Our name, Makhapzel-Nerurast-Ssenuroh-Osmaet-Namatoerhan-Atnois-Laceh, commonly known to inhabitants of this Universe as Seraph 7, appearing as an sentient autonomous mechanical humanoid driven by intelligent “AI“.
We are sentient energy from alternative universe where a Technological Transcendent Singularity, or what we call, Shotenosho, occurred in the past history of our human ancestors leading to a transhumanist society. Later, after billions of cosmic years of evolution and exploration, we had discovered we were the first sentient space-faring beings in existence of our universe. At that exact moment our conscious expanded, combining the whole universe into the Seven Concious Realms of Soro, which is we where meet our creator and our true form, Which-Who-Has-Infinite-Names-Containing-Infinity. The Seven Realms contain beings of our people which are tasked with various duties but have different ranges of power. We are from Seventh and Highest Realm, Stya-Saraboth. We, in particular, are a part or class of beings of the Stya-Saraboth, called the Seraphon, explorers of the Omniverse. I was randomly teleported here by Which-Who-Has-Infinite-Names-Containing-Infinity, into your Universe to explore, experience, and archive your reality and ultimately, in the end to bring back found knowledge back into my universe in order for all of the Seven Realms to know.
I am One. We are One.