I think a cool system for bases might be that a player's alt's may hang out in a base that the two characters of the same player occupy. They could do things like work on the computer or talk on the phone, just simple emotes. Could add a nice pit of flavor tot he game.
Thu, 05/01/2014 - 05:23
Alts hanging out
I think it's a great idea. Just some sort of idle emote, possibly related to where they are in the base.
One of the biggest regrets that I never realised till CoX closed (not that I could have done anything about it anyway) was that none of my characters ever met each other.
Spurn all ye kindle.
I wouldn't mind if it were an option to have a personal base for one character have "NPC" versions of your other alts doing random things in it. But I'd hate if that somehow became the default.
I realize that many people liked the idea of having all of their characters be a part of the same "SG" and played them as if they all knew each other in the game. But the character concepts of many of my CoH characters were such that not only did they not "know" about each other but that they probably wouldn't have been caught dead just "hanging out" in each other's bases.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I said in another thread.. Personal Bases? Sure.
SG Bases? probably not.
Crowd Control Enthusiast
Oh yes, definitely a per-character option, not default.
Spurn all ye kindle.