed. I'm going on vacation this weekend. My first in.... .... ... I don't remember. Starting Hopefully Thursday, if not then Friday. A whole WEEK if I'm lucky. Where am I going? Right here. Where I can enjoy walking down to the river by my house, skipping rocks, maybe do a little fishing. Build up a nice fire, cook some hot dogs, get super fat off some *real* s'mores. You know, Whole graham cracker busted in half, 1/2 a full size Hershey bar, and a giant fresh toasted marshmallow - still flaming - smashed in between it all! OOooooohhhh so good. So gooood. XD
I'll be lucky if I can still talk for radio. HAHAHAHA! Oh man I can't wait. A real vacation. No place I'd rather be.
([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])
Okay, this is cute and all, but I still don't know if pledging puts any kind of hold on my credit card right away, or is it only affected when the kickstarter ends?
A pledge is essentially an authorization to charge your card or account once the Kickstarter period is over, in this case November 4. If the money is not available you receive - IIRC from the KS FAQ - an e-mail alert and one week to make some arrangement for your pledge to go through. Otherwise the transaction is declined.
- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
So pledging now shouldn't jam up my credit card until Nov 4. Good to know:)
You might get a temporary authorization of funds on the card:
It sounds like it shouldn't be a problem, as long as no one makes a hash of it and the authorization stays on there longer than it should.
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for? - Robert Browning
Frankly, that sucks. I'm a pledger for Star Citizen, the largest crowdfunding game ever. They had over six million dollars raised by the end of their Kickstarer. Currently, they're at OVER 25 MILLION DOLLARS and still climbing. If they can continue their crowdfunding on their website for a YEAR (and still going) after their Kickstarter ended, it's a serious disservice to not keep the funding going the same way for CoT. I see the comment that they "can't" do it, even when others are doing it with no problems. How about the answer being, "we'll find a way to do it" and bring home some more of the stretch goals?
I think what MWM has chosen not to do is allow Kickstarter goals to extend past the Kickstarter period. I've seen them talk about funding after the KS ends, which I fully plan to participate in. Also, there was hints to other perks for continued funding and I KNOW some of the add-ons listed will be available after the KS ends (just not the ones listed as KS exclusive).
I understand being frustrated about the KS time limit -- I tried to save for the KS but financial issues made that impossible, and if I had a few months more to build up savings I'd probably go up a few tiers too. But I also understand how they want to honor the exclusivity they promised on the KS.
Also, extending some of the perks is probably impractical (For instance, there's already 374 player-created Explore Badges promised by the Geocatcher perk ... too many more and they'll have to make a Zone just to host them all!)
@MWM if I'm saying this wrong I apologize.
Join [url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/phoenix-rising-initiative-0]The Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Today![/center]
That is how i took it. Once you kickstarter is over, you can no longer donate via kickstarter.
However, from what I can remember, they are looking towards continuing the donations via *other means* sometime in the future. If the rewards will be the same (or if there will be reward tiers like the KS ones), who knows... your guess is as good as mine.