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All guardian teams

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Joined: 05/03/2014 - 17:12
All guardian teams

In COX one of my favorite things to do was play on all defender teams. The buffs stacked very well and the teams were almost unstoppable and we would meet up once a week to level.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Never played in one of those.

Never played in one of those. But I was part of a few scrapper-lock teams in my time.

That would be enough scrappers that the enemies died fast enough that there was no need for healing and such.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Interdictor's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
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As long as the Defenders had

As long as the Defenders had a nice mix of primary powers (to cover all the caps) - yes those were fun!

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 01/14/2014 - 21:05
Long Live Green Machine and

Long Live Green Machine and the Repeat Offenders!

I can recall a session running my new Emp/Rad with Green Machine when IO's were still in the future looking down during a mission and seeing nothing but red TO's and empty slots ... and still destroying mobs in seconds owing to the massive stacked buffs present. Think that's when just how potent an all defender team could be really sank in. Never mind all the other all Defender SG's that RO regularly ran ... Pinball Wizards, Perfect Storms and all the rest.

Deelon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/26/2017 - 14:35
I wish I had played more

I wish I had played more defenders, a full team of them sounds like a blast. Were there any powersets that were absolutely necessary to make that sort of team work? Like did you need a bubbler for +defense group buffs and to jump in the mob first with the PFF along with a sonic to apply +resistance group buffs or else the team would wipe?

I suppose that many people applying any type buff/debuff would make the game a breeze.

Brand X
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No requirement like that

No requirement like that needed, but would be helpful since they also had Mez Resist Bubbles.

My faves were Time Manip and Dark Manip but Radiation wasn't bad, though I was never the big fan of it so many others were (great on teams, I just didn't enjoy playing it as much)

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 days ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

No requirement like that needed, but would be helpful since they also had Mez Resist Bubbles.

My faves were Time Manip and Dark Manip but Radiation wasn't bad, though I was never the big fan of it so many others were (great on teams, I just didn't enjoy playing it as much)

Man, it’s really too bad Time Manipulation came out so late in the life of the game. I never had the chance to really get rolling with it before the shutdown.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
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I loved teaming with my 'twin

I loved teaming with my 'twin', Forcefield/Energy Blast Defenders
We played KB Soccer with the baddies, while the bubbles kept us upright.
Another favorite was my Darkity-Dark Defender. Give her a minute to get set up and the baddies were nerfed to death before anyone started 'Arresting' them.

Be Well!

Redlynne's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Another favorite was my Darkity-Dark Defender.

Sounds like a Black Catgirl ... Dark Kitty the Dark.

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dreamcatcher's picture
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xylor wrote:
xylor wrote:

In COX one of my favorite things to do was play on all defender teams. The buffs stacked very well and the teams were almost unstoppable and we would meet up once a week to level.

All offender TF runs were faceroll. I was a little bit sad I didn't have one when those were a thing. I loved though that it was possible to go with an all Defender team and do end-game content. No other MMO has this. Some MMOs don't rely on the trinity per se but they basically promote pure DPS builds as the de facto standard. CoH really broke the mould on that when the mould was still pretty new, and since then I've been perpetually disappointed.

It was the same with all the ATs, to varying degrees.

of Phoenix Rising
Am I

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The only time I ever heard of

The only time I ever heard of an issue with an all defender team was when RO did a series of runs featuring just their all defender SG's. A 5 strong Empath/X team had trouble killing the AV's fast ... no real regen debuffs. I missed out and often wondered if one of my emp/sonics would have tilted the balance with their -resist to push to damage up enough to take them down fast. Clear Mind stacked 2+ eliminated any potential mez issues and stacked fortitude would cap defense. The Emps were never in danger of defeat but speedy killing lacked a bit with only 5 on the team. By comparison the Kin/x (Pinball Wizards) and the Rad/x (Faithful Fans of Fallout) quite predictably liquidated the AV's in no time flat.

Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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The best giant monster is an

The best giant monster is an armadillo. it could burrow underground, pop up in the middle of the city, tear open the side of a skyscraper, and use its long sticky tongue to eat office workers. With it's armor plating it could be immune to conventional military weapons.

The perfect giant monster!


Deelon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/26/2017 - 14:35
Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

The best giant monster is an armadillo. it could burrow underground, pop up in the middle of the city, tear open the side of a skyscraper, and use its long sticky tongue to eat office workers. With it's armor plating it could be immune to conventional military weapons.

The perfect giant monster!

Wait what? I feel like I missed a key part of the conversation here that lead to this post hahaha. But I agree, no amount of military force would be able to stop Armadillodon. The heroes would simply have to watch as he slowly makes his way building to building eating office workers until he decides he's full and leaves on his own.

Interdictor's picture
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I'm thinking that post was

I'm thinking that post was meant for another thread lol.

Catherine America
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Doomguide wrote:
Doomguide wrote:

Long Live Green Machine and the Repeat Offenders!

I can recall a session running my new Emp/Rad with Green Machine when IO's were still in the future looking down during a mission and seeing nothing but red TO's and empty slots ... and still destroying mobs in seconds owing to the massive stacked buffs present. Think that's when just how potent an all defender team could be really sank in. Never mind all the other all Defender SG's that RO regularly ran ... Pinball Wizards, Perfect Storms and all the rest.

"sb pls!"


Pinball Wizards was so awesome!
But "Freaks of Fallout" was the most awe inspiring--tearing through +4 AVs like tissue paper.


([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

Insatiable's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Joined: 08/25/2013 - 10:32
I remember the CoH "super

I remember the CoH "super teams" on Freedom server. These were teams of all one powerset type, like 8 people with rad powers just blowing through every kind of content in the game. It was a fun concept, typically more on the heroes side before Villains released.

"it's a long road to wisdom, but it's a short one to being ignored." The Lumineers

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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A friend of mine on Champion

A friend of mine on Champion was on a super team of FRADs that he really enjoyed. They were pretty impressive from what he showed me.

Grimfox's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 08/05/2014 - 10:17
I started an all defender SG

I started an all defender SG early on. Before people really started to push defenders on their own merits rather than on strictly support.

I wish I had stuck with it a bit longer. It could have been a lot of fun to go through that discovery process.

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