Loving the music so far. Do you need any help/inspiration for other music? I love scores. big fan of Hans Zimmer, Clint Mansell and Steve Jablonsky.
Will there be softer songs for sensitive scenes, emotional scenes?
Also I'd love to contribute my voice so we can have voice acting. And I know many would to.
To be part of your future.
The devs have stated in multiple interviews that there will be no voice acting for one simple reason: by not using voice they can put out content at a much faster rate.
Yep Yep.. I agree.
This is a Luxury that should be left till much later.
When a competing MMO comes out with something Swanky, we can add Voice Overs then! ;)
I'm fine without voice acting- prefer it, actually. Particularly for MMO's - where consistency in characters can be difficult as voice actors may not be available for the next release... and edits mean that the previous voice acting needs changed, etc.
They've mentioned that the voice "hooks" would be there, should they ever want to pursue it. It'd be interesting if they went as far as having the hooks check for voice files in a folder location-- then fan based voice-acting could provide their own audio downloads that you can drop in there... either serious attempts or ones for comedic effect.
Sounds Good. :) Err.. a liitte less Reverb though! ;D
Not to mention - unless you are prepared to dish out some $$$$ - the voice acting would probably be less than stellar. I'd rather just read text boxes.
Not quite true... But i see where you are coming from.
But there is *nothing* to say that MWM cannot crowd source it from volunteers.
I know that there are some people out there who do have good enough equipment to pull it off.
Also, if there was no voice acting *whatsoever* then there are no vocal sound effects for NPCs calling out for help, acknowledgements when you *start* talking to them (even something as simple as "Hello!" or "Hi there!")
Sure, I can get behind the desire for mission text *not* to be read out (hell, I even skip it sometimes in SWTOR), but voice acting/vocal effects are *still* used in a game, even if it is just for ambient effects (or grunts for jumping ;) )
Oh - I'm sure the devs hope to or will try to include "environmental/situational" sounds like that in the game - even CoH had that. I pretty sure they were talking about staying away from true mission text or cutscene voiceovers.
I'm okay with little to no voices. Like besides some cut scenes, most of wow has no voice other then the standard chatter. Like "Hey, How are you, For the horde!" Other then that it's not much voices aside from the grunts and screams of toons. But, i'm okay with no voices. It's not a game changer or breaker for me. Lot's of games are just fine without it. Even today not all huge budget games are filled with voices. You still have to just read the dialogue.
Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
Forum Breaker
Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble
As of right now, the only voice acting will be foley stuff like "oofs" and taunts. Pretty much the same as CoX did. In the future, who knows...
[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]
Well just know you have volunteer actors
To be part of your future.
I still love The Stormlords Voice.
Check out ur new station http://www.namesakeradio.com/ !!!!!
I go live every Saturday night at 9pm EST! ^o^
For fast updates on the station and my show follow me on the Twitters @Namesakeradio and @Brokenredmage
Hey Revolution, here's an idea...
What if someone were to put together a recording of sound bites; snippets of conversations over heard practically anywhere.
"Hey look! Isn't that...AstroMan? over there, in the t-shirt...with the glasses... " "No, that's just silly! AstroMan doesn't even wear glasses!"
"...and so Kelly was saying that Billy, her step-brother..came in after midnight again last night..positively reeking of the sewers!!!"
"Oh, look Harold! It's them leather pirates again!" "No Martha, that's Aether Pirates..."
"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"