This may or may not have been brought up somewhere else, but I do remember reading from a post about Plan your own Heists, and one of the things I can agree with on that post is that you never really are a leader. You're always a pawn for some contact to send you different ways in CoX.
Although I'm not a villain at heart, I feel I should be able to construct my own path without having a contact tell me how to live my life, how much cereal I want to eat, and how I like my coffee, just like I like my women. Rich :P
Seriously though, will there be a way to plan activities? Do stuff on your own and say "Today I'm going to steal me some technology stuff from the Blood-Pack so I can sell it to some computer geek who needs a new flash." Or steal enchantments or something similar and sell it to others who want it, instead of being some pawn of this guy who sells "candy" at a dark ally when I'm supposed to be the mastermind.
Keep Low. Move Fast. Kill First. Die Last. One Shot. One Kill. No Luck. Pure Skill.
On the hero side, what if I wanted to take out the local chapter of the Blood-Pack, I could start attacking mobs, do some investigation, etc., working my way up.
"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"
I agree, one may drop clues, or beg you to let them go and while he's running you can shoot him in the back after the exchange for information which can lead you to the next greater thing. Just more immersion.
Keep Low. Move Fast. Kill First. Die Last. One Shot. One Kill. No Luck. Pure Skill.