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Another CRACKED Article

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TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
Another CRACKED Article

Usually when I post these CRACKED articles, I'm just sharing. But this time I really am curious if anyone, especially the devs, have any comments.
Also if what he says in the first part of the article is true, then THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO HAVE NUNCHAKU, AT LAUNCH!!!!

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 4 weeks 6 hours ago
Joined: 03/28/2015 - 03:02
Yes, they still have reasons

Yes, they still have reasons to not include nunchucks at launch. There is a BIIIIIIG difference between a bug and intentionally making it "substandard" (when compared to the other weapons).

Yes yes we know you really Really REALLY want nunchucks in the game but you're really starting to grasp at straws here.

Little Red Ragnarok
Little Red Ragnarok's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/11/2015 - 14:56
Reading that article reminded

Reading that article reminded me of this:

Lothic's picture
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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

Also if what he says in the first part of the article is true, then THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO HAVE NUNCHAKU, AT LAUNCH!!!!

You might have read the first part of the article but it seems you didn't read the whole thing. Towards the end in section 2 (titled "Lots Of Bad Games Were Just Too Ambitious") the author directly talks about what happens when a game tries to deliver too much at launch. The following is a quote from that section:


"[Malice] was in development hell for three years. It was huge, it had Gwen Stefani doing music and voicing a character. But it had I think literally 100 levels. And a dozen weapons and weird magic components, it was just too big for its own good. It crumbled under its own weight, eventually some version of it got released but they scrapped most of it. I remember seeing a copy of it in stores and thinking it was kind of sad. You know what the game could have been, because you play the game as it was intended before financial reality catches up with it."

This passage clearly points out when a game tries to do too much all at once it can easily implode on itself. He even talks about "weapons" in his example in terms of the game trying to implement too many of them all at once. Look, no one is saying they don't want nunchaku to be in CoT at all. It's just that almost EVERYONE is telling you why all things being equal it's MUCH, MUCH more likely that if they happen at all they'll happen AFTER launch.

I really can't understand why YOU don't seem to understand the situation we're dealing with here: We've got a small group of very dedicated Devs attempting to do something with CoT that's almost impossible in the first place. If these guys (with all due respect) even manage to get ANY version of the game running it's really going to be a minor miracle given the general lack of funds and grassroots nature of their development. And here you come along, seemingly oblivious to how hard software development is under those conditions and ignorant of the fact that it's going to be a challenge for CoT to ever be a fraction as content-rich as CoH was and continue to scream for a relatively unique (read non traditionally superhero oriented) weapon style that never even existed in CoH for a very good reason - it's not something that would ever be easy to do half-assed let alone properly.

Maybe a more simplistic analogy will help you: It's like we've got a dozen people trying their best to build us an entire cruise ship on a pennies and dimes budget and you keep ranting that you want them to build it with golden anchors. Sure it would be very nice if the ship could have anchors made of gold but since we're going to be lucky if they can even get this ship to float the chances that they'll have the time, money and/or manpower available to install golden anchors on its maiden voyage is practically nil.

There's going to be a lot of people who won't be getting their "perfect wish" thing at the start of CoT. You're no more of a special snowflake than anyone else so stop thinking your thing is somehow more deserving than anyone else's.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/19/2013 - 15:12
I agree that nunckuku are a

I agree that nunckuku are a very specific and narrow thing, and not low-hanging fruit by any means. I would not try to get them rolled out by launch, definitely. But assuming they do an Asian-themed expansion with the ninja costumes and the various asian weapons (sai, samurai sword, bo, etc) the nunchuku, if they're included in that, don't need to have realistic 3-D collision physics, if you ask me. I mean, in CoX, you didn't have realistic bullet physics for the assault rifle, right? There was never any expectation on anyone's part that the bullet would ricochet properly and incommode passers by, etc. Heck, some projectile effects had a tendency to travel in non-straight lines because of the speed at which they traveled. You could "hit" someone with a thrown rock attack and watch the rock sail through the air, veer left, then right, then left again before connecting with the target, as if guided by radar or IR heat seeking.

If we're okay with that sort of stuff, I can see making all melee weapons, including the nunchuku, do the same animations, clipping or no clipping, every time you make an attack. I don't expect the chuck that hits the target to bounce in a physically accurate way off of the target, I would expect it to just go right through the target, with clipping, even if the attack results in a miss after the to-hit roll is made. I don't need the loose chuck to fly around with a trajectory that's determined by anything other than the basic animation. It doesn't need to perfectly obey gravity or have a loose chain or rope section that allows for accurate range of motion. It just has to look cool (and by that I mean fluid and dynamic) when you do attacks and emotes with it, that's all.

So I agree that it's not a priority for launch, but I hope we're not holding out for anything TOO physically accurate either, because there are limits on how far I would go with that too. That said, I have no idea how much work it would be to do the version of nunchuku that I have in mind either, so it might still be a huge pain. One idea I had in another forum was to have crowdfunding opportunities for costumes etc such that players could back different sub-projects like this would be. Maybe you could do that. Then if the desire for nunchuku is high enough, and if the crowdfunding goal is met, you get the nunchuku.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising