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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.

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whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49

So, given that the secondaries are different from CoH, ("support" in the case of CoT on release), my question is this: Will the primary powerpool for rangers (gads I really dislike that name for the AT), allow for the choosing of melee based attacks? basically, will we be able to make blappers, or is the powerpool being designed around "ranged" only.

I would really like to "try" and keep my characters as close as I can to either their "concept" and/or how I had them set up in CoH. I realize that I will not be able to make exact copies but I would "like" to keep them in the same "spirit".

in the case of my question here, Ms front line glass cannon blapper...sure she kissed dirt a lot....but damn was she fun! :)

[I]"who you callin squishie?" *charges headlong into a group of baddies...alone*[/I]


LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41
I agree with this. I don't

I agree with this. I don't like calling them Ranger, though, Blaster was effectively saying the same thing, most imagine a blast to be ranged or explosive.

I was a huge fan of Blappers and would really appreciate a few sets that facilitated it. Though the name seems to suggest Blappers may be left out. The Melee options were almost exclusively on the secondary set. Though the broader definition of Ranger goes into tracking and survivalism.

Also, I think that Ranger is just where we start, as we pick and specialize we become other things, though, maybe blapper is some other AT entirely, which we might have to wait for. The thing is Blapper was never intended as a play style, and the devs seemed to try and get rid of it. I remember loving the old school Defiance for being able to keep the bar red and tear through enemies. My personal hope is that they give us options to specialize, maybe with the ability to improve the debuffs, like stunning things better, or doing even more damage with more momentum.

I miss Gold-Fire. I was a front line glass cannon too, typically standing right behind the tank, blasting and punching things that were hurting him too much.

Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
Developer11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 01/16/2013 - 12:47
Personally I don't refer to

Personally I don't refer to the classification names much if at all internally. I usually refer to the playstyle the sets offer.
Now the ranged offense sets are designed around what they are called - ranged offense.
If, at launch you decide to make ranged / support and want some melee attacks, you could always pick up mele tertiary sets.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49
these tertiary melee sets..

these tertiary melee sets...are they energy based? or would it work better to just go melee based (scrapper type) and change the effect to energy? kinda sounds like it given the referral to tertiaries (which I assume are weaker than primaries). I also assume that tertiaries are way more limited in choices. if this is the case, looks like she'll be runnin as a scrapper type.

in essence there is no blapper build ser se? if so....kinda a shame...I liked the "thrill" of being a squishie on the front line, with the scrapper and tankers, punchin the heck outta baddies.


Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
Developer11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 01/16/2013 - 12:47
whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

these tertiary melee sets...are they energy based? or would it work better to just go melee based (scrapper type) and change the effect to energy? kinda sounds like it given the referral to tertiaries (which I assume are weaker than primaries). I also assume that tertiaries are way more limited in choices. if this is the case, looks like she'll be runnin as a scrapper type.
in essence there is no blapper build ser se? if so....kinda a shame...I liked the "thrill" of being a squishie on the front line, with the scrapper and tankers, punchin the heck outta baddies.

Tertiaries will come in all manner of varieties...eventually. Just like our primary and secondary sets they'll be slowly rolled out over time. It is correct they are limited in scope compared to the primary and secondary sets.

Due to a number of constraints we had to choose the path of least resistance for adding in our ranged primary classification and creating the melee offense manipulation sets required too much of our resources to implement immediately. That and the support secondary for rangers will provide some data points we can use for other secondary play style types we will implement later.

Don't fret though, and I can't stress that the following isn't a promise but a very sincere intent, we do plan on providing a means for rerolling a 'main character' from one classifcation to another without loss of progress.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49
no worries Tannim. games are

no worries Tannim. games are different and I can accept that. was just curious how close I would be be able to get is all. thanx for the info. :)
